Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2481 Thief

He also frowned, and said softly to Lu Chen: "No, I used to be able to find all the elders as long as I came to the main hall. Why are all the figures gone today?"

You must know that even if there were many major events before, the Presbyterian Church would still leave a few people to take care of the place!

Suddenly Chi Qianyu realized the importance of the problem, frowned and said to Lu Chen, "Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Chen pinched his chin and thought about it, and said to Chi Qianyu, why don't we go find it now, this is not an option, what if they really encounter something?

After hearing what Lu Chen said, Chi Qianyu was a little worried at first, but now he is even more worried. He is very afraid that something will happen to the elders in the family.

The two hurriedly wanted to find the whereabouts of those elders, but they asked the middle-level staff around them, but no one knew where all the high-level staff had gone.

This made Chi Qianyu even more anxious, but he didn't know who to look for.

I can't find any important people at the moment, so I can't find the so-called new generation of geniuses!

Just when Chi Qianyu was hesitating and was about to explode, he suddenly bumped into the elders led by the great elder coming back.

Chi Qianyu was about to ask where the elders around him went, but those elders sighed one after another, then walked into the main hall and sat on the throne, even the first elder's eyes were very downcast, as if Something bad happened.

Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen, and motioned to Lu Chen to ask. After all, it would be inappropriate for Chi Qianyu to ask his elders in his own capacity.

Because Chi Qianyu didn't practice formations himself, the elders actually had a bad impression of him.

Although Lu Chen is an outsider, after getting along for such a long time, the relationship with the elders is gradually getting better.

In addition, Lu Chen's formation talent is indeed good, and the elders also have a heart of cherishing talents, and Lu Chen's handling style is also extremely pleasing.

And he discovered through the dialogue between Lu Chen and the elders in recent days that although Lu Chen showed so much disrespect to the elders, those elders just laughed it off.

Another point is that Chi Qianyu also has a little selfishness. It is actually very reasonable for Lu Chen to ask, and it can further strengthen the relationship between Lu Chen and the elders. Chi Qianyu will naturally do this.

So Chi Qianyu wanted Lu Chen to ask the elders what happened to them.

Chase Lu sensed his gaze and knew what he wanted to express to him.

I also know that he must have his own difficulties, after all, because those elders are his elders, many small things happened before.

In addition, he also vaguely guessed another meaning of Chi Qianyu's asking him to ask. At this moment, as an outsider, Lu Chen cheekily looked at the sighing elders on the throne with very gloomy faces and asked.

"Elders, after we came back from the sword formation, we wanted to find you, but found that you were not in the hall. We thought something happened to you, so we wanted to look for you."

"I didn't expect you to come back by chance, but now you are all mourning and resentful, and your eyes are also downcast. What happened during our absence? Why don't you tell me first? , maybe the two of us can help you."

The Great Elder looked at Chase Lu. He had always known that Chase Lu was very capable, and he felt that Chase Lu had a pretty good heart, but his mouth stinks a bit.

Of course, the Great Elder also knew that although Chase Lu was a bit crazy, in fact, he had sufficient self-awareness.

Although there is an arrogance all over his body, there is no arrogance in the slightest.

Even the only bad mouth he can complain about is actually mostly a joke.

So, he told Lu Chen about it.

In the past few days, some mysterious organizations have suddenly appeared, carrying out theft from various households. What they stole are not property, but some priceless cultivation treasures.

Not only did they commit crimes of stealing, but they also committed many crimes, including burning, killing, looting and looting.We have been looking for that organization for the past few days, but we have not found any clues of this organization.

So they dispatched some elders to deal with the matter. After all, they were in their own territory. It was obvious that this mysterious organization was here to provoke the Chi family.

But the elders who went there not only got no news, but also attracted a group of thieves.

The Council of Elders was holding a meeting at the time, and the opponent's concealment skills were so strong that they didn't even notice it for a while.

Afterwards, it was too late to find out, the elders were naturally furious, and they all dispatched to capture the little thief.

It's just that he didn't see it at all because of the other party's weird means, it was simply tricked by others, so he came back depressed.

But he still kept a hand, he didn't mention anything stolen to Lu Chen at all.

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he suddenly realized that the reason why the elders sighed was all because of this organization.

Lu Chen said to the old man, "If you believe me, elders, then let me check this organization, maybe I can take them down in one fell swoop."

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Lu Chen didn't want to get involved in the affairs of Chi Qianyu's family, but after hearing that there were so many bastards in those organizations, he couldn't help but want to reveal the secrets of those organizations, so he made a vow to the elders.

The elders must have been very happy when they heard what Lu Chen said. In this way, they would not need to go to the outside to inquire about those organizations, nor would they delay the affairs of the house. So, it is best up.

And in the current outside trend, I don't know how many steps the relationship between Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen has taken.

So letting Lu Chen investigate, there is also a feeling of surprise, and it is easier to succeed.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, you boy, I have seen your strength once, you are quite capable, I believe in you. This matter is up to you. It's just that the practices of those organizations are very cruel And insidious and cunning, I am afraid that if you use your current ability to deal with so many of them, you will definitely be outnumbered."

"I think it's better for you to learn more formations in this house recently. It's not too late to go. Learning more formations will also help you defeat them."

Obviously the elders are also worried that something will happen to Lu Chen. Firstly, it is difficult to explain to Dongsheng, and secondly, wouldn't their previous investment be in vain?

Seeing this, Lu Chen was very happy.

Because he can learn a formation again.Excitedly, he wanted to ask the elders what kind of formation he wanted to learn, but the elders signaled that there was no rush, and let him retreat first.In the next few days, the Great Elder personally came to lead Chase Lu for a while, and then took Chase Lu to his alchemy room for formation.

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, why he had to set up an array and come to the alchemy room.

It turned out that after the Great Elder ordered Lu Chen to come in, he gave him a few pills and said to Lu Chen, "This is the spirit pill that I practiced after seven, seven, and 449 days."

"As long as you eat it, it will help your cultivation and comprehend various skills."

When Lu Chen heard it, he first felt the pill carefully.

After all, he is also an alchemist. Although he hasn't practiced for a long time, he still has a foundation.

After a sweep, Lu Chen was also sure that there was no problem, so he took the Huiling Pill given to him by the elder and swallowed it in one gulp.

Afterwards, the Great Elder led him to a courtyard.Xiang Luchen was trying out how to form the beast shadow formation, and the elder holding the sword swiped down a place with a single sword, drawing an arc of a round pillow.And releasing the spiritual power in his body, he kept gesticulating towards the place where the arc was drawn, sometimes like an eagle, sometimes like a rabbit.

Immediately, many shadows suddenly appeared on the formation, and those shadows were exactly the movements the elder made just now. Under the elder's control, those shadows gradually became abrupt and aggressive.

Lu Chen was stunned after seeing his formation. He had to admire the formation made by the elder. When the elder finished, Lu Chen hurriedly ran to the side of the elder and flattered him. Looking at the great elder, he said, "Elder, you are so powerful. How did you do it? Can you teach me?"

The elder saw that he was anxious, so he said to Lu Chen: "Since you have watched it by my side just now, you should come and try it out first." After hearing what the elder said, Lu Chen felt incredible, but he didn't expect The Great Elder was actually so strict. After watching it from the sidelines, he asked himself to practice immediately.

He didn't even tell Lu Chen what kind of request he had. He was a little confused, but the elder motioned him to sit up.

Lu Chen took his own sword, swiped the sword to cut off a small area, drew a complete circular arc on it, and then made random gestures like the elders, but there was no beast in that circle. shadow.

Lu Chen thought to himself, obviously what he and the elder did were the same, why would the elder appear as a beast shadow but not himself.The elder laughed a lot, and said to the confused Lu Chen: "This is actually very simple, you just have to think about the beast in your mind. Let's stop here today, go back and train a few more times. That's enough."

Lu Chen listened to the elder in disbelief. With these words, he never thought that Lu Chen hadn't learned this lesson at all, so the elder sent him away.But Lu Chen really couldn't say anything, after all, whether he wanted to teach or not was his business.

In the past few days, Lu Chen has been learning about the second formation with the elders, while Chi Qianyu was sent to investigate the hidden depths of his organization. On this day, Chi Qianyu hurried in from the outside. Chen took a look and saw the thick beads of sweat streaming down his face and forehead, so he knew that he must have rushed back, thinking that something happened.

Then he asked Chi Qianyu, and Chi Qianyu stammered to Lu Chen: "I, I, I, I have found the hiding place of that organization, and I have carried out some investigations on those nearby who have had their things stolen. After questioning and combining what those people said, I think that those organizations are most likely going in the direction of Nanwan."

"So I went there to investigate, and as expected, I found the shadows of those mysterious organizations in a suburban forest, and it has been built in a small and large scale. If I guessed correctly, there should be those mysterious organizations The hiding place, so I hurried back and wanted to tell you these things."

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