Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2474 Bottleneck

Afterwards, many servants ran out to greet them. Chi Qianyu looked at them, responded with a smile, and brought Chen Lu in.

However, after Chi Qianyu entered the house, he didn't bring Lu Chen in directly, but turned around and said to Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, wait here, I have to tell the people in the clan about your search for the secret book of the formation."

Lu Chen nodded, and he was very understanding about this kind of thing.

It can be seen from the fact that Chi Qianyu's family is a formation cultivator, but Chi Qianyu is a sword cultivator.

Besides, for a big family like this, a junior like Chi Qianyu must not have much rights!

But here, Chase Lu felt a little emotional. Chi Qianyu had already reported it, so the place where he took him must be very important in Chi's house!

The people in Chi Qianyu's family learned that Lu Chen came to them to get the truth of the formation.

So they held a meeting, because they couldn't just hand over these comprehension skills to outsiders, but when they saw that the person who recommended him was Chi Qianyu, they decided to think about it carefully.

Besides, they also learned that Lu Chen had already defeated Chi Qianyu's existence in Dongsheng Academy, and they had to weigh the future potential of this young man at this moment.

After discussing with the elders of several of their families, they came up with an answer.Then the elder of Chi Qianyu's family said to Lu Chen: "Actually, if you want us to teach you to comprehend this ritual, then it's not impossible, but we need you to pass a test. Only then can you learn from us. As for whether you agree or not, that’s up to you.”

When Lu Chen heard about those elders, he actually gave him a chance.

Even before telling him what kind of test it was, he nodded directly and agreed to those elders.

"Okay, I think, just come up with the test or something, nothing can be difficult for me, Lu Chen, so just talk about it."

Lu Chen was not at all afraid that these so-called elders would harm him. He knew in his heart that it was Chi Qianyu's face that they would allow Lu Chen to enter the secret realm.

It's nothing more than giving Dong Sheng and Lu Chen a face, so that they can form a good relationship in the future.

After all, Lu Chen came here as a formation cultivator, and the Chi family is a huge formation family. It is not an exaggeration to enter a secret realm for Lu Chen to make a good relationship!

When the elders heard Lu Chen's tone of voice, they all burst into laughter.Smiling to Lu Chen, he said, "You kid has a big tone, okay, since you said that, then we really have to test your ability."

"We plan to let you enter the secret realm to find a real dragon, and break through your spiritual power to the bottleneck, and then come out of the secret realm smoothly. Then we will teach you how to learn the formation."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was also dumbfounded.

This real dragon is a god in the world, but the Chi family's tone sounds like it is everywhere.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen felt relieved, presumably this was just the boast of the Chi family.

Maybe, this so-called real dragon is a tool used by the younger generation of the Chi family for trials?

So he patted his chest vowingly, and said to the elders sitting above: "Okay, isn't it just such a small thing? I, Lu Chen, will definitely do it for you to see."

The elders smiled again, and then told Lu Chen, "You better be humble, you kid. It must be extremely dangerous to go there. You don't know what's going on inside, so you're just talking big here. .”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Chi Qianyu again, and said to him: "Qianyu, you are this kid's friend, so you should go with him, and it should be considered as an exercise for yourself. Since you went After Dongsheng, we didn't see what your strength is, and we also want to pass this test to see how your strength has been recently. Have you improved?"

Chi Qianyu obviously respected his elders very much, so he cupped his hands, bent his body, and made a formal ninety-degree bow, then looked at his family elders, and said to them: "Yes, Tianyu will definitely live up to the expectations of the elders, and I will definitely show my true strength."

"Okay, it's getting late, you two should go quickly." After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Chen again, "If you want to learn the formation sooner, then hurry up, Go inside the secret realm quickly."

As soon as Lu Chen heard this, he quickly pulled Chi Qianyu who was about to speak, and hurriedly left the elders' hall. The elders in Chi Qianyu's family laughed again after seeing Lu Chen's panic.

Through these two days of getting along, there are experiences together.The relationship between Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen heated up rapidly, breaking the previous hostile relationship and rigid relationship, and gradually, they became like brothers.

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Because Lu Chen was too impatient to learn how to comprehend the formation, he dragged Chi Qianyu out of it rashly.

After Chi Qianyu came out, he shook off immediately, took his hand and said to Lu Chen, "Why are you panicking? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. This matter will not be clustered in a short while, we You have to take your time, you need to strike while the iron is hot. Now that the iron is not hot, there is no guarantee that there will be any danger in this secret place, so don't you plan to prepare well?"

After hearing Chi Qianyu's words, Lu Chen said to Chi Qianyu: "I see, it's actually you who made the fuss. What exactly do you need to prepare for this? Oh, don't talk too much. Hurry up and take me to the secret realm your elder said, I am still waiting to learn that formation."

Seeing Lu Chen's impatient look, Chi Qianyu had no choice but to take him to the entrance of the secret realm.

After Lu Chen came to the entrance of the secret realm, he took a deep breath and said to Chi Qianyu, "Are you ready? Then we'll go in." Chi Qianyu gave him a blank look after hearing what he said, " Now that I say I'm not ready, will you let me go back and prepare well?" Chi Qianyu's words were mixed with a trace of sarcasm and teasing of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't reply, because obviously, he had nothing to say.He directly dragged Chi Qianyu into the secret realm, regardless of whether Chi Qianyu was ready or not.

When they entered the secret realm, they found that the scene inside was far from what they imagined. They thought that the secret realm must be very desolate, but they didn't expect that there was a piece of green grass inside, reflecting the Blossoming flowers.

The air is also very clear, as if people are immersed in the embrace of nature.It makes people feel relaxed and happy, kind and natural.The gentle wind blew across the cheeks of Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen.

After seeing such a scene, Lu Chen uttered a big word again, and said to Chi Qianyu: "Look, I said that you don't need to prepare anything when you come here, just like this, do you think there is any threat to us? Huh?" Chi Qianyu remained silent.

He just wants to make Chase Lu feel a little longer, and he will have good fruit to eat in the future.Because Chi Qianyu had come to this secret realm for training before, he knew the dangers in this secret realm, so he was always vigilant.

The two then searched around in the secret realm for clues about the real dragon.Suddenly a small fishing village appeared in front of them, and the two of them walked straight to the fishing village.In front of it is a stream that is continuously flowing, and behind it is a village of several short bungalows connected together.

There are also dried fish drying on the racks in front of the creek, fishing equipment and fishing nets being dried.The towering ancient trees make this fishing village so quiet and harmonious, making people want to get close to it, and it also brings out the beauty of this small village.

Dots of star-like small wildflowers compete and bloom on this land, showing their charming posture for the world to watch.Everything is so peaceful and serene. Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen were a little surprised by the pleasant scenery of this fishing village.

They want to find clues about the real dragon in this fishing village.In fact, when Chase Lu saw this fishing village before, he felt a little strange, why is there a small fishing village in the secret realm?However, in order to complete the test faster, Chase Lu started searching with Chi Qianyu without thinking.

Suddenly there was a sound that interrupted the search of the two of them. They saw a few villagers coming from the river with some fish and harpoons in their hands.When the two saw that there were villagers in this fishing village, they stayed aside like children who had done something wrong.

When the villagers returned to their houses and found that the searched people were very messy, they looked at Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu, thinking that they were thieves.Without further ado, he just took the harpoon and thrust it into the bodies of the two of them.

When Chase Lu saw them coming back, he wanted to explain to them, but after seeing their actions.It was time to protect himself, so he told Chi Qianyu to get ready for battle.

The two fought with those villagers. During the fight, Lu Chen made an unexpected discovery. He used his sensory awareness to know that this fishing village and these villagers are actually illusions and illusions, not real Otherwise, how could anyone live here in this secret realm?

So Chase Lu understood that these villagers must be one of them who had been tested in this secret realm.At this moment, one of the leading villagers actually used the bewitching technique. Seeing that Li Lu Chen's will was difficult to control, they looked at Chi Qianyu next to him, and bewitched Chi Qianyu straight away.

After Lu Chen learned that they were doing something, he hurriedly wanted to kill them.Lu Chen knew that if this illusion was not broken in time, it was impossible for these villagers to be wiped out.

Lu Chen was thinking hard, but seeing Chi Qianyu on the side, still fighting with those villagers, he wanted to solve it quickly, so he came up with a way, that is, he wanted to break this illusion by forcibly concentrating his spirit .

Thinking that he also implemented his plan, he began to gather his spirit, and then, the illusion was broken by Lu Chen.After that, Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu who was on the side, and found that he had been bewitched by the villagers, and was holding the sword in his hand, trying to stuff it into his mouth.

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