Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2484 Comprehension

Although their respective powers are not half as big as the previous energy block, they are still powerful after all. So many attack Lu Chen together, even if they are in their prime, they will not be able to bear it!

Lu Chen didn't give up, he silently applied the law of space to the extreme and avoided some tricks.

On the other hand, he released all the spells to strengthen his body and heal him, just to be able to resist this rain-like offensive!

But even so, Chase Lu was knocked to the ground.

Now everyone was happy, and one of them dragged him straight up, just about to show off his might.

Lu Chen turned over, rushed up, and kicked the man in the abdomen.Immediately, the man coughed continuously and kept covering his stomach.A pool of bright red blood spat out from his mouth.

However, Lu Chen's condition was not much better, and he vomited blood no less than others.

He is at the end of his strength now, and he didn't pretend to be that one just now.

The rest of the people were still dealing with Lu Chen. Lu Chen's physical energy consumption was very huge, and he felt a little exhausted at this time, but those people still had energy.

Lu Chen felt something was wrong, and wanted to call Chi Qianyu to help him, but found that Chi Qianyu had gone to fight elsewhere, and he could not be found at all.

This is also to blame Lu Chen for being a little reckless before, and believing too much in his own strength.

But I never thought that the other side would actually have a strange talent similar to Ji Yin Sheng Yang.

Only now did Lu Chen come here.

Lu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, looked forward, and there were not many threats to him from the other side.

To be honest, if it was possible, Lu Chen was thinking of giving them a refreshing picture of sentient beings right now.

It's a pity that the opposite side obviously did their homework on Lu Chen, and has never had time for Lu Chen to hide the front. Even the standing position is vaguely aimed at Lu Chen.

But Chase Lu didn't care so much. The two strongest people on the opposite side finished their weird tricks and took another sword from Chase Lu. Now they were standing there trembling.

Although Lu Chen had no choice but to deal with it by himself, he had no fear at all.

He discovered that with martial arts and physical strength alone, he would definitely not be able to defeat the opponents, so he wanted to use Tai Chi to deal with them.Overcoming rigidity with softness is obviously a good choice.

In the process of fighting these people, Chase Lu discovered where their vital points were, so he flew over to a place with a wider field of vision.To deal with them, those people were a bunch of rude and reckless men with no skills at all, so they had to fight for physical strength and physique with Chen Lu.

Lu Chen played Tai Chi, and those people rushed towards Lu Chen one after another. With one punch, Lu Chen hit their abdomen, armpit and waist. These are the softest parts of the human body. The place is also relatively easy to deal with, and those few people have been attacked one after another.

Lu Chen used Tai Chi to attack them. They were not stupid, so they didn't fight with Lu Chen. Instead, they surrounded him and began to circle around him at an extremely fast speed, trying to dazzle Lu Chen.

Immediately, a figure attacked Lu Chen. Before Lu Chen could see the man clearly, the man quickly hit Lu Chen's lower back.Lu Chen knelt down straight on the ground, and then he stubbornly got up from the ground. He didn't expect that they would use such a trick, which surprised Lu Chen very much.

Even the technique of Tai Chi was used, but he was still unable to defeat these people. Chase Lu thought that his own strength could not match them, so he was very frustrated.But he remembered the formation that the elders taught him before, and Lu Chen wanted to use the formation to see if the formation was effective in attacking people.

He took advantage of their circling, sat down and meditated, and then the spiritual power spread out, and those people took a few steps back one after another, perhaps because the power was too strong, and they were also affected by the aura. It's shocking.

Lu Chen quickly picked up the weapon in his hand, and the weapon suddenly hung in the air. When the scabbard was opened, a sharp blade appeared, and the flash of light pierced straight into the eyes of those people. Lu Chen cast a spell and set up a magic circle.

Those people still wanted to come forward to attack Chase Lu, but a force seemed to be stopping them.Lu Chen quickly set up the formation.He wanted to lure those enemies into the formation he had set up.

"I quickly fell to the ground, pretending to be injured, and attracted the attention of the enemy. Those people moved towards Lu Chen cautiously. When Lu Chen saw them getting closer, he quickly opened his eyes. Leaped up from the ground and flew out of the formation.

After getting out of the formation, Chase Lu moved his finger, and the formation turned into a five-pointed star shape and kept turning under the enemy's feet. Those people felt a powerful force dragging them, and then realized This is very likely to be a trap, and I want to retreat, but it is too late now.

They stood in a row as if they had been bewitched, so neatly, with a wave of Lu Chen's finger, the sharp blade that had just been unsheathed stabbed straight at those people.

Those people watched the sword leap towards them helplessly, but they were helpless, so they had to close their eyes to accept the scene in front of them. Suddenly, the blade grew longer and pierced straight through the bodies of those people. past.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In an instant, there were so many corpses on the ground.The blood gradually overflowed, like running water, and kept rushing.Lu Chen saw them in such a miserable state, but he showed no mercy at all. The people he hated most in the world were those who oppressed the people.

After Chase Lu finished solving this problem, he quickly joined the team to deal with some of the little gangsters in the organization. Those people were obviously not the same as the previous masters, and their strength was extremely poor.

All of them were played by Lu Chen in the palm of his hand, and all of them fell to each other.There was a person who was kicked straight down by Chase Lu. That person looked at Chase Lu eagerly, just when Chase Lu was about to kick him away.

He said to Lu Chen: "Hero, please, please let me go. I have old and young, and I can't stand your troubles. I know I was wrong." After he said these words, he looked at him fiercely.He said to him: "Then why do you do these immoral things? If you knew this before, why did you act like a bad guy?"

With tears in his eyes, the man said to Lu Chen: "I don't want to, just to make a living. The people in those organizations have robbed my house several times. They also threatened to let all men join their organizations. Otherwise, all the women in the family will be killed."

"I also said that if I go to join their organization, I will get dividends every month after they come back from the robbery. In desperation, I voted for the wrong person. I followed the wrong party, I know I was wrong, but please Now, good man, let me go. You don't want to see my child without a father, I know you are a good man with good intentions."

Lu Chen didn't know how true or false his words were, but these words directly touched Lu Chen's heart.Seeing his tearful eyes, Lu Chen didn't want to hurt him. Seeing him holding his leg, Lu Chen pulled his leg out of his hands.

He lowered his head and said to the tearful father: "Although I don't know whether what you said is true or not, I want to trust you very much. Go away and disappear from my sight quickly. It hasn't changed yet, before deciding."

Encountered such a situation, Chase Lu wondered if there were still some people in this organization who joined the organization because they were forced to, so after he implemented them one by one, he removed those who had no choice but to join the organization. The people were all released back, and they were advised not to make troubles and have nowhere to do evil.

Then he beheaded the rest of the people under his sword. Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the blood flowing into the river, the sword in his hand, and the blood on his hand, Lu Chen couldn't help but I was a little disappointed, because these are lives, although they also killed countless people, but Lu Chen's heart was not made of ice, and he couldn't bear it, so he turned around and left straight away when he saw these people.

When Lu Chen saw that Chi Qianyu was leaving, he also followed, calling the rest of the brothers to leave together.They took over the location of this organization very smoothly.

Lu Chen returned to the elder's hall, clasped his fists at the elder, bowed and said, "Elders, I, Lu Chen, have always kept my promise, and now I help you kill this troublesome organization, and it is also in return for teaching me I have learned the formation. Thank you very much for taking care of me during this time, but I have stayed here for too long, and I still have to go back to Dongsheng, so Lu Chen, I would like to thank all the elders here."

Both the elder and Chi Qianyu were shocked. Chi Qianyu didn't expect Lu Chen to want to leave so soon.The elders were surprised because Lu Chen had already killed those organizations, and they couldn't help admiring Lu Chen's strength.

They looked at Lu Chen and said to Lu Chen: "Okay, then we will also thank you here. This organization has always been a serious problem in our hearts. Now it can be solved, which is great. You don't have to use it." Thank you for teaching you the art of formation."

"Actually, we didn't teach you a lot. What you have learned now is based on your own understanding of formations, combined with comprehension, and your strength has grown rapidly, and it is also because of your own hard work and eagerness to learn. In fact, the most The one to thank is yourself."

""Since you are going back to Dongsheng in a few days, we won't keep you anymore, why don't we prepare a farewell banquet for you tomorrow.I didn't even welcome you well, just treat it as a welcome to our guest, and it's also the last farewell. " Lu Chen nodded.

Afterwards, those elders looked at Chi Qianyu, and said to him: "Qianyu, do you want to go back to Dongsheng in a few days? Or just stay with us for a few more days, and we will return to Dongsheng soon." Haven't had a good conversation." Chi Qianyu hesitated a little after hearing what the elder said to him.

He was a little tangled in his heart, but his eyes suddenly became firm, and he immediately made up his mind and said to the elder: "No, elder, I will come back anyway in the future, but I want to be with Lu Chen now." Go back to Dongsheng." After hearing this, the Great Elder kept silent, and then nodded in agreement.

Now that Chi Qianyu has said so, there is no way he can force him to stay, so Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu.Chi Qianyu realized what he meant, so both of them bowed to the Great Elder, and said to the Great Elder, "Then we will go down first, and both of them left the hall one after another."

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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