The second thousand and 420th chapter three breaks the sky

This suzerain had a very difficult life, and he had his only son when he was over fifty, that is, the fat man who had been swearing at Lu Chen just now, because it was a son he got with great difficulty. Since he was a child, he held it in the palm of his hand for fear of falling and held it in his mouth for fear of melting. This fat man has developed a lawless temperament.

Once the fat man is free, he will leave the sect to wander around and do evil in the countryside. Almost all businesses have been bullied by the fat man, but because of Duan Tianzong's face, they dare not speak too much.

In addition, when Fatty was born, the Suzerain of Duantianzong stored a trace of his aura in a piece of suet white jade and enshrined it in the main hall of Duantianzong, so as to seek more blessings for Fatty.

Right now, a small door boy in the sect was cleaning, and suddenly noticed that the suet jade pendant on the incense table flickered for a moment, then the color suddenly dimmed, and the whole jade pendant was broken into two halves.

This jade pendant hides a wisp of the fat man's soul energy. If the jade pendant breaks, it can only mean one thing, the suzerain's son is dead!

The little doorman took several steps back and fell to the ground, regardless of his business!

At this time, the great elder in the sect happened to come over, and seeing the little door boy sitting on the ground without any image, he frowned subconsciously, and scolded: "Whose disciple are you? Why are you sitting here without any image? Don't be afraid Zongmen’s punishment?”

The boy pointed at the incense table in a devilish manner, "Elder, elder, look at the jade pendant of the young suzerain!"

The Great Elder turned his head and took a look in surprise, just in time to see the scene that broke his liver and gallbladder, he hurriedly sent a letter to the Sect Master Duantian, and the Sect Master rushed over after hearing the news, and picked up the pieces of the jade pendant with trembling hands.

A strange breath mixed in, it was Lu Chen who killed the fat man just now.

The Sect Master of Duantian Sect was furious and immediately followed the breath away, thus the scene just now happened.

The owner of the tea shop froze when he heard the voice, and hurriedly greeted the proprietress: "Quick! Close the doors."

Lu Chen is not afraid at all, of course, he also has this capital.

"I'm here, I don't know what you mean?"

The figure of the Sect Master of Duantian Sect appeared. He looked at the unattractive Lu Chen standing there, and snorted coldly, "What on earth did my son offend you, and you actually want to be so cruel?"

Before Lu Chen could speak, the Great Elder tugged at the suzerain's clothes. The suzerain turned his head impatiently, just in time to see his son's plump body lying on the ground, with no trace of life in his body.


He flew over and caressed the fat man's face with trembling hands.

At this moment, the fat man's immature face could no longer feel any heat.

As the saying goes, behind every bear child there is a superb bear parent, no matter how evil the fat man is outside, in the eyes of Duan Tianzong's suzerain, he is an extremely obedient and filial son.

And this is his only son!

The suzerain of Duantianzong shot with anger, and a cold sword flew straight towards Lu Chen's face.

His current strength is only the first level of the Earth Element Realm, and Lu Chen is also the first level of the Earth Origin Realm, but Lu Chen has a lot of equipment blessings, and his overall strength can only completely crush the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sect, but Lu Chen does not want to do things too badly .

A large part of the reason is to avoid his existence being discovered by the bigwigs in the Diyuan Continent, so he has not used his full strength.

He just dodged narrowly, and didn't fight back, but said loudly: "Master Suzerain, Lu also respects you as a hero for a lifetime, I think this matter is completely explainable!"

He wanted to negotiate peacefully with these people, but his retreat made Duantian Sect Master think that Lu Chen had no power to fight against him at all. After Lu Chen's repeated persuasion to no avail, he gradually became a little angry Come.

The Patriarch of the Duantian Sect slashed at Lu Chen with a palm, and Lu Chen narrowly escaped, and he stabbed at him with a sword. A sword pierced his chest.

The suzerain of Duantianzong died with hatred, and the people he brought couldn't help but fled seeing the enemy so powerful, but Lu Chen thought that since the trouble had reached this point and his own strength had been exposed, why not just take Duantianzong as his own in the two worlds? What about a place to stay between continents?

Now that they had made up their minds, they stayed at the tea shop.

It can be said that Lu Chen saved them from a big harm. The boss of the tea shop welcomed them very much and gave up the main house where they slept, so that Lu Chen and the others could rest.

It was night, and several people huddled in a small room, discussing what to do next.

Lu Wang was young, and at this moment he was already sleepy, and he was huddling in Lu Chen's arms with his eyes wide open.

Holy Lord Shengyang lit another oil lamp, took Lu Wang from Lu Chen's arms, and stuffed it into the already spread quilt.

They consciously lowered their voices, and the Jiyin Holy Master said first: "You killed Duan Tianzong's suzerain and his son, we can say that Liang Zijie has grown up, and I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved if we don't come up with a proper solution. "

They are not afraid of this little Duan Tianzong, they just don't want to cause so many unnecessary troubles when they are newcomers.

The other Holy Masters also nodded.

Lu Chen pondered: "I think we can take this matter as an opportunity."

The Xuanwu Holy Master regained his energy, he sat up slightly, and said, "What do you mean? Opportunity?"

"We can take Duan Tianzong as one of our strongholds. Take this as the first step to conquer this continent!"

Shengyang Shengzhu was cautious by nature, he hesitated: "What are you going to do? Shall we just call the door? I don't think it's good."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It is definitely not possible to call directly on the door. After all, they are unfamiliar with this continent. For outsiders, it is easy for local people to form a group directly.

At that time, it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold.

Lu Chen said: "Of course not directly hitting the door, we have to outsmart, I can transform into the appearance of Duan Tianzong's suzerain, Sheng Yang or Xuanwu can transform into that fat man, let's get a firm foothold first!"

The Lord Jiyin nodded, "I agree with Lu Chen's approach, this is the only way to go now, and our top priority is to stabilize them."

As for whether they will be discovered by others, they have never thought about it. The number of illusions can only be seen through when the level of the caster is higher than that of the caster.

The level of the suzerain of the Duantian sect is the same as that of Lu Chen, so other people under the Duantian sect will never have a higher level than them!

Now that the matter has been decided, they each went back to rest.

Speaking of the fact that the suzerain did not come back, the people under the sect were not too anxious, because the suzerain and the young suzerain often did this, especially the young suzerain, it would be surprising when the young suzerain stayed on the mountain honestly.

Guarding the sect are two white-clothed disciples with the lowest rank.

The one wearing the hat smiled at the one next to him who was not wearing a hat, and exchanged a tacit look, "Hey, tell me, where did our young suzerain go? It's probably that Cuihui from Yihongyuan! Hey, I Let me tell you! Some time ago I went down the mountain to Yihong Courtyard, and I didn’t even see Cui Ling’s face.”

He was rather aggrieved, "You said that little girl, why is she so powerful!"

The one without the hat snorted coldly, "It's still Cui Ling, you don't even know why the suzerain went out today? A big event happened in the sect today! The jade pendant that hides the soul of the young suzerain is broken."

The man in the hat jumped up from the ground, and stared at his companion as if he had seen a ghost, "Dead?!"

He seemed to want to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud for some reason, and the expression on his whole face was twisted together.

He murmured, "How is this possible?"

The one without the hat sighed softly, "It doesn't matter if he dies or not, it has nothing to do with us anyway, even if he dies, it's not our turn to be the suzerain."

The one in the hat slapped him on the head with a smile, "Hurry up and guard the gate! What good things are you thinking of?"

The next day, just before dawn, the doorman wearing a hat suddenly woke up. He rubbed his eyes, and saw a fat face that was squeezed flat by fat and slowly enlarged in front of his eyes.

With a howl, he rushed out, Xuan Wu, who was acting as the young suzerain, showed an impatient expression.

"Dog! Are you a ghost? Aren't you guarding the gate? Who let you sleep?!"

Lu Chen watched from the side, showing an expression of approval. Xuanwu's acting skills are really good, and it's penetrating to act like a fat man who hates dogs and bears.

The person wearing the hat looked back and saw that his companion who had been watching the night with him at night had long since disappeared. He secretly hated him, but he had no choice but to kneel down in front of Xuanwu with a plop and kowtow unceasingly.

He didn't beg for mercy, because Fatty has a very bad habit of being very impatient with other people's begging for mercy. If someone provokes him at this time, he can beat people to death.

At this moment, the suzerain played by Chase Lu coughed in a timely manner.

"Okay! Such a big thing happened yesterday, and you are still messing around! Hurry up and go in with me!"

After the two left, the one wearing the hat collapsed on the ground, his back was drenched in cold sweat from the fright, and his face was extremely pale.

Besides, Lu Chen and Xuanwu over there walked into the Duantian Sect with the face of the father and son of the Duantian Sect Master, and no one raised any objections.

When they arrived in the hall, just as the two of them sat down, a servant came over with a cup of tea and handed it to Xuanwu graciously.

Xuanwu took it over and took a look, almost vomited it out.

Rather than saying it is tea, it is more appropriate to say that it is soup.

Inside is unknown meat cut into minced meat, and the tea leaves that have been boiled into black can be seen occasionally on the top.

However, the young servant tirelessly introduced: "I knew that the young suzerain would come back. I cooked the tiger whip and horsewhip since yesterday! Then I took the angelica wolfberry and cut it into shreds and cooked it for a full six hours. In the end, almost all the water evaporated, so I poured the previous broth into the excellent Yuqian Longjing! Would you like to try it?"

Xuanwu was not very interested in the internal organs of animals, let alone the chirping of these animals.

Looking at this bowl of soup, he even wanted to throw it out, but he couldn't do that, Xuanwu couldn't let these people see his flaws.

He pulled out a stiff smile, making himself look very happy, took the tea cup and drank it down.

Xuanwu suppressed the yuwàng that he wanted to vomit, glanced at the servant with admiration, and praised, "That's right, that's the smell! You kid has a heart!"

The boy immediately beamed with joy, and when he nodded and bowed to receive the reward, he heard a loud cry from outside.

A soft-looking woman ran in from the outside, about 50 to [-] years old, wearing a peach-pink dress, with no makeup on her face, she looked very haggard.

She threw herself into Xuanwu's arms and cried, "My son! Mother thought I would never see you again!"

What she cried was snot and tears, all rubbing against Xuanwu's body.

Xuanwu looked out with a stiff face, and outside was the elder who had slipped away when he saw the situation was not good.

He was looking at Xuan Wu and Lu Chen suspiciously.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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