Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2415 He is Chase Lu

Chapter [-] He is Lu Chen

In this way, even if a few ships were lost, it would still be worthwhile for Xuanwu Continent.

At this time, the Thunder Lord was not particularly afraid of those sea monsters. Firstly, he was powerful, and secondly, even if the sea monster emperor came in person, there would be Lu Chen to support him.

Such and such, how can the Holy Lord of Thunder not agree easily!

"That's very good." Lu Chen responded, and took the initiative to cut off the sound transmission with the Thunder Lord.

What should be said has already been said, and if he continues, does he still have to be awkward with that person?

He is trustworthy of the Lord of Thunder. Now that he has said it, Lu Chen believes that he has no more worries.

The power was slowly withdrawn from the Nine Dragon Column formation, and Chase Lu raised his head and looked at the people on the field.

At this moment, the covenant with the Xuanwu Continent was actually finalized in just a few words.

The so-called "talking and laughing, the country is stable", that is the reason, everyone watching, is also self-contained in their hearts.

"Now, what should we do?" Lu Chen silently withdrew from the Nine Dragon Column and asked everyone present.

It's not that Chase Lu doesn't know what to do, he just wants to know what they will think.

However, everyone did not disappoint Lu Chen, and they thought the same as Lu Chen.

"At this time, we have already connected with the other side, and we still have to rectify the four continents."

The little dog is worthy of being Lu Chen's loyal friend, and his words at this moment hit Lu Chen's heart.

"Then what should we do?" Lu Chen smiled and continued, he just wanted to draw a few people to tell Lu Chen what he wanted to do next.

In the current Sifang Continent, none of them know of his return!

If he wanted to lead everyone to fight against the sea monster, Lu Chen knew that he had to convince everyone.

Although the prestige accumulated by Lu Chen before has reached a certain level, it will eventually change with the passage of time.

Although Chase Lu's prestige in these four continents is extremely high, it is also wearing away with the disappearance of these decades.

Many juniors who have just entered this realm of comprehension are not afraid of tigers when they are newborns. Not only do they forget about that period of history back then, but they also gradually become dissatisfied with these people back then.

"Now the people in the four continents are really not in the same mind." Naturally, they understood Lu Chen's meaning and pondered.

"Although my nephew is still watching this scene, Brother Chen has to show his face after all!"

Lu Tianxing obviously understood this reason well, and said.

If the Sifang Continent wants to unite with the Xuanwu Continent, it is natural to choose the same speaker.

And who is the person who is talking about it except Lu Chen?

Although Lu Chen does not agree with the so-called saying that not returning home is like traveling in brocade clothes, and for Lu Chen himself, he does not particularly want to take this muddy water.

Because in this way, although it is convenient for Lu Chen to manage the four continents.

But in the eyes of others, there is some duoquán suspicion.

Lu Chen is very fond of Lu Wang's thoughts now, if this little incident hurts the weak father-son relationship between Lu Chen and Lu Wang.

For Lu Chen, it was extremely worth the candle.

But at this moment, Chase Lu was a little rushed to put the ducks on the shelves, and had to go to the front of the stage.

Such a thing made Lu Chen a little distressed.

However, no matter how distressed he was, Lu Chen had no choice but to do it.

No, at this time, Lu Chen had already arrived at the Quartet Conference.

At this moment, Lu Wang was still hosting outside, and Lu Chen was not in a hurry, but took a rest in the background first.

Lu Tianxing has already explained the general matters to Lu Wang, and Lu Chen is naturally not in a hurry about these matters.

When the time comes, Lu Wang will lay the groundwork, and he will go out and respond one or two.

Chase Lu seems that no matter who proposes the crusade against sea monsters, the crowd will respond.

"Master, you are finally back!" Suddenly there was a sound of milk, and everyone looked at Lu Chen with a look of watching the excitement.

Lu Chen gave a wry smile. Anyway, Jiang Wen was still his apprentice, and he had too many things to do before, so he just left his apprentice in the inn.

If this gets out, it will be the joke of Lu Chen's life!

Lu Chen touched Jiang Wen's head and said, "Master will definitely pay attention next time!"

After speaking, he rushed out as if fleeing.

Before that, Lu Wang had already notified Lu Chen, and the outside was almost finished, and it was only waiting for Lu Chen to go out to check and accept.

"Wang'er, are you sure?" Seeing that Lu Wang had already stepped in, Lu Chen asked.

"Yeah." Lu Wang seemed to still be brooding over Lu Chen's previous mistake that wasn't a mistake, so he just snorted coldly, and then didn't speak again.

The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, but fortunately, the good old man Lu Tianxing also made a timely move, which slightly eased the embarrassing scene.

"Lu Wang has already explained the things that need to be explained outside, and I just wait for Brother Chen to go out and show your face."

Hearing Lu Tianxing's words, Lu Chen was also relieved.

Before they came, they had already made a decision to hand over this major event to Lu Wang's management.

As for Lu Chen, he only needs to be a manager in name.

"Hi everyone, my name is Lu Chen, long time no see." Lu Chen walked slowly to the front of the stage and said to everyone.

Although these words are simple, they can be regarded as concise and to the point.

After hearing the name, the audience immediately became lively.

"Is he Lu Chen?"

"He really is?"

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

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As long as the people heard this, they began to discuss it.

This Sifang Continent has been uploaded for an unknown number of years, and more or less cultivators in the Sifang Continent have heard of Lu Chen's name and heard his legend. Seeing it with their own eyes today, everyone is excited.

You must know that this is the legendary savior of the Sifang Continent. Even the current Emperor Wu is said to be the son of Lu Chen.

Seeing it with my own eyes today, how can everyone not be excited, and how can they not be on a whim?

"Presumably, Emperor Wu has already explained the specific matters to you." Lu Chen smiled at the audience and continued, "May I ask you what you think?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised that he was just saying this as a polite way of saying it.

But as soon as these words came out, some scum actually responded!

Among all the responding voices, there were a few voices that were particularly harsh.

"If you find this reason, you want us to work hard for you, who do you think you are!"

The anger in Lu Chen's heart was really hard to dissipate, and his hand was silently clenched into a fist.

"Cut! Look at him like that. Do you really think that your old instincts from more than ten years ago can be eaten for a lifetime?"

The man seemed to be looking at Lu Chen and only dared to be slightly angry, but he talked to his companion even more vigorously.

At this time, Lu Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and moved his hand slightly.

"Boom!" There was only a sound, and the person who made the sound was already embedded in a high mountain thousands of meters away.

The eyes of everyone looking at Lu Chen became more and more horrified.

But at this moment, the shock to Lu Chen is not just the admiration before.

What's more, is the fear of Chase Lu's strength.

With Lu Chen's blow just now, there are quite a few people who can do this.

Maybe just like Lu Chen did before, without making a sound, directly hitting the person in is hitting the person out.

Moreover, this silence does not just mean that there is no sound at all.

The moment Lu Chen fired his skills, there was no movement in the world.

Not to mention the law fluctuations, even the energy fluctuations that should have been there have completely disappeared at this moment.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is more afraid of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked indifferent, if he didn't want to see blood this day, he would have killed the killer just now.

In Lu Chen's view, such people who forget their roots will die sooner or later, and if they stay, it may damage Lu Chen's plan.

However, if Lu Chen didn't kill that person, he wouldn't really let him go. As early as when Lu Chen made a move, Lu Chen had already planted a copy of the law of swordsmanship in his body.

That person's cultivation base is not high, and now he is under the most domineering swordsmanship law in the world.

It's not that Lu Chen is bragging, this person will never want to make more progress in his life.

Lu Chen shook his head, just to get the matter of that person out of his mind.

Afterwards, he continued to briefly supplement the plan to everyone.

With Lu Chen and Lu Wang in charge, it didn't take long for Sifang Continent to stabilize at the moment.

But for the entire continent, conquering the Sea-Monster is always the most satisfying thing.

First of all, after those few great escapes, the remaining cultivators in Sifang Continent are basically the tough ones who hate sea monsters very much.

Even though there will always be a few scum, but in general, the Sifang Continent is currently facing the sea monsters, but it wants to get rid of them first and then quickly.

But within a week, the troops from Xuanwu Continent also came to Sifang Continent to meet Lu Chen and others.

With the efforts of several people, within a few days, the coalition forces of Sifang Continent and Xuanwu Continent have been reorganized.

At this moment, Chase Lu is already leading the coalition fleet in the boundless ocean.

"How long will it take to get this big!" After driving on the ocean for an unknown amount of time, Lu Tianxing couldn't take it anymore, and said with emotion.

"Young people, don't worry! It's almost here!" The Lord Thunder said with a smile.

"Really?" Lu Tianxing was still hesitating, but the scene in front of him dispelled his thoughts.

The speed of the fleet gradually slowed down, and a stone forest composed of Optimus pillars slowly came into view.

The stone pillars are mottled and old, circles of vines are tightly wrapped around the stone pillars, half of the roots penetrate into the water, and half of the roots penetrate into the stone pillars, and the blue-purple vine leaves stretch in the wind and are extremely delicate.The sea quality around the stone forest is very different from the normal sea.

Two different types of seawater intersect here but do not blend together, forming a clear boundary at the junction. The water outside the boundary is clear and the ocean inside is dirty and ups and downs.

Such a scene is indeed rare.

Lu Chen frowned, and while signaling everyone to set up defenses and be vigilant around, he ordered the fleet to line up in two lines and move forward slowly.

Such a spectacle suddenly came here, even Lu Chen's calm mind felt a little strange.

The fleet sailed cautiously into the stone forest waters, and the surrounding seawater exuded a faint fishy smell.

The further you go, the narrower it gets.

In the end, the distance between the stone pillars was barely enough for two ships to sail side by side.

Because of this, Lu Chen never let go of his frown.

Suddenly, the leading ship that was moving steadily forward suddenly shook violently, and mournful cries sounded from the sea.

Lu Chen quickly released his consciousness to plunge into the water, and when he detected the surroundings, Lu Chen was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Under the black and turbid sea water, withered and yellow roots penetrated deeply into the backs of sea beasts, and the spines were controlled by vines, making it impossible for the sea beasts to escape, so they had to be turned into living food to nourish the purple vines.

Just now, the life breath of the purple vine was so strong that it covered up the breath of sea beasts under the sea surface. It was not until Lu Chen dived into the sea surface with his consciousness to detect that he saw the roots of the vine under the sea surface.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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