Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2425 Dongsheng Academy

Chapter 420, Dongsheng Academy

All the other holy masters came at night.

Huang Xing told them exactly what happened.

After they discussed, they also agreed with Lu Chen's idea.

If this so-called elder is not removed, I'm afraid Lu Chen and others will not feel at ease! '

In the eastern part of the Diyuan Continent, there is the most fascinating academy - Dongsheng.

It is said that it is the most fascinating because Dongsheng College is powerful and its teachers are unimaginable. Many strong people have been taught here.

The most famous one is the No. 1 sect. It is said that his strength has reached the third level of the Earth Element Realm.

When the news spread, many people's first reaction was to feel unbelievable and unbelievable, thinking that it was just fake news.

After all, if someone wants to reach the realm of the void, it takes a lot of effort. Your natural physique and luck determine what kind of achievements you can achieve in the future.

And there are also many geniuses on the way of seeking the Tao, but it is a pity that the sky is jealous of the talents and died young. They are too good to avoid the edge.

Being envied by others, meteors perish.

But no matter what, the facts are the facts, and no one has reached the realm of the Earth Element Realm, it does not mean that no one will ever reach this realm.

There are talents from generation to generation, and the No. 1 sect is that talent, who has reached the realm that many people can only look up to throughout their lives.

As a result, sect No.1 has become an idol, a model, and a successful example among thousands of disciples who seek the Tao.

So when the internal personnel of this excellent college Dongsheng released to recruit students from all corners of the country, everyone would be so shocked. After the shock, there was ambition and fanaticism that could not be hidden in their eyes.

This academy is rich in resources, and the people who enter are one in a million. If your ability is not enough, the value of force is not enough, and you are not working hard enough, then even if you are gāogānzidi, your family is one of the best and the most powerful , It is also difficult to get in.

Because there is someone guarding Dongsheng Academy, and that person is not an ordinary dignitary, but a dignitary among the dignitaries in the dignitaries.

So far no one knows who this person is.

The recruitment of Dongsheng College is to release the news directly to the outside world, attracting students with strength and ambition to sign up.

Dongsheng Academy is amazing. It won't be long before they release the news, and almost everyone in the world will know about it.

And Chase Lu is no exception. Chase Lu can't wait to improve his strength, because only when he is strong can he protect the people he wants to protect and have a bright future.

Lu Chen hurried from the inn where he was staying to Dongsheng College, and was almost late. No one likes people who are not punctual.

Fortunately, Lu Chen arrived. He stood in front of the gate of Dongsheng College, and his young heart was deeply shocked.

Sure enough, poverty limited his imagination. There were two dragons carved in front of the gate of Dongsheng College, with their teeth and claws, and their whole body was full of kingly demeanor.

Look at the eyes of these two dragons, they are staring at you closely, full of aura, which makes people feel fear and awe involuntarily.

It can be used to confuse the enemy. Even Lu Chen, who had a firm heart, was almost dazzled by the aura of these two dragons when he came in, and couldn't control his mind.

In this way, it is useless to talk about other disciples. Their Taoism is not firm enough and they are easily confused.

Look, a man who looks like a handsome, well-mannered scholar.

At first he was still determined, but as time went by, he couldn't hold on any longer and almost fainted. In the end, the fellow Taoist who was standing next to him helped him to prevent him from falling down.

The situation of other people is not much different from that of this fellow Taoist, and some of them are even worse than them. They couldn't even hold on for a while, and they staggered and fell down.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are people who are as good as Lu Chen. They are all the proud sons of heaven, the pride of the family, or they are self-contained sects, and they will not be affected by any exception without exception.

They all thought that this was just a formation formed by Dongsheng Academy at the gate, just in case of thieves.

But no one could have imagined that there was an old man with an amiable face sitting leisurely on the first floor, carefully observing the reactions of the students from the top to the bottom.

I saw him slowly holding his sleeves, raised his hand to pick up the teapot, and poured hot tea into the teacup.

Then he sat down, closed his eyes tightly, pinched his fingers and said to the powerful man in black next to him: "This year, are the disciples who came to sign up at this level? They don't have a firm heart, and they still want to enter my Dongsheng Academy. Are you trying to tarnish our reputation?"

After saying these words, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, and said in a passionate tone: "Does our Dongsheng accept all kinds of cats and dogs? Think we are a shelter?"

Having said that, the old man calmed down slowly, his heart was as calm as water, as if no one could cause ripples in his heart.

When the old man saw Lu Chen, his eyes lit up, and he praised Lu Chen loudly without hesitation: "This kid is not bad, not bad, he has a firm heart, and he will only go farther and farther on the road in the future, and become more and more powerful. Little At such a young age, one can vaguely see the demeanor of a king who will look down on the world in the future, and the younger generation will be fearful, and the younger generation will be fearful."

The old man kept clapping his hands excitedly, and said three or four times in a row that the younger generation is awesome, which was enough to predict the shock in the old man's heart.

As for Lu Chen below, he was deeply shocked by the magnificence of the Dongsheng College's enrollment, and his heart was full of various questions, but he was also infected by the excitement of the disciples and their hope for the future. Arrived.

Chase Lu was attracted by the enrollment of this college, and he was full of doubts in his heart, but he was also infected by the huge enrollment of this college.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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The vast sea of ​​people, thousands of disciples, come here to pursue their dreams, and all the people who come here have a strong desire to become stronger and stronger in their hearts.

Lu Chen was stunned. In the end, all the disciples had to go into the admissions office. Someone accidentally bumped into Lu Chen and said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Only then did Lu Chen regain his senses.

After being relieved, he walked into the admissions office of the college together with the vast crowd. All the people walked together, only Lu Chen walked alone, his back was so lonely and desolate.

So much so that the young lady at the registration office paid special attention to Lu Chen, of course, it was also because of Lu Chen's handsome face.

The host first announced the content and rules of the entry test. The content of the entry test is very simple, that is, to simply defend the ring and defeat three other students is considered a success.

After speaking, he applauded all the participating disciples.

After the beautiful host announced the content and rules of the test, all the students were gearing up for this moment. They had been preparing for this moment for a long time.

Just to be able to stand out on this day, get gratifying results, and then go to the academy to practice.

"1.2.3. I announce the start of the test." The beautiful host shouted out with strong mental strength.

Lu Chen lined up and wanted to go up slowly to get the number plate. Seeing that there were not many people coming to Lu Chen.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a dude walking towards Lu Chen, and he casually ordered the followers behind him, "Go, let him get out of the way, I want to jump in line."

The attendants responded repeatedly, and walked straight towards the direction where Chase Lu was, and said in the tone of a gangster blackmailing others: "Hey, brother, my eldest brother wants your position, let me give it up, it doesn't count if you look at me!" You look very powerful, do you want to fight ten against one? You are the one who suffers."

Lu Chen was helpless, he was so low-key, why would anyone notice it, it didn't make sense.

And Chase Lu looks so honest?Make people look like they won't fight?

Although Lu Chen wanted to act in a low-key manner, if others provoked him, then don't blame Lu Chen.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth curled into a wicked smile, and he asked back, "Why? Is your elder brother so big? Come on, I won't let the dissatisfied come to fight. When the person in charge of Dongsheng asks, I will tell the truth."

When the attendants heard this, they immediately panicked, looked at each other, turned around in unison, and walked towards the dude to report the situation.

The dude looked at Lu Chen with a complicated expression, and finally let out a cold snort, and then broke up with his followers unwillingly.

After all, he was also afraid of making things big, but he still wanted to enter Dongsheng.

After the dude left, he had already gone to Lu Chen to get the number plate. Lu Chen walked forward quickly, and then took the number from the dealer.

After the number plate is issued, the test is ready to start.

Chase Lu is planning to hide his strength this time, and he cannot let others know his true strength easily.

Lu Chen had already concealed his strength when he came on the field, but the students who wanted to come to Dongsheng must have been well prepared. The students were not vegetarian, and it was a bit difficult to fight.

No.1 and Lu Chenbi's students use force to prove the way, and the power is considered powerful.

Chase Lu coped with it freely and played very easily. As a result, the students' proving the way with strength was resolved by Chase Lu with Taichi, and finally won with formation.

No.2 is a Huo Xiu, but his strength is stronger than that of the first one, and he does things in a hurry.

As soon as he came up, he launched an attack on Lu Chen. Lu Chen was caught off guard and swayed to avoid the blow.

There was some anger in my heart, and it was really disgusting to sneak attack when I was not ready.

Unconvinced, Lu Chen used the killing sword against Huo Xiu, and cleverly dodged all Huo Xiu's skills.

Huo Xiu, who was on the opposite side, looked at Lu Chen, and was shocked: he was considered the best among his peers, and this person thought he was not very useful because of his appearance, but he did not expect to have a little strength.

In the end, Huo Xiu resigned himself to defeat, and directly surrendered, thinking that he was no match for Lu Chen.But the students watching from below were puzzled by the monk Zhang Er.

I don't know why Huo Xiu suddenly conceded defeat, the two are clearly evenly matched.

After Huoxiu conceded defeat, it was time for the next one, and the next one was a strange Yinxiu——Bai Yu.

Although Bai Yu is a weird sound repairer, it is unexpectedly the easiest one in this competition.

Bai Yu wanted to confuse Lu Chen and shake his Dao heart, but he didn't know that his mana was no match for the two dragons at the door, let alone want to defeat Lu Chen. After all, Lu Chen also competed with those two dragons .

Lu Chen has a level nine delusion-breaking level, which is close to the terrifying spiritual power of an immortal, and Bai Yu can't shake his mind at all.

This recognition shocked Bai Yu. She was also lucky enough to enter the top three of the academy. Since none of them could shock Lu Chen, one can imagine how terrifying Lu Chen's true strength is.

In the end, Bai Yu had no choice but to lose.

Then after the game, Chase Lu gently brushed his sleeves and left slowly when he was free.Hiding merit and fame, he didn't care about the result of the competition, just reached out and took the token sent by the academy and walked in.

The next morning, lying in his yard, Lu Chen silently set a goal for himself: don't cause trouble in the academy, don't make trouble with others, just study and practice silently.

After lying down for a while, Lu Chen went to the classroom of Dongsheng College for the second class.

On the way, Lu Chen strolled on the ancient blue brick road with the fragrance of birds and flowers. The extremely delicate flowers bloomed on the side of the road, which made people feel comfortable.

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