Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2473 Elder, I love you

He quickly waved his hand and explained to Lu Chen: "You, don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for your intentions, I just want to go to Su Qiong to discuss with him how to practice in the future However, I inadvertently learned from his mouth that you are cultivating formations. Coincidentally, I also wanted to find some classics about cultivation, so I came to this Sutra Pavilion. I have nothing to do with you relation."

After hearing this explanation, Lu Chen nodded at him without answering, and wanted to go out.However, at this moment, Chi Qianyu saw that he was about to leave, so he immediately rushed to him and stopped him.After being teased like this, Lu Chen was obviously a little annoyed.

Because he didn't find the classics he wanted in the Sutra Pavilion before, he was so upset that he shouted angrily at Chi Qianyu who stopped him: "Then what do you want now?"

Chi Qianyu knew that Lu Chen was also a little impatient now, after all, he had been practicing in his room for so long, but he hadn't been able to comprehend the formation.He could somewhat understand Chase Lu's current mood, so he didn't plan to argue with Chase Lu.

Although he had a hostile relationship with Lu Chen before, because there were some big frictions in some games, but he looked at Lu Chen like this, and wanted to study the formation that he didn't know so seriously, so Chi Qianyu thought from the bottom of his heart I admire Lu Chen very much.

Lu Chen watched Chi Qianyu standing in front of him all the time, but stopped him, and didn't answer himself.He was a little annoyed and wanted to leave.He shook off Chi Qianyu's hand that was holding him back, and hurriedly walked forward.Seeing that he had gone a little further, Chi Qianyu hurriedly chased after Lu Chen.

Lu Chen found that Chi Qianyu was still chasing him relentlessly, so he was very annoyed, and turned to Chi Qianyu and said, "If you continue to do this, don't blame me for being rude to you." Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen As if about to get angry, he immediately explained why he followed him.

"Well, in fact, after I learned about you from Su Qiong, I still admire you a little bit. Although we are also somewhat hostile, I still want to give you some suggestions. I didn't find out why, and after I went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I didn't find any relevant information about the formation. Actually, I have a way to help you here, but it depends on whether you are willing or not. gone."

Hearing Chi Qianyu say that there is a way, Lu Chen ignored the three-seven-two-one and thought of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Although he didn't trust Chi Qianyu extremely, he had no choice but to ask Chi Qianyu: "Is that a dead horse? any solution?"

Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen: "Actually, this method is to go to my family. Don't look at me as a sword cultivator. In fact, they are also very powerful in my family. They are cultivators. In fact, only I am You're just practicing swordsmanship, I miss you, why don't you just follow me back to my family, where you might be able to understand formations. How about it?"

Chi Qianyu asked Lu Chen, and Lu Chen heard that Chi Qianyu wanted to let him go back to his family with him. After comprehending the formation again, he felt that he was relatively trustworthy in dealing with this matter.

Because Chi Qianyu has never heard of his family before, and now he proposes to take him back to the family to help him, which shows Chi Qianyu's trust in Lu Chen, so Ling Luchen feels that Chi Qianyu will not deceive , Nothing will be done to him, he will not do anything bad.

But in fact, he still had some hesitation. Chi Qianyu looked at Ling Luchen, still hesitant.So he pretended to leave, and said to Lu Chen: "Well, since I see you are so reluctant, then treat this matter as if I never said it."

Lu Chen looked at him as he opened his legs and was about to leave.Hastily stepped forward to stop him, and said to him: "Don't, don't, don't, I'd better follow you to your family, now I can't find an answer here in Dongsheng, maybe I can really find out by going to your family. There may be no answer, and I trust you just once."

Even if the two had decided to go back to Chi Qianyu's family together, the two of them hit it off right away.Thinking of finding the elder and explaining the reason to him, the two of them came to the elder's teaching and research room together.

When the elder saw Shi Chi Qianyu came back with Lu Chen, he looked at Lu Chen, and wondered what Lu Chen had been doing these days.When Chase Lu bumped into the elder, with the look in his eyes that wanted to interrogate himself.

Without waiting for the elder to answer, he said straight to the point: "Elder, I know that I have made you worry these few days, but in fact I have nothing to do. I have been staying in my room all the time, and I have not been lazy. , just stay in the room and practice hard, but I did encounter some bottlenecks recently."

"I want to learn formations, but I have never been able to comprehend the truth. After listening to Su Qiong's words, I also went to the Sutra Pavilion to search for some related classics, but I couldn't find them. Yes. These classics are of no help to me, so I plan to go to their family with Chi Qianyu, because I heard that their family is a cultivator, and I want to ask them for advice." Lu Chen said so much in one breath.

When the elder heard their intentions, he hesitated for a moment, but since they were humbly seeking to learn, he agreed to them: "Okay, then you all go together, but remember, you must protect yourself and be safe along the way." First." The elder told Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen.

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Having been approved, they couldn't contain their excitement.Lu Chen returned to his previous indecent look, and when he was happy, he rushed to the elder, hugged the elder tightly, and said to the elder: "Elder, I love you, I will miss you, we Be sure to pay attention to safety.”

After speaking, he pulled Chi Qianyu, and the two quickly left the elder's teaching and research room.The elder looked at the figures of the two of them, and gradually revealed his loving smile.

With the approval of the elders, the two of them simply cleaned up and were ready to go on the road.Chi Qianyu came here with Lu Chen to comprehend formation cultivation.In fact, he also has a selfish desire to go back and visit the people in his family, because he hasn't been back for a long time, and he wants to see what the current family has become.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, only wanted to understand the truth of the formation, and had no other ideas. The two of them rarely communicated along the way.Unknowingly arrived at a village, Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen with some excitement: "Come on, we are about to reach our destination, this village is a must pass, after passing this village, we will walk for a while road, it will arrive.”

As soon as he heard it in the early morning, after Chi Qianyu said this, he felt a little tired before, and wished to rush to their family immediately and learn immediately.So both of them quickened their pace.

Finally, Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen, "That's right there." Chi Qianyu pointed to the gate of an old courtyard like a big house and said.

Lu Chen lowered his head, straightened his clothes, and wanted to have a better appearance to meet the elders of Chi Qianyu's family, and wanted to leave a better impression on them.

Just when they walked to the door, something unexpected happened at this time, some small episodes.Because at this time, some forces actually came to block the door they wanted to enter.Faced with this group of unknown forces coming to block the door, Lu Chen was a little suspicious.

Even looking at Chi Qianyu, Shi Qianyu realized what Lu Chen's eyes were telling her and him, and immediately shook his head, showing that he didn't know why this happened.

Just when the two of them were unaware, those forces, waiting for someone to come towards Lu Chen and them immediately, obviously didn't want to leave anyone alive.Lu Chen saw that they also looked malicious, and came towards them aggressively, so he also planned to show no mercy.

Although I don't know if the people in the family want to come and let them test themselves, but now it is the same, regardless of Sanqi 21.He directly fought against those forces, Chi Qianyu looked at the situation in front of him, and had no choice but to help Lu Chen attack those forces together.

The strength of the two of them is also very strong, they beat down those forces who came out of nowhere and blocked the door one after another.But the force they led seized the opportunity and fled.

The small forces were all solved by the two of them. Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu and said to him, "Do you know what's going on?" Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen, shrugged, shook his head, and shook his head. He waved his hand to show that he didn't know about it.

Lu Chen then asked Chi Qianyu, "Then do you think that, maybe those people in your family came out to let them test me." After hearing what Lu Chen said, Chi Qianyu quickly said: "No No, based on what I know about those people in my family, they will definitely not do such a reckless thing, so it must not be those people in my family who asked them to attack us .”

Then this is strange, how could this happen.Lu Chen spoke very softly, as if speaking to Chi Qianyu, and as if he was muttering to himself.The two immediately discovered that things were not simple.Lu Chen suggested that if he wanted to catch up with the fleeing force, he should go there and investigate.

Chi Qianyu also felt that something was wrong.So he planned to follow the direction of the fleeing force with Chase Lu to check.However, when the two of them came together, the place in the alley where the power disappeared, they found that there were traces of people living there, but when Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen arrived, they found that all the people had disappeared It was gone, and when Lu Chen and Zhichi Qianyu lost their clues.

The entire power is gone.Chi Qianyu sighed and looked up to the sky, never expecting to encounter such a small episode.Lu Chen patted him on the shoulder.Chi Qianyu turned back to look at Lu Chen, and said to him: "Okay, there is nothing to say now, although they are gone, then let's not continue to investigate, in case they are not good What about people? Under normal circumstances, ignorance is good, we don’t need to do too much investigation, let’s let nature take its course.”

Lu Chen nodded.Afterwards, Chi Qianyu brought Lu Chen to the door of his family.A servant felt the sound of knocking on the door, so he hurriedly opened it to take a look, "It turns out that Young Master Chi has returned." He shouted.

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