Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2456 Jade Pendant with History


Chapter 450: Jade Pendant with History

He raised his internal strength and wanted to attack the opponent again.

Unexpectedly, the flower picker suddenly turned around, and several hidden weapons flew straight towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had a bad idea in his heart, so he quickly dodged to avoid those hidden weapons.

Looking up again, the flower picker has disappeared.

Lu Chen shook his head, this flower picker's movement is really weird, but he doesn't know what he got from the girl's clothes.Now that he didn't chase him, Lu Chen had no choice but to turn around and walk back dejectedly.

His eyes fell on the ground but he seemed to see something. Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. It was the thing that fell from the flower thief fighting him just now!

This discovery made him jump for joy, and even the sense of loss that he had not chased after the flower picker was swept away.

He quickly picked up the jade pendant and put it in his arms properly.

The first thing Lu Chen and Liu Changqing did when they returned to the inn was to take out the jade pendant they picked up and observe carefully.

This piece of jade pendant looked extraordinarily beautiful under the sunlight, but underneath this beauty was a hint of coldness.

Lu Chen looked at the jade pendant in his hand, there was something black and fluid inside that was slowly flowing with his movements.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, the power contained in this object was very similar to the dark power in the sect he had seen before!

Before Chase Lu could say anything, Liu Changqing began to murmur: "This jade pendant looks quite ordinary, but who knows that there is such a dark power in it, it's really unbelievable."

He turned his head and looked at Chase Lu, seeing that the other party had no intention of answering him, so he said sullenly, "Do you think I'm annoying?"

Lu Chen helped his forehead, put the jade pendant away carefully, and replied: "Don't talk about it, let's go back to my sect and ask the elders in the sect. After all, they are well-informed and know a lot. Do you know the origin of this jade pendant?"

Liu Changqing nodded, and asked again: "Then you said that this energy is innate in this jade pendant? Or was it given by someone sad the day after tomorrow?"

Lu Chen really didn't think about this question, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing this, Liu Changqing waved his hands as if understanding, and said indifferently: "It's normal that you don't know, after all, you are a rookie."

Lu Chen was so irritated by his urination, he simply ignored him and concentrated on driving.

As soon as Lu Chen returned to the sect, he called all the disciples of the sect together, and said: "Now I have a jade pendant in my hand, whoever can tell its origin will be greatly rewarded."

After speaking, he handed over the jade pendant to his subordinates and circulated it among the disciples of the sect.

Those disciples coveted Lu Chen's reward, and began to bow their heads and ears to discuss with each other.

After a while, a disciple raised his hand tremblingly and said, "This is a jade pendant."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter. Why didn't everyone know that it was a jade pendant?Such an obvious fact was picked up by this disciple and said again.

Lu Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words, bowed his head and thought for a while, and pondered: "It is indeed a jade pendant. You are right, but what I want is its origin. Reward!"

All the disciples secretly rejoiced when they heard the first part of the words, let him be a hero, this time it's a joke, right?

Hearing Lu Chen's last sentence, he couldn't laugh anymore. It's obviously nonsense, but can he still get a reward?Wouldn't they be able to?

Looking at the more intense discussion below, Lu Chen became happier.

Isn't that what you want?Although there are many people with mixed opinions, among so many people, there must be one or two people who really know, right?

The voice of discussion in the hall suddenly gradually weakened until it disappeared completely. Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and looked slowly.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, but you are shocked when you see it.Isn't the old man with a long white beard and a sense of demeanor who walked in slowly from the door the Holy Lord of Thunder!

Lu Chen stood up quickly, and the disciples of the sect underneath had already knelt down to salute.

I saw the Thunder Lord taking big steps, and laughed loudly: "I heard that you brought a treasure back, come, let me see what it is!"

After finishing speaking, he returned to his senses and said to all the disciples of the sect: "You don't need to do this empty courtesy to me."

Only then did Lu Chen come back to his senses, and quickly signaled the disciple who was holding the jade pendant to study to give him the jade pendant.

The disciple received his gaze, and respectfully handed over the jade pendant in his hand to the Thunder Lord.

Lord Thunder took the jade pendant, stroked his astonishingly long white beard, and began to study it carefully.

He opened his mind and kept probing and sensing the matter and energy contained in this jade pendant with his fingers.

Lu Chen was scratching his hands idly at the side, and then he heard the Thunder Lord say: "This jade pendant looks like nothing, but it contains dark power inside."

Lu Chen nodded when he heard the words, and explained: "Indeed, it contains the black power that I have seen in the sect for the first time, but I don't know what is behind this power."

He thought about it carefully for half an hour, and then asked the question Liu Changqing had thrown him before, "Is the dark energy in this jade pendant innate? Or is it man-made?"

Lord Thunder did not expect him to ask such a question. After thinking about it carefully, he shook his head. He didn't know when the ability in this jade pendant came into being.

Lord Thunder nodded, stroked the jade pendant in his hand, and suddenly asked: "By the way, boy, where did you get this jade pendant?"

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Lu Chen scratched his head and replied: "Liu Changqing and I met a flower picker on the road. Who knew that the flower picker didn't touch the girl's body, but took something from the girl's clothes instead."

He paused, and then said: "We could have caught this weird thief, but who knew that Liu Changqing rushed out in one fell swoop, and the man ran away after scaring the snake."

Liu Changqing on the side was a little too angry to speak out, and his mouth was full of anger.Obviously it's all the fault of Lu Chen for not stopping him!

Lu Chen's eyes fell on the head of the jade pendant, and he said lightly: "This jade pendant was also accidentally dropped when I was fighting with that thief, and I picked it up."

The Lord of Thunder returned the jade pendant in his hand to Lu Chen, and asked aloud, "Do you know the origin of this thief?"

Lu Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "It's strange to say that the man covered his face with a black cloth, and he didn't even peek at his face, but he felt some familiar feelings in him. His figure is extremely It's weird, three times and two times left me behind."

Lord Thunder touched the white beard on his chin again, and carefully analyzed: "This dark power is from the same source as the power you saw in the sect before, and I am interested in the power behind them."

Not to mention the Thunder Lord, even he is very interested in the forces behind them.

But the most important question now is, how to find out the forces behind these two dark forces of the same origin?

After deliberating for a long time, Lu Chen still opened his mouth to suggest: "Now these two dark forces of the same origin have appeared twice. The first time there was no trace, this time it is different."

He clenched the jade pendant in his hand, and continued: "We can turn the virtual into reality. Although there is nowhere to check the power, but this time there is the flower picker, we can follow the vine, first find the flower picker, and then get it from him." Speak the words of this dark power."

Lord Thunder gave him an approving glance, and said in agreement: "This flower picker is also a good clue. If that's the case, let's do what you say! Make sure to investigate this matter to the end!"

Lu Chen responded repeatedly, and began to prepare for the whole city to hunt down the flower picker.

In this way, after eating with Lu Chen, Liu Changqing threw a map of the county and city to Lu Chen and said, "You should be familiar with the terrain first, so that you can easily catch up with the flower pickers."

Lu Chen responded and threw it into the storage space, and followed Liu Changqing to shake it.

The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

Lu Chen followed Liu Changqing and squatted near the mansion of the most beautiful lady in the county, hiding in the grass.

Lu Chen looked at the empty street in front of him. He and Liu Changqing had been waiting for a long time. Why was there no one?

Liu Changqing frowned, it was a rare time that he didn't speak.

He also found it very strange. According to the information he had collected recently, the next attack by the flower pickers would be the daughter of this family.Besides, it's all so ordered, it should be coming soon, why is there no sign of it.

Really Liu Changqing wanted to say something, but Lu Chen beside him suddenly covered his mouth.

Liu Changqing wanted to struggle, but when he saw the tall black figure at the corner of the street, he became quiet.

The two also followed quietly, trying to find out where the black shadow should go.

However, like a strange coincidence, after walking around for a long time, the black shadow disappeared in a flash!

This time, the two of them actually failed again!

But the two of them came to a strange small village.

This village, built along the river, looks full of peace.

Looking at it from a distance, you can always see that the surface of the river seems to be calm, and there is a faint darkness under the water surface. I don’t know if there is something there, mysterious!

Even if Lu Chendang felt that something was wrong, he quickly asked Liu Changqing to inquire about it.

Because of Liu Changqing, there is nothing else, but a bit better, thick-skinned!

As soon as he passed by, let alone someone else, he just listened to what this guy said!

After asking, the two knew that there was a female river god living under the river.

Usually peaceful and peaceful, whenever there is thunder and lightning, she will take advantage of the rain to come out to show off her power and make the people nearby believe that there is really a river god.

Villagers near the river will worship the river god every month for this purpose, hoping to bless them.Occasionally, nearby villagers passed by the river, and they took it for granted to see monster-like creatures poking their heads out of the river.

Looking at it from a distance, it was just that one glance, and the villagers ran home in fright, closed the house, and dared to stay outside.

Some timid people, in such a situation, may go home and have to give birth to illness for a few months before they can gradually recover.

Over time, people here are in awe of the river god in this river basin.

Among them, some people see the advantages of benefits, and spread everywhere that the river god can keep safe, build temples for the river god, and so on.

In order to make the villagers believe more, more and more strange things happened, and more and more people were willing to believe that there really was a river god.What's more, the river god can keep you safe.

Lu Chen, who passed by this village, felt a little unbelievable.

When Lu Chen walked through the village, he felt that there was no difference, but suddenly a strong wind blew, blowing the leaves all over the ground.After a while, the villagers disappeared from the road.

When the strong wind came, the villagers were so frightened that they hid quickly, leaving only Chen Lu standing at the intersection, stupidly.

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