Chapter [-] Against All Opinions

Lu Chen hadn't left the control formation yet, but he had already turned his head to look at the others.

"Tianxing, I remember hearing you mention that the pressure on the Sea-Monster side has decreased a lot in recent months."

Lu Tianxing nodded, and said in a hesitant tone: "Could it be that the Siren Emperor is really not dead?"

Hearing Lu Tianxing's worry, Lu Chen smiled wryly and nodded.

"I thought I could kill the Sea-Monster Emperor like that before, but I never thought that the Sea-Monster Emperor seems to be still alive."

Lu Chen himself was a little confused. Although he was attacked by the fake Ling Zhiyun that day, it didn't mean that he didn't check the sea area carefully.

Although the battle ended too quickly that day, the Siren Emperor should have died there.

If it is said that the monster is not the sea monster emperor, Lu Chen does not believe it at all.

Although the body size looks smaller than what Chase Lu has seen before, the breath is exactly the same.

Lu Chen has reason and confidence to believe that it is the Sea Demon Emperor himself.

"But this?" Lu Chen was also unconsciously stunned when he found the aura of the Siren Emperor still remaining in the sea area, as if all his previous efforts had been wasted.

Lu Chen sighed, stretched out his hand to wipe off the killing sword, and the aura suspected to be the Siren King was wiped away.

Even though he had already guessed, Lu Chen's mood inevitably became bad when he learned the truth. The Siren King really still survived somewhere in the world.

But Chen Lu didn't think it was particularly bad about the whole incident in his heart.

As far as Lu Tianxing is concerned, in the past few months, the pressure of the Kraken on Sifang Continent has been much less.

This means that although the Siren Emperor escaped by chance, he still paid a huge price.

"This may be the only happy event!"

Putting away the kill, Lu Chen sighed, and then walked to the depths of the Nine Dragon Pillar again.

Detecting the life and death of the Siren Emperor is only one of the purposes of Chase Lu's coming here. What is really important is to visit his mentor, the person who snatched him back from the hands of Hades and continued his life under the Siren Emperor!

Feng Ziyan!Ji Yuan!

Lu Chen, dressed in a black robe, walked in the center of the densely packed formation, countless eyes of the formation shone one after another, and two pillars were wrapped in chains and looked at each other from a distance, with blood marks on them, and the laws of heaven and earth followed each other.That is a blood covenant, recognized by heaven and earth, a blood covenant of voluntary sacrifices!

Lu Chen was full of emotions in his heart. Although he had never performed the teacher ceremony, Lu Chen already regarded several seniors as teachers.

A mentor on the road of life!

It was them who made Chase Lu more aware of the true meaning of cultivating the Tao.

Cultivation is said to be the cultivation of longevity, but in Lu Chen's view, it is this life that is cultivated!

If it is true that cultivators only care about longevity, then why did these two stand up for the common people in the four continents?

There was indifference in Lu Chen's eyes, not because he didn't want to have feelings, but because he didn't know what kind of feelings he should have.

Two lines of tears flowed silently across Lu Chen's face. He was already in a coma when his teacher offered sacrifices, so the scene of offering sacrifices was only narrated by others, because he was worried that Lu Chen would not be able to bear the pain.

Others have only mentioned it in a few strokes, and today they came to this place in person, and only then did they truly understand the determination of the sacrifice!

That day, the blood contract Lu Chen had already used his spiritual sense to find out, even if Lu Chen's current state seemed small in front of the blood contract, it was bound by the laws of a continent, even if Lu Chen wanted to change his life against the sky and destroy the blood contract Can't do it either.

Lu Chen rushed to the Nine Dragon Pillar in a hurry, the Nine Dragon Pillar chassis was so majestic and huge, the figures of the two formation masters were completely hidden by the Nine Dragon Pillar chassis, but the gap from the ground and the heaven and earth blood pact on the Nine Dragon Pillar told Zeng There is a great power who sacrificed himself into a formation to protect this world.

Lu Chen's spiritual sense detected the past, and Feng Ziyan's face was no longer the same as before. The sunken eye sockets, thin body, and miserable and haggard complexion all told Lu Chen the pain of offering sacrifices.

Bitter, but full of inexplicable happiness.

"Teacher, hold on, wait until I clear the sea area, and then I will rescue you." It seemed that hope was ahead, but Lu Chen still shed three lines of tears.

To these two, he really owed too much, even though he came back now, he still couldn't rescue the two teachers.

Lu Chen, I'm really ashamed!

I saw that under the Nine Dragon Pillar, the two teachers nodded happily, which moved Lu Chen's already sensitive heart even more.

He knew that instead of comforting the two teachers here, it would be better to capture the biggest traitor, which would be the greatest comfort to the teachers.

Lu Chen's eyes were also condensed, but he did not forget how the guy who was given high hopes by Sifang Continent finally betrayed Sifang Continent.

that!Damn Xu Daoguang!

There is only anger in Lu Chen's eyes at the moment, and only by killing that person can the hatred in Lu Chen's heart be eliminated!

If it wasn't for Xu Daoguang who rebelled against the enemy when the entire Sifang Continent gave him hope, how could the Sifang Continent suffer such a big loss back then?

How could there be so many people, deceived by Xu Daoguang, who are still serving as rations in the Kraken Camp?

Lu Chen punched down heavily, spattering a trace of blood.

Although the few people in the back wanted to persuade them at this moment, they actually didn't say anything in their hearts about the Kraken Emperor and the escapees from the Sifang Continent.

Don't say it's bloody feud, even if it's not mutual, it's not just unjustifiable for them!

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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I believe that compared with Lu Chen, their desire for revenge for this hatred will only be heavier, not lighter.

You must know that over the years, although they have never practiced day and night like Lu Chen just for revenge.

But after guarding the four continents for so many years, they have witnessed countless times with their own eyes that their comrades were slaughtered wantonly by sea monsters beside them.

If it weren't for their strong strength and know how to attack in groups, I am afraid that when Lu Chen returns home this time, he will have to see several people!

"Brother Chen, the top priority is to deal with the Sea-Monster first!" However, everyone has seen big storms and knows what is the most important thing and what is the least important thing in comparison.

"Well." Lu Chen replied deeply, the sea monster chaos is still the top priority now.

"Didn't Brother Chen say that there are coalition forces from another continent? Shouldn't we go find them first?"

As soon as Lu Chen came back, his head was a little dull, but Lu Tianxing's brain circuit was relatively clear at the moment, and he turned around and said this to Lu Chen.

"Exactly!" Lu Chen clapped his hands and continued to manipulate the Nine Dragon Column formation.

One of the three reasons why Lu Chen came to find the Nine Dragon Pillar first was to use the formation power of the Nine Dragon Pillar to find the fleet of the Xuanwu Continent!

After a while, Chase Lu finally spoke.

"Found it!" A burst of joy suddenly rose on Lu Chen's face.

Hearing this sound, everyone hastily leaned over.

I don't know how many years I have guarded the four continents, but everyone present has never seen other continents.

At this moment, when they heard that they could connect with people from other continents, they were all very excited, and they were all short of jumping up excitedly for the last time.

"Can you contact them?" At the moment, the puppy is more reliable, although he is a little curious, he still gives a pertinent suggestion.

After all, they also need to get in touch with that side, so that they can meet the people there smoothly!

"I'll give it a try." Fortunately, people in Sifang Continent have made new progress in the research on the Nine Dragon Pillar over the years. Even though Lu Chen hasn't seen it for a long time, there are still a lot of information in front of his eyes.

After all, Lu Chen is also a master of formations, and it didn't take much energy for Lu Chen to understand the paths that these predecessors have already traveled.

Soon after, Chase Lu successfully controlled part of the formation of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

A mysterious smile crossed Lu Chen's mouth. Since he wanted to use this formation, it obviously had a magical effect.

With the blessing of the formation, and Lu Chen temporarily transferred some rules from the defensive block of the formation.

At this moment, Lu Chen, not to mention traveling through space, but it is enough to transmit the sound to the Xuanwu Continental Fleet not far from Sifang Continent.

"Hey! Is it Mr. Lei?" Lu Chen carefully grasped the speed of this formation, and said to the Lord Thunder.

Here he used a little trick, using the power of this formation to forcibly raise his own power to another level.

I'm afraid that when Holy Master Thunder heard it, he would feel that Lu Chen had already ascended to the Earth Yuan realm.

"You, you are Lu Chen!" I haven't heard Lu Chen's voice for a long time. At this moment, when the sound was transmitted, the Thunder Lord was also very excited. dust.

Their fleet was not led by Chase Lu, and they have been drifting on the sea for more than four months. If it weren't for the fact that Chase Lu's method of beheading the Holy Lord of Dongfeng last time was too strong, and they would always hit zero during this period of time. The scattered sea-monster group, I am afraid that someone will rise up and resist at this time.

"It's me." Lu Chen calmed down the excitement in his heart, and said slowly.

This plain but somewhat monotonous voice gave Holy Lord Thunder a complete sense of security.

The so-called emotion and ecstasy when they finally found the organization must be the thoughts of the Lord Thunder at this moment!

During this period of time, he has been fighting against all opinions, and he himself is a little tired!

"Master Juggernaut, where are you now?" The Thunder Lord at the other end also asked hastily, as if he might run away from Lu Chen again.

"I'm in my hometown, you just take the fleet and drive in the direction I said before." Lu Chen paused, and continued: "I will send someone to pick you up when we arrive."

"En!" The Thunder Lord nodded in response, and then waited for a while, seeing that Lu Chen had no other orders, he continued to ask: "Master Sword Saint, when are we going to the Diyuan Continent?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen also lowered his head and pondered for a moment. This matter really needs to be considered, but there are more important things waiting for them to do at this moment!

"We will definitely go in the future, but we have more important things now!" Lu Chen said seriously, and everyone waiting beside Lu Chen could not help but feel a little deterrent, even the thunder outside the screen Holy Master, I dare not speak too loudly.

"Master Juggernaut, please clarify what it is." Lord Thunder said quickly, lowering his posture lower and lower.

"The Siren Emperor is not dead yet. If we don't get rid of him, we will have no way to move here."

Lu Chen knew that it would be better to say this to the Holy Lord of Thunder for his help. Although it is a bit false to say this, it seems that he is thinking about the Xuanwu Continent!

Lord Thunder just hesitated for a while, then continued to answer: "Okay! I understand, when we arrive at the Sifang Continent, we will meet with you to kill the Sea Demon Emperor."

Although he had only been contemplating for a short while, the Holy Lord of Thunder had already made up his mind.

The most dangerous Siren Emperor in the process of conquering the Kraken was also dealt with by Lu Chen. After careful calculation, in the process of conquering the Kraken, the various materials brought by killing the Kraken were a hundred times more than what they consumed.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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