With such doubts, Lu Chen consulted Lie Yan and Bingxue two great emperors carefully.

The two great emperors were extremely contemptuous of the questions raised by Chase Lu.

What is going on with this young man, he doesn't understand anything, he looks like an idiot.

But this idiot subdued them.

What are the two of them?

Thinking of this, the two great emperors felt as disgusted as if they had eaten flies.

And when the two of them had a lot of mental activities, Xiao Zhan had already answered Lu Chen's question with great honor.

"Returning to the Holy Master, the power of the magic weapon is related to the degree of sacrifice.

The higher the level of sacrifice, the stronger the power of the magic weapon.

It took hundreds of years for Xiongyu Shengji to refine the holy dragon golden bone bow, so its power is strong.

The four-goat square cauldron sacrificed by the subordinates also has a time of nearly a hundred years, so it can block the flying sword of the Holy Master.

Holy Master, if you want to know the level of your sacrifice, you can look at the brightness of the pattern when you activate the magic weapon.

The brighter it is, the more abundant the power of the heaven and earth rules will be absorbed when the magic weapon is activated.

Generally speaking, all the magic lines on the magic weapon must be shining, so that it can be considered as the power of the magic weapon."

Xiao Sha told Lu Chen everything he knew.

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly glowed: "So it is!"

No wonder his ground sword and human sword were no match for Xiong Yusheng's holy dragon golden bone bow.

You have to know that I didn't do much sacrifice at the beginning.

None of the dharma patterns were shining, and they didn't display the power of the heaven and earth of a magic weapon at all.

Just relying on the tenacity of the magic weapon to resist the power of the Holy Dragon Arrow.

It's too far.

It can be seen that I was able to defeat Xiong Yusheng, relying entirely on my own strength.

Thinking in this way, Lu Chen made a move with his right hand and drew out the human sword.

He activated the formula.

But there was no change in the pattern on the human sword, not even a trace of light.

Lu Chen thought to himself: "I have been refining this sword for the longest time, but it still can't arouse spell patterns. Is it really necessary to sacrifice for hundreds of years like Xiong Yusheng?"

He doesn't have so much time to squander.

Even if it is to enter the small world and sacrifice ten times the time, it is not enough.

Because I have been out of Sifang Continent for more than ten years.

Moreover, Xu Daoguang is still comprehending the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation over there, and he might break the Nine Dragon Pillar Formation at some point.

In other words, there is not much time left for yourself.

Therefore, it is necessary to integrate combat power as quickly as possible and return to the Sifang Continent.

Then, you can't spend more time refining magic weapons.

How could he defeat a strong man like the Lord of Thunder without sacrificing the magic weapon?

If you can't climb to the top of the Xuanwu Continent, how can you lead everyone to the sea?

This is literally a dead end.

Lu Chen couldn't help frowning.

After a long while, he asked in a deep voice, "Is there any shortcut to sacrifice a magic weapon? You will spend hundreds of years just to sacrifice a magic weapon?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow said: "In my humble opinion, the magic weapon of which attribute to sacrifice should be sacrificed under the power of the corresponding rules.

For example, my Ice and Snow Divine Armor was successfully refined in my Ice and Snow Holy Mountain.

The Ice and Snow Divine Armor is a mid-level magic weapon, which is at the same level as Xiao Sha's Four Ram Fang Ding.

But I only spent 20 years. "

When Lu Chen heard the words, he had an idea and immediately had an idea.

But he suppressed his excitement, and asked again: "Bingxue, don't you have a high-level magic weapon?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow shook his head: "High-level magic weapons are very rare, and only the top ten powerhouses in the list of Holy Masters can have them.

Others can't keep it unless they hide.

Sheng Yusheng can have the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and the Holy Dragon Arrow, which were left for him by the Holy Master Xiongwu.

But it was just leaving him these two high-level magic weapons.

Xiongwu Holy Master was the fifth in the previous Holy Master list, and he only owned two pieces.

Holy Lord Lu Chen, from this you can also see the preciousness of high-level magic weapons.

As for the top-level magic weapon, it is estimated that only the Lord of Thunder possesses it.

But maybe, there might be someone hiding their hole cards.

Just now, Holy Lord Lu Chen, you said that the magic weapon of heaven rank is a legend.

Only those with great luck can have it.

We have no way of guessing whether the Lord of Thunder exists. "


Lu Chen nodded.

Regardless of whether Bingxue is right or wrong in other places, she said that someone hid the cards, that's for sure.

For example, Lu Chen has a top-level magic weapon.

However, this top-level magic weapon is still composed of three high-level magic weapons.

If you don't integrate yourself, who would know that you have a top-level magic weapon?

It can be seen from this that the strong men on the Holy Master List, and even some hidden strong men, probably have top-level magic weapons.

By the way, the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and the Holy Dragon Arrow are both high-level magic weapons.

But when the two are combined, the arrow shot out is comparable to a top-level magic weapon.

This should also be regarded as a kind of top-level magic weapon.

In this way, the mighty holy lord who is only fifth on the list of holy lords has top-level magic weapons.

Others hide some hole cards, which is completely commonplace and a normal operation.

Lu Chen secretly said: "Making the worst guess, it is estimated that the top five or even the top ten in the list of holy masters have top-level magic weapons.

The Thunder Lord may also possess a heavenly magic weapon.

Therefore, at worst, I have to perfectly refine the Three Talents Sword.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Thunder Lord. "

No matter what other people think, Chase Lu has already regarded the Thunder Lord as his opponent.

So, he asked in a deep voice: "How does the challenge of the Holy Master List go? If I want to challenge the Thunder Lord, do I need to advertise to the world, or go directly to the residence of the Thunder Lord?"


The air in the room froze for a moment.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The three of Xiao Sha looked at Lu Chen with astonishment.

Is this young man crazy?

They all emphasized the power and terror of the Thunder Lord, and he actually wanted to challenge the Thunder Lord.

If you want to die, you don't bring it like this.

No matter how many strong people in the Xuanwu Continent have been there for so many years, they dare not challenge the Thunder Lord.

But this kid is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.

Alas, he really doesn't know what a supreme power is.

The Lord of Ice and Snow sighed secretly, sighing for Lu Chen's ignorance.

Lord Lie Yan looked at Lu Chen, and said: "Holy Lord Lu Chen, the challenge on the list of the Holy Lord cannot be challenged anytime and anywhere, and a Holy Dao Conference is required.

The holy way conference invites the strong who understand the inheritance of the holy way from all over the world.

Most of them are semi-saint powerhouses, but there are also some famous emperor powerhouses.

The Holy Way Conference is an exchange meeting, presided over by the Lord Thunder.

The other 29 people on our list of holy masters are all witnesses and judges, who selected the strongest preachers of the holy way this year.

If he can be recognized by 30 people on the list of holy masters, then the preacher of the holy way will be lucky and transform his momentum.

With such momentum, he can challenge anyone on the Holy Master's list.

If you win, you will naturally enter the list of holy masters.

And those semi-saints after him are also qualified to challenge the list of holy masters.

But if he fails, all the semi-saints will be implicated by him and lose their qualifications at the same time.

In short, if Lord Luchen wants to challenge Lord Thunder, he must participate in the Holy Dao Conference. "

"When will this session of the Holy Dao Conference be held?"

Lu Chen leaned forward, very nervous.

Lord Lie Yan said: "The Holy Way Conference is held every 500 years, and there are only less than 50 years left before the next one. If Lord Lu Chen wants to challenge Lord Thunder, I suggest that he should participate in the next session."

He kindly persuaded him, but saw Lu Chen standing up abruptly, his face was ugly: "50 years, how can I delay 50 years!"


All three of Lieyan Shengzhu were astonished.

I didn't expect Lu Chen to say such a sentence suddenly.

Is he in a hurry to do something? 50 years is not much time for them.

In the blink of an eye, a retreat is over.

That's why Lord Lie Yan suggested that Chase Lu participate in the next session.

Because 50 years is not enough for him to practice the magic weapon in his hand, participating in this session is also a waste of time.

Especially Lu Chen wanted to challenge the Thunder Lord.

That invincible man.

What he needs is not just 50 years, but 500 years, even 5000 years.

It was him, Lu Chen, who had this possibility. If an ordinary genius said that he wanted to challenge the Thunder Lord, his head might be trapped by the door, or he forgot to speak with his brain when he went out.

As a result, he can't even afford to wait 50 years now.

What does he want to do?

Want to find death?

Lord Lie Yan and Lord Ice and Snow looked at each other, but they didn't understand Lu Chen's thoughts, so they remained silent.

Lu Chen didn't even think about what good suggestions they could come up with. After getting excited, he sat down and pondered for a long time.

Suddenly, Lu Chen asked: "Is there any secret realm in Xuanwu Continent, or a place like ruins and dangerous places?"

"Eh, it should have been mined by everyone, and there is no chance left."

Lord Lie Yan shook his head.

The Lord of Ice and Snow said: "Even if there are still some, they are in extremely hidden places, and it takes a lot of effort to find them. If you take the initiative to search for them, you may not find them."

Lu Chen's face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Then do you know where you can quickly improve your strength?"

Lord Ice and Snow shook his head: "At our level, it's hard to find any way to improve our strength. Only plunder!"


Lu Chen frowned.

The so-called plundering is to wait for others to get the opportunity, and then they go to grab other people's opportunities.

A person's chance gains and losses have a definite number.

This way of plundering opportunities loses cause and effect.

Lu Chen didn't believe in cause and effect, but he was a little contemptuous of this kind of behavior.

Xiong Yu Sheng Neng has so many magic weapons, relying on plunder.

After he killed Xiong Yusheng, the Ice and Snow Lord excitedly rushed over to kill him, which was also a plunder.

This behavior is not new, it happens everywhere.

The problem is that predation is also in a sense chance.

It's not that you can get benefits by just pulling someone to plunder.

It is useless for ordinary people to seize his ring.

Therefore, Chase Lu still didn't see any way to improve his strength.

It's no wonder, if there is really a good method, I am afraid that Lieyan Lord and the others have already used it.

How can I be reduced to being surrendered by myself.

None of these old monster lords had a way to improve their strength. If Lu Chen wanted to improve his strength quickly, he had to find his own way out.

"Collate what you have learned into a book and send it over in a month. Xiao Sha, let's see that you are sensible, spare your life, and swear with blood."

Lu Chen stood up and ordered.

Xiao Sha was overjoyed, and immediately kowtowed: "Thank you, Holy Master, for your kindness. The villain Xiao Sha swears a blood oath, and swears his allegiance to the Holy Lord Luchen. If there is any disagreement, there will be five thunders from the sky, and he will die!"

After speaking, the sky rumbled and thundered, as if he had received a response.

A drop of blood essence floated from Xiao Sha's heart and landed in Lu Chen's hands, and Lu Chen put it away.

After doing these things, Lu Chen waved his right hand and said, "It's gone, and you are not allowed to enter this place without my permission."

Lord Lie Yan bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

Xiao Sha was also respectful, and left cautiously.

The Lord of Ice and Snow hesitated for a moment, and said: "Holy Lord Lu Chen, my descendant Bing Xuanji is said to have entered the Wuta with you. I wonder where she is now?"

Lu Chen was startled.

So many things happened, he forgot about Bing Xuanji.

Since the 33rd floor, he sent Bing Xuanji into the beast control bag, and never cared about her again.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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