Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2455 Liu Changqing


Chapter 450 Liu Changqing

After finishing speaking, he ran out like a smoke.See the latest chapter Baidu search

The moment Lu Chen ran out, there was another crackling voice: "Look, it runs faster than a rabbit."

Now, there was a burst of unexplained laughter in the meeting hall.But it quickly returned to silence, after all, there are important things to discuss

Chase Lu ran all the way to the street before stopping, feeling that it was a bad idea to say goodbye to them on a whim.

Why didn't he think of those old men, he didn't believe that he came to say goodbye to them at all, they just thought they had something to ask them for help.

After all, although Chase Lu is strong,

Thinking of this, Lu Chen snorted coldly to himself, and started strolling on the street with his arms crossed.

Lu Chen looked at the time and felt that it was almost time for lunch, so he found a tavern and had some food.

Lu Chen finally remembered again that the purpose of his trip was to visit the two forces in the mainland he had brought.

After paying for the meal, Chase Lu found a remote place to summon Heiyun and sat down.

After all, even now, after leaving the academy, there are still many ordinary people.

Lu Chen is so famous now, it's not good to disturb other people's lives!

Don't ask about the future, just walk like this lonely

After flying like this for three hours, Lu Chen looked at the sect not far away, and decided to take a rest in the county town of the state where his sect was located.

Arriving at the county town, Lu Chen put away the black cloud, and planned to find an inn to have dinner and rest for a night, and then set off for Zongmen tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, before Chase Lu could find the inn he wanted, he first met a guy he would never meet——Liu Changqing!

I just didn't expect that when I turned around, I would see Liu Changqing who was looking around not far away!

Subconsciously, Lu Chen turned around and wanted to escape.

This is Liu Changqing!Liu Changqing who can talk for three days and three nights without eating or drinking will not be tired!

If he is seen by Liu Changqing, Liu Changqing must not drag him to talk for another three days and three nights!

Unfortunately, before Chase Lu could go far, Liu Changqing ran quickly, holding the saber in his left hand, and clung to Chen Chen's shoulder with his right hand, and a cold voice sounded: "Who are you, turn your head!"

After listening to Liu Changqing's words, Lu Chen let go of his flustered heart, took a deep breath, and said in his heart: So Liu Changqing didn't recognize me and scared me to death. I thought he recognized me and came after me Woolen cloth.

When Liu Changqing saw the person with his back on his back in front of him with his head down and a 'yindàng' smile on his lips, he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and continued: "I asked you, did you hear me?"

The voice was a little louder, and directly pulled Chase Lu out of his fantasy. He didn't dare to look back. Once he turned around, he would sleep for three days and three nights!

She had no choice but to act like a shy daughter, covering her cheeks with her cuffs, and said in a high voice, "Young master, don't hold onto the shoulders of the servant like this, men and women can't accept kissing~"

Lu Chen never imagined that he would do the same thing that he hated Liu Changqing before.

Liu Changqing's mouth twitched a few times due to the eerie voice formed by the deep voice and the man's thick voice.

He was not familiar with this voice. You must know that Lu Chen had stayed up all night talking with this person for an unknown amount of time before!

He let go of his hand and said, "Lu Chen, you are really drifting more and more."

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly felt thunderous, and it turned out that Liu Changqing had already seen him! !Then what's the point of his appearance just now!Don't you ask for shame!

Lu Chen didn't speak, still turned his back and covered his face with his cuffs.

Seeing this, Liu Changqing straightened Lu Chen over, and now he didn't have the serious expression he had when he was working, but looked at Lu Chen covering his face with a ruffian look, and said with a smile: "Oh, Lu Chen Are you embarrassed by what I said. Lu Chen, don’t be embarrassed, what I said is the truth. Let me tell you, I recognized you from the first moment you entered the county gate, This afternoon, I also received a notice that the leader of the game will pass by the county this time. I was wondering if it would be you. I didn’t expect you to be really powerful, and you really came. Let me tell you that I am the closest"

Lu Chen listened to Liu Changqing's continuous talking with a dark face, a little unbearable, and finally interrupted him loudly, saying: "Okay, I understand, don't talk about it!"

"Do you know? There are other things I want to tell you about." Seeing Lu Chen looking at him with a dark face, Liu Changqing scratched his head not knowing what he had done, and continued.

Lu Chen looked at Liu Changqing helplessly, and asked, "Why did you come to this county? I have never seen you in this county before."

When Liu Changqing heard Lu Chen asked him a question, he immediately regained his energy and said happily: "I don't want to come to a county that doesn't shit, but the sect ordered me to come out. You really don't know them. I have to come to suffer for this kind of task that wastes people and money. No, I have been here for several days and have not found anything wrong. He even called me to catch the flower picker. I have not even said a word for so many days. The flower-pickers who came here, don’t you think so?”

Lu Chen rubbed his ears, thankfully, Liu Changqing ended the topic by himself for the first time.

His way of talking is different from others, he can talk non-stop whenever there is a topic, he is not tired himself, even Lu Chen is tired listening to it!

Seeing Lu Chen's unmoved expression, Liu Changqing was a little unwilling. He even wanted to instigate Lu Chen to catch the flower picker with him.

Then he began to talk, "Lu Chen, let me tell you, don't think I caught just a flower picker. This flower picker is not ordinary. He has a lot of treasures."

After finishing speaking, Liu Changqing raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Chen with a smile on his face.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen heard that there was a treasure, he immediately looked at Liu Changqing with interest, beckoning him to speak quickly.

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes, Liu Changqing knew that he was interested, and hurriedly hit the rails while it was hot: "The treasure is probably extraordinary, otherwise the sect would not have sent a master like me to catch this little flower picker, right? "

When Lu Chen heard Liu Changqing say that he is a master of the sect, he couldn't help but sneered, then quickly suppressed himself, and said, "Yes, yes, then do you know what that treasure is?"

Liu Changqing didn't care about Lu Chen's sneer. When he heard what he said, Liu Changqing looked at Lu Chen in embarrassment, shook his head, and said, "Well, how could I not know this! It's just that such an important treasure can be said casually, I can't Tell you!"

Obviously, Liu Changqing didn't know it himself, and said these words just to keep Lu Chen

With such a clear mind, Lu Chen didn't know what Liu Changqing was planning, but he didn't dismantle Liu Changqing.

Anyway, he is free tonight, so he might as well fight the flower thief with Liu Changqing, in case the flower thief really has any treasures.Even if there are no treasures, it would be good to have a closer relationship with Liu Changqing.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Chen, anyway, there is no loss with him or without him, and he can get a share of the benefits no matter what.

Then he pretended to be excited and said, "Damn it, is it true or not, is this treasure really so precious? Liu Changqing, are you bragging?"

Liu Changqing paused when he heard the word 'bringing cowhide', his eyes drifted uncomfortably, and he returned: "How could it be, how could I, Liu Changqing, lie to you! This treasure is really priceless! I don't tell ordinary people his."

Looking at Liu Changqing's serious nonsense, Lu Chen wanted to laugh but couldn't, so he continued to cooperate, "Then, since the treasure is so precious, Liu Changqing, would you like me to help catch the flower picker together."

When Liu Changqing heard this, he was so excited. Didn't he wait for Lu Chen to say something like this.

But on the surface, Liu Changqing frowned pretending to be a little embarrassed, looked at Lu Chen and said, "It's not impossible, since you want to follow me so much, then I will accept you."

Lu Chen had a black face and was helpless, he knew Liu Changqing would do this!Furious!

Under the information given by Liu Changqing, the two also came to the place where Liu Changqing said that there might be flower pickers.

It's just that the two squatted for a long time, but they didn't notice the flower picker coming.

"Is your information correct?" Lu Chen asked Liu Changqing helplessly.

This kind of useless work is what he dislikes the most.

"Wait a little longer!" Liu Changqing said while holding down the restless Chen Lu.

But he also murmured softly, "I've been researching for so long, this girl around here looks good, it doesn't make sense for him not to come!"

This time, Lu Chen completely collapsed. It turned out that Liu Changqing was just guessing!

The two squatted for a long time, just about to leave.

But in an instant, the woman quietly fell to the ground!

Lu Chen and Liu Changqing glanced at each other, and everyone understood that the flower picker is here!

Sure enough, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the line of sight of the two of them.

Lu Chen and Liu Changqing were secretly observing the flower picker's movements.

Liu Changqing whispered angrily in his ear: "It's really worse than a beast! Such a beautiful girl wants to be defiled for nothing! The crime is unforgivable!"

Lu Chen was a little helpless, and didn't answer aloud, but secretly mobilized the pure yang skills in his body, ready to kill the flower picker in one fell swoop when he made a move.

But the flower picker seemed to have something amiss.

He quietly stunned the girl, but after taking off her clothes, he didn't take any further action, but groped and searched for something in her clothes.

Is he looking for something?

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, sure enough!The guy took out something from the girl's clothes, looked it over carefully, and put it into his arms.

The sunlight refracted by that thing went straight into Lu Chen's eyes, making him dazed, but because the flower picker moved too fast, he really didn't see what it was.

Liu Changqing beside him couldn't bear the restless anger in his heart, and left a sentence angrily: "I really can't stand it any longer. Forget about robbing sex, and robbing money!"

After speaking, he lifted his body and rushed straight to the flower picker.

Just as Lu Chen was about to speak to persuade him not to act rashly, he was already running like a prisoner who had just been released.

Lu Chen put down his right hand that didn't stop him, sighed lowly, and had to chase after the flower picker quickly.

The flower picker had a very strong defense, he had already noticed that Liu Changqing had just come out of the dark, and he had no intention of entanglement with Liu Changqing, so he ran away in a hurry.

They were in the middle of a canyon, surrounded by steep mountain walls. Chase Lu was not good at this kind of terrain, and there was no shelter around them.

Although the flower picker reacted very quickly, Lu Chen was not far behind, and immediately called out the Killing Sword, calmed down and used tricks against him.

The flower picker did not expect that the person who was chasing after him would have such abilities, so he was scratched a little by the sword energy in his impatience.

Although he suffered a slight injury, his speed didn't slow down at all, instead it got faster and faster.

With his speed, he shouldn't be able to catch up with this hateful flower picker in a while, and if this continues, the distance between them will only increase.

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