But he didn't want to, suddenly felt that the effect of the formation in his body was dissipating bit by bit.Lu Chen thought that it was because his Taoism was not deep enough to release the formation at once, which led to the situation.He wanted to force out that formation.

But Chase Lu could no longer sense the existence of the formation, and the formation completely lost its effect.Lu Chen was very anxious, not knowing what to do next.At this moment, Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen and saw that his forehead was covered with dense sweat, not understanding what happened in it.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "What's the matter? Why don't you hurry up and set up the formation now?" Lu Chen turned his face and faced Chi Qianyu.When Chi Qianyu saw Lu Chen's black face, he knew that something bad must have happened, so he didn't say anything more.

Lu Chen thought for a while, this sword formation is used to arrange those sword formations.Use the formation method to make those weapons get a control to attack the enemies.He thought that since he had already arrived here, he might as well investigate carefully, maybe he could get some insights and clues.

Then he began to observe carefully in this sword formation. Chi Qianyu followed Lu Chen, and followed behind him. He didn't understand what Lu Chen was doing now.

When Chase Lu arrived at a place that seemed to have been laid out before, there were obviously traces of being set up on it, so Chen Lu squatted down, supported his body, and checked what to do.There are some swords and swords that have been used on the formation, as if using some special principle to successfully arrange them.

Lu Chenzai carefully connected the relationship between them, brought them into the formation, and found that the point where the sword was placed was actually the node of the formation.Presumably this sword formation was arranged in this way.

But Lu Chen has one thing that he can't figure out all the time. He doesn't understand how to place the sword and sword in line with the nodes of the formation.Even if they fit together, how to connect them.

Lu Chen was stunned now, and he didn't have any accurate answer in his mind. Now that he lost the effect of the formation, he really didn't know what to do, so he showed a painful expression on his face.

Chi Qianyu stood behind Chen Lu and felt that the air pressure around Chen Lu was relatively low, so he stood beside Chen Lu, patted him on the shoulder, and said to Chen Lu: "Chen Lu, the formation method The thing is not that simple, you can practice it in one go, you can learn how to set up formations in one go. You can comprehend formations now, and there are so many, practicing cheats every day, improving your own strength, that is already very It’s amazing, as for the formation, it will definitely take some time to learn.”

"Don't get lost anymore. Learning and comprehending the penetrating formation is a difficult task. It has nothing to do with your own ability, so don't be too impatient. Maybe it's just that the time has not come yet. " Chi Qianyu was trying to persuade Lu Chen as tactfully as possible.

He knew that Chase Lu was extremely concerned about this formation, otherwise why would his mood be so depressed these two days.After hearing what Chi Qianyu said, Lu Chen sighed.

He said to Chi Qianyu: "You don't have to comfort me. Do you know how much hard work I have put in to learn this formation? Until now, I still haven't fully learned it. I feel that all the efforts I put in at the beginning were wasted in vain, but some of them feel worthless for myself."

"If I really can't learn it, what else can I do? It's impossible, just because I can't learn this formation, it will make the whole person feel bad." In fact, Lu Chen said these words. To comfort myself.

The two of them had nothing to say for a moment. Chi Qianyu knew that Lu Chen must be in great pain, but he was not good at expressing it to others. Lu Chen was practicing hard in private, and he saw it.Now that he encountered a bottleneck again, he was also a little anxious for Lu Chen, and felt unfortunate for him.

Suddenly, Chase Lu found that the power of the array implanted in his body was faintly stirring, and he seemed to be able to feel the effect of the array in his body again, and there were many feelings in it for a while. It is so complex that it is difficult to express it.

Chase Lu, who was about to give up, seemed to be grabbing the last straw.Longing for this formation to restore its original effect.But it's a pity that it can't be as Chase Lu thought.

The formation effect suddenly passed through his body, and then disappeared again.Lu Chen didn't know what happened to him, and the formation became like this.

Suddenly, Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu heard the roar of a giant dragon in the sky, looked up, but found that it was a real dragon with golden light, the real dragon they rescued in the secret realm. dragon.

The real dragon leaped towards them. Lu Chen felt a little surprised when he looked at it. He didn't know why the real dragon appeared here. The real dragon leaped over and stopped in front of Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu.

A person slowly stepped down from the back of the real dragon, that is the old lady who they saw in the secret realm before.Seeing the old woman coming with the real dragon, Lu Chen hurried up, looked at the old woman and asked, "Old woman, why are you here?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The old lady looked at him, smiled, and said to Lu Chen: "Children, we are also destined. Since you saved the real dragon last time, we have formed a good relationship. We are in the secret realm and learned that you have some Difficulty, so I flew out, wanting to help you."

When Lu Chen heard it, he couldn't help but feel that there were some incredible places and some surprises.Unexpectedly, the old lady and Zhenlong could sense that they were in trouble.

At this time, the real dragon suddenly came straight to Lu Chen, and stood upright in front of Lu Chen, as if breathing. Lu Chen was a little confused, looking at the old woman for the answer, the old woman just smiled. skip.Signal Lu Chen to wait for a moment.

Lu Chen knew that the real dragon and the old lady would not harm him because before, when they were in the secret realm, if they wanted to harm him, then Lu Chen might not be alive until now.So Chase Lu believed in this real dragon and this old woman very much.He knew that they were on the side of justice.

I saw the real dragon soaring up, with a golden light emitting from its body.It turned into a surrounding circular shape, hitting directly at Lu Chen.Fortunately, Lu Chen had a very good physical fitness because he had studied and practiced the cheat book before, so he was not directly knocked down by the impact force, but withstood the impact force.

Chi Qianyu thought that the real dragon was hurting Lu Chen.Thinking that Chase Lu was injured, he wanted to go to Chen Lu's side to observe Chase Lu's injury.Unexpectedly, when he checked, he found that not only was there no injury on Lu Chen's body, but his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a golden light, shining brightly.

Lu Chen felt the changes in his body, and the implanted formation in his body was moving wantonly.And is recovering his effect bit by bit.Finally stopped.

With the help of the real dragon and the old lady, most of the effectiveness of the formation in Lu Chen's body was restored.Lu Chen looked at Zhenlong and the old lady with grateful eyes, and the old lady understood what Lu Chen wanted.

And said to Lu Chen: "Just now, the real dragon transmitted part of its tens of millions of years of cultivation into your body. Because the wave of spiritual consciousness in your body is too strong, it led to annexation of the formation in your body. strength.

"Now it uses these cultivation powers to restore some of your formations. But after that, you have to practice hard, otherwise, these formations will come to the end and still slow down bit by bit. It will disappear slowly, if you practice hard, maybe the effect of the formation will come back completely."

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he realized a lot. He bowed deeply to the old woman, and bowed to the real dragon in turn.

Said to the old lady and Zhenlong: "Thank you two for coming to help me. Lu Chen will never forget the kindness you have received today. If you have difficulties in the future, just ask Lu Chen."

The old lady nodded at him, and with a deep smile, she climbed onto the back of the real dragon, and the real dragon waved his huge golden wings, just like the ones in the secret realm before, and the dust once again , and sprinkled on Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu.

But the two didn't have any angry thoughts in it. Instead, they found it very funny and funny.The real dragon soared up and left with the old woman alone.After watching the real dragon and the old woman leave, Lu Chen listened to the old woman's warning and began to practice.

Chi Qianyu let Lu Chen around, fearing that others would disturb Lu Chen.After getting the cultivation power of the real dragon, Lu Chen felt the blood riot in his body, and the uncontrollable force was almost about to rush out.

Lu Chen knew not to be too impatient, so he practiced slowly.It wasn't until he sensed in his body that the formation had been completely restored that he stopped practicing and wanted to continue to set up the formation.

Just when it was time to cast spells and start to set up the formation, Lu Chen suddenly remembered that he did not bring enough weapons to support the layout of the sword formation.Lu Chen couldn't help being a little annoyed, and slapped himself on the head hard.

After Chi Qianyu saw his actions, he came over curiously and asked Lu Chen what happened.Lu Chen told him: I am too stupid. Before going out, I knew that I was going to come to the sword formation, but I didn't bring enough swords and weapons to support the formation. What should I do now? "

As soon as Chi Qianyu heard this, he hurriedly looked for a way for Lu Chen. Thinking that he had carried a lot of weapons on his body before, he said to Lu Chen: "Actually, when I went out today, I brought some weapons with me. Look Let's see if it's enough."

Lu Chen watched Chi Qianyu searching his whole body, and then saw Chi Qianyu take out a few weapons from his luggage.Then he said to Chi Qianyu again and again: "Thank you, brother. But, these weapons are far from enough. I know that the formation method still needs a lot of weapons."

Chi Qianyu fell silent, because he didn't have any more weapons for Lu Chen now.Lu Chen suddenly thought of a good idea, because this place of sword formation is very rich in spiritual power, so there may be some spiritual stones nearby.

Lu Chen wants to go around to see if he can find the spirit stone. The spirit power of the spirit stone is very huge, and some weapons can be made.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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