No matter what, Jiang Xinyue should do nothing, what's more, this time it was Lu Chen himself who caused the trouble, and actually involved Jiang Xinyue, he is really useless.

This time, how should Jiang Xinyue be rescued? Lu Chen's eyes fell on the jade pendant in his hand.

That group of people must have had some purpose in capturing Jiang Xinyue, perhaps to let him save her, or use her to threaten him. In short, Jiang Xinyue should still be of value to them now, so, Nothing will happen for now.

Then, what information should they leave him, such as where to find them, or what to do before letting Jiang Xinyue come back.

And Lu Chen didn't find any clues before, and the jade pendant in his hand didn't seem to be accidentally left here.

That group of people should have put it here on purpose, then, what information is there on this jade pendant, what exactly are those mysterious people trying to tell him.

Lu Chen picked up the jade pendant and looked at it carefully for a while, but he still didn't find any clues. However, this jade pendant can't be an ordinary jade pendant. There must be something tricky about it, but Lu Chen hasn't found it yet.

Because Lu Chen firmly believes that the clue to find Jiang Xinyue lies in this jade pendant, so Lu Chen will not give up easily. Although he doesn't know where the clue is, he will continue to look for it.

Time passed little by little, and Lu Chen had been studying this jade pendant for a long time, and even thought of smashing this jade pendant directly.

However, Lu Chen still didn't do that. If it really broke and there is no clue, then Lu Chen really has no way to find Jiang Xinyue again.

Lu Chen tightly held the jade pendant in his hand, which was found on the table in the bedroom after Jiang Xinyue disappeared.

For now, this is the only clue to her disappearance.

Jade pendant, another jade pendant!

Lu Chen's heart seemed to be strangled by a huge hand, and this force even made him feel suffocated.

It seems that some kind of power has been manipulating them in the dark.

Just like the letter before, Jiang Xinyue disappeared, and this jade pendant remained.

He looked down at the jade pendant, and it was obvious that the black power covering it was too strong to be ignored.

It's like... showing it on purpose for him to see.

He suddenly understood something in his heart, it seemed that what was said in the letter was indeed true, there really was such a mysterious organization behind Wang Erma.

And that mysterious organization has obviously noticed that they are investigating Wang Erma's actions.

This disappearance of Jiang Xinyue must have something to do with this mysterious organization, and it is definitely aimed at him!

Jiang Xinyue had just disappeared, since the mysterious organization was targeting him, it would definitely not hurt Jiang Xinyue.

Jiang Xinyue is still safe, this is only for the time being.

Lu Chen simply sat down on the stool in the room, he still had a tough battle to fight with this jade pendant.

He slowly groped for the jade pendant, taking a panoramic view of the delicate and exquisite patterns on it.

Auspicious cloud patterns.

Something is wrong!

He seemed to have noticed something different, and quickly guided the dark force to the auspicious cloud pattern.

Sure enough, a few small black characters slowly appeared on the auspicious cloud pattern, "I will meet you alone on the cliff mountain in a day."

He had a panoramic view of this line of small words, but in a moment, the dark power that shrouded it dispersed by itself, as if it didn't exist.

He couldn't help but start to worry. This mysterious organization seemed to be much more difficult to deal with than he imagined, and this matter also seemed to be much more difficult.

This cliff mountain is a steep place, known as "the corpses are everywhere".

This title is not in vain, and Lu Chen knew in his heart that this trip might be a bad one.

But what's the matter?Jiang Xinyue is still in their hands.

With such a discovery, Lu Chen hurried back to the sect, and after summoning the disciples of the sect, he selected a few disciples who were more reliable in their work on weekdays, and formed a team of about 100 people.

He also selected a few elites to be captains, and they discussed the next day's action plan that night.

"Tomorrow, you all lie in ambush first, and I will go up to negotiate with them alone. After all, their request is that I go to the appointment alone." Lu Chen said, "If there is any accident, it will not be too late for you to come up again."

All the disciples nodded, and only one asked blankly, "Then if the other party is several times stronger than us, or even has an overwhelming advantage, shall we rush forward and suffer death?"

Everyone looked sideways at the disciple who spoke, with contempt on their faces, as if they were looking at a deserter.

Lu Chen frowned, these recent things really made him a little exhausted.

He replied lightly: "Just play by ear, you just listen to what the captain says. After all, I really don't have much confidence in this matter."

The next day.

Lu Chen brought a large group of people to a place a few miles away from the agreed cliff mountain.

He waved his hand to signal them not to go any further.

He looked up at the hot sun hanging in the sky that day, wiped the sweat from his brow, turned around and said to the disciples: "You guys lie in ambush here, and don't go any further. The specific matters are still the same sentence Words, play by ear."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All the disciples responded in unison, and Lu Chen nodded, and walked on the road to the cliff mountain alone.

Along the way, Lu Chen's thoughts fluttered like snowflakes.

All unknown things are fearful, he doesn't know what kind of powerful organization he will face next, and he doesn't know what is going on with Jiang Xinyue that he has been thinking about.

While frantically thinking about how to deal with it in my heart, it seems that the journey of these few kilometers is not as long as imagined

It's just that they were on the road, but they suddenly saw a group of people.

This group of people is all he met in the academy, Su Qiong.Qu Bo, Bai Yu, Chi Qianyu, and many others are all in front of his house at this moment.

"Why are you here?" Lu Chen was a little puzzled, wondering why they suddenly appeared at his door.

Bai Yu took the lead and smiled, "Didn't you ask us a few days ago if we knew what kind of organization that was, so we felt that you might have encountered some difficulties, so we came to you."

This is true, Lu Chen asked them one by one, so they didn't know each other that Lu Chen asked all of them, or they got together today, only then did they know that Lu Chen asked them the same question.

Although Lu Chen didn't want to trouble them at first, since they came, it was impossible for Lu Chen to just let them go back. Maybe it was destined by God, and they were destined to help him.

"There are indeed some problems." Lu Chen sighed, and then told them about Jiang Xinyue.

"It's disgusting, it's so despicable, the people in that organization must not be good people, it's really disgusting, they used all kinds of dirty tricks." Su Qiong was almost pissed off.

After all, it was his brother's wife who was arrested, and it was his brother who was threatened, and he was even more angry than himself when he was wronged.

However, when everyone thought that organization was really disgusting, Chi Qianyu pursed her lips, "Don't talk about that, if Lu Chen didn't provoke him, he wouldn't be like this."

However, what he said was only the end of being bombarded. No one agreed with what he said, and only he felt that what he said was right.

"It's alright, you're still saying things like this now, you deserve a beating." Su Qiong rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, planning to beat Chi Qianyu.

Seeing that this was wrong, Chi Qianyu quickly ran away. He didn't want to be beaten for no reason, not to mention that Su Qiong, a woman, would not just beat him casually, she must have beaten him severely.

But she was a woman, and Chi Qianyu couldn't hit a woman, so she was really anxious.

Lu Chen is really happy that they can still make trouble now, but he really can't laugh at this time, but the trouble is only a little trouble, and soon everyone is serious again.

"So what should we do now." After getting serious, everyone sat together again and began to discuss.

Lu Chen sighed, feeling a little headache, "The other party asked me to go alone."

After saying this, Lu Chen was really helpless. If he went alone, he might not be able to protect himself, let alone save Jiang Xinyue.

But if he didn't go, or brought someone along, then Jiang Xinyue's safety could not be guaranteed, so he really has a headache now.

When Bai Yu heard this, his brows immediately frowned, and he blurted out almost without thinking, "Then you can't go alone, it's too dangerous."

Although Bai Yu was also worried about Jiang Xinyue, Lu Chen was more important to Bai Yu than Jiang Xinyue. Of course, Lu Chen's safety was more important.

Bai Yu thought so, but obviously, Lu Chen didn't agree with this. Jiang Xinyue was much more important to him than him, so he automatically ignored Bai Yu's words.

Seeing that Lu Chen ignored her, Bai Yu was naturally very angry. She was angry that Lu Chen didn't care about her own safety, but at the same time she was a little jealous.

Lu Chen also knew that Bai Yu was a little unhappy, but now he really couldn't bring himself to comfort her, he could only apologize to her in his heart, and then discuss Jiang Xinyue's matter.

After everyone's discussion, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Chen to go alone, it is too dangerous, and the other party may not bring many people with him.

But if you take them with you, Jiang Xinyue will definitely be in danger.

"How about this, you take us there, we don't show up, we just stop a few kilometers away, in this case, it's not considered that you brought someone, but we can rush up immediately when something happens, what do you think? .”

Qu Bo put forward a suggestion calmly, and then got everyone's response. This sentence really touched their hearts. They really thought this proposal was really great.

In fact, they also thought the same way, but the words came to their lips, and they didn't remember to say them. This time Qu Bo said it, and naturally got a warm response.

"That's fine, just to trouble you." Lu Chen also felt that this was the best way at present, but he felt that it was still too troublesome. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with them.

They don't have to be involved here at all.It was all because of him that they got involved here and put themselves in danger.

But now there is no other way, the most important thing now is to rescue Jiang Xinyue, otherwise, Lu Chen will never be able to truly feel at ease.

The next day, Lu Chen and Su Qiong rectified and set off. Then, Su Qiong and the others stopped a few kilometers away from the cliff mountain, and feared that the people from the organization would find out, so they found a hidden place. place to rest.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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