Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2352 The gap between the magic weapon

But having said that, I have to thank the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, the Siren King's cultivation base would be infinite, and their Sifang Continent would have been wiped out long ago, so there would be no place for him, Lu Chen.

After pondering for a while, Lu Chen asked again: "What do you mean when you call me the Holy Master? With my strength, I am still a thousand miles away from the Saint, can I also be called the Holy Master?"

Others have never seen a saint, but Lu Chen has.

In the Lingxiao Palace of the Daling Dynasty, Lu Chen went to understand Lingtian's inheritance of the holy way.

At that time, Ling Tian was almost overshadowed.

One must know that Ling Tian has been dead for countless years, and what is left is only a remnant of soul.

The results are all so powerful.

If it wasn't for his frequent means and precautions, he would have been killed by Ling Tian Duoshe.

It can be seen how terrifying the strength of the saint is.

If Ling Tian was at his peak, Chase Lu estimated that he would not be his opponent with just a fingernail.

But now these guys actually call themselves the Holy Lord.

So ignorant.

How can I dare to call myself a holy master.

Putting gold on your face like this is not self-aware!

If the ancient sages heard it, they would probably laugh out loud.

Xiao Sha said: "Returning to the Holy Master, all powerhouses who surpass the ninth level of the Void Realm are called semi-holy powerhouses.

And the stronger one among the semi-holy ones is called the Holy Lord.

Under normal circumstances, the standard for judging a Holy Master is the record.

In our Xuanwu Continent, there is a list of holy masters.

There are a total of [-] places on the Holy Master List.

Whoever wants to step into the list of holy masters must defeat one of the holy masters.

The winner takes his place.

The loser will drop one rank with the next Holy Master.

Although you have not stepped into the list of holy masters, based on your record, you can be included in the No. 20 third place by defeating Fengyun Holy Master who is ranked No. 20 and third.

But you are one against three, according to the villain's deduction, you should be able to rank No.11. "

"Oh? Can't even make it into the top ten?"

Lu Chen said in surprise.

Xiao Zhan quickly explained: "The top ten on the list of holy masters are all old monsters who have been famous for a long time, and their combat power is very terrifying. No.10 can sweep the next twenty holy masters."

"So scary?"

Lu Chen was surprised again.

I was able to defeat these three guys before, with the help of formations and tricks.

If they really fight, they may not be able to win them.

Of course, now that his strength has improved, it's easy to deal with the three of them.

However, there are seventeen more Holy Masters, and I guess it will be difficult for me to clean up.

"Holy Lord Lu Chen, don't underestimate the top ten old demons.

They have more magic weapons than Xiong Yusheng's and are more powerful.

Moreover, they have lived for so long, and their methods are endless.

If Lu Chensheng mainly challenges them, he must prepare in advance.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die

The No. 11 Holy Master once challenged the tenth Space Holy Master, but was extradited by him to another extremely unstable space with the power of space, where he was torn into pieces alive, without a place to die! "

"Holy Master of Space, just No.10"

Lu Chen pondered.

It is well known that the rules of space and time are the most powerful, but also the hardest to comprehend.

Generally, those who comprehend the rules of space are the strongest among the strong.

But according to what I have seen so far, neither the Song Chengkong lecturer at the Xiongwu Taoist Academy nor the Miao Renjie who was crushed to death by him are not very strong.

Now the so-called space lord mentioned by Xiao Sha is only ranked No. 10 in the list of sage masters.

This is different from Lu Chen's imagination.

Is it because the rules of space are not good, or are these people who understand the rules of space not good?

If it's just one person, it's okay to understand.

As a result, those who comprehend the rules of space have not become extremely powerful, which is surprising.

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

The power of space and the power of time are both powerful rules.Compared with the two, the power of time is more mysterious and elusive.

For the power of time, Chase Lu didn't even touch the threshold.There is no trace at all.

There is probably no one in this world who can cultivate the power of time.

What if someone can comprehend the power of both at the same time?

I'm afraid that person is the real dogmatic eternal, eternal immortal!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly felt inexplicably excited, as if he seemed to be able to reach that point one day.

forget it!

With the existence of that kind of realm, I am afraid that a world can be shattered in the blink of an eye.

Will those terrifying memory fragments I saw at the beginning have something to do with this kind of strong man?

Thinking of this, Chase Lu's mental world suddenly became a little disordered.

In the deepest part, a granulation shook slightly.

Lu Chen didn't dare to continue thinking, and pulled his thoughts back.

Lu Chen is not particularly interested in the top ten of the list of holy masters, and it doesn't matter if he has the opportunity to sit by the way.

However, the top ten of the list of holy masters are not ordinary people, and those who can comprehend the rules of space are only ranked in the top ten.

Based on my years of thinking about the power of space, I don't think that the power of space is just this level, and there must be a higher level.

There was no basis for this suspicion, so he put it down secretly, and asked again: "Is the strongest person in Xuanwu Continent the people on the Holy Master List?"

Xiao Sha shook his head and said: "This subordinate is not very clear, and I have to ask the Lord Lie Yan and the Lord Ice and Snow to answer the questions."

Kui Yan said, "As far as I know, the list of holy masters represents the highest strength in Xuanwu Continent.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some old monsters are hiding in the dark and have not competed for the Holy Master list.

However, these hidden old monsters don't even dare to compete for the Holy Lord Ranking, and they have no experience in fighting against the strong, so their strength is not much higher.

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Therefore, I think the list of holy masters is the top of Xuanwu Continent! "

"Lie Yan is right, that's about it."

The Lord of Ice and Snow agreed.

Lu Chen nodded, and asked again: "Above the four great empires, is there a leader?"

The hearts of the three Lord Lieyan shook violently.

Hearing Lu Chen's question, they didn't know how ambitious this young Holy Master was.

He not only wants to control the Xiongwu Empire, but also wants to control the other three empires.

But is it that easy?

Just a Xiongwu Empire has a large formation controlled by Xiong Yusheng.

If Lu Chen was not the half-step formation king, it would be impossible to kill Xiong Yusheng and occupy the Xiongwu Empire.

In addition, if Xiong Yusheng's ancestor Xiongwu Shengzhu is still alive, this Xiongwu Empire will never be taken down by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was also lucky.

But against other empires, his luck was useless.

The three major empires of the family must be guarded by the powerful Holy Master, and they do not rely on formations to guard them.

Lu Chen is the half-step formation king, and he can't help others.

Although everyone didn't approve of Chase Lu's ambition, Lord Lie Yan replied honestly, "Above the four great empires, there is no leader.

However, in the Shenwu Empire, there is a Shenwu Holy Master who ranks fourth on the list of holy masters.

In the Lingwu Empire, there is the Lingwu Holy Master who ranks third on the list of holy masters.

In the Xuanwu Empire, there is the Xuanwu Holy Master who ranks second on the list of holy masters.

Although the rankings of these three Holy Masters are different, their strengths are extremely close.

If it is really desperate, it is not certain who will live and who will die.

Before the Xiongwu Empire, there were also Xiongwu Holy Lords guarding the Quartet.

But he hadn't appeared for a long time, and now it seemed that he had already passed away. "

Listening to Lu Chen, he thought he was lucky.

Since this mighty holy lord can guard an empire, his strength is definitely no worse than the other three holy lords.

According to Lie Yan and Bingxue, if Holy Master Xiongwu is still alive, he is afraid that he will die.

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen, and I also successfully received three holy masters as subordinates.

"Who is number one?"

Lu Chen asked suddenly.

The Lord of Ice and Snow said: "It is the Lord of Thunder.

It is said that the Lord of Thunder has cultivated to the state of following the words.

As soon as a word came out, thunder appeared!

He is number one, supreme.

Since he was born 5000 years ago, no one has been able to pull him down.

These 5000 years have passed, and I don't know what level he has reached. "

As the Holy Lord of Ice and Snow said, a trace of panic showed unconsciously in his eyes.

Lord Lie Yan's pupils trembled as well, as if he had thought of some scene that he still had lingering fear in his heart.

Xiao Sha said: "Holy Lord Lu Chen will definitely defeat Holy Lord Thunder, take the first place in the list of Holy Masters, and become a legend of the new generation!"

He is not a Holy Master, and he has never seen the battles on the list of Holy Masters, so he naturally does not know the power of the Thundering Holy Master.

Bingxue and Lie Yan shook their heads again and again as they listened.

But they didn't intervene.

I just thought to myself that if Lu Chen overestimated himself and really went to Thunder Saint to take the initiative, then he would be dead.

The two of them can also get rid of the shackles of the blood oath smoothly.

It's a pity that they thought Lu Chen was too stupid.

Lu Chen is just inquiring now, to understand the layout of the strong in the entire Xuanwu Continent, and has no intention of immediately looking for someone to challenge.

He was very interested and asked again: "The Lord of Thunder is so powerful, why didn't he rule the Xuanwu Continent?"

Bingxue and Lie Yan shook their heads: "I don't know. Maybe he doesn't care about these illusory things anymore. What kind of wealth, mysterious crystals, magic weapons, exercises, etc., at his level, there is no point in having more."

"Then does he have a heavenly magic weapon?" Lu Chen asked again.

Bingxue and Lie Yan still shook their heads.

At the level of the Thunder Lord, it is no longer within the reach of the two of them.

Even if the two of them are both Holy Masters, they know very little about the Thundering Holy Master.

After all, the gap is too big, like the difference between clouds and mud.

"You don't know anything, what's the use of you!"

Lu Chen glared at the two of them.

The two lowered their heads in shame, and secretly scolded Lu Chen for being overwhelmed.

Even if you, Lu Chen, know a lot of information about the Holy Lord of Thunder, what can you do to him.

Although you were able to clean up the three of us, you are still far from the Lord of Thunder.

Holy Lord of Thunder, that is a legend!

Lu Chen didn't know what the two of them were thinking, but he was secretly pondering in his heart.

Now I have the Three Talents Sword, and after fusion, it forms a top-level magic weapon, which is the most powerful magic weapon in my hand.

If Lord Thunder did not have a heaven-level magic weapon in his hand, but had a top-level magic weapon just like himself.

Then I still have a chance to fight him.

If that guy possessed a heavenly magic weapon, then he would never be able to defeat it.

The magic weapon's bonus to combat power is too strong.

Because the magic weapon itself can mobilize the power of the laws of heaven and earth, even if it is the most common Void Realm Emperor who has a magic weapon, he may be able to kill a semi-sage who does not have a magic weapon.

"Huh, that's not right."

Lu Chen was startled suddenly, and thought of a question.

His three talent swords, Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, and Human Sword are all high-level magic weapons, which are the same grade as the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and Holy Dragon Arrow.

But why when I fought with Xiong Yusheng earlier, I urged the ground sword and human sword, but I couldn't resist Xiong Yusheng's bow and arrow, but was knocked back instead?

Is it because I am using it wrong, or is there still a subdivision gap in the high-level magic weapon?

But even if there is a gap in subdivision, the earth sword and the human sword shouldn't be so easy to be knocked into the air because they are both high-level magic weapons.

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