Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2354 Unbelievable

It is estimated that Bing Xuanji will be bored to death in the animal control bag.

"I didn't expect this old woman to be the ancestor of Bing Xuanji. No wonder Bing Xuanji's understanding of ice rules is higher than ordinary people."

Lu Chen muttered secretly in his heart, and then said: "Go out, and I will give you the news of Bing Xuanji later."

"Thank you, Holy Lord Lu Chen."

The Lord of Ice and Snow did not dare to question, and left immediately.

After she left, Lu Chen arranged a formation to enclose the entire hall.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he quietly left here and went to Xiongwu Daoyuan.

Reality returned to his own courtyard, and gave the main hall master Mu Huang and the others a large amount of mysterious crystals and some small drafts on Lu Chen's cultivation, allowing them to practice hard and strive to break through the semi-sage as soon as possible.

They treated Lu Chen very well, and Lu Chen naturally would not treat them badly.

Before, the Hall Master and the others generously gave Lu Chen a huge sum of profound crystals that he couldn't believe at the time.Lu Chen is a person who knows how to repay kindness. After getting the ring from Xiong Yusheng, of course he will think of the people around him.

For them, the so-called wealth is probably not the huge amount of mysterious crystals, but the manuscript of Lu Chen.

These are Lu Chen's views on cultivation.For them, it is priceless.

Lu Chen's current cultivation level is beyond their reach.Such a manuscript is like a boat on a never-ending journey.

More importantly, in order to capture the Sifang Continent in the future, they will be needed as the backbone.

After that, Chase Lu went to a hidden place and threw Bing Xuanji out of the beast control bag.

He was too lazy to explain to Bing Xuanji, so he didn't show up.

Only Bing Xuanji was left there alone in a daze.

Up to now, Bing Xuanji doesn't know that he has been ascended to the 99th floor of the Wu Tower inexplicably.

Her mind was still muddled, and she was stunned for a while, and finally came back to her senses, only to realize that she had left Wuta.

"What's going on, what about Lu Chen?"

Bing Xuanji looked around, but didn't see anyone.

But he finally figured out where he was, so he immediately vacated and flew to Wuta.

She wanted to figure out how she got out of Wuta.

But when she came to Wuta, she saw the remaining names on the 99th floor of the monument: "Xiong Yusheng, Xiao Sha, Lu Chen, Bing Xuanji."


Bing Xuanji looked astonished.

After a while, she grabbed a passerby and asked, "I climbed to the 99th floor of the Wu Tower?"

The man was stunned, and quickly cupped his hands: "Congratulations to Bingxuanji's lecture, Bingxuanji is indeed a genius who is hard to come by in ten thousand years."

He thought that Bing Xuanji held him back because he wanted him to praise her, so he spared no expense in complimenting her.

Bing Xuanji asked in surprise, "How did I get to the 99th floor?"


The man was also confused by the question, and said: "Bingxuanji lecture hall, are you kidding me? It was you who climbed to the 99th floor. I don't know how you got there. There is also Lu Lu who went up with you. Dean Chen, you can ask Dean Lu Chen."

The man looked at Bing Xuanji with strange eyes.

There seemed to be a raging fire of gossip, wanting to see through the relationship between Bing Xuanji and Dean Lu Chen.

Bing Xuanji didn't pay attention to his eyes, but was shocked again: "Dean Lu Chen, what's going on? When did he become the dean?"

This person said: "Bingxuanji lecture seat, have you lost your memory!?"

Bing Xuanji immediately put on a cold face and said nothing.

The man shrank his neck and said quickly: "After Dean Lu Chen killed Xiong Yusheng, he became the emperor logically, and also served as the dean of our Xiongwu Taoist Academy.

This is approved by all the elders of our monastery.

It is said that the previous dean secretly established such a rule that anyone who can kill Xiong Yusheng can be the dean of this term.

So Dean Lu Chen became the dean without any surprise.

In fact, with Dean Lu Chen's strength, even if the elders disagree, there is nothing they can do.

Dean Lu Chen is an absolute powerhouse who suppressed the three Holy Masters.

That is the Holy Lord!

If Dean Lu Chen hadn't taken the initiative to teach them, I still don't know the existence of the level of Holy Master.

If you really live to the old and learn, the strong have their own strong hands, and a mountain is still higher than a mountain.

I don’t know when our cultivation will come to an end.”

The man spoke more and more vigorously, with fascination and admiration in his eyes.

Bing Xuanji was stunned when he heard it.

Lu Chen became the dean of Xiongwu Taoist Academy, which surprised her enough.

As a result, this person said that Lu Chen also suppressed the three holy masters.

What a joke!

Others may not know how powerful the Holy Master is, but she, Bing Xuanji, knows it clearly.

Because her great-great-grandmother is the Holy Master, the Holy Lord of Ice and Snow!

She admitted that Chase Lu was very powerful, and indeed he was considered the pride of the previous generation.

But it is impossible to say that the ability is against the Holy Lord.

Not to mention the suppression of the three Holy Masters.

In short, absolutely impossible!

"Hey, look, Dean Lu Chen has gone to the Wuta again, my God, what a speed that is, he climbed to the 99th floor so quickly!"

The man looked at the huge stele of the Wuta, and was shocked.

Bing Xuanji also saw it, and was extremely shocked.

After hearing so much from people just now, she felt like she was dreaming.

Seeing this shocking scene now, she felt that she must be dreaming.

"By the way, when did Dean Lu Chen kill Xiong Yusheng? What should I do?"

the other side.


Lu Chen was startled suddenly.

He saw lines on the real dragon jade talisman.

There are some magic patterns in this pattern.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Could it be that the real dragon jade talisman is also a magic weapon."

Lu Chen was surprised!

I think when Lu Chen was fighting against the Sea-Monster in the Sifang Continent, he used the real dragon jade talisman to activate his magical powers.

If the real dragon jade talisman is a magic weapon that can inspire supernatural powers, then it is quite reasonable.

However, how do you feel that the pattern of the real dragon jade talisman is different from the pattern of the magic weapon?

Lu Chen looked at it for a long time, holding the real dragon jade talisman in both hands.

A faint heat flowed from the real dragon jade talisman and penetrated into his arm.

Lu Chen wondered: "Why does the real dragon jade talisman show its lines at this time."

He set his sights on the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and the Holy Dragon Arrow.

Could it be that the breath of the ancient holy dragon on these two magic weapons activated the real dragon jade talisman?

With such a guess, Lu Chen also brought these two magic weapons over.

He sat cross-legged, put all three into his arms, and felt the breath in them.

The so-called ancient holy dragon breath, seventy is when the ancient craftsmen refined the holy dragon golden bone bow and holy dragon arrow, they used the holy dragon bones and long tendons as materials.

Therefore, it has the breath of a holy dragon.

But don't underestimate this sacred dragon breath.

The existence of the ancient holy dragon is unpredictable.

As for the origin of the real dragon jade talisman, Lu Chen didn't know exactly what it was.

He guessed that the real dragon jade talisman should be the ancient talisman master who locked the soul of the real dragon in the jade talisman.


Lu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

If my guess is correct, can the dragon soul locked in the real dragon jade talisman be resurrected with the help of the holy dragon golden bone bow and holy dragon arrow?

Reshape the body with the holy dragon golden bone bow and the holy dragon arrow, and then place the dragon soul on it.

It's a pity that the real dragon's flesh and blood is missing.

Moreover, these three are long-lasting treasures, even if there is still a trace of consciousness, they cannot be condensed successfully.

I can only be whimsical.

But Lu Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He suddenly thought that he had a real baby dragon.

If the baby dragon absorbs these three, what strength will it be improved to?

At least it can be a big help for yourself!

such a pity.

When I left the Sifang Continent and dived into the sea before, I was worried that my body would die, and the small world would be snatched away by sea monsters.

Then baby dragons, puppies, nightmares, ancient void beasts and other animal pets were all left in the small world and stayed in the Sifang Continent.

Now I want to let the dragon baby try the fusion of the three, but it can't be done.

They can only return to the Sifang Continent in the future, and then give these three to the baby dragon.

"If the baby dragon is by my side, I can also use his dragon's breath to refine the holy dragon golden bone bow and holy dragon arrow."

Thinking this way, Lu Chen suddenly had an idea.

The real dragon jade talisman also has the aura of a real dragon, and after being aroused, it can also condense the vision of heaven and earth coiled by a real dragon.

If it is used to refine the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and Holy Dragon Arrow, will it be twice the result with half the effort?

Lu Chen himself has also comprehended the coercion of the real dragon, and there are certain advantages in practicing the two magic weapons.

Now, with the real dragon jade talisman as the base of the formation, and the thought of arranging a coil of real dragons, the speed of his sacrificial training became faster and faster.

To Lu Chen's surprise, practicing these two magic weapons was actually faster than practicing the Sancai Sword.

It took 70 years in the small world to successfully complete the ceremony.

You must know that there are five Holy Dragon Arrows, and there are six high-level magic weapons in total, but it only took 70 years.

It can be seen how effective the vision of the real dragon condensed by the real dragon jade talisman is for the blessing of the dragon system.

Lu Chen secretly thought that when he fights in the future, he can use the real dragon jade talisman as the foundation of the formation in advance and arrange a formation.

As long as the enemy is introduced into this formation, and then the holy dragon golden bone bow and holy dragon arrow are urged, it can be said that there will be no disadvantages!

"It's ok. The outside world has also passed seven years. Unfortunately, there are still 33 years before the next Holy Dao Conference."

Lu Chen stood up and thought: "I must not be able to light up for so long, so I can only let the Holy Dao Conference be held in advance."

After finishing speaking, he left the small world and recruited the Holy Lord of Ice and Snow, the Holy Lord of Raging Flames, the Holy Lord of Fengyun and Xiao Sha.

Because Chase Lu took the time to remodel the formation of the Imperial City, the current Imperial City is even more solid and indestructible.

So 17 years have passed, and nothing major has happened.

Bingxue and the others practiced in the imperial palace, which was actually similar to practicing at their own home, and it was only a time of retreat.

In addition, it was not easy for the three of them to meet at any time, so they often organized tea parties to exchange their understanding of the laws of heaven and earth with each other.

The strength can be regarded as a slight improvement.

But it is far from Lu Chen's improvement.

So when the three of them came to the hall and saw Lu Chen, their expressions all changed.

Lord Fengyun immediately knelt down and said, "Welcome Master to leave the customs."

He lowered his head, trembling with fear.

If you say that you met Lu Chen before, he was intimidated by Lu Chen's formation method, and was held by others with a spiritual imprint, so he had to be respectful.

So now, he was in awe of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen just sat there, like an infinitely tall mountain, which people can only look up to.

He was obviously sitting in front of him, but it made people feel that Lu Chen was far away in the sky, and people could only look up.

But in a daze, Lu Chen seemed to appear in front of him, and he just knelt at Lu Chen's feet, humble to the extreme.

"Is this the rule of space? Bingxue once said that Chase Lu can create space faults, but I still don't quite believe it. Now I see that Chase Lu's space rules are even more terrifying than what Bingxue said!"

Lord Lieyan immediately knelt down and bowed down, terrified in his heart.

He had met the Holy Master of Space at the last Holy Dao Conference.

Although the Holy Master of Space is only the tenth on the list of Holy Masters, his imposing manner cannot be underestimated.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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