Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2457 Clues

What he saw with his eyes, what he thought in his heart: "Isn't it just a wind, why are the people here so strange?"

In fact, the villagers looked at Lu Chen standing in the middle of the road through the cracks of the door, and they were even more worried about him. If something happened to him, no one would dare to clean him up, and they could only let him rot Lose.

An elderly uncle couldn't bear the heart of such a young man, he opened the door halfway, stretched out half of his hand through a crack in the door, and beckoned to Lu Chen.

Hearing the slight sound of the door opening, Lu Chen turned around and saw a rough but strong hand beckoning towards him.

He was curious, what does it mean?


It should be to let him go there, right?

Thinking that way in my heart, I questioned it a bit, seeing that there should be nothing wrong, and then walked towards the old man.

When the old man saw Chase Lu approaching, he knew he understood.

Every time Chase Lu took a step, the strong wind blew harder.

The old man opened the door slightly, exposing half of his body.

The closer Lu Chen got to the house, he was about to arrive, and the old man was stoned to death.

In this way, the old man died in front of Lu Chen because of his slight consideration for others.The old man's head was continuously overflowing with blood.

The bright red blood flowed out puffing out, and it couldn't be stopped, making people frightened even just looking at it.

Suddenly, the wind stopped, and some courageous villagers came out and saw the old people who lived with each other day and night, and were killed just because of such a sympathy.

The villagers didn't understand that this was a homicide, only Lu Chen saw that the stone flew from behind him.Someone did that on purpose, just to cause panic among the villagers.

Because of Lu Chen, the old man died innocently, which made Lu Chen very guilty, and he insisted on avenging the old man.The villagers next to them talked a lot.

A lunatic broke out and shouted: "The river god has punished the sinner, the river god has punished the sinner."

The lunatic ran and shouted, no one paid attention to what the lunatic said, but now apart from such things, it really makes people suspect that Chase Lu is the sinner.In order to save a sinner, the old man caused a fatal disaster.

Such an explanation is the most explanatory.

The ignorance of ignorance made the villagers of this village believe that this is the way it is, and the old man saved Chase Lu who shouldn't be saved.

Now the innocent old man died tragically on the spot, but the sinner Lu Chen is still alive and well, which is really chilling.

Lu Chen felt that there must be something wrong with this matter, otherwise how could it be like this?

If there is a river god, why did he kill the old man?What is he trying to hide?

Lu Chen picked up the old man's body, found a quiet place to put it away, then covered the old man's body with a white cloth, and then went to the river to observe alone.

He knew that since it was about the river, the river must be the breakthrough point, otherwise how could there be so many strange claims?

Chase Lu stayed by the river and squatted for two days. The weather was particularly good these two days, so he didn't find anything, nor anything unusual.

Only on the third day, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, "Boom."

The creatures under the river poked their heads out, and Chase Lu saw them immediately. Chase Lu was still surprised that these creatures were here.

This was the first time he had seen such a creature, and he had never seen such a creature before.

And seeing big heads poking out of the water, one after another, one, two, three, four heads appeared.

From the looks of it, there should be four little monsters.

Lu Chen looked at them, came out, and immediately retracted his head below the river surface, afraid of being discovered by the villagers. He heard from the villagers that the river gods he saw should be these monsters.

After the thunder passed, a villager appeared, sneakily took a big bag of something, I don't know what it was, and it was well concealed, and secretly threw it into the river.

Seeing someone coming, Lu Chen would not let go of this opportunity, maybe this is the breakthrough, he thought so, and immediately ran up to catch up.

After catching the person who came, he was very stubborn. Lu Chen tied him with a rope to prevent him from moving around, and then brought him back to the old man's body.

And threatened the person caught, "If you don't tell me, I will let the old man haunt you every day. Until the day you die."

Hearing such words, the man frightened and said: "I just gave the big and little monster something to eat, and I don't know anything else." After speaking, he secretly cried.

Lu Chen didn't believe his nonsense, and then continued to threaten him with violence until he confessed the members of the dark organization.

But this person really didn't know anything!

Several people searched for a long time, but they could only catch the little demon.

But when the little demon asked, he hesitated.

Lu Chen just felt that something was wrong. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for so-called ghosts like the River God to really appear.

Obviously, someone is doing something wrong!

But Lu Chen was even more helpless!

The old man, who was beside him, was crushed to death by a stone.

But Chase Lu didn't seem to know why this happened.

This couldn't help but make Chase Lu feel a little panicked, he didn't expect that stone in the slightest.

This can only show that that person is already able to surpass Chase Lu's perception.

What kind of organization Chase Lu is going to face, Chase Lu himself can't believe it.

It's just that, Lu Chen only felt that he was worthy of the old man who died for him, at least he hadn't avenged the old man, which was a pity for his conscience at all.

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And the old man is the villagers here, a symbol of kindness and simplicity. He can't let the villagers here suffer, and he will definitely be able to return the villagers to live in peace.

After a full month of busy work, Lu Chen joined forces with the Thunder Lord and his disciples in the sect to follow the flower picker and found some clues.

He posted notices of missing persons everywhere, offering high rewards for information about the flower picker.

Only in exchange for some precious clues.

The flower picker's name is Wang Erma, and his household registration is in a very poor small village next to him.

And this small village is exactly the village where Chase Lu discovered the river god!

Wang Erma's daily conduct in the world is extremely disgusting to the people in the same village. He likes to steal and become sick, and he is disgusted by prostitution and robbery everywhere.

In the past two years, I don't know where I suddenly learned the three-legged cat kung fu. No one bullied him anymore, so I had to let him do evil everywhere.

That's why as soon as Lu Chen's reward announcement was posted, many people from the same village as Wang Erma came to report it.

Some people said that Wang Erma was used to idleness since she was a child, but this time she picked up a panacea from somewhere and took it, and her skills doubled.

In the first few days, all kinds of news about Wang Erma came to them overwhelmingly, but they didn't touch on any important points, just playing around the edges.

They even found out who Wang Erma's first love "qingren" was through these people, but they just didn't know where the doubts about Wang Erma came from.

Just when Chase Lu and the others felt clueless, they received an anonymous letter.

"There is a huge organization behind Wang Erma, be careful!"

This letter is only fifteen words long, without a signature or an address, and even the handwriting is so flamboyant that it needs to be carefully deciphered.

With this letter, several people hurriedly inquired and searched everywhere, but they repeatedly hit the wall. They asked many people in the village, but no one knew about the existence of any mysterious organization.

Lu Chen didn't know whether he should believe the existence of the mysterious organization mentioned in this so-called anonymous letter.

Thinking of this, Chase Lu wanted to figure out what this organization does and why it is so mysterious.

Lu Chen had to figure it out. After making up his mind, Lu Chen left here.

Although he doesn't know what kind of organization this is, Chase Lu needs to know whether others know about this organization.

If others know about this organization, it will be of great benefit to Lu Chen to investigate this organization.

However, after returning, Chase Lu found that he could not hear about this organization from other people. No matter who he asked, no one knew about this organization, which made Chase Lu a bit of a headache.

It would be easier for him to investigate if someone knew about this organization, but the problem now is that no one knows about this organization at all, which made Chase Lu a little confused.

It is really strange that no one knows what kind of mysterious organization this is.

Chase Lu, who didn't have any extra information, could only go to that village again to make an unannounced visit, but this time he didn't know what happened, and there was no one there.

This was completely different from the last time. Chase Lu remembered that he saw a lot of people last time, but this time he couldn't see a single person. Did they have a premonition that he would come?

But it shouldn't be possible. Lu Chen's work is very covert, so there shouldn't be any leaks.

Basically, I didn't get any information this time, but the closer he got there, the more Chase Lu could feel a dark power, which made people feel very uncomfortable. In short, Chase Lu rejected that power from the bottom of his heart. of strength.

Lu Chen searched for a while, and after making sure that he didn't find any extra traces, he reluctantly went back.

However, after Chase Lu returned home, he realized that something was wrong, because after he returned home, he found that there was no one at home.

"Xinyue, Xinyue?" Lu Chen called Jiang Xinyue casually, but no one responded after calling for a long time, and Lu Chen didn't pay much attention at first, until after a while, Jiang Xinyue still didn't come back.

Subconsciously feeling that something might be wrong, Lu Chen frowned. It is impossible for Jiang Xinyue to disappear suddenly.

Obviously she said that she would rest well at home today and cook a good meal for Lu Chen, but

"Xinyue!" Lu Chen's tone was very anxious. He searched all over the house, but he couldn't find Jiang Xinyue.

This is not normal at all. In the past, Jiang Xinyue would tell him wherever he went. It is impossible to just disappear without a word, so there must be something else.

After searching all the places, Lu Chen still couldn't find Jiang Xinyue, only found a mysterious jade pendant at home.

Lu Chen's eyes froze, he looked at the jade pendant, and after thinking about it for a long time in his mind, after making sure that their family had never owned this jade pendant, Lu Chen quickly picked it up.

However, as soon as he picked it up, Chase Lu felt a dark power, which was exactly the same as the dark power of that mysterious organization.

Lu Chen frowned, Jiang Xinyue disappeared suddenly this time, probably because of that mysterious organization.

Could it be that Jiang Xinyue was captured by those people!Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Lu Chen's back, Jiang Xinyue, don't worry.

The more he thought about it, the more flustered Lu Chen became. Even though he forced himself to calm down, he still couldn't stop thinking wildly.

If it was really Jiang Xinyue who was kidnapped by those mysterious people, it would be really difficult to deal with, and Lu Chen didn't know who they were or what their purpose was, it was really too anxious.

Or, Lu Chen had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that they found out that he was investigating them and kidnapped Jiang Xinyue to threaten him?

But he has always been very careful when investigating them, and he has never been discovered.

Could it be that they discovered Lu Chen, but Lu Chen didn't notice it at all?This is terrible, this strength is above Lu Chen

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