Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2476 The Evil Dragon

Lu Chen successfully escaped the attack of those weapons, and turned to a place still some distance away from the real dragon, and began to arrange the formation.After some time, Chi Qianyu looked at Chase Lu, but the arrangement was still not finished, so he shouted at Chase Lu: "Are you okay? I seem to be overwhelmed here, hurry up!" .”

Under Chi Qianyu's urgent urging, Lu Chen hurriedly made a formation, and then shouted at Chi Qianyu: "Qianyu, now you slowly walk towards me, and guide those weapons to me. Come here." Chi Qianyu obeyed Lu Chen's command, and walked slowly towards the formation formed by Lu Chen.

In order to attack Chi Qianyu, those weapons took off as Chi Qianyu changed direction, and Chi Qianyu walked to the side of the formation.He ran into the formation, and then jumped out of the formation.

But those weapons didn't respond so quickly. After following Chi Qianyu into the formation, he was forcibly stopped by the formation.Some of the soaring weapons were restricted by the formation and fell down one after another.

But there are still some extremely powerful weapons among them. They are all very powerful and cannot be controlled by a mere formation, and this formation was arranged by Lu Chen who did not understand the formation.

Those weapons got rid of the constraints of the formation, and then headed in the direction of Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen.Seeing this, Lu Chen felt that it was very bad, so he increased his mana and sent it to the formation. As soon as the strength of the formation increased, he quickly released blocking factors, and those weapons could not fly beyond the limitations of the formation.After struggling for a while, it also fell from the air to the ground, lost its attack, and the formation barely blocked these sword weapons.

Chi Qianyu sighed, patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said: "I see that your array arrangement is simply horrible. Now I finally understand why you want to understand the array so urgently. Alas, what happened just now It's really dangerous."

Seeing Chi Qianyu beating him like this, Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders and gave him a look to let him experience it for himself. Chi Qianyu didn't say much after seeing it, because now it's important to save the real dragon. The two hurried to the position of the real dragon.It was found that the swords around the real dragon that pinned it to death were completely gone.

They quickly pulled the real dragon up from the ground, probably saving the real dragon.The real dragon flapped its huge wings twice.Some dust all fell on Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu, causing them to keep complaining secretly in their hearts.

Seeing that the real dragon looked like it was about to fly away, Chase Lu hurried over.The real dragon knew that it was Lu Chen and the others who saved him, so he looked at Lu Chen with grateful eyes.It continued to flap its own, that pair of huge wings.

Even though Lu Chen understood what the real dragon was thinking, it turned out that the real dragon wanted Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu to sit on its back.Lu Chen called Chi Qianyu to come along and climbed onto the real dragon's wings.The real dragon took off and flew towards the sky. When the real dragon took off, the strong wind blew the clouds up and covered the sight of the two of them.They only felt that they were in the air, so they didn't dare to move easily, for fear that they would fall if they were not careful.

After a while like this, when they could be seen, they found that they were already at the altar.It turned out that the real dragon brought them both to the side of the altar, then put them down and sat cross-legged on the altar.Lu Chen noticed with sharp eyes that the old woman was still here, and it could be seen that the old woman seemed to respect the real dragon very much. She bowed down in front of the altar and worshiped the real dragon. .

Suddenly, the two of them discovered that a staircase with 99 steps had been erected in front of them.Neither of them understood why, but it seemed that some force was pulling the two of them, and their bodies uncontrollably straightened towards the steps.

Immediately, the two of them stepped up their left legs synchronously and walked up the first step, but found that if they stepped into the second step, it seemed that there was some resistance, and it became difficult.It is even more difficult when entering the third step.When they reached the tenth step, Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu found that they could not go up.

At this time, Chase Lu discovered the mystery by observing the first few steps.It turns out that every step is a great mental exercise. If you want to go up a step, you must pass the test in terms of your own spirit. Therefore, Lu Chen adjusted his mental state and stepped into the No. .11 steps, but found that it was easy to climb.

However, Chi Qianyu didn't understand the reason for the delay. Lu Chen gave him some hints, and he suddenly realized, so he and Lu Chen climbed up together.

In the following steps, they all climbed smoothly by controlling their spiritual realm and maintaining a good ideology.However, not long after, after Chi Qianyu reached more than 60 steps, he found that he still couldn't make it up. He didn't know what happened. He subjectively controlled his mental aspect with his thoughts, but he still couldn't move up None of them can reach that level.

At this time, Chase Lu was still walking steadily upwards.But things backfired, and he failed to reach the top of the 99th floor, but failed to reach the 89th floor.

There are some steps between Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu, so the two of them can't discuss it, they can only think of their own ways, and they can't go down the steps now.It is impossible to go up and down the ladder, you can only rely on yourself.

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Lu Chen looked at the ten stairs in front of him, which was almost one step away from him, and seemed a little helpless.And Chi Qianyu was also in a hurry, because his mental state was not as strong as Lu Chen's, so he panicked, but in fact, it was because the two of them were too impatient, so their mentality was not in line with theirs. Reaching a consensus will lead to the current situation.

Now both of them hit a bottleneck.The steps they didn't pass above are the realm they haven't reached yet, and Lu Chen looked at it bitterly.He was thinking hard there, trying to continue to control his mental power, but he still couldn't get a foothold.At this time, the voice of the old woman suddenly sounded.A sacrificial song suddenly sang, maybe it was sung in honor of the real dragon.

"The real dragon appears and protects the earth. All things manifest their spirits, and all the evils are receded. The spiritual step, the heart is especially in my heart. With good thoughts, I can climb up in an instant." Listening in the early hours of the morning, suddenly the eyes were hazy, and the former fishing village appeared.There also appeared the figure of the real dragon, and the dragon-slaying warrior who had never met before.

Suddenly Lu Chen was also brought into a picture. At this moment, Lu Chen saw the abandoned houses and gunpowder smoke everywhere.The real dragon is desperately contending with the dragon slaying warrior.But the strength of the dragon slaying warrior is very strong, even the real dragon can't match him, so he fell down, and the surrounding people were killed by the dragon slaying warrior because they protected the real dragon.

In an instant, the corpse was lying on the ground, and the blood flowed into a river, merging into the sea water, and the smell of blood radiated everywhere.The scene was so cruel that I couldn't bear to look directly at it.All of a sudden, the dragon slayer turned into a black dragon, running rampant and dominating here.In an instant, the wind was surging, and the sea water kept beating against the reef, making its cry, as if crying, feeling sad and sad for the people around and the real dragon.

The crazy sea is boiling and rolling, only to go ashore to wash those dead bodies.As if wanting to vent his emotions, he rushed towards the shore fiercely, knocking down houses and trees.The entire village was also washed down by it, as if everything was going to be washed away, and the sea water submerged everything in an instant.Such a picture flashed before Lu Chen's eyes.

Lu Chen returned to the altar again, and he was also on the steps in front of him.Looking back, he found that the old woman was smiling kindly at him. Lu Chen didn't know, so he didn't know where the unknown smile came from.

Lu Chen stared at the kindly smiling old woman.But found that he was thrown by the steps, several floors behind.Chase Lu has been regressing all the time, and found Chase Lu who was regressing. He desperately wanted to grab something to prevent himself from being regressed, but his own struggle and resistance were useless, because the ascent of the steps was up to him. The training of the confrontation between spirit and subjective consciousness in the brain.

Lu Chen gave up struggling until he reached the same level as Chi Qianyu. Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu, and Chi Qianyu also looked at Chen Chen, but the magical power seemed to refuse to let Lu Chen go. Still pushing Chase Lu backwards.

He stepped back step by step, and didn't stop until he reached the 30th floor. Chase Lu thought he would let it go, but unexpectedly, a wave of black sea water suddenly appeared at his feet, submerging his ankles.

Suddenly, Chase Lu found that his body was still falling backwards. It turned out that he was falling backwards again and again. This time, he did not leave any affection for him, and he directly fell back to the first place. on the steps.Then Lu Chen walked down.

Lu Chen didn't know why it retreated so quickly, but Chi Qianyu still stayed on the 60-storey step. He didn't know what kind of change happened to his spirit to become so weird.

Lu Chen was thinking a lot, but couldn't understand it.Seeing Chi Qianyu standing on more than 60 steps, he felt unwilling. He felt that this wave of steps, who did not know what kind of operation, would turn into such a result, so he was a little unconvinced and unwilling He took care of the steps again, turned straight and left.

Suddenly, an evil dragon appeared in front of his eyes. This evil dragon in the form of a dragon slaying warrior was staring at him.

This reminded Lu Chen of the scene just now, and this evil dragon was exactly the one that suddenly appeared in that scene.

Lu Chen was a little terrified.Looking at the evil dragon in front of him, he knows that its strength is very strong. In that scene, even the real dragon was defeated by it.It is conceivable that if he is seriously injured, it will be over.

Lu Chen, I don't know why the evil dragon stared at it, just watch it for yourself.But it's definitely not right.

But he didn't expect that he rushed up directly just like that!

Immediately after that, a great battle began, and the evil dragon flew straight towards Lu Chen, as if it wanted to attack Lu Chen.When Lu Chen saw that the evil dragon was coming towards him, he stopped being submissive and attacked the evil dragon.

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