Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2413 Jiang Wen

Chapter [-] Jiang Wen

After meeting his son, he wanted to bring Jiang Wen to everyone to see, but unexpectedly, the little snake was about to transform into a dragon, so Lu Chen immediately focused his attention on this side.

It's good now, leaving Jiang Wen there alone for nearly half a month, not to mention whether Jiang Wen has an accident now, Lu Chen still feels sorry in his heart!

"Jiang Wen? Who is Jiang Wen?" Xiaogou and the others were stunned for a while, obviously full of curiosity about Jiang Wen's new name.

But fortunately, there is still a person who knows the matter.

At that time, Lu Chen, Lu Tianxing, and Lu Wang returned to the Imperial City from the Kraken Camp together, but they talked a lot of gossip.

At that time, Lu Chen also told the two of him that he had taken in an apprentice named Jiang Wen, and it was not unusual for Lu Tianxing to hear this name now.

"You only think of him now!" But listening to Lu Tianxing's tone, it seemed that he not only had a good understanding of this incident, but also had a bit of gloating, which made Lu Chen feel a dark line in his heart.

"Stop talking, I have to go back quickly!" Lu Chen's heart was already in a mess, and the ignorance of Jiang Wen for so many days before turned into constant worry about Jiang Wen.

"Okay!" However, Lu Chen still didn't think about it carefully. If Lu Tianxing is already gloating, it means that there is still room for reversal in this matter.

Just when Lu Chen was anxious, Lu Tianxing finally said something; Lu Chen was a little relieved.

"How can I wait for you now! Your son has already arranged it!" Lu Tianxing's voice was still a little gloating, it seemed that Lu Chen's behavior was really rare.

In fact, this is not to blame for Lu Tianxing. Even if Lu Chen does not shoulder the burden of the four continents, he is still an extremely rigorous person.

Now this kind of situation happened. Even Lu Tianxing, who had let his own disciple be released for a few days, had never seen such a scene before!

Lu Chen smiled wryly. He had just returned to the Sifang Continent. For him, everything he was familiar with was new and exciting.

One moment stimulated, one moment touched, Lu Chen's nerves, which had already rushed for a long time, were a little numb.

It is reasonable to forget this top priority now.

"Has he arranged it? How did he arrange it?" Although Lu Chen was still asking at the moment, the panic in his eyes was gone.

There was even a little more warmth.

After all, if Lu Wang helped him solve all this, he would never have thought that his son would be so capable.

"It seems that I miscalculated!" Lu Chen smiled happily, and the sight in front of him was also a little warmer out of thin air.

Yes!It's because I have been thinking too much. Lu Wang is a man who has supported this square continent for more than ten years. It is only natural that he has the ability to deal with this incident!

"Then are we going now?" Lu Chen asked the people around him. After leaving his hometown for so many years, he finally returned home. For a while, Lu Chen didn't know where to go.

In this case, it is more appropriate to ask these "relatives" who are more familiar with Sifang Continent.

"The Quartet Conference seems to be about to start, Lu Chen, do you want to go and have a look?" Lu Chen's younger brother, Lu Tianxing, was the first to reply.

As soon as the voice fell, it was already refuted.

The little dog shook his head and said, "I think I have to go to the Nine Dragons Pillar first. First, Lu Chen also wants to meet those seniors. Second, he also wants to see what happened to the Nine Dragons Pillar." "Third, you can also pass The Nine Dragon Pillar is connected to the forces from other continents brought by you, Chase Lu." Before the little dog finished speaking, it was preempted by the little snake whose brain circuit was now express.

"Exactly!" The little dog looked back, obviously very pleased with the little snake in this state.

"Go to the Nine Dragon Pillar!" Lu Chen replied slowly, but his tone suddenly became heavy, as if he mentioned the Nine Dragon Pillar, as if he mentioned something incredible.

Lu Chen smiled, shook his head, and shook off the heaviness in his mind.

Now is the day of great joy, how can you be so sad out of thin air?With a frown and a smile, Lu Chen had already adjusted his mentality.

"Then let's go!" Chase Lu said to the people behind him, but his figure burst out.

Although I don't know how many years have been out of the Sifang Continent, Lu Chen has not forgotten the road leading to the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Don't dare to forget for a moment!

Not long after, several people had already arrived at the Nine Dragon Pillar.

"Brother Chen, what is this?" Lu Tianxing noticed something strange, and exclaimed when he saw the unknown object behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked back and smiled wryly, he thought what Lu Tianxing was talking about!

It turned out to be the tombstone that even Lu Chen was a little confused about.

Lu Chen's hand brushed over the tombstone lightly, but he still couldn't feel the slightest touch as before.

Lu Chen sighed softly, and said slowly: "It's still exactly the same as before!"

As for the tombstone, when he was at Jiang Yiqi's home, he also wanted to see if he could try to solve the secret behind the tombstone.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The result that can be obtained is still beyond Lu Chen's imagination.

Not only did he not make any progress in the secret of the tombstone, but his control over the tombstone was actually getting lower and lower.

Before this tombstone, it was only possible for Lu Chen to release the appearance of sentient beings, but now the timing of it coming out is even unpredictable by Lu Chen himself.

This tombstone now pops out for a walk from time to time, causing Lu Chen himself a headache.

"Forget it." Lu Chen touched his forehead with some headaches, but there was still nothing he could do about the tombstone.

Lu Chen wore a black robe and a tombstone behind him, giving people an extremely sad and heavy atmosphere out of thin air.

Even the few people behind them gradually became heavier when walking.

Lu Chen didn't deliberately put away the unnamed tombstone, just let it float behind Lu Chen.

The more he walked into the Nine Dragon Pillar, the more he was moved by this heaviness.

The more he was driven by this heaviness, the deeper his understanding of the tombstone became.

Lu Chen finally understood the real meaning of this tombstone again.

In other words, this tombstone was originally prepared for Lu Chen, and it is the embodiment of Lu Chen's knot.

In Lu Chen's world, he had already been buried on the night of the Siren disaster many years ago, like countless dead souls, ordinary and powerless, just dying like this, could not stir up any waves in the world.It is Lu Chen's mentor, Lu Chen's friends and even close relatives. They fill the distance between Yin and Yang with one after another life, and bring Lu Chen back to the yang world.

The tombstone is not a memory in Lu Chen's heart, it does not exist in this world.It is himself buried by Lu Chen himself, and it is the monument that Lu Chen erected for himself.Stepping into the formation of the Nine-Dragon Pillar, Lu Chen's expression became solemn. The Nine-Dragon Pillar is a symbol of the guardian totem of the Sifang Continent, and it is also a place for powerful sacrifices.The cold Nine Dragon Pillar is empty, and the pain caused by the Siren disaster has long been far away from those ordinary people. Even the practitioners have broken this relationship after escaping from the Sifang Continent. No one remembers that there were two formation masters here Sacrifice for it.Dedicated everything for the safety of the Sifang Continent.

For this great world, sea monsters and human beings, why is there such a situation.

And why, why does this sea-monster clan want to exterminate the Sifang Continent?

Scenes of doubts, scenes of the past, once again converged into Lu Chen's hatred for the sea monster at this moment.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists. The injustice of fate to the human race and the injustice of the Sifang Continent all became the driving force for Lu Chen to move forward again.

He raised his head and looked at the boundless sky.

"Will there really be immortals there?" Lu Chen wondered in his heart, but his eyes clearly showed no yearning for the so-called immortals!

Lu Chen vaguely felt that the fate of the four continents seemed to be somewhat related to the people in the sky.

"If there is really that immortal who insists on killing the Sifang Continent, I can only do it!" Lu Chen thought of the most ominous result in his heart, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

He, Lu Chen, is not afraid of these now.

If it's true that even the guys who didn't know how many years later to face them are still terrified at this moment, Lu Chen's xinxing for so many years can be regarded as a waste of cultivation.

For Lu Chen at this moment, it is Lu Chen's long-cherished wish that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

After calming down the anger in his heart, Lu Chen also cast his eyes on the obviously different Nine Dragon Pillar in front of him.

Although those seniors are still waiting for Lu Chen to visit, but Lu Chen knows that he has one more important thing waiting for him to verify.

Zhisha floated gently, and Lu Chen pressed his right hand on the Nine Dragon Pillar, activating the formation of the Nine Dragon Pillar. The Nine Dragon Pillar has fought against the Siren King for hundreds of years. The breath of the Siren King is its most sensitive existence.

The divine splendor shines on the Nine-Dragon Pillar, and the exquisitely carved and simple pillars are so lifelike that the wandering dragon is about to break free from the shackles of the pillars and kill the enemy in front of you.

"Lu Chen, who is this?" Except for the little dog, several people were told by Lu Chen about killing the Siren King, and they were not surprised by Lu Chen's detection at this moment.

Facing the puppy's question, Chase Lu was not in a hurry to answer it first, but continued to manipulate the formation.

The power of the Nine Dragon Pillar helped Chen Chen's exploratory power sweep across the sea area. This is not a carpet search.

Lu Chen just used the power of the Nine Dragon Pillar to search for a breath similar to that of the Siren Emperor.

"Shouldn't be there!" After sweeping through the breath, Lu Chen still didn't find that guy similar to the Siren Emperor.

Lu Chen sighed slightly, and seemed somewhat satisfied with the result.

"Brother Chen, is it still alive?" Seeing that Lu Chen remained silent, the other people present couldn't help asking Lu Chen.

Lu Chen just wanted to nod, but as if catering to the voice, in the depths of a certain sea area, Lu Chen found a very similar figure.

Although the aura is very weak, Lu Chen is almost certain that that person is the Siren Emperor!

"This can't be true!" Although Lu Chen was still somewhat resistant to the news, he was already planning the future plan in his heart.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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