Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2475 Arranging the Array

"Follow that direction, and you will see a cliff. When you get to the bottom, you can almost find the real dragon. The real dragon protects our land and is our sacred object."

After hearing what the old woman said, the two quickly thanked her again and again, and hurriedly looked westward in the direction of the place where the old woman knelt down.Walking straight there, I found a cliff.

Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen: "The old lady said that you can basically see the real dragon when you get to the bottom of this cliff, but we are on the top of the cliff now, so how do we get down? This is really shocking." It takes a lot of brains."

After Lu Chen heard what he said, he observed carefully below. Suddenly, he said to Chi Qianyu: "Let's jump from here." Chi Qianyu was a little surprised by his sudden words, and swallowed. Swallowing his own saliva, he thought he had heard wrong.

He asked Lu Chen questioningly: "Jump down? Are you serious? Even if we know how to do light work, if we jump off such a high cliff, it might cause a concussion or something. Are you sure?" ?”

Seeing his fearful eyes, Lu Chen smiled.Pointing to the bottom, he said to Chi Qianyu: "Look, you won't fall into a concussion, there is water under here, as long as we jump down, and we can jump into the sea smoothly, we will be sure that nothing will happen. "Chi Qianyu looked in the direction he pointed and found that there was indeed a sea there.

After thinking about it, he agreed with Lu Chen's statement.So the two jumped off the cliff together, using lightness kung fu to control the speed at which the two of them fell.There was only a splash, and the two fell into the water together, and the two who fell into the water were sinking continuously.

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt that something was wrong, so he quickly used his skills to float up.However, the resistance in the water was too great, and he couldn't display his skills in the sea water. Together with Chi Qianyu, the two of them went straight to the bottom of the sea and descended deeply.

If it weren't for the better lung capacity of the two of them, they might have drowned at this time.Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu were helpless now.Presumably Chi Qianyu must be very regretful now that he listened to Lu Chen's advice.

I thought it was a dead end now, who would have thought that the sea water suddenly churned, and the sound of gurgling rang in both of their ears from time to time.Gradually, all the water in the seawater was evaporated, and the water vapor went straight to the sky and turned into thick layers of clouds.All the water in the sea dried up, and the two were saved.

The two people who had been falling in the sea, now because the sea water quickly turned into clouds, they fell straight down and sat on the dry seabed.Chi Qianyu kept complaining to Lu Chen and said to him: "It's all your fault, what kind of bad idea did you think, you actually said let us jump off this cliff, is it okay now? I almost died and went back, what are you going to do?" Those elders need to learn the skills of the formation."

Listening to Chi Qianyu alone, Lu Chen sat there and kept questioning him.Then he turned to him and said, "Then how long do you want to sit there? I'm going out now. If you love to sit, you can just sit there."

Hearing Lu Chen's extremely bad attitude, Chi Qianyu really wanted to beat him up, but now that both of them are in a difficult situation, they can only work together.

Chi Qianyu quickly stood up, and the two jumped out of the bottom of the sea.Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu kept walking forward. Both of them felt that the nearby terrain suddenly became complicated, so they kept their vigilance all the time.

Suddenly it was Lu Chen who discovered that there was an extremely huge dragon with golden light shining all over its body, surrounded by some swords, and it was fixed on the ground straight.

In Lu Chen's self-awareness, he felt that it was a real dragon.He looked at Chi Qianyu, and it happened that Chi Qianyu was also looking at him, and the two had a very tacit understanding.They all pointed straight at the real dragon, and walked over there.

Before walking a few steps, some of the weapons around the real dragon sensed the aura of a stranger breaking in, so they rose into the air and attacked Lu Chen directly.

Lu Chen quickly took out his sword to resist their attack.But found that those weapons did not feel frightened by Chase Lu at all, but they attacked more and more violently.Lu Chen was a little overwhelmed. After a while, his physical strength had been exhausted.

Lu Chen didn't know what to do now.Now he has to arrange the formations to attack these weapons. Although he has not fully understood the formations, he still knows the basic arrangement and use of the formations.

He looked at Chi Qianyu on the side, and said to Chi Qianyu: "Qianyu, hurry up and help me hold back the attacks of these weapons, try to delay as long as possible, I will quickly make up a formation to deal with them , The current situation will definitely not work.”

After hearing Lu Chen's request, Chi Qianyu hurried to Lu Chen's side.Against those weapons, resist.So that Chase Lu could take a moment to arrange the formation.

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