Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2454 Flattered

Lu Chen was a little caught off guard by the sudden enthusiasm, he stiffly and calmly took away the hand that the man put on his shoulder casually.

Although he is an elder, Lu Chen still feels a little uncomfortable.

It's not his arrogance, it's just that Lu Chen was a little mentally cleansed by Liu Changqing.

But after hearing the words of the head of Dongsheng, he had a smile in his eyes, and replied lightly: "That's good, thank you very much."

At the same time, he bowed very politely to the elder.

Only then did the other party smile with satisfaction, and everyone with Dong Sheng left Shi Shiran.

Finally left, Chase Lu was just about to find a place to sit down for a rest, when the organizer of the freshman competition led a group of people towards him.

The organizer was jointly organized by the five courtyards. Seeing that there was no need for it at the moment, Chen Lu knew that the people who came here must be people from Dongsheng there.

With the same smile on his face, Lu Chen could already predict what they were going to say next.

Sure enough, the other party came to Lu Chen's side and immediately stood still.

With a smile on his face, he said, "This little brother is the one who just won the championship in our freshman competition?"

Lu Chen nodded, and replied half humbly: "It's just a fluke."

The organizer waved his hand and said, "Just now we saw the final match between you and that person. It was very exciting. You deserve to be No.1 in this match!"

The two exaggerated each other back and forth like this, and he finally said what he wanted.

"It's like this. Since you won the laurels, we must show something." He paused, and the smile on his face expanded infinitely, "We plan to reward you for your understanding of the ultimate sword!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a glowing scroll from nowhere, and handed it to Lu Chen with both hands.

He quickly took it. Is this the comprehension of the ultimate intent of the sword?

Only then did Lu Chen's eyes light up a little.

Don't look at this small realization as insignificant, but it can be said to be of great benefit to cultivators like them!

He hastily covered his twinkling eyes, and said, "Then thank you fellow Taoists!"

The man waved his hands again and again, still sighing in admiration, "Unexpectedly, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead..."

When Lu Chen returned home, the first thing he did was to meditate and adjust his breath.

Although he didn't show it too much in that meeting place, he did suffer serious internal injuries. After all those tossings, he was afraid that it would be even more serious now.

He caressed his chest, there was probably a piece of blood in it, so that now he was short of breath with chest tightness.

He quickly calmed down, and concentrated on hitting the bruise with luck.

But for a moment, he could feel that the place that was still stuffy at the moment seemed to have been opened up to Ren Du's second channel, and it was suddenly comfortable.

There was a fishy sweetness coming from his throat, and this time he didn't need to suppress it, he just spit out a big mouthful of blood.

He raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, this time the blood spurted out was black, it must be congestion, but luckily he used his inner strength to force it out.

Otherwise, you don't know what the consequences will be over time.

After Lu Chen dealt with the bruises that he had forced out, he took out the scroll that the organizer of the freshman competition this afternoon had just given him from his arms.

There was still some time before dawn, and while adjusting his breath, he flipped through the scroll, and began to comprehend the ultimate meaning of the sword.

Although the scroll was full of words, Chase Lu was able to transform those words into villains, and those villains were flying in the air.

They are dancing swords.

The sword intent was gently injected into Lu Chen's body, making Lu Chen feel extremely refreshed.

And this sword intent, although it contains infinite killing intent, is so gentle to Lu Chen, just like a good friend.

Lu Chen sighed, it's no wonder that this swordsmanship can become something that everyone strives for with their lives.

After seeing it today, Lu Chen fully realized the magic of this thing.

The crowing of a rooster was faintly heard outside the window, and Lu Chen seemed to have just woken up, stretched his waist, and stood up from the ground.

Before he knew it, it was already dawn, and he could feel that after a night of study, the sword intent in his body had become more pure, and there was even a hint of a breakthrough.

But it seems to have encountered some bottleneck, and perhaps some opportunity is needed to completely break through.

He straightened his mind, now is not the time to think about these things, Dongsheng promised him to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion yesterday, rather than break through the sword intent, he would rather go to the fourth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to find out. .

Because he knows that if this sword intent breaks through another bottleneck, it will be a completely different realm!

"The Sutra Pavilion is not open to outsiders today, please come back another day."

As soon as he got to the door of the Sutra Pavilion, the hand disciple stretched out his hand to stop him.

Lu Chen was a little confused. Didn't Dongsheng already agree to let him stay on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion for three months?

He had no choice but to explain patiently: "I was the final winner of yesterday's freshman competition. Dongsheng agreed to me to go to the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion to practice for three months."

Only then did the two disciples regain their senses, and their attitudes changed 180 degrees.

The disciple who spoke up before hurriedly greeted: "So it's you, we are the ones sent by Dongsheng to wait for you in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. They told us that no one else can enter the fourth floor for these three months, so as not to bother you."

Lu Chen suddenly felt a little flattered. When did he receive this kind of treatment, this won a freshman contest, it was like a salted fish turned over.

Although it was still a salted fish, it turned into a good-looking salted fish after all.

He walked into the Sutra Pavilion with his hands behind his back, and he could even feel that there was a halo on his head, with four big characters written on it, "Rising Star".

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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There is really no one else in the Sutra Pavilion today, except for a teacher who is in charge of borrowing books.

As soon as the teacher saw Lu Chen, he beckoned him to come over.

When Lu Chen was puzzled, he saw the other party pick up a bunch of keys from the table, adjust his glasses, and after searching for two or three minutes, he finally found a key.

He handed the key to Lu Chen tremblingly, and explained: "This is the key to the fourth floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. I will give it to you now. When you come out of retreat in three months, I will not return it to you." Late."

Chase Lu nodded gratefully to him, and replied, "Don't worry."

This fourth floor is a heterogeneous space, which is full of mysterious atmosphere.

It's not the first time Lu Chen has entered the fourth floor, this is the first time he opened the gate of the fourth floor with a key by himself.

There is a mysterious different space inside, and I am excited to think about it.

Sure enough, opening the door by yourself is different from others doing it for you.

It is also a different feeling to watch a piece of blackness that can swallow everything slowly appear in front of my own eyes, and then slowly melt into that blackness myself.

He stared blankly at the black in front of him, which seemed to be an unusual black.

It was a kind of black that exuded a glint of light, as if it was flowing slowly, and it seemed that there was no movement at all.

The sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is still, and all things are born from the root and the end.

He seemed to have realized something, but he didn't seem to understand anything yet.

He entered inside with a half-knowledge, and slowly meditated.

It's not that Lu Chen has never been to this fourth floor, but he didn't have such a strong feeling in his heart a few times before.

He seemed to understand something.

In the past, he thought that the exercises in the fourth layer were the most important, but now his opinion has wavered a little.

Could it be that the most important thing in the fourth level is to be able to perfect one's own way?

He didn't think about it anymore, and quickly started to use the exercises in his body, and began to comprehend the Taoism between heaven and earth.

At the beginning, he didn't notice any changes, but as he practiced for a long time, he clearly felt some small changes in his body.

These changes might not seem obvious, but he felt the series of changes clearly.

His five senses became more sensitive, and his mood became more stable.

Perhaps the most important thing for a cultivator is the state of mind. Of course other things are also important, but the most important thing for a cultivator is the original heart.

Only with the heart can we follow the way.

Only by not losing your heart can you become enlightened.

There were no more complicated thoughts in Lu Chen's heart, and he felt extremely clear.

The few times he came to the fourth floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, he didn't discover such a mystery. He was only focused on cultivating desperately, but he didn't pay attention to the environment of this mysterious and different space.

The training time passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Chen stayed on the fourth floor of the Library Pavilion for a full three months before leaving the Library Pavilion.

With such an opportunity in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, when Lu Chen came out again, he was completely different from before.

When he returned the key to the librarian, he didn't miss the look of astonishment in the other's eyes.

Leaving Zangshu Pavilion, because he won the leader of this competition.

All the elders were very happy. After a whole morning's discussion, they gave the whole college a small holiday.

Dongsheng and Zhongzhou have fought so much, and although they have never won the championship, they have never been as dazzling as this time.

It's just because this time's opponent, Hun Yan, is known as the most outstanding genius in the Diyuan Continent in the past 500 years!

And the name Lu Chen will also be heard by the whole continent along with the trend tonight!

And what about Lu Chen himself?

When this guy heard the news of the holiday, he felt extremely excited.

After resting in his room for a while, he had already made his plans.

I want to take advantage of this vacation to go back and see the people from the two continents he brought.

What happened to the Zongmen at that time?

You must know that Chase Lu has taken a lot of things and is going back to share with everyone!

As soon as this idea appeared, Chase Lu put everything he needed and didn't need into his storage space.

Walking to the window sill, Lu Chen, who was about to summon the black cloud, hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and decided that he should go to the elders to say goodbye.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen had already arrived at the meeting hall.

Pushing open the door informally, shouting "I'm back!"

Pushing open the door, Lu Chen was stunned for two seconds. There were not only those elders in the meeting hall, but also some other people.

Lu Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, when Li Zhi, who was sitting on the side, came out to speak: "Ahem, why are you back, Lu Chen?"

Seeing Li Zhi relieve himself of embarrassment, Lu Chen immediately rushed to his side, smiled courteously at several familiar elders around him, and said, "I don't care that you guys gave everyone a vacation and are going to go out for a trip. Isn't this here to say goodbye to you?"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he heard a slight sound of complaints: "As long as you know to say goodbye to us, you can't wait to leave quickly."

Lu Chen flew away with a sharp eye, extremely embarrassed, he chose not to hear or not.

Li Zhi pretended to cough twice, relieved his suppressed smile, and said, "Since we came to say goodbye, Ling Chen is leaving now?"

Hearing this, Ling Chen seemed to be greatly relieved, he was worried about how to get out, he said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I see that you also have important matters to discuss, so I will slip away first."

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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