Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2478 Out of Control


Chapter 470 Out of Control

But when he heard him yelling at the elders in his family in such a harsh tone, he hurried to Lu Chen's side and bumped him with his elbow.Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu and knew what Chi Qianyu meant, so he kept silent.

I didn't say anything more, just waiting for the elder's reply.The great elder looked at him anxiously, but he didn't agree with him, so he still said to Lu Chen in a slow tone: "Yes, we promised you before, after you pass the test, come to us to learn political law. Now, have you seen the secret book in your hand? This is the first step for us to let you learn the formation, so you should go back and study carefully."

As soon as Lu Chen heard that the elder actually said this, he quickly widened his eyes.I couldn't help doubting my hearing, but when I saw those elders, they seemed to get up and leave.

Lu Chen pointed straight at them and yelled loudly: "Stinky old men, are you kidding me?" Chi Qianyu was still by Lu Chen's side. When Lu Chen said the first sentence, he clearly He really felt Lu Chen's hostility and dissatisfaction with his elder.

He looked at Chase Lu, wanting to persuade him first, he grabbed Chase Lu's arm and squeezed it.He signaled him not to be too excited, but Lu Chen couldn't control himself now, and he burst out all his temper.

He said to the elders who were about to leave: "If you said you didn't want to hand it in before, then you don't have to hand it in, but why do you let me, after passing your test, just want to use this broken book to send me away. You should Are you sending beggars away? I don’t think you look like that kind of sinister villain, but I didn’t expect you to do such a dishonest thing behind your back.”

"Forget it, I, Lu Chen, am not a person who likes to force others. After all, forceful melons are not sweet. In my opinion, it is better for me to leave you as soon as possible. Maybe this will be more conducive to my comprehension of formations." Said With that, Lu Chen walked straight towards the door.

Seeing his back when he left, he knew that he must be very angry. Those elders knew that Lu Chen would be like this.But in fact, they had already thought about the next step, so they didn't have much emotion in it.

After Chi Qianyu watched Lu Chen leave, he turned to the elders present and said, "Elders, don't be angry, this kid has always had such a huoyào temper. I'll go find him now, take care of him." educate him."

After the elders heard what Chi Qianyu said, they nodded and agreed.And told Chi Qianyu: "After you go back, you have to practice a lot. Give me some words to that kid, saying that after he practices that cheat book, he will understand our painstaking efforts."

Chi Qianyu nodded thoughtfully.Then, he quickly turned around and chased in the direction where Chase Lu left.Found Chase Lu, packing his bags, planning to leave here.

Chi Qianyu hurriedly walked in front of him, directly pulled the bag that he was packing, and snatched it away.Lu Chen looked up at Chi Qianyu, and said to him in a low voice: "Take it here, or be careful and I will be rude to you."

Of course Chi Qianyu understood that Lu Chen, who was angry now, must be able to do anything, so he hurriedly put his bag back on the table.

Gentle and soft-spoken, he explained to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, I also know why you are angry. However, I believe that those elders will never do things that do not keep their promises. If they do this, they must They have their ideas, if you don’t practice according to what they said and the secret books they gave you, maybe you can really understand something.” When Chi Qianyu said these words, it was almost With a pleading tone.

In the early hours of the morning, he only listened, but remained silent. He was still packing his own luggage. Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen was still in this state, as if he hadn't listened to his words.But he didn't give up, and he was always admonishing him by Lu Chen's side.

Lu Chen stopped moving his hands and looked at Chi Qianyu: "If you talk so much again, my ears will get calloused, and then I will really leave." Chi Qianyu immediately asked: "You What did you say? Aren't you leaving?"

Lu Chen didn't answer again, but Chi Qianyu saw him from the side of his face, with a bright smile on his distinct jawbone.Chi Qianyu understood what Lu Chen meant, and hurriedly backed down.

Before leaving, he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, I won't quarrel with you now, I'm leaving now, why don't you practice hard here, the cheats given to you by the elders just now, maybe it's really effective." This time with such a flattering tone.

When Chi Qianyu turned to leave and closed the door.Lu Chen immediately looked at the cheat book, and then checked it carefully.After discovering the cheat book, there are many ways to comprehend it, and I practiced it one by one in the early morning.

Sitting on the pavilion bed through the method of the book, calm down to meditate, slowly raise your hands upwards, stretch your muscles and bones, sigh softly, and pour out the power in your body.

I followed the method of the secret book, adjusted my body gently, and found that my whole body seemed to be reborn, as if it had been opened, and the two channels were allowed to open, light and flexible, and I didn't feel a trace of heaviness.It seems that there is some kind of powerful force in the body.Some things made Lu Chen unbearable, so Lu Chen quickly stopped practicing, and found that his physical fitness was more than ten times that of before.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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There is an uncontrollable excitement and excitement in my heart.Only then did he understand those elders' good intentions for him.In the next few days, he has been practicing that secret book in the room.

Chi Qianyu was a little worried, so he wanted to check it out. It happened that Lu Chen was finishing his training at this time. He opened the door and came out to take a look. He saw Chi Qianyu who was hesitating whether to knock on the door.

After Chi Qianyu saw him, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, because he was afraid that Lu Chen would get angry at any time and might want to leave here again.Seeing that he was avoiding himself like a plague god, Lu Chen quickly pulled him back.

He said to him: "What are you doing? Am I that scary? Is it necessary to avoid me like this?" Chi Qianyu looked up at Chen Lu after hearing what Lu Chen said, and found a smile on the corner of his mouth , and, the clothes on his body were changed neatly, and his face didn't look haggard, so he knew that Lu Chen didn't do anything negative in the room.

He said to Lu Chen: "You boy, why aren't you scary? You don't know what your appearance was like a few days ago, it seemed like you were going to swallow people alive, it was unbearable Want to escape."

After Lu Chen heard what he said, he smiled and remained silent.When Chi Qianyu saw him, he opened his arms.Then he laughed along with him. Although he didn't know why Lu Chen was laughing, the two of them were a little embarrassed.

Lu Chen was the first to break the embarrassment, and said to Chi Qianyu: "Now take me to meet your elders, I have read this cheat book and finished the practice, I want to ask What are they going to do next?"

When Chi Qianyu heard that Lu Chen was going to find the elders, he quickly nodded in agreement.With Lu Chen, he walked to the hall of those elders.

The elder was not surprised to see Chase Lu appear, as if he was looking at an extremely ordinary thing.After Chase Lu practiced that cheat book, it was like being reborn.He knew that these elders were definitely very powerful.

He straightly faced these elders, knelt down, clenched his fists, and said to the elders: "Elders, I'm sorry, I apologize for the impulsive and reckless things I did before. Before I understand the situation, I insulted you wantonly, this is my fault."

"But after practicing that cheat book in the past few days, I know your thoughts, so Chase Lu appeared here today, hoping that the elders can give me advice on how to break through the self and practice the law. formation."

After the elders heard Lu Chen's plea, they said to him: "Get up first, we are not the unfaithful people you said before, as long as you understand, we will do what we say, I said that I will let you learn the formation, and I will definitely let you learn the formation, so you don't have to worry about it."

"In fact, we let you learn the cheats before, because we want you to improve yourself and make your cultivation progress by leaps and bounds. Then learn this formation method carefully, because the learning of formation method requires your own strength to be able to comprehend other methods. road."

After hearing what they said, Chen Lu understood what they had done before, and quickly said to the elders: "Chen Lu has understood now, please continue to give pointers to the elders." The elder walked slowly from the throne to Lu Chen. in front of the dust.

Something was implanted into Chase Lu's body.Lu Chen was a little puzzled. The elder looked at his puzzled eyes, and without waiting for him to ask, he opened his mouth and explained what he did and why.

"Now that you have finished practicing that cheat book, you must have improved your strength by leaps and bounds. Now you have to start learning how to form formations. I just implanted some formations in your body. You are now going to use them Take it to the sword formation to set up the formation."

After hearing this, Lu Chen quickly expressed his thanks to the elders. The elders nodded and said to Lu Chen: "I don't think it's too early now, so hurry up." Lu Chen turned and left, receiving the After the formation, he hurried to the sword formation.

Chi Qianyu also heard it from the side, and wanted to go with Lu Chen on this matter.Lu Chen didn't want to take Chi Qianyu with him, because maybe he couldn't set up the formation well, and if Chi Qianyu took advantage of the loophole and laughed at him, he would lose more than he gained.

But under Chi Qianyu's hard work, Lu Chen couldn't screw him after all, so he agreed, and Chi Qianyu went to the sword formation together.

Although there have been some conflicts in the contact in the past few days, the current relationship between Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu is almost inseparable, and they are not facing each other like swords and swords before.

The two chatted happily along the way, thinking that they would go to the sword formation for a while to set up formations, Lu Chen felt a little excited, Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen, and could see through his mind at a glance, looking at him Being so happy, my heart was secretly happy for Lu Chen.

The two walked to the sword formation without knowing it. As soon as Lu Chen came, he felt that this place was full of spiritual power and the vision was very good.Lu Chen wanted to cast a spell to use the formation that the Great Elder had implanted into his body.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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