Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2416 Dangerous Land

Chapter [-] A Dangerous Place

The roots spread endlessly downwards, and each main root is connected to a sea beast. Some of the sea beasts on the roots have died, and the corpses of the leather bags are still hanging on the roots, constantly being absorbed by nutrients.

A little deeper, the roots forked, and a few of the roots tied the weak sea beasts to swim up and down around the stone pillar. Even Lu Chen had rarely seen such a superb means of camouflaging prey!

This vine can have such a mind, I am afraid that the level is not low!Looking around the sea area, it was full of such purple vines, and Lu Chen's face was slightly dignified.

Although a little breath of the Siren Emperor was detected before, after a few days, it seemed that Lu Chen was looking for it and disappeared.

But this time, he received news from hunters that he had detected a sea-monster at the level of the Holy Lord, so he recruited people to go out to hunt it down.

The existence of monsters at the level of the Holy Lord is extraordinary, and even Lu Chen can't guarantee to kill them. Now that there are so many vine monsters, this battle may be extremely dangerous!

In other words, it is clear that there are not only demons from the Holy Master Realm here!

"Old Lei, what do you think?" Chase Lu turned his head and asked the Holy Lord of Thunder. Now here, apart from Chen Lu, the Holy Lord of Thunder is the most powerful.

In terms of seniority, the Thunder Lord is also the highest among them.

At this time, Lu Chen also wanted to discuss with the Lord Thunder before making a decision.

"Although this place is dangerous, we still have to explore it." Said Lord Thunder.Lu Chen nodded, after all, he couldn't miss any chance of finding the Siren Emperor.

If he really let it go, I'm afraid Lu Chen himself would feel bad about it.

Just as Lu Chen was about to ask again, he was attracted by a sea monster's mournful cry.

The siren's lamentation seemed to have awakened the sleeping sea area. One after another lamentation sounded from different sea areas. The mixed tones, screams, and croaking stabbed people's eardrums like knives.

The sea area that was originally silent suddenly became active, screaming blood, filled the sky with resentment, and the sea water became more polluted.

The struggles of the sea beasts gradually faded away and they couldn't be seen clearly, and the tone of their mourning became weaker and weaker until they subsided.

Silence once again shrouded the sea area. The difference is that people's hearts are full of palpitations. It's called fear!

Even the top fighters, including Lu Chen, have a little more shadow in their hearts.

Lu Chen secretly sent a voice transmission to the Lords of each ship, telling everyone to stay away from the vines and avoid being touched by the vines as much as possible.The sea beast would not cry out if it could still maintain its rationality after being deprived of its life. This calmness was probably due to the paralyzing toxin carried by the vines.

The fleet drove slowly in the middle of the stone forest, carefully avoiding the purple vines.As the fleet got deeper, the mist gradually spread to cover the entire sea area.

The direction is gradually lost, the stone forest covers the sky, the sky is full of mist, the light from the outside cannot enter, and even the way out is completely lost, the fleet can only move forward in the stone forest.

Lu Chen's luck adjusted his state, but his spiritual consciousness continued to expand in the sea area, looking for the figure of the emperor's monster.The emperor-level monster has a deep aura, and it can easily sense the strong bloody and evil spirit it carries.

However, during the exploration of this sea area, Chase Lu saw a fog with his spiritual consciousness, and he could vaguely feel that there was a strong aura in this sea area.However, the specific location has never been found.You can only sail blindly in the sea and try your luck.

Chase Lu opened the small world and converted the time of the outside world. Ever since he lost the perception of the outside world, Chen Lu used the small world to perceive the passage of time. It has been three days since they sailed into the stone forest sea area.

Fiery flames ignited from Chase Lu's hands, and the scorching temperature made the surrounding weapons evaporate, and Chase Lu's voice resounded on every ship.

"All fleets are ready to fight and kill the vine monsters!"

After the words fell, Lu Chen flew off the boat, the law of fire descended, circles of blazing flames flew up and down around Lu Chen, Lu Chen turned his left hand, and brought out a fire dragon, raging a stone forest and vine monsters.

The right hand was inserted into the sea, the rules of the fire system were fully mobilized, and terrifying heat radiated from Lu Chen's right hand.

In the sea area where Lu Chen's right hand is located, the sea water has faded from its original ink color, and a piece of red is accompanied by the evaporation of thick water vapor. The sea area around the fleet boils instantly, and a large number of bubbles emerge from the bottom of the sea and explode.

"It should work!" Lu Chen was overjoyed to see the vine demons fleeing one after another.

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The vine monsters twisted their bodies and kept climbing up the stone pillars. The roots stuck in the stone pillars fell off one after another, and a large number of withered yellow roots were pulled out from the sea and then withered quickly.

Roots that had nowhere to rest stretched out to the practitioners on the fleet, and poisonous mist emanated from the purple leaves of the vine monsters, and they were purified by the hot flames before they got close to Chase Lu.

Seeing this, the vine demon twisted its body more violently, and the purple leaves turned into sharp blades all over the sky, and shot violently with the twisting of the vine demon.

At the same time, the vine demon waved its own branches, and the delicate branches split the sea surface, and a stream of purple air was revealed from the branches, and the sea surface was stirred by the branches and brought out waves to flood the fire dragon created by Lu Chen.

A gust of wind blew around with Chase Lu as the center, the purple leaves collided with the wind and made a sound like gold and iron colliding, and sparks continued to emerge from the collision.Seeing this, Fengyun Shengzhu turned rigidity into softness, and the wind quietly wrapped Ziye and continued to affect Ziye's flight direction.


There were continuous sounds of breaking through the air from around Lu Chen, and then plunged into the black sea.

Since Holy Master Fengyun acquired the relics of Holy Master Dongfeng, the strength of the wind element has been greatly improved. The wind in his hand has gradually become unpredictable, and he has faintly caught up with the realm of Holy Master Dongfeng before his death. There is still something lacking.

A golden barrier was quickly propped up, and arcs and sparks kept flickering from the surface of the barrier.The Holy Master of Thunder changed his previous style of breaking through thousands of troops, and propped up his defense to protect everyone silently.

The effect of the lightning element on this mutated plant is indeed limited, but the strong paralysis attached to the lightning element itself is practical in various battlefields.I saw natural minefields formed in the area where the barrier passed, and countless buckets of thick and thin thunderbolts precisely hit all parts of the battlefield, creating opportunities for other holy masters.

The poisonous gentleman's toga was rolled up, and the poisonous mist was collected in the sleeves one after another.

After the previous battle with the Siren Emperor, the poisonous gentleman actually had some insights, and suddenly rose to the level of the Holy Lord.

For the poisonous old man who stepped into the realm of the Holy Lord with the poison proof, this poisonous fog is really nothing.

The actions of the poisonous gentleman can be regarded as liberating most of the practitioners. The practitioners who were troubled by the corrosion and paralysis of the poisonous mist took action one after another. with.

And after Lu Chen forced the roots of the vine monsters out of the sea, he rode on the fire dragon to kill them. The branches of the vine monsters were like iron, and the stalks were as flexible as cotton. Most of the attacks on it lost their due force. However, plant monsters cannot escape the fate of fragile roots.

After all, plant monsters are born with good camouflage, and they also have the protection brought by the bird monster's habitat and their own long life.If it weren't for the fatal weakness of roots, it would be comparable to ancient demons.

With Lu Chen's conquest, a large number of vine demons died, and huge figures continued to fall into the sea.Lu Chen slashed at the vine demon with a sword, and all the roots fell like a rain of tendrils.

The number of vine demons around has been almost cleared up, and Lu Chen returned to the cabin to sit cross-legged and adjust his breath.The long-term use of the fire system rules consumes a lot of Chase Lu.

This kind of vine monster's physical fitness is too terrifying, even Lu Chen's slash can't kill him in one blow, so he has to constantly urge the fire system rules to force the entire area of ​​vine monsters out of the sea.

The Holy Masters have already begun to count the corpses of the vine demons in search of treasures. This kind of high-level plant monsters generally have many treasures. At least its soft and flexible stalks are the high-level materials for many weapons.

On the side, the poisonous gentleman also silently collected the purple leaves scattered on the battlefield. The purple leaves are not only highly poisonous, but also hard enough in texture, which is a rare hidden weapon.

Suddenly Lu Chen opened his eyes and his face was happy. With the death of the vine demon and the dissipation of the fog, Lu Chen's spiritual detection became more than twice as clear, and the emperor-level sea monster was also caught by Lu Chen.Lu Chen felt relieved for a while, and finally found a way to hunt and kill.

For a few days, the fleet has been hunting monsters to open the way, in order to achieve the highest efficiency.

Only in this way can we guarantee to explore forward in the safest situation.

Chase Lu arranged the manpower into two batches, taking turns to attack the vine monsters.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, always stood at the bow of the ship and adjusted his breath. Any abnormalities and disadvantages on the battlefield would be cut by Lu Chen with a single sword.

The poisonous gentleman has gained quite a lot in a few days. She collected all the high-level poisonous mist by herself. The huge poisonous mist made her refine day and night for several days.

Just looking at the breath alone, it is infinitely close to the list of the top ten holy masters, and taking into account the special variety of toxicity, which is hard to guard against, its actual combat power in group battles must have been included in the top ten holy masters.

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