Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2351 1 mountain is higher than 1 mountain

No one knows, in fact, Lu Chen's deity has already been in the small world.

When he touched the entrance of the martial tower and caused ripples, he had already begun to condense his avatar.

After all, it is the level of mental power that breaks the delusion, so it is not difficult to gather a clone that is manifested as a god.

In addition, when he experienced the life of mortals, he comprehended the formation that simulated the rules of the world.

Even without the blessing of flesh and blood, no one can see the flaws in the divine avatar that has been created now.

The only problem is that it consumes a lot of mental power.

So after the avatar dissipated, Lu Chen immediately fell into a deep sleep.

He believed that Fengyun and the other three were intimidated by his strange methods, and they would never dare to play tricks.

And when he recovers, he still wants to turn the world upside down just by relying on those three crooked melons?

This time, Lu Chen slept for three months.

Nine days passed in the outside world.

During this period, as Lu Chen expected, the three of Fengyun Shengzhu did not dare to make any fools.

Needless to say, the Lord of Lieyan, Kai Yan, was seriously injured and was still working hard to heal his injuries.

Fengyun Shengzhu has a dark heart, but he can't support it alone. He just quietly thinks about countermeasures, thinking about how to get rid of Lu Chen's shackles.

The Lord of Ice and Snow was still worried about the mystery of ice, so he searched around in the imperial city.

Naturally, she also broke into the imperial palace and looted it all.

But anyone who dares to stop her will be killed.

In the end, she still couldn't find Bing Xuanji, which made her feel depressed and angry.

Originally, this trip was mainly to take away Bing Xuanji and preserve this genius seed.

Who knew that the genius seed disappeared inexplicably, and he even caused a commotion.

With nowhere to release the accumulated depression, the Lord of Ice and Snow moved into the imperial palace.

She wanted to return to her holy mountain of ice and snow, but she was quite afraid of Lu Chen, so Lu Chen didn't speak, and she didn't dare to act without authorization.

Another few days passed.

Lu Chen woke up for many days and took the opportunity to systematically sort out the harvest of this battle and the harvest in Wuta.

His strength has naturally improved.

Although he has never fought anyone before, Lu Chen is sure that facing those three crooked melons and cracked dates now, he can suppress them by himself without using formations.

In the small world, Chase Lu sat cross-legged, with a hook on his right hand.

Swish swish.

Three swords hovered around him.

It is the Three Talents Sword of Heaven, Earth and Man obtained in Wuta.

These days, he did not refine the holy dragon golden bone bow, but first refined the heavenly sword.

Afterwards, Lu Chen got the three-talented sword array fed back by the three swords.

In fact, Lu Chen had also learned Qiyao Sword Formation in Qiyao Palace before.

But he has been useless for a long time.

And the Qiyao Sword Formation is not strong enough, but because of the high requirements for weapons to use the sword formation.

Weapons must fit together.

At least it must be created by a refiner.

And the most perfect sword formation must be made by the same craftsman, and the attributes created must perfectly meet the needs of the sword formation.

For example, the Seven Luminaries Sword Formation requires the seven attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and yin and yang.

The size of the sword body still needs to be similar, if it is not bad at all, then it is truly perfect.

Because of the strict requirements of the sword array, Lu Chen rarely used it.

But the three talents sword array in front of him is different.

This set of magic weapons was specially crafted by the predecessors, and the three swords of heaven, earth and man perfectly fit together.

If the magic weapon is divided into three grades of low, middle and high.

Lu Chen believes that the Sancai Sword is definitely a high-level sword.

Combined with the Sancai Sword Formation, it can definitely exert extraordinary power.

It is estimated to be sharper and more terrifying than the combination of the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and the Holy Dragon Arrow.

With this magic weapon by his side, Lu Chen now has confidence.

So he left the small world, came to the Imperial Palace, and asked the Ice and Snow Lord to summon the other two.

Lord Fengyun arrived quickly, knelt down and said, "Congratulations, master, for leaving the customs."

With a swipe of his right hand, Lu Chen grabbed his ring and said, "Have you burned all your life's learning with blank jade slips?"

"It's done, please check the master!"

Lord Fengyun's heart was dripping with blood, but on the surface he was still respectful.

Chase Lu checked the ring.

After a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, very caring. But I heard you said that there is a way to avoid the blood oath, why didn't you record it?"


Lord Fengyun dripped sweat on his forehead, and said: "Master, I forgot for a while, please forgive me, the villain will start recording immediately."

When he saw Lu Chen's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he trembled with fright. He felt that he couldn't hide anything from the Holy Lord Lu Chen, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Lu Chen threw out a ring and said coldly: "You burn all the blank jade slips inside, and if you dare to hide it, come and see me!"

After finishing speaking, he swung his right hand and sent Holy Master Fengyun out.

Lord Fengyun changed color in shock.

He felt a great force coming, and he couldn't dodge at all, and was locked in a side room at the mercy of others.

Then that force disappeared, and Lord Fengyun walked around at will.

But he found that he couldn't open the door anyway.

"It's a formation!"

He was horrified.

This is completely treating himself as a criminal.

The most frightening thing is that this formation is so powerful that he has no power to fight back in it.

Obviously, he was subdued by Chase Lu with the formation not long ago, but he is still surprised by the level of Chase Lu's formation.

It felt like Lu Chen's formation was still somewhat restrained.

Now that he is out of customs, Chase Lu has become even more terrifying and stronger!

He couldn't help but panic in his heart, realizing that he might not be able to get rid of Chase Lu's shackles for the rest of his life.

This is the most desperate.

Lord Fengyun didn't know that when Lu Chen dealt with them before, he didn't refine the magic weapon array.

And now Lu Chen, after refining the Three Talents Sword, also refined the magic weapon array.

With this array to control the formation, let alone deal with the three crooked melons and dates.

Even if it is a few more so-called holy masters, it is not a problem.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After imprisoning Lord Fengyun, Lord Lie Yan finally arrived.

His injury is not serious, even with all kinds of panacea, he has not been able to fully recover now.

After all, he was smashed to death by infinite thunder balls, and it was the thunder ball mobilized by Lu Chen with the power of thunder disaster.

Not everyone has been baptized by Lei Jie like Lu Chen.

Not everyone has a gourd dantian.

Like Lieyan Shengzhu, the first time he experienced the thunder disaster, his meridians were immediately damaged.

If he is not the Holy Master, it is estimated that the meridians will be ruptured directly, and even the dantian will be broken, and the cultivation base of the whole body will be abolished.

"This subordinate has seen Holy Lord Lu Chen."

Kai Yan, the holy master of flames, cupped his hands and bowed slightly.

Lu Chen said: "Fengyun has already recorded what he has learned all his life, so you should do the same. Especially the method that can avoid the blood oath, as well as various secret methods, record them for me. Don't hide anything!"


Kai Yan sighed in his heart, he was still hesitating at first, but when he was swept away by Lu Chen's eyes, he quickly responded.

He was terrified of being hit by a thunder ball.

The damage to the meridian let him know that he was only one word away from being crippled.

If you dare to say "no", it will be miserable!

Therefore, a person who knows current affairs is a hero, and he still admits that he is a coward.

"Bingxue, Kai Yan, I think the strength of the two of you is much higher than that of Xiong Yusheng. Why is Xiong Yusheng the number one in the empire. Hey, by the way, where is Xiao Sha?"

Lu Chen asked.

Previously, he was busy fighting with the three of them, and forgot about Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Sha was not what Lu Chen cared about, he could kill him anytime anyway.

What he wants is this guy's Siyang Fang Ding.

If it wasn't for Siyang Fang Ding, he would have killed this guy long ago, so it wouldn't be so troublesome.

"Xiao Sha?"

Bingxue shook her head: "I didn't see it."

Lu Chen frowned, and then grabbed the void with his right hand.


A figure fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a terrified expression.

When he saw clearly who was sitting on it, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Holy Lord Lu Chen, the villain is willing to be your pawn, please forgive me, Lord Lu Chen."

"This is Xiao Sha?"

"The second strongest person in the Xiongwu Empire?"

Bingxue and Kai Yan looked at each other, shocked.

As the Holy Masters near the Xiongwu Empire, they certainly knew what Xiao Sha looked like.

But they never expected that Holy Lord Lu Chen would grab Xiao Sha with a quick grab.

How did you do it?

This method is unpredictable!

Lu Chen grabbed Xiao Sha's ring with his right hand again, and searched it mentally, and saw the Siyang Fang Ding.

"There are a lot of good things."

Lu Chen laughed.

Although he is still a little behind Xiong Yusheng, this Xiao Sha is also very rich.

There are six defensive magic weapons alone.

Of course, judging from the light emitted from the magic weapon, the Siyang Fangding is the strongest.

After carefully observing these magic weapons, Lu Chen found something and asked, "How do you distinguish the level of magic weapons?"


The three of Xiao Sha were all in a daze.

Unexpectedly, Chase Lu actually asked such a question.

This question is too simple, even a bit silly.

At their level, no one knows how to distinguish the level of magic weapons.

Did this Chase Lu just get promoted to this level?

If so, it would be terrible.

This person can be called a peerless monster!

Without waiting for the other two to answer, Xiao Zhan hurriedly said: "My lord, to distinguish the level of magic treasures, you must look at the magic patterns on the treasures.

When the magic weapon is forged, it is sacrificed with the help of the laws of heaven and earth.

If it is a high-level magic weapon, the more rules of heaven and earth are condensed.

For example, on my Siyang Fangding, there are two magic lines on it, which represent middle-level magic weapons.

Xiong Yusheng's Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and Holy Dragon Arrow are both high-level magic weapons with three magic lines.

The four dharma patterns are top-level magic weapons.

It is said that there is also a heaven-level magic weapon with five magic patterns, but I have never seen it. It should be just a legend.

In ancient times, there should be a magic weapon of heaven rank.

It's a pity that as time goes by, the vicissitudes of life have changed, and the heavenly magic weapon has also degenerated into a top-level or high-level magic weapon. "

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded secretly.

He remembered that each sword of the Three Talents Sword had three magic patterns, which were regarded as high-level magic weapons.

However, when he activates the three-talented sword array, there will be one more magic pattern on the three swords.

It's just that the extra one is very bleak. If it weren't for my own delusion-breaking level of mental power, I'm afraid I would have to concentrate on observation to see it.

Of course, if you activate the formula yourself, you can fuse the three swords together.

Then the fusion of the three talented swords, the fourth magic pattern will become extremely concise.

In other words, when the three talent swords are fused together, they will be promoted to a top-level magic weapon!

Such a method is really unpredictable.

Lu Chen finally realized the power of the refiner in ancient times.

In comparison, these refiners are too weak now.

Not to mention refining a magic weapon that can be integrated into a higher level, even if it is refining the worst low-level magic weapon, no one can do it.

All magic weapons have been handed down from ancient times.

Having said that, this martial tower can send out magic weapons, so what level of treasure is the martial tower itself?

Just can't imagine.

The deeper the understanding of the magic weapon, the more yearning for the cultivation environment of the ancient times.

Now everyone can't even break through the confinement of the Void Realm, so it doesn't make sense to ask for so many magic weapons.

Lu Chen sighed secretly.

If he can break through to a higher level, then he can directly crush the Siren Emperor, so there is no need to waste time here.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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