Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2480 Eager to try

Thinking of landing, Chen Lu searched in a place in the Zhou Dynasty. As expected, his hard work paid off, and he finally found a shining spirit stone among some stones on a relatively low terrain.

Lu Chen immediately smelted them, and Chi Qianyu helped Lu Chen.After a while, a few weapons were finally built, plus the weapons that Chi Qianyu had given to Lu Chen before, they were just right to set up a formation of swords.

Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Now there is no difficulty to stop them. Seeing that these weapons are considered to be small and large-scale, Lu Chen's sense of accomplishment jumped up, looking at Chi Qianyu's eyes. Also full of endless thanks.

As soon as Chi Qianyu raised his head, he met Lu Chen's grateful look at him, and took this opportunity to make fun of Lu Chen.

After all, although he and Lu Chen had known each other for so long, they had always hated each other as enemies before.

And as it is now, the two of them are in harmony, even like brothers, which Chi Qianyu never thought of before.

No, he said to Lu Chen: "It seems that if I didn't accompany you to come to this sword formation, you must not be able to do it alone. See, how important I am."

Chi Qianyu said so arrogantly, which also surprised Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen heard this, he frowned tightly, knowing that he was starting to be narcissistic again, so he turned his head to Chi Qianyu.

Afterwards, he said: "Okay, as long as you are good, you can do it. If you are so good, next time I have difficulties, you must rush to the front and help me block it. It's up to you."

As he spoke, he patted Chi Qianyu on the shoulder, and then walked forward.

Chi Qianyu understood that he had been cheated, so he curled his lips and didn't speak, just looked at Lu Chen.

It's still that Lu Chen has much more experience, even if he is playing tricks, Chi Qianyu can't keep up with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen saw that it was getting late now, and now that the weapons were assembled and the formations were back, it was time to start to set up the formations.

His face also lost the previous hippie smile, and suddenly became serious.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground for a glance, then put the fully prepared weapon in his hand on the ground, and the seal was instantly formed in his hand.

In a few moments, it was quickly arranged, and it was still regular. Afterwards, he quickly stepped back and began to cast spells.

This made Chi Qianyu even more amazed. After all, those so-called geniuses in his clan actually couldn't do Lu Chen's extremely skilled operation!

Lu Chen's series of actions just now were not only not at all unfamiliar, but even without a pause.

Although Chi Qianyu is not a formation cultivator, he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running anyway. He himself comes from a very powerful formation family, so he naturally knows how long it took Lu Chen to practice that move just now. To be so proficient.

He was even more amazed in his heart. Before that, he just thought that Lu Chen's talent was better than him, but when he saw him today, it seemed that Lu Chen's effort was still higher than his.

You must know that Chase Lu majored in Kendo and Taishu in the academy!

If it were Chi Qianyu, he probably wouldn't have practiced the formation so thoroughly.

It's a pity that what he doesn't know is that Lu Chen's talent has never been the best, on the contrary, it is not as good as some people.

But Chase Lu's only advantage is hard work. He takes advantage of the convenience of the small world, and as long as he has time, he plunges into cultivation, which is why he has achieved today.

Lu Chen didn't know what Chi Qianyu was thinking at this moment, his attention had already been completely on himself.

He mobilized the power of law in his whole body, and combined with the formation that he had just set up, to force the formation in his body.

Because the formation was repelled by the power, coupled with the external attraction, it was easily forced out of the body by Chase Lu.

It's just that the formation that was forced out at this moment is still a little vain, and it can even be said to be lax.

Lu Chen first used his own power again to strengthen the formation, and then injected the formation directly into those weapons.

The swing points of those weapons coincided with the nodes of the formation, and when they were connected together, the weapons were suspended in the air in an instant.

Lu Chen swiped his left hand into the air, and one of the weapons flew out like that.

When Chi Qianyu saw that the first array formed by Lu Chen was already so profound, he couldn't help expressing his praise and admiration for Lu Chen in his heart.

But no matter how powerful Lu Chen is, he will not express it on the surface, he is afraid that Lu Chen will make an inch of himself.

Of course, it is more of a kind of unconvinced.

Chi Qianyu asked himself that his talent would not be much worse than that of Lu Chen, but he was repeatedly overthrown by Lu Chen.

At this moment, he is also reflecting on his previous behavior.

Although Chi Qianyu said that he was a little domineering before, but in fact he didn't really want to have a bad relationship with Lu Chen.

Who would have thought that this worldly event not only made him face Lu Chen, but also lost happily.

But this is actually a good thing for Chi Qianyu.

At the beginning, he almost broke up with his family because of his practice of swordsmanship, which resulted in a strange and withdrawn personality.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But at this moment, just when Lu Chen was lucky to himself, the first formation was successful, after it was completed.

But he didn't want the weapons in the formation to suddenly charge straight at Chi Qianyu who was standing in front.

When Chi Qianyu saw those weapons coming towards him, he panicked and yelled at Lu Chen: "What are you doing? Didn't you see these weapons coming towards me? Tell them to stop quickly."

Although he felt something was wrong, Chase Lu probably didn't dare to shoot himself.

And after staying with Lu Chen for so long, at least he had some feelings, and he couldn't believe that Lu Chen would do this.

But now the facts are in front of his eyes, even if Chi Qianyu can't believe it, he can only choose to believe it.

After all, there are always some surprises in everything, and even Chi Qianyu has to admit that there is indeed such a possibility. '

Seeing those weapons, Chase Lu suddenly changed direction, facing Chi Qianyu.

He also didn't know what was going on, but after hearing Chi Qianyu's words, he had no choice but to control those weapons again and again.

However, now those weapons are like arrows that leave the string, no matter how much Chase Lu controls them, they still don't listen to them.

This was a situation that Lu Chen had never thought of before, and even Lu Chen himself was very surprised. '

After Chi Qianyu complained about Lu Chen several times in his heart, he found that those weapons were still coming towards him, so he no longer counted on Lu Chen.

In other words, when he saw that this weapon did not have Lu Chen's unique sword intent, and Lu Chen himself was also in a daze, he understood what the situation was.

Chi Qianyu also exhaled slowly, if it wasn't for the most terrifying choice chosen by Lu Chen himself, he would not be afraid at all.

And Chi Qianyu was also eager to try at this moment.

He wanted to try out what this weapon formation was like.Then they had a fierce battle with those flying weapons.

Lu Chen also watched with interest when he saw Chi Qianyu's fighting spirit seemed to be high.

Those weapons are spiritual. Sometimes Chi Qianyu wants to attack them, but they can avoid them quickly. This is enough to prove that the weapon formation is quite good, but its owner did not use it to attack them. It's just under control.

Chi Qianyu couldn't bear to attack those weapons.After all, some weapons were given to Lu Chen by himself, and some weapons were temporarily forged by Lu Chen, and both of them had their own painstaking efforts in them.

So when fighting with those weapons, Chi Qianyu didn't hurt them.Chi Qianyu used gravity to attract all the weapons that were attacking him, and then swung them backwards, and those weapons were scattered on the ground without any damage.

This made Chi Qianyu feel a little relieved. After defeating the weapons that attacked him, Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen coldly. Being stared at by Lu Chen, he avoided his gaze with a guilty conscience.

But, Chi Qianyu didn't intend to let it go, walked straight to Lu Chen's side, and said to Lu Chen: "I thought you were so good at setting up the formation just now, but I didn't expect that even you, the person who set up the formation, couldn't do it." Knowing how to control it, it almost got me hurt."

"I saw that you have learned the formation, but you still haven't learned how to control this formation, so I advise you to learn more about controlling the formation."

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he felt that what Chi Qianyu said made sense. Now it was indeed his fault, which almost caused Chi Qianyu to be seriously injured. Well, in the future, I will definitely study this knowledge carefully, and after setting up the formation, I will first control the situation of the formation, and then cast spells, then the head office will be fine."

When Chi Qianyu saw him, he agreed so readily, and didn't say anything more. Now that the formation has been successfully arranged, the two of them watched the sun go down and the moon gradually climb up, and they knew that it was already time. It is late.

Chi Qianyu looked at the moon that was about to poke his head out, and said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, let's go back now and report this matter to the elders, before the sky is completely dark, let's hurry up. "

But Chase Lu didn't think so. Chase Lu felt that walking at night was too dangerous. Although the sky hadn't darkened yet, it might be dark on their way back. He didn't want to take such a risk.

So I said to Chi Qianyu: "No, I don't think so, I think we should rest here for a night, let's talk about it, walking at night is really dangerous, I don't recommend it, not to mention that the spiritual power here is very abundant, so you We can still fully absorb some at night. It’s better to complete the cultivation by ourselves.”

When Chi Qianyu heard this, he nodded in agreement, and the two of them rested here.

The next morning, the two woke up with a start, hurried on their way, and returned to Chi Qianyu's family, wanting to report to the elders that after these days of research, they had learned how to form formations.

In other words, they already believed that Chase Lu's formation method was better than those so-called geniuses.

But for some reason, there was no one in the entire elder hall, and there was an air of emptiness.Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu looked at each other, not knowing why, Lu Chen asked Chi Qianyu: "Are these elders in your family all involved together? Why did they disappear suddenly?"

After hearing Lu Chen's question, Chi Qianyu couldn't help scratching the back of his head.

He also found this very strange. When they entered Chi's house before, they also saw a lot of middle-level personnel!

How come here, even the high-level can't see it.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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