Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2477 A Cheat Book


Chapter 470 Seven A Broken Book

He, Lu Chen, was not something to mess with either. The evil dragon waved its black wings and wandered around Lu Chen.Chase Lu couldn't use his own attack.This made Chase Lu a little troublesome, but he never gave up.

Lu Chen thought that he could only use his aura to drag the dragon.Using his own skills, Lu Chen released his aura, a powerful aura, which shocked the dragon, and he couldn't fly three times in a hurry, and returned to his original position.

Lu Chen struck while the iron was hot, and killed the evil dragon again, but the evil dragon was intact and did not feel injured.Lu Chen knew that it must have some weakness.

"No! It's impossible to have no weaknesses!"

Lu Chen thought to himself, before he had time to think about it, the giant dragon at the head swooped down again, which almost didn't scare Li Luosi.

Quickly turned over and turned over from the ground in a hurry.

Turning around also felt the ability to block the flames sprayed by the evil dragon.

"This guy is still a little wise!" Lu Chen said secretly.

The reason why this evil dragon did this is very clear, it is to make Lu Chen unable to react!

Obviously, he also discovered that Chase Lu was studying him, so he also adopted this method.

But even though the road ahead is blocked, there is at least one good thing for Chase Lu.

The evil dragon became suspicious, which obviously showed that the route Chen Lu took was correct.

So, although it was indeed a little difficult to do, Lu Chen did not give up at all, and continued to deal with the evil dragon.

He didn't choose to take the initiative to attack, and he didn't even cultivate his sword power, but used his flexible body skills to constantly lure the evil dragon.

Although the evil dragon felt that something was wrong, he had to follow Chase Lu closely.

He can only feel at ease if he solves Chase Lu first.

But this situation also exposed that this evil dragon definitely has a fatal weakness.

"Where is it?" Even though he had already guessed this point, Lu Chen seemed a little helpless at the moment.

This delay actually dragged on for almost an hour!

Lu Chen let out a breath slowly. After playing for so long, although he didn't take the initiative to attack, he was a little tired after such a long time of high consumption.

In contrast, the evil dragon is still alive and kicking.

This is really the suppression of the race, and the resilience of the evil dragon is too amazing. Even Lu Chen, who has practiced the Dragon Transformation Art, is only at the level of his younger brother compared with his resilience.

"Does it have any weaknesses?"

Lu Chen couldn't see any hope, his eyes were a little gloomy.

Now he finally understands the stupidity of the dragon clan, and the blood of the evil dragon in front of him is not as pure as that of the little dragon.

But the strength of this evil dragon is really very strong.

In addition, this evil dragon didn't know what kind of body training technique or something, although his offensive power was really a little weak, not worthy of the strength of this evil dragon.

But the defense of this evil dragon is really very strong.

During this hour, Lu Chen also took advantage of the opportunity to attack, and even pointed his sword directly at his abdomen.

Although Lu Chen performed very well with that sword, a sword mark was cracked on the entire abdomen of the evil dragon that was slashed straight, and even the sword qi cut the ground below three feet out!

At that moment, Lu Chen even felt that his own strategy had won, but who would have thought that the evil dragon seemed to have some life-saving magic weapon.

There was only a flash of light, and the hideous wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Now, Lu Chen felt even more bitter.

"damn it!"

Lu Chen stared at the evil dragon, and that guy was flying in the air, looking at Lu Chen with those huge eyes.

"What kind of flaw does this guy have?"

Looking at the crimson eyes of the evil dragon, Lu Chen gave a wry smile.

Those eyes were full of violence, and Lu Chen really couldn't imagine that there was any weakness in such a shameless ability.

Now Chase Lu doesn't even want to fight this evil dragon anymore.

It's a pity that Lu Chen didn't want to fight, but the evil dragon didn't think so. Now he was anxious to avenge Lu Chen's previous sword!

"and many more!"

Seeing the dragon swooping over, Lu Chen seemed to have thought of something again.

This secret realm was obviously arranged by the Chi family, and the purpose was undoubtedly to allow other Chi family's own geniuses to test it.

I have been fighting this evil dragon for a long time, but I have always used sword repair methods.

However, the sword cultivator's fierce offensive didn't directly kill the evil dragon. Can it be used as a formation cultivator?

Obviously, Lu Chen also has a lot of doubts, and indeed some formations can cause much more destructive power than his sword.

But generally that kind of large formation has to be arranged in advance!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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No matter how talented Lu Chen is in formations, it is impossible to deploy a formation that can deal with this evil dragon in such a short period of time.

"Could it be?" Chase Lu suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that he couldn't believe at all.

He stared at the dragon who was getting more and more proud in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he continued to back away.

It's just that his movement in this way is not the one that saves more effort as before, but he deliberately guides it.

However, this evil dragon is indeed an individual spirit. Although he has been chasing Lu Chen, he has been paying attention to the changes in Lu Chen's foothold.

Fortunately, Lu Chen can be regarded as a cunning and cunning man. He only set up a formation point every few footholds. What's more, his layout method is quite good, and the evil dragon didn't even notice it.

"All right!"

After an unknown amount of time, Chase Lu finally arranged all the array eyes.

This time he was extremely cautious, which is why he delayed for so long.

"verb: move!"

Lu Chen made seals with his hands, and a burst of khaki-yellow light that I don't know how to describe suddenly flashed across the world.

"Humans, what have you done?" This time, the dragon was startled and said something.

Lu Chen breathed out, still a little worried, and then poured a lot of spiritual power into the formation, then raised his head and smiled at the evil dragon: "Guess what?"

Immediately, the evil dragon that was flying in the air was suddenly shrouded in a burst of yellow smoke!

This is not over yet, another gust of hurricane blows in, blowing the entire giant dragon straight down.

Lu Chen looked in front of him, thinking that this matter should be fine.

He observed it for a long time before, and the giant dragon has been fighting with him for so long, but it has been thumping in the sky and never landed.

From this, Chase Lu guessed whether the ground might be restricted by some dragon.

Sure enough, as soon as the giant dragon landed, it aroused a huge magic circle!

And the place where the giant dragon landed turned into a jade step.

Lu Chen jumped over directly, and the jade steps had nine floors.

After seeing this scene, the old lady smiled, walked over to Chen Lu, looked at Chen Lu, nodded to Chen Lu, and stretched out her index finger.

Coming towards Lu Chen.A bright light pointed to Lu Chen's brow.Then the nine levels and one level one day.But Chase Lu didn't want to go on, because he has now completed the test, found the real dragon, and successfully broke through the bottleneck of his mental power.

So, now he has nothing to stay.He yelled, Chi Qianyu who was still there, after Chi Qianyu sensed it, he quickly came down and left with Lu Chen.

The elders of Chi Qianyu's family were surprised when they saw Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu walking towards them.Although they knew very well that the two of them had the strength to pass the test of the secret realm, they didn't expect it to be so fast and unscathed.

Lu Chen walked straight up to the Great Elder, bowed respectfully to him, then looked at the Great Elder, and said to him: "According to what you said, I have found the real dragon, and let myself My spiritual realm has broken through the bottleneck, now, can you teach me how to comprehend the formation?"

All the elders were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect them to come back after completing their mission.The great elder said to Lu Chen: "No hurry, let me check it out." Then he slowly walked down from the throne in front of him, holding the rattan-like scepter, the rattan scepter There is a red gemstone inlaid on the face, which symbolizes the elder's status and power, and is a symbol of his authority.

The great elder walked up to Lu Chen with solemn steps, stretched out the palm of his left hand, and pointed at his scepter. As soon as he cast a spell, the gem of the scepter immediately showed a red light and merged into Lu Chen's body. in vivo.

Lu Chen's own spiritual consciousness sensed that there was a danger coming, so he hurriedly made countermeasures.The red power was repelled.The light of the scepter gradually disappeared, and the Great Elder thought for a while.Then he nodded to Lu Chen and said, "Good boy, I have confirmed that your mental power has indeed broken through the bottleneck. Only when you see a real dragon will you have the effect of a real dragon's body protection."

But the elder didn't say anything more, then turned around, soared towards the throne, waved his clothes, and sat down majestically again.

Lu Chen suddenly felt the spiritual power in his body gather together, and his blood surged.Then Lu Chen looked up at the elder again, and saw that the elder had no intention of teaching him the formation.

He bluntly said to the great elder who had just cast a spell on him: "Now that you have confirmed that I have indeed passed the test, you can always teach me the method of learning the formation." Chase Lu Said excitedly.

The elder over there was still calm. Looking at Lu Chen who was so anxious, he waved to him and said slowly, "No hurry, wait for us to discuss it." After hearing what he said, Lu Chen, It's not easy to rush, so I had to wait anxiously on the sidelines.

The great elder called several other elders over and held a meeting.After a while, Lu Chen became a little impatient, and said to the great elder on the throne: "Have you discussed it? Anyway, no matter what your final result is, you will teach me how to learn formations. Because I followed your instructions to take part in the test and passed it successfully, you can’t be so dishonest.”

After the great elder heard what Lu Chen said, he smiled and waved his hand.A secret book flew out of his hand. Seeing this, Lu Chen thought it was a magic weapon, so he hurriedly picked it up. When he saw the old and damaged secret book in his hand, he didn't understand why the Great Elder did this.

Then he asked the Great Elder, "What do you mean by that? What I'm asking is whether you want me to learn the formation or not, why did you throw me a copy of the secret book?" Chi Qianyu heard Lu Chen's words from the side. After the tone, he also understood that Lu Chen was a little impatient now. After all, after coming to the family with him for so long, he still hadn't started to learn and comprehend the formation, and he also had some sympathy for him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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