Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2355 Thunder Lord

It is said that even in the face of the Thunder Lord, the Space Lord can save his life.

His space evasion method can be regarded as an elusive escapism method among all the holy masters.

"I've seen Holy Lord Lu Chen!"

Bingxue also knelt down with a complicated expression.

No matter how unconvinced I was before, I have to be convinced now.

She had a feeling that with Lu Chen's current strength, she might really be able to occupy No.11 on the list of holy masters.

Who would have thought that in just 17 years, Chase Lu would undergo such a terrifying change.

How the relatives cultivated this year completely broke the rules and made it impossible for people to see through.

"Congratulations to the Holy Master for his great breakthrough. The Holy Master will definitely defeat the Thundering Lord and dominate the Xuanwu Continent!"

Xiao Sha shouted loudly.

Lu Chen glanced at him indifferently, Xiao Zhan immediately shut up and remained motionless.

In those eyes, he saw a sea of ​​blood falling from the sky, splashing blood pouring down everywhere, stumps, broken arms and human heads everywhere.

Countless pairs of dead eyes just looked at him like this, making one's scalp tingle.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhan's back was completely soaked, and he almost peed out.

Who would have thought that this so-called second master in the empire, a strong man who proved his way by killing, was almost incontinent by Lu Chen at a glance!

The 170 years of sacrificial refining of the magic weapon made Lu Chen's strength unknowingly improved.

After all, refining the magic weapon is a long-term thing, and it takes time and the harmony and unity of the magic weapon's breath in the body, and it does not require full concentration.

While refining the magic weapon, Lu Chen can separate other minds to understand the rules of heaven and earth, the realm of the holy way, and the realm of swordsmanship at a deeper level.

However, he only knew that his strength had improved during this period of time, but he didn't know to what extent his strength had improved.

Calling the three of Bingxue over, on the one hand, is to understand some things.

On the other hand, it is to test one's own strength.

However, it seems that there is no need to test?

Lu Chen found that he was just sitting there, and the three holy masters knelt down involuntarily.

You must know that although Lie Yan and Bingxue swore a blood oath back then, they still refused to accept it, so facing themselves, they just bowed to themselves.

Now, he knelt down in fear.

It can be seen that they are not angry and prestige, and the oppressive sense of strength makes them have to surrender.

Looking at Xiao Sha again, needless to say.

This guy didn't urinate, it's because he still has some self-control.

After all, if you urinate, it is the greatest shame in your life, and you will never forget it in your life, and you can be called a demon.

"Be flat."

Lu Chen withdrew all the breath in his body and made a faint sound.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the most ordinary ordinary person.

This is due to his understanding of sleep, and the experience of mortal life at the beginning is also indisputable.

"Thank you Lord"

Xiao Sha trembled.

The other three Holy Masters also stood up in fear.

They were shocked to find the change in Lu Chen's body, and they all looked at each other.

If it wasn't for Chase Lu's terrifying aura before, they might all think that the person sitting in front of them is just an ordinary person.

"What kind of exercise is this, it can perfectly hide the cultivation base, like a mortal."

All three of Bingxue were puzzled.

They found that there seemed to be a lot of fog on Lu Chen, and no matter how hard they racked their brains, they couldn't figure it out.

Of course they didn't know that in order to sneak into the sea, Lu Chen created the magic breath technique when he was in Sifang Continent.

Now after comprehending the way of sleep, the Phantom Breath Art is even more terrifying, it can evolve itself into a mortal.

Not to mention that the three of them couldn't see through Chase Lu's cultivation.

Even if Chase Lu turned himself into a stone now, they couldn't tell the difference.

The Phantom Breath Jue can be described as a perfect concealment technique, and it is also the product of comprehending the rules of darkness.

If Chase Lu concentrates on one assassination, he will become the scariest killer!

"I'm going out this time, and I want to test my own strength. Let's do it together. Xiao Sha, you just go and stand aside."

Lu Chen finally spoke.

Although I know that I am very strong from the reactions of the three of them, it is best to give it a try, so that I can have a bottom line in my heart.

Xiao Sha was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly retreated to the corner of the main hall: "Thank you, Emperor, for your mercy!"

In the center of the hall, the faces of the three Ice and Snow Lords were extremely solemn.

Although Chase Lu returned the magic weapons of the three of them to them, and asked them to use their strongest killing moves.

But they are still full of fear and dare not do it.

Lu Chen's eyes froze: "Why, are you not obedient?"


Lord Lie Yan let out a roar, and his eyes instantly turned red.

But that's not right.

In fact, he didn't dare to do anything at all. The reason why he did it was that he was shocked by the killing intent in Lu Chen's eyes.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Chen doesn't care what he is doing for, as long as he forces out his strongest killing move.

"go to hell!"

Lord Fengyun had a ferocious face, and there was a sinister look in his eyes.

He let out a breath of black air, and threw the black wind conch.

In an instant, the black wind snail became extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun.

The terrifying black airflow swirled crazily, enveloping Chase Lu, as if about to tear Chase Lu into pieces.

At the same time, the Raging Flame Palace of the Lord Lie Yan slammed down.

Under the blessing of the wind, the power of the flame whistled.

The entire hall seemed to be on fire.

Xiao Sha stood at a far corner with a look of horror.

He huddled himself into a ball, and his murderous aura condensed into substance as a defense, for fear of being affected by the terrifying air current.

But he thought too much.

Because the air flow hadn't dissipated yet, it was torn to pieces by one hand.

What Black Wind Conch and Raging Flame Palace are completely paper tigers, they will break if you tear them.

Xiao Sha was dumbfounded.

That hand looked so ordinary, even whiter than his own.

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However, he casually tore apart the black wind and flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea.

The most frightening thing is that Lu Chen didn't condense his spiritual power in his palm, but just reached out and tore it casually.

It can be seen from this that Lu Chen's comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Can one of his hands tear apart the space?

Xiao Sha couldn't help but have such a guess in his heart.

Although he thought it was impossible, he had a hunch that Chase Lu would definitely be able to tear apart the space in the future.

This person is a peerless evildoer, I am afraid that the ancient saints would have to admire him in front of him.

Xiao Sha fell to his knees and said loudly, "Holy Lord Lu Chen is invincible, Holy Lord Lu Chen is invincible!"

Ding Deng Deng.

Lord Lie Yan and Lord Fengyun retreated together, with blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, their faces pale as paper.

They feel that the rules of heaven and earth around them seem to be torn apart.

If Chase Lu didn't keep his hand, I'm afraid their bodies will be torn apart along with the rules of heaven and earth, and they will die!

"Holy Lord Lu Chen is invincible, Holy Lord Lu Chen is invincible!"

The two also quickly knelt down.

Just turned around from the gate of hell, which made them deeply feel their own insignificance.

Originally, they thought Lu Chen could enter No.11 on the list of holy masters.

Now they think that Lu Chen can probably enter the top ten of the list of holy masters.

You must know that Lu Chen didn't even use a magic weapon just now, and he tore apart their magic weapon rules by relying on his control over the rules of heaven and earth.

What means is this?

That ordinary palm seems to be able to create the most terrifying miracle.

"Hey, why didn't Bingxue make a move?"

Lord Lieyan calmed down, looked back, his heart shook suddenly, as if hit by a giant hammer.

Lord Fengyun noticed his strangeness and looked back.

I saw that the Lord of Ice and Snow had been frozen into a popsicle at some point.

It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't make a move, but that when she made a move, she was backlashed by Lu Chen's ice system rules.

She wanted to give Lu Chen an ice and snow cage, but she froze herself.

And the most frightening thing is that everyone didn't notice the movements of the Ice and Snow Lord.

It seemed that she was frozen in an instant, and it was so silent that it was so fast that people could ignore it!

"Holy Lord, please forgive Binger's disrespect!"

Lord Lie Yan begged for mercy.

Lu Chen said lightly: "I let you take action, why not disrespect?"

As he said that, a crackling sound sounded.

All the ice crystals on the body of the Ice and Snow Lord were shattered.

She stood there blankly, then fell to her knees with a thump, and said stupidly: "Lord Lu Chen, invincible!"

"Invincible, is it really invincible?"

Chase Lu was not proud of defeating the three of them casually, and even found it boring.

Just relying on the means of these three people is not enough to let him test his strength.

He sat firmly, and said in a deep voice: "I want to hold the Holy Dao Conference in advance, what suggestions do you have?"


The three Ice and Snow Saints were startled.

Although this Holy Lord Lu Chen is formidable and terrifying, why hasn't this whimsical problem been changed at all.

Before retreating, he wanted to challenge the Holy Lord of Thunder.

Now it is even more extreme, actually wanting to hold the holy way meeting in advance.

How can this be?

"Returning to the Holy Master, the subordinate is ashamed, and the subordinate has no good plan."

Lord Fengyun lowered his head.

The other two also lowered their heads and remained silent.

Obviously, he doesn't think Chase Lu has any qualifications to change the rules that have been maintained for nearly ten thousand years.

Xiao Zhan suddenly said: "This subordinate thinks, Holy Master, you can directly find Holy Master Thunder and challenge him!

As long as the challenge is won, he can call on all the holy masters to hold the Holy Dao Conference in advance.

Didn't the three Holy Masters say it all? The Thundering Holy Master is amazingly strong, and he is firmly seated in the first place, and has the absolute right to speak in the Holy Dao Conference.

He wants to convene the Holy Dao Conference in advance, and there should not be many people who dare to stop him.

Even if they are obstructed, Holy Lord, you can subdue them one by one! "

Xiao Sha gave ideas endlessly.

He is ignorant and fearless, he doesn't know any Thunder Lord, he has never seen it before, and he only heard it from the Bingxue three people 17 years ago.

But no matter how powerful the Holy Lord of Thunder is, he can still be as powerful as the Holy Lord Lu Chen in front of him?

Therefore, challenge him directly, convince him, and if you don't believe him, he will not agree to hold the holy way meeting in advance.

"Xiao Sha, shut up!"

The Holy Lord of Ice and Snow shouted coldly: "If you speak these words, disrespecting the Holy Lord of Thunder is a death penalty, you know? Shut up quickly, don't talk too much!"

Lord Lie Yan and Lord Fengyun also looked at him with uneasy expressions.

It seemed that they were afraid that these words would be heard by the Lord of Thunder, and they would be troubled instead.

Xiao Sha was overwhelmed by the aura of the three Holy Masters, so he didn't dare to say much.

Lu Chen suddenly said slowly: "Xiao Zhan is right, I think so too."


The three Ice and Snow Lords looked at each other, dare not answer, and silently pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Lu Chen said: "Where is the Lord of Thunder, you three can draw a map for me. If you don't know, then tell me all the information about the top ten Lords on the Lord List. I will visit one by one, and I will definitely know about Thunder News from the Holy Lord."

After saying these words, any fool could tell that Lu Chen was serious.

This is determined to die.

Although Lu Chen is very strong, the three Ice and Snow Lords also admit this.

However, they still felt that Lu Chen was inferior to Thunder Lord.

The coercion of the Thunder Lord is stronger than that of Lu Chen.

The three of them don't even have the guts to stand in front of the Thunder Lord.

Only dare to look from a distance.

You must know that in the previous holy way conferences, the Lord of Thunder was sitting high on the top of a mountain in the distance.

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