The little girl was very surprised, and she was about to back away as she murmured to herself, as if she wanted to go out to see if she had made a mistake.

Lu Chen suddenly said: "Regardless of whether you went right or wrong, you have to attend a class when you come, or else one billion profound crystals will be wasted."

"That's right."

The little girl suddenly realized, she smiled cutely at Lu Chen, walked over and sat beside her, and said, "Is this brother also here to listen to Chen Shui's lecture?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "So you didn't go wrong. In fact, it's my first time here. I didn't expect that only the two of us would listen to this lecture in Chen Shui's lecture hall."

"That's right, there are only the two of us in such a big class, it's too deserted. But it's worth a billion Xuanjing, so it should be worth it."

said the little girl.

The two chatted casually before the time came.

Lu Chen learned that the little girl was called Xu Mengyou, and she was also a disciple of the Holy Dao, who comprehended the rules of dreams and the supernatural powers of dreams.

Because I feel that there is a certain relationship between the way of sleep and the way of dreaming, I came here to listen to the lectures, hoping to inspire myself.

"Brother Lu Chen, what you comprehend is the magic power of ice, why do you come here to listen to the class?"

Xu Mengyou asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen said: "This is the first time for me to come to the Taoist Academy. This is my first class. Because I came late, other classes have been taught, and only this one can be listened to. Let's try and listen first, and take a look at these What are the lecturers talking about. And it’s the first time I’ve heard of Sleeping Road, so I’m here to see it.”

"Brother Lu Chen is really rich. You can easily spend one billion Xuanjing to attend classes."

Xu Mengyou said enviously.

Lu Chen let out an uh, speechless.

If he hadn't been invested by Shi Daoxiong and the other three, how could he have squandered these mysterious crystals.

But there is no need to tell Xu Mengyou.

"Junior Sister Xu, which dynasty are you from?"

Lu Chen changed the topic.

Xu Mengyou said: "I'm not from the Dynasty, I'm a native of the Imperial City. One day, I suddenly awakened the magical powers of dreams, and then I was sent to the Xiongwu Taoist Academy, and I passed the examination to become a disciple of the Holy Dao."

Lu Chen: ""

He only knew that he was a genius, and he was blessed with many opportunities.

But now it seems that there are more people who have the chance.

This Xu Mengyou is much younger than himself, probably only 15 years old.

As a result, when Xu Mengyou was 15 years old, he could suddenly awaken supernatural powers, and he was still a holy supernatural power.

This opportunity, who to reason with.

If I hadn't obtained the time spar from the medicine garden array left by my dog's father, I'm afraid that I would be inferior to this little girl after another 100 years of practice.

Relying on the time spar bought most of the time for myself.

Strictly speaking, I am already an old guy in his 200s and almost [-]s.

Older than most geniuses.

"Did Senior Brother Lu Chen come from a dynasty? Which dynasty? I have never traveled far. When will Senior Brother Lu Chen take me out to play?"

Xu Mengyou said expectantly.

Lu Chen said: "Brother, I will not only take you out to meet the great dynasties, but also take you out to see the sea."

"The sea? I've never heard of the sea. Is it beautiful?"

Xu Mengyou opened her big eyes, blinking and blinking, and asked curiously.

Lu Chen praised: "The wind is surging and the waves are magnificent. The waves are rising one after another, as if you are standing on the clouds and watching the layers of clouds rolling."

"I want to see, I want to see."

Xu Mengyou exclaimed happily.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and thought to himself, you little girl can see it, but if you go to the battlefield, it will be over.

So it's better not to mix it with fighting.

But it is also a pleasure to take you to see this vast world and increase your knowledge.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of his wife Jiang Xinyue.

I don't know if Xiaoyue gave birth to a boy or a girl.

If it was a girl, she should be about the same age as Xu Mengyou.

"Brother Lu Chen?"

Seeing Lu Chen suddenly lost his mind, Xu Mengyou called out.

Lu Chen came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said, "I just thought of my hometown."

"Where is Brother Lu Chen's hometown? Is it beautiful?" Xu Mengyou asked curiously.

Lu Chen said: "Naturally it's beautiful. It's just a little smaller, and there are more monsters around."

Just as he was speaking, there was a sudden hum in the hall.

Xu Mengyou sat upright, made a shush, and said, "Class is over."

Lu Chen nodded, and sat solemnly, looking at the podium.

After a while, I saw a sloppy old man lazily coming out.

"Good lecture!"

Xu Mengyou hurriedly pulled Chen Lu to stand up, and said hello respectfully.

Lu Chen secretly said, there is still this rule.

He also said hello honestly.

The sloppy old man seemed taken aback by the greeting. He raised his eyes and said in surprise, "There are actually two people today. Congratulations."

Lu Chen muttered secretly.

What is this old guy talking about? It's weird.

It seemed that there were two people that surprised him.

It seems that it is very likely that he is an unreliable guy as I guessed.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so deserted.

"Everyone sit down, everyone sit down. Today we will talk about sleep.

To sleep is to sleep.

Ordinary people sleep every day, but we monks spend much less time sleeping, or even don't sleep. We only know how to practice and practice non-stop all day long.

But is this right?

Everyone cultivates to improve their cultivation, but can it be said that only cultivation can improve their cultivation?

We all know that if people don't sleep for a day, their spirit and physique will decline.

If you don't sleep for a long time, your body will automatically enter dormancy, or a coma.

This is the body protesting, repairing itself.

In other words, when ordinary people sleep, it is a process of improving their physical and mental strength.

Then, why can't we monks improve our physical and mental strength while sleeping?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but move.

Originally, he didn't have any hope for this sloppy old man, but after listening to his words, he made himself realize something.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yes, since mortals sleep, they advance, and if they don't sleep, they will retreat.

So can monks ascend while sleeping?

Although everyone is cultivating crazily, they are tireless.

But is it right to be tireless?

Do you also need to take a break for a day or two, let yourself relax, let your body and spirit stop, and be quiet.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen became more and more engrossed in listening.

I want to get the answer to this question from this lecture.

Can sleep together improve strength?

If it can be improved, how can it be improved?

"Speaking of which, let's try to feel what it feels like to be truly asleep."

As the sloppy old man spoke, he breathed evenly and slowly from his nose and mouth.

He actually fell asleep.

Lu Chen was taken aback.

But when he saw Xu Mengyou beside him, he was also drowsy.

"what the hell?"

Lu Chen was speechless.

I spent one billion Xuanjing, what on earth did I come here for?

Xu Mengyou was sleeping soundly, with a peaceful mind.

The soft sleep pant made Lu Chen feel a little yuwàng wanting to fall asleep.

But, something is wrong!

Lu Chen suddenly became nervous.

I would actually fall asleep under the influence of others.

What if someone plots against her as soon as she falls asleep?

This scruffy old man looks weird, who knows what kind of conspiracy.

Subconsciously, Lu Chen's mental power began to resist the yuwàng of sleep.

Half an hour passed.

In the entire classroom in the hall, only the sleep breathing of the sloppy old man Chen Shui and Xu Mengyou could be heard slightly.

Chase Lu was struggling with himself alone.

Dozing off between sleeping and not sleeping, suddenly drowsy, and suddenly awakened suddenly.

Time passed by itself.

Lu Chen inexplicably felt infinitely irritable.

Various fragments flickered in my mind.

I have my childhood memories, the disasters in the Sifang Continent, and my disguised life in the sea area

Some strange memory fragments were even born!

It was a broken continent, torn apart!

Even the space is devastated, with black holes everywhere, and no strangers can be seen at a glance.The scene is very scary!

There is only infinite silence, accompanied by the sound of tinnitus that seems to be absent caused by the instability of space.


It was really terrifying, Chase Lu couldn't move, he could only passively look at these strange memory fragments.

Compared with those so-called purgatory on earth, what I saw in front of me was nothing more than horror.

It was as if this vast land of fading light was smashed to pieces by an incomparable heavy punch, and in an instant, all the lives were burnt and wiped out!

What kind of place is this, why is it so miserable, and what has happened to it.

Is it a natural disaster?

This was probably the worst scene Chase Lu had ever seen.

When seeing this scene, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart, and even felt a little colic, as if seeing his future hometown would suffer such catastrophe.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as cud dogs!

So, what is the purpose of a person's whole life of cultivation?

Too late to think about it.At this moment, a figure stepped out of the black hole, calmly.

The smoke was so thick that it was impossible to see the person's face clearly.

But as soon as he stood there, all the broken rules around him surrendered under his feet.

The figure turned around, and suddenly looked in Lu Chen's direction.

Before Lu Chen could look at each other in the future, he was grabbed by an uncontrollable force.


All the pictures shrank into Lu Chen's spiritual world in an instant.

Accompanied by that, in the depths of the spiritual world, the granulation had a slight beating.

Lu Chen suddenly had a headache, and couldn't remember the horrible scenes he saw just now.

Looking around, he found that Xu Mengyou beside him was still sleeping, snoring weakly.

Chen Shui, the spoiled old man, also fell into a deep sleep.

Although both of them were sleeping, the only difference was that Xu Mengyou at least seemed to be asleep. After all, his body floated rhythmically with his breathing.

But Chen Shui remained motionless, and Lu Chen couldn't feel the slightest breath, as if he was dead.

No way, when you are old, you can leave as soon as you say?

Lu Chen was a little speechless.

But before he knew it, as Lu Chen looked at it, another feeling of confusion rushed into his head.

Suddenly, I fell into that trance again.

Chase Lu kept struggling, but it felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless.

Various images flashed back in my mind.

For a moment, Lu Chen didn't know where he was.

As if he had really returned to his hometown, his wife Jiang Xinyue was lying beside her pillow with her infant baby in her arms.

His mind was so chaotic and buzzing that he couldn't seem to control his body.

This made Lu Chen extremely terrified.

He was worried that if he continued, he would fall into these situations and be unable to escape, and eventually sink into this situation, becoming a useless person and being slaughtered by others.

"Spiritual attack, this is definitely a spiritual attack, it creates illusions for me, and wants to capture me!"

Lu Chen stood up and shouted loudly: "Old man, I spent one billion Xuanjing to see you sleep? You are not qualified to use mental attacks against me!"


A real dragon chant roared out from Lu Chen's mouth.

Xu Mengyou woke up suddenly, his face changed in horror, and he sat down on the ground, looking at Lu Chen in horror, as if he couldn't believe that this terrible villain was the kind big brother before.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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