Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2424 Not to be outdone

Chapter 420 Not to be outdone

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuanwu immediately lowered his head, put his hands on the back of the suzerain's wife, and comforted him in a low voice: "Mother, my son knows that he is wrong, and he will not do this again in the future."

At this time, the Great Elder finally found his voice, "Sovereign! You! You! Aren't you?"

Lu Chen knew that the Great Elder could not be allowed to take the initiative, so he said decisively: "Kneel down!"

The suzerain had built up a lot of prestige in Duantian Sect, the first elder knelt on the ground subconsciously when he heard this violent roar.

"Sovereign me"


Lu Chen looked at the elder with the eyes of a dead man, "The situation was so critical at that time, and you ran away without saying a word? Did you take my safety into consideration? If it weren't for me and An'er's fate, Get away with feigning death, Duan Tianzong is yours now!?"

After several questionings, the great elder was completely dizzy. He looked at Lu Chen timidly, knelt down and kowtowed: "Return to the suzerain! This subordinate has no such intention! The suzerain must trust the subordinate!"

He no longer had any doubts about whether Chase Lu was real, and he just wanted to ask Chase Lu not to embarrass him too much.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said angrily: "Get out of here! I will announce how to deal with you after I meet the other elders in the sect!"

The great elder went out in panic, not daring to say a word.

After he went out, the suzerain's wife rushed to Lu Chen's side, hugged him vigorously, and then kissed Lu Chen.

Shyly and timidly said: "Master Suzerain, I thought you didn't want the slave family anymore! How can you bear to abandon the slave family!"

A 50-[-]-year-old woman made such a creepy expression. Lu Chen resisted touching the goosebumps on his body, and gently wrapped his arms around the suzerain's wife.

"This matter is over. Don't be afraid. Go back to your room first. Why, I still have something to do with my husband. I'll go to you when I'm done."

The suzerain's wife is not a person who ignores the overall situation. Hearing what Lu Chen said, she gave him a sad look, then got up and left.

After she left, Lu Chen and Xuan Wu glanced at each other, both feeling grateful for the rest of their lives.

The other elders of Duan Tianzong came in a short time. After they met, none of them recognized Lu Chen. Just when Lu Chen and Xuanwu felt that the test had passed, a young man ran in and knelt on the ground road:

"Go back to the suzerain, the elder Taishang said he wants to see you!"

Lu Chen stood up, looked at Xuanwu, and said, "An'er and I will go together, you two should leave!"

The elder Taishang is the most powerful person in Duan Tianzong, even higher than Chen Lu himself.

When Lu Chen and the others arrived, the elder Taishang was drinking tea. He only glanced at them and realized something was wrong.

He raised his hand, "Sovereign sit down, An'er sit too."

Lu Chen found that he couldn't see through the strength of the Supreme Elder at all, and couldn't help but tremble.

The elder Taishang said: "This is your favorite Liu'an Guapian. Would you like to try it?"

Just as Lu Chen was about to pick it up, a cup of tea was poured on Lu Chen's body. The elder Taishang said angrily, "You little boy, who the hell are you? How dare you pretend to be the Sect Master of Duan Tianzong?"

Lu Chen sneered, "I'm afraid the Great Elder is confused, I am the Sect Master of Duantian Sect!"

The elder Taishang snorted coldly, stopped talking, and hit Lu Chen directly on the heart with his palm. Lu Chen bent down and narrowly avoided it.

In addition, he drew out his long sword and stabbed at the elder Taishang. The elder Taishang raised his head in surprise when he missed the blow. Chance for Chase Lu to react.

But after all, underestimating the enemy, Lu Chen can also seize the opportunity to fight back a few times. At this time, Xuanwu, who has been ignored by the Supreme Elder, moved, drew out his weapon and flew towards the Supreme Elder. The Supreme Elder's eyes sharpened, thinking To use a sword to separate them just gave Lu Chen a loophole.

The killing sword pierced through his chest, the elder Taishang turned his head in disbelief, looked at Lu Chen who was wearing the face of the Sect Master Duantian, opened his mouth a few times, and then fell silent.

After dealing with the Supreme Elder, Lu Chen used a trick to turn the Supreme Elder into an appearance of dying, and then summoned all the disciples of Duan Tianzong.

Lu Chen looked at the elders of the Duantian Sect, and said sadly: "The Supreme Elder knew that his time was approaching, so he gave some things to me at the last moment, and the Supreme Elder will go all the way!"

The disciples of Duan Tianzong all knelt down and said loudly: "Elder Taishang, go all the way!"

Since then, the only person who can recognize Lu Chen and Xuanwu's official identities in Duan Tianzong has also died, and Duan Tianzong is almost in Lu Chen's pocket.

After burying the Great Elder, Lu Chen punished the Great Elder on the grounds of betraying the sect. He still left a line, instead of directly executing the Great Elder, he drove him far away from Duan Tianzong's territory.

The Great Elder only brought a small burden, and stood alone outside Duan Tianzong's gate.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the Great Elder was startled. At that time, he saw the death of the suzerain and the young suzerain with his own eyes!How could it be possible to come back to life suddenly?

But now even if he rushed in and explained the matter in detail, no one would believe him anymore.

Could it be that Duan Tianzong is over like this?

The Great Elder shook his head vigorously, thinking about it, anyway, he is no longer a member of the Heaven Breaking Sect!

Here, Lu Chen slowly arranged all the top ten holy masters into important positions in Duantianzong.

The Duantian Sect is basically maintained by the offerings of believers. Although the private treasury of the Duantian Sect master is very rich, the sect's treasury is indeed empty.

It was really impossible to go on like this, so Lu Chen took out more than half of the money in his private treasury and started businesses such as jewelry and food shops.

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Even after doing these businesses, Lu Chen always insisted not to compete with the people for profit, and Duan Tianzong's reputation was much better than before.

Because of Lu Chen's various drastic reforms, the disciples of Duan Tianzong have more and more trust in this suzerain whose temperament is very different from before.

At the same time, facing the elders in Duan Tianzong who still wanted to continue to decentralize power, Lu Chen would kill them as soon as they should, without ambiguity.

If this continues, after a while, the important positions in the sect are almost all his people.

Lu Chen slowly held Duan Tianzong in his hand, and then slowly extended his tentacles out of Duan Tianzong, and gradually began to understand the movements and situations outside.

But before the personnel were settled, they met Duan Tianzong's enemies looking for revenge.

The man said domineeringly: "Call out the boss of your family, he has eaten the heart of a bear and a leopard. How dare you do anything to our belongings!"

Seeing the aggressive approach, the younger brother immediately called Huang Xing out.

Huang Xing glanced at the person who came, and he knew that this person was just a little guy, and the real master hadn't come yet.

"Call your suzerain over, we'll talk again." Huang Xing said to that person lightly.

"What are you, dare to ask to see our suzerain?" The man spat and said.

Huang Xing didn't say anything, but just glanced at that person lightly.

The man looked directly at Huang Chen's eyes, and with just one glance, he was overwhelmed by Huang Chen's momentum.He wanted to say something more, but an old man came out and stopped him.

"Little brother has such an aura at such a young age. I really admire this old man. This is a matter between this old man and the suzerain of Duantian Sect. You should call your suzerain out." Killing heart, he came out and said.

"Oh? You can see the Duantian Sect master if you want?" Lu Xing felt that the person who came was not kind, and that person didn't know that the Duantian Sect had changed hands, so he hid his identity first.

"There is a grievance and a debtor. We are only looking for your suzerain and have nothing to do with you." The strong man who spoke rudely was aggressive again.

Huang Xing glanced at the strong man, and without any hesitation, he shot directly.

But in the blink of an eye, the strong man vomited blood and fell down.

When the old man saw that his men fell down, he didn't care about his demeanor anymore. He became anxious, pointed his sword at Huang Chen, and couldn't say a word.

Looking at the old man's appearance, Huang Xing snorted, and said lightly with a sneer: "I don't know what grievances you have with Duan Tianzong, but I just can't bear people speaking rudely to me."

"Where did you come from, you brat, how dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?" the old man said angrily.

"Do I really need to know who you are?" Huang Xing had already gathered strength before he could finish his sentence.

The old man is not to be outdone.

But he underestimated Huang Xing's combat power.

But after a few rounds, the old man has already lost the wind.Looking at it, Huang Xing thought to himself, it's not bad that this person can resist me for a few rounds.But I haven't exerted all my strength yet, I don't know if the old man can resist after exerting all my strength.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth raised upwards, and he looked at the old man with disdain.

Before the old man could react, Huang Xing started another round of attack.

The old man had no strength to resist, and he couldn't stand it with just one blow.

When the people around saw that their suzerain was beaten to death so easily, they were stunned, and then they all scattered like birds and beasts.

Huang Chen sneered, and asked the disciples of Duan Tianzong to dispose of the corpses of the old man and the big man.

Not long after, someone came to the door again.

The visitor this time was obviously different from the last few times.This person has a powerful aura, not an ordinary person.

The people who came had already killed the two doormen before they reached the gate of Duan Tianzong.

Huang Xing was cultivating himself, when he suddenly sensed this strong aura, he immediately calmed down.

Huang Xing came out of the room, just in time to bump into someone.

The man glanced at Huang Xing lightly, and began to gather his true energy without saying a word.

This person had a very murderous intent, Huang Xing took a look at him, and knew that he had to use all his strength to last until the arrival of the other Holy Masters, otherwise he might not survive this battle.

The man didn't do anything directly, but said: "You have to pay for the life of the Suzerain of the Shocking Sect."

After the man finished speaking, he was on the verge of Huang Xing's life.

Huang Xing could barely dodge.

After several rounds, that person didn't take advantage of Huang Xing.

At the same time, Huang Xing found that the man was in the bottleneck period of cultivation, and he would go crazy if he didn't pay attention, and now he used such a large amount of true energy to fight, it was a gamble of his life, I really don't know that the old man is right What does it mean to him.

Huang Xing thought for a while and said, "What does the old man mean to you, making you work so hard on him?"

The man didn't answer, but just attacked Huang Xing blindly.

"The old man didn't deserve to die, he asked for trouble." Huang Xing said again.

The person who heard this sentence suddenly became stronger in attack, but his true energy was a lot messed up.

Huang Xing added oil and vinegar again.

The man's figure flashed suddenly, and Huang Xing felt that the opportunity had come, so he made a sudden move. The man was a powerful character.This move was acceptable to him, and the man was seriously injured, but he also escaped.

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