Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2453 The dark horse among the freshmen

The Sancai Sword floated silently beside Lu Chen, and the momentum had reached its peak before it was unsheathed.He nodded slightly towards Hun Yan.They all look forward to a confrontation with the strong. This kind of expectation cannot be announced by the competition party. Only the consent of the two parties can trigger this war!

Lu Chen took a step forward, narrowly dodging the attack of a piece of talisman paper.Hun Yan didn't intend to show mercy, so the moment he got Lu Chen's consent, he made a move, and a piece of bàopo talisman paper appeared behind Lu Chen in an instant.

Space power!

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, the power of the space system is like a tiger with wings added to the talisman repair, and the weird and unpredictable space means are enough to place the talisman paper wherever Hun Yan wants.This arena fight is just his chessboard, and all he has to do is to lure Chase Lu step by step to the end he designed.

Ripples in the space oscillated behind Chase Lu, and calmness returned after a burst of fluctuations. Hun Yan's face changed, and he threw a talisman with his right hand to force back Chen Lu who was attacking.

Lu Chen stabbed out a sword at random, and when the sword reached, a piece of yellow talisman paper was split into two.Space power Chase Lu is also good at it. It is a bit whimsical to want to use space power to defeat Chase Lu.

Stepping out one step at a time, a black and white trace left on the road along with Lu Chen's movement, maple trees, ancient villages, sword practitioners...

Lu Chen's Zhisha is like a ink pen, and phantoms of small worlds appear in the original space wherever he passes.Under the blessing of several wills, Lu Chen's swordsmanship reached its peak. Hun Yan kept casting spells and retreated to distance himself, but Lu Chen seemed to be unaffected, and one attack after another missed Lu Chen and blasted to the side.

Hun Yan stopped suddenly, and one after another talisman papers lifted off from different places and instantly turned into a large formation.In the colorful brilliance, several elements are intertwined, turning into a terrifying energy behemoth.

Lu Chen no longer hesitated, and slashed out with a sword.

"The appearance of all living beings, all living beings with one sword!"

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of bàozhà continued to explode, and the multicolored light blocked people's sight, making people look down on the situation of the formation.

A black and white sword energy struck swiftly, so fast that even Hun Yan couldn't react in time, it was too late to dodge.Ripples in the space vibrated, space cracks cut Hun Yan's belt, and a large number of talisman papers were smashed, releasing huge energy.Hun Yan's eyes darkened, and with a wave of his right hand, he firmly grasped the talisman paper and turned it into a folding fan.Hun Yan strode close to Lu Chen and at the same time fanned the folding fan in his hand, attacking Lu Chen with elemental illusions, every time he fanned, a corner of the folding fan was torn and turned into fly ash.

The elements were primitive and violent, and even Lu Chen didn't dare to pick them up randomly and had to dodge left and right. Space ripples suddenly appeared behind him, and there were bàozhà of several elements in front.Gritting his teeth, Lu Chen slammed into the pile of elements. There was a coolness behind him, and the scorching pain kept stimulating Lu Chen's nerves.

The bàozhà of the element compressed his perception to the minimum. Amidst the colorful splendor, a black talisman paper protruded from the inside of the bàozhà element with a palm and stuck it between Lu Chen's eyebrows. It hangs on the body in pieces, but the corner of the mouth pulls out a successful smile.

The blood left from the corner of Hun Yan's mouth stained the talisman red, and the scene in front of Lu Chen blurred.


Hun Yan uttered these two words lightly, and the expression in his eyes returned to calm.

This kind of distance illusion, even if it is a level higher than Hun Yan, Hun Yan has the confidence to pull it into his own world.

A fiery pain suddenly came from the wrist, and a fiery palm tightly grasped Hun Yan's wrist.


The roar of the ancient dragon exploded in Hun Yan's ears, making Hun Yan feel his soul tremble.Lu Chen shook Hun Yan and smashed him into the ground, the flames turned from red to white and erupted from the palm of his hand.

Hun Yan has many defensive formations drawn by himself, this kind of attack is not fatal, but the fighting ability may not be retained.

Hun Yan's formation technique is indeed terrifying, and the rich elemental means made Lu Chen extremely embarrassed. Lu Chen really did not have the confidence to resist the attack just now, but it is a pity that Hun Yan wanted to use illusion to deal with Lu Chen. For Lu Chen, this kind of illusion is just like watching flowers on horseback, a few moments are pojiě.

The flame suddenly picked up, and followed Lu Chen's arm all the way up. Lu Chen wanted to withdraw, but found that he had lost control of his body. Unlike Lu Chen's white smoke that cleans everything, Soul Yan's purple flame is like the name of the underworld. , its attack level goes directly from the body to the soul, and the pain of burning the soul made Lu Chen couldn't help taking a breath.

Clenching the teeth, the flame in the palm of the hand is even hotter, the law of the fire system has descended, now is not the time to hold back, if everyone is unwilling to let go, then they can only compete with will!

The confinement of the body suddenly disappeared, and Lu Chen threw off Hun Yan's wrist and moved aside to adjust his breath. At this time, his shirt was completely burned, revealing a bronze and strong body, black hair curled upside down and crossed, and there were sporadic sparks on his eyebrows beat.Hun Yan was hidden under a cloud of purple fireworks and couldn't see the situation clearly, but judging from his drastically changing breath, his injury was no less serious than Lu Chen.

Lu Chen spit out a mouthful of black smoke, and the movement of spiritual energy extinguished all the sparks on his body. Hua Longjue muttered, but his figure had already appeared in the sky above Hun Yan, and a whip kick hit Hun Yan hard.

Before he could catch his breath, Hun Yan danced his purple flames to meet Lu Chen. The purple flames attached to Lu Chen's golden dragon aura were shaken away by the dragon aura, but Lu Chen launched his offensive again, smashing fists, elbows, legs, and knees like raindrops. On Hun Yan.Hun Yan retreated again and again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Hun Yan's mouth. The blood was stained with purple flames and turned into a blast of flames that knocked Lu Chen back several meters.

The purple flames scorched the dragon energy to cancel each other out, Lu Chen's eyes became colder and colder, Tai Chi was running, all the purple flames on his body moved to his elbows, ripples in the space swayed, Lu Chen appeared in the sky above Hun Yan, and he fell down with his elbows. Ziyan smashed towards Hunyan like a falling meteor.


A crisp bone crack sounded, and Hun Yan fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and Lu Chen took the stop that was pressing on Hun Yan's neck.Sighed.Finally won the five-academy competition, the sexy girl twisted "qiaotun" and walked towards the arena, the commentator used his unique voice to bring passionate commentary, the gambler looked at the arena stupidly, did not expect that Hun Yan would be able to lose.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Just when everyone thought that Chase Lu had won, a sudden change occurred, and the purple flames rapidly expanded and burned, turning into black flames. Chase Lu turned his head in surprise. The flames were as black as an abyss, boundless and boundless to bring those who offended it to death !

Lu Chen flashed and rushed to the edge of the arena. However, the black flames spread too fast, and the entire arena was wrapped in just one breath. The barriers of the arena kept shaking, and the black flames fiercely hit the defense mechanism of the arena. , Destroy everything it can touch!

Several figures flashed from all over in front of the arena, and everyone looked dignified. The horror of such power could even threaten their existence. Without hesitation, several auras poured into the barrier, purifying the black flames in the arena .

As for Chase Lu, they no longer have the heart to think about his life and death. Under such terrifying power, the chance of Chase Lu surviving is too small.

"Soul capture!"

A loud roar suddenly shook the arena, and the black flame gradually climbed up to the white, and the black and white airflow circled around the black flame, wrapping the black flame into a sphere. He wanted to struggle, but was wrapped tightly by the Tai Chi ball, and finally subsided gradually. The Tai Chi ball floated and rotated steadily, gradually shrunk, and turned into black and white intertwined airflow slowly circling, and the figures of Lu Chen and Hun Yan gradually appeared.

Hun Yan was covered in charcoal black, and his body had been seriously destroyed by the burns. Blood was constantly flowing out from Hun Yan's wound, turning into black marks as the blood slipped down.Wisps of white smoke rose slowly.

Lu Chen's situation couldn't be better, Hun Yan's life-burning blow was too sudden and Lu Chen couldn't avoid it. The blood from Tan Hei's body gushed out like a spring, and a lot of white smoke dripped on the ground.

Lu Chen could already feel the qi and blood in his body surging, and there was also a faint fishy smell in his throat.

He pulled himself together and put all his strength on the sword, his face was still calm.

This also prevented others from noticing his discomfort, and he slightly looked down at the audience sitting down.

The audience didn't know anything about Chase Lu's physical condition, but they just thought the fight was extremely exciting, and applauded after seeing Chase Lu who was still standing still on the stage.

Although this move was a risky move, it still won by a slight advantage.

He frowned suddenly, and forcibly swallowed the blood that was about to overflow from his throat.

How could he not know his physical condition?

Obviously, it is already the end of the battle!

That Hunyan is really terrifying. Could it be Lu Chen's recovery ability from Dragon Transformation Art and Dragon Qi Attraction, how could he win by a narrow margin?

Dongsheng had already started to set off firecrackers, and the whole academy started to shout.

On the other side, in Zhongzhou, the host also walked towards him with a smile on his face.

He could only see the host's mouth opening and closing, as if saying, "Now the finals of the freshman finals have been divided, and the final winner is now standing in front of us like a warrior... .”

Lu Chen could already think of the following words with his toes, and they were nothing more than words that praised him.

He couldn't help raising his eyes to look at the person he had narrowly defeated, but he looked embarrassed.

The originally handsome black figure is now a little messy.

Although he made it to the finals, who would remember No.2?

Even though his soul is flaming, what kind of person was he in the past.

But today, he now has an extra name on his head-Lu Chen!

The host gave him an encouraging look, and Chase Lu immediately understood that it was time for him to speak.

He cleared his throat and said, "First of all, I am very grateful to the Freshman Competition for giving me this opportunity. Thank you everyone, and thank you all the opponents, you are the best."

After finishing speaking, he put away the sword in his hand, bowed slightly, and there was a burst of applause as soon as he lowered his voice.

Although the words are simple, they have already said everything.

As soon as he stepped off the stage, a group of people wearing Dongsheng's iconic clothes rushed towards him, congratulating him repeatedly.

Lu Chen thanked each other one by one, and this time Dongsheng's enthusiasm was a bit higher than expected.

The most important thing is that Lu Chen knows this group of guys, but he was with Chi Qianyu before!

How come now?

Before Lu Chen came back to his senses, another man came over.

When Lu Chen looked back, he was startled. This person is the elder who led Dongsheng!

Now the man headed by Dongsheng hugged Lu Chen's shoulders familiarly, and said with a smile, "We really didn't miss it. You are really a dark horse among the freshmen. After Dongsheng's unanimous discussion, we decided to let you enter again. How would you like to stay on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion for three months?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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