Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2452 Soul Flame

Lu Chen used a more powerful technique suitable for dealing with sword cultivators, jumped up, and shouted to the sky: "One form of sentient beings!"

By the way, he recited the mantra, gathered his sword intent and mind as one, and wanted to defeat Chi Qianyu.

Chi Qianyu sensed something was wrong, and quickly wanted to dodge it, but he knew that it was so easy to dodge with Lu Chen using ten percent of his strength?

Chi Qianyu could only hold the sword to resist stubbornly. The eyes of the two fought in the air, and sparks flashed. This is compared to psychological warfare.

The eyes of the two also met at that moment.

Between each other, there are also flashes of pride and disobedience!

In an instant, Lu Chen smashed it down!

As for Chi Qianyu, unable to hold back the excitement in his heart any longer, he flipped the long sword in his hand!

Suddenly, a turbulent momentum rolled in!

This is the sword move that Chi Qianyu specially researched for Lu Chen - Life on the sea!

With the sword move, the world suddenly moved, and for a while, Lu Chen even felt that he was in the endless sea, among countless oceans!

And on the sword, there was actually a faintly shining round of dying sun!

Chi Qianyu's eyes were extremely indifferent, the dying sun symbolized him!

But even though he was so depressed and broken, Chi Qianyu didn't have the slightest thought of giving up.

He knew that the man in front of him was really terrifyingly talented.

Even Chi Qianyu himself, the man who was praised by countless people for growing up, had nothing to say other than being amazed after seeing Lu Chen's terrifying sword intent.

Therefore, Chi Qianyu knew that the gap between himself and the person above his head would only grow wider and further away.

But Chi Qianyu didn't intend to give up. Although it was possible, following that man would make him a shadow for the rest of his life.

But this stop is the beginning of Chi Qianyu's progress!

It's just that he didn't expect at all that Lu Chen didn't want to fight him well in the first place.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched as the turbulent waves hit Lu Chen. Obviously, he didn't expect Chi Qianyu to strike so hard, which made Lu Chen feel a little scared.

Fortunately, Chase Lu was already prepared.

It's just because Lu Chen still has an identity, but it's not well known to everyone.

That is his identity as a formation master.

In the previous few confrontations, Lu Chen used his own sword, at most he used a Tai Chi.

Lu Chen must be the only guy who can hide his strength like this!

So everyone didn't know at all that what Lu Chen was most proud of was his own formation!

So Chase Lu deliberately played late today, giving the opponent a sense of haste.

However, what they didn't know was that Lu Chen himself was very comfortable, not to mention hasty, not even a little nervous.

After getting on stage, the reason why Lu Chen released the water was firstly to set up an formation, and secondly to show weakness on the surface, leading Chi Qianyu to want to go to the other side.

Because at their level, if they want to set up formations, they will naturally not use this ancient and primitive method.

Otherwise, he might be ridiculed by someone.

Even Lu Chen didn't dare to show any fluctuations in spiritual power when setting up the formation.

It is also because of this that what he deployed was only a small formation.

But this is enough!

Lu Chen didn't show any fear at the moment, and rushed forward brazenly, the long sword in his hand also had the power of a sword, as if he was about to fight to the death.

But in Lu Chen's body, he used his soul to outline the formation in secret, echoing the formation over there.

There were many people watching the match between Chase Lu and Chi Qianyu, even accounting for half of the audience.

This is already the semi-finals of the five-academy competition, the goal is to decide the two in front!

That is to say, Lu Chen is very casual, only paying attention to who he wants to fight, but he doesn't pay attention to the schedule at all.

Of course, there are also reasons why other groups are not very good-looking.

Although Chase Lu is sensible, he doesn't want to watch those youngsters' games, does he?

But those who competed with Chase Lu were already half of the top players.

In this round of the five-academy competition, Lu Chen's road is one of the most eye-catching highlights in the eyes of everyone.

Not to mention Lu Chen at this moment, even everyone in the audience was extremely nervous.

This wave of head-to-head confrontation, can Lu Chen win miraculously like before?

Under the eyes of everyone, those two aggressive attacks finally collided together!

One side was turbulent, and then the power of the sea accumulated his sword power, rushing towards Lu Chen!

while the other party

Just now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Chen took a step forward with the formation and appeared a few meters away!

Not to mention Chi Qianyu, the audience on the field felt baffled.

It has to be said that the timing of Lu Chen's withdrawal was really ingenious, just at the time when Chi Qianyu couldn't fully withdraw, Lu Chen suddenly disappeared.

No matter who it is, it will be a little bit crazy!

Before Chi Qianyu was completely surprised, an attack came forward, smashing Chi Qianyu's sword from the side.

Although it has not been broken up, the remaining power is not as terrifying as before.

Lu Chen smiled, faced Chi Qianyu's astonished gaze, and kicked him over.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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At this moment, Chi Qianyu knew that Lu Chen had been accumulating momentum before, and what he was accumulating was not some sword momentum.

What he prepared was this kick!

It's not that Lu Chen is bragging, he knows in his heart that even Chi Qianyu may not have the fighting power if he goes down with this kick.

The reason why he used his feet was just that he didn't want to hurt his fellow disciples and destroy Dong Sheng's combat effectiveness.

With this kick, he used sword intent.

Chi Qianyu is now on the verge of decline, so he is naturally no match for the prosperous Lu Chen.

In an instant, the outcome was decided.

Chi Qianyu was naturally unconvinced and wanted to continue fighting.

But at the end of the crossbow, how can he defeat Lu Chen's new victory?

After being cleaned up by Lu Chen for a while, there was no words.

It's just that he never thought that Lu Chen would use such a small trick today.

Lu Chen didn't care about him so much, and walked off the stage slowly.

Looking at the jubilant but silent crowd in front of him, Lu Chen just felt like laughing, but he didn't know where it was funny.

The reason why Lu Chen did this today must be to maintain some strength against that Hunyan.

You must know that the guy who is called a ghost has no defeat even now.

Even Lin He, the No. [-] seed in Zhongzhou, can only draw with Hun Yan at best!

And Lin He, in that secret realm before, was able to stabilize Chi Qianyu's head, and Lu Chen was able to take advantage of the situation to beat him violently, but it was all because of a lot of luck.

Just after Lu Chen hit Lin He with a dazed face, Lin Heke also broke out along the way, soaring all the way.

From this we can see how strong this Hun Yan is.

Actually, Chase Lu had a third reason.

As for Chi Qianyu, although there was a little uncomfortable friction before, Lu Chen was still very optimistic about this guy.

Therefore, Lu Chen's previous general show operation also had a certain element of vigilance.

He didn't want Chi Qianyu, even now, to be immersed in his previous fantasies!

Lu Chen walked down the stage slowly, looked up, and happened to catch a glimpse of the gentle woman in front of the stage.

It's Bai Yu!

Lu Chen didn't know what to say, his eyes flickered, he didn't smile, he just lowered his head slightly.

Mo Dao looked at each other and smiled, hoping that embarrassment would be rare.

Lu Chen looked back at the endless green mountains behind him, and wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

In the end, he just walked out slowly by himself.

Time is really tight, and he still has to prepare for the next peak battle.

Lu Chen went back, not only ignoring Bai Yu, but also ignoring the others.

He has been practicing, and has been experiencing this rare loneliness by himself.

He knew that in the face of the subsequent battle with Hun Yan, he had to have his own invincible disposition.

Only then will there be such a possibility to win!

Finally, that day has come.

Lu Chen withdrew from the cultivation state, and entered the arena early, which is rare.Today's battle is the last battle of the five-academy competition. Finally, we can see the strength of the Hun Yan who has been talked about all the time. Lu Chen is also looking forward to it. Fighting against the strong is often the best way to improve his strength. .Regardless of victory or defeat, this experience will accompany Chase Lu all the way and be integrated into Chen Lu's path of practice.

The auditorium was already full, and the deafening drums beat rhythmically. A few students opened the tables to form a small casino.Taking a rough look at Lu Chen, the ratio has long been out of balance, and Hun Yan's odds are much higher than Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's face was suddenly moved, and he saw a corner of the auditorium. Bai Yu lowered his head and pressed a heavy money bag on Lu Chen's name amidst a group of people yelling and making noise.Baiyu, a small family jade, has never been in the muddy water of the casino, and now she is persuaded and ridiculed by the gamblers, but she can't do anything about it. She can only bow her head silently and carry out the basic process, but the clenched little hands are exposed. Bai Yu's inner feelings.

The footsteps pause, and then move again, this kind of moment is always familiar, the clichéd book plot like a storyteller is actually being staged, fortunately, there are always people who have expectations for him in this lonely time, and what he has to do, but In response to this expectation, a sudden strong obsession climbed into Lu Chen's mind.

He wants to win!

The organizers of the competition prepared a unique arena for the final battle of the five-academy competition. The heart is white, and the colors deepen and extend outwards layer by layer, representing the power of different elements.The ground of this special material is enough to ensure the cleanliness of the battle, so that players can play freely.The size of the arena is more than twice the size of ordinary competitions. In order to give practitioners of different directions the maximum space to play and make the competition exciting enough, the organizers specially made this setting. The arena has special space for majors The powerhouse has room for folding built in.Its internal range is much larger than it looks.

Lu Chen stepped onto the arena, only to find that Hun Yan had already meditated and waited on the spot.It is well known that Zhongzhou and Dongsheng are at odds. As a genius of Zhongzhou, he can give enough respect to the enemy forces. Such a mentality really makes Lu Chen admire.

Seeing Lu Chen's arrival, Hun Yan also finished his meditation.

You can't tell a thing or two from the plain and watery expression. Hun Yan's realm is supposed to be similar to Lu Chen, but for some reason, Lu Chen can't see Hun Yan's strength, just like the spring water overflowing from an ancient well, and the dew full of harmony. Without a trace of flaws!

The realm of Taiji is to pay attention to fullness and fullness.As a talisman cultivator, Hun Yan can cultivate his strength to this state, even Lu Chen dare not say that he can be better than Hun Yan in this respect, which shows how terrible Hun Yan is!

Since the contestants from both sides entered the arena, the organizers of the competition did not delay everyone's time, and started the competition directly. After all, the scene at this moment has been fully ignited, and we only look forward to a hearty battle.

The game started, but both sides waited for a rare opportunity and did not seize the opportunity.

"Are you ready?" Hun Yan gently pulled out a handful of talisman paper and read to Lu Chen.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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