Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2325 Huge Consumption View

It's just that whether the child is a boy or a girl, or what it looks like, I have never seen it before.

Thinking of this all the time, Chase Lu couldn't hold back the yuwàng of wanting to go home.

He immediately said: "Don't talk about this. Now I have the qualification to build a courtyard in Xiongwu Daoyuan, do you want to come with me?"

"of course yes!"

Shi Daoxiong hurriedly said: "We brought you here, we are now a group, anyway, we are glued together, disciples of the Great Sacred Way."

"Haha, stick to me casually, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape in the future."

Lu Chen laughed loudly, and led everyone to where his title deed was.

There is a formation guarding it, but if the emperor's jade talisman is thrown, the formation will be automatically dispelled.

So Lu Chen arranged several formations by himself, and then asked Shi Daoxiong and the others to help.

After all, everyone lives together, so I won't try my best foolishly.

Shi Daoxiong and Mu Huang were also former Palace Masters at any rate, with many treasures in their hands.

They threw it away, and a talisman was still on the ground.

Then a towering courtyard wall appeared, just surrounding the area of ​​the title deed.

A total of one square kilometer in size.

From this size, it can be seen how big the area of ​​Xuanwu Continent is, which can be said to be vast and sparsely populated.

Lu Chen himself did not dare to give such a large courtyard to a disciple in the Holy Land of the Sifang Continent, the Five Emperors Sect.

Even if this disciple is outstanding, he will not be treated so exaggeratedly.

But Xiongwu Daoyuan dared to do this because of its vast land and abundant resources.

With such a large courtyard, Shi Daoxiong and the others can live wherever they want.

I saw that they each took out their houses from the ring and divided the places to live.

Lu Chen also took out his house and arranged the formation.

Their house is the simplest, with nothing in it, it is the stone house that was first used.

But after setting up the formation, this is the safest place.

Lu Chen was not in a hurry to go to the Wuta, and he didn't want to go to see the lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way.

He immediately entered the small world and began to explain the jade slips about Xiongwu Daoyuan.

Soon, he had a certain understanding of Xiongwu Daoyuan.

The good place here is that apart from the Martial Dao Academy, there are also many places for practice.

But for a disciple like himself, most training grounds are useless.

The only useful ones are three.

One is the lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way, which can enhance the understanding of the rules.

The other is Budomen.

It is said that behind the Budao Gate is a place like a secret realm, after entering, one will have the opportunity to comprehend one's own martial arts rules, and even comprehend the martial arts will.

Martial Dao Will is like Ling Tian's Saint Will, but purer.

For example, if Lu Chen comprehends the will of the sword, his strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

The third place is called the proving ground.

There are all kinds of powerful monsters in the proving ground.

It is said that entering the trial field, there is a random teleportation array.

Some people were unlucky, and were accidentally teleported to the lair of top-level monsters, and were swallowed by the monsters.

If you are lucky, you will be sent to a remote place, where you will slowly hone and improve your own strength.

We all know that places guarded by monsters are often accompanied by treasures.

The more powerful the monster, the more extraordinary the treasure it guards.

Although the risk is great, some people still flock to it.

As far as Lu Chen is concerned, he is not afraid of monsters, but after he learned the news, he was a little excited.

This is a good place to recruit helpers!

After he decided to come out of the martial tower, he went to the trial ground.

Gather all the powerful monsters and lead them to the sea with his real dragon posture.

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more excited he became.

This is the end of his understanding of Xiongwu Daoyuan, and other miscellaneous rules have little to do with him.

As long as he has cultivated to the extreme, he will stand at the top of the Xuanwu Continent with a supreme posture.

Who dares to say that he is half wrong.

So Lu Chen immediately walked out of the small world, intending to listen to the lecture of the Great Emperor Shengdao.

See how profound rules can be said in that lecture, and see if it will help you.

"Lu Chen, you're out, where are you going?"

Shi Daoxiong was basking in the sun, and asked when he saw Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said: "Third Hall Master, do you have any good recommendations?"

Shi Daoxiong said with a smile: "I left Lingxiao Palace a long time ago, why do you still call me the Lord of the Third Palace? If brother Lu Chen doesn't mind, you can call me brother."

"Well, brother Shi Daoxiong."

Lu Chen laughed.

Shi Daoxion was very happy, and said: "You disciples of the Holy Way must be going to listen to the speech of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way. That is a compulsory course for you. I have some mysterious crystals here, you can use them."

With that said, he threw a ring to Lu Chen casually.

Lu Chen took a look, good guy, there are a full 600 billion mysterious crystals!

This is too rich.

No wonder the Lingxiao Palace can give so many rewards to the number one in the Lingxiao list.

It seems that the Lingxiao Palace was also very profitable in the Daling Dynasty.

Although he didn't know how to spend the money, Lu Chen knew that he was poor.

The 20 billion I got from the mine before made me happy, and I really thought I was a rich man.

In the end, it seemed that I was short-sighted and poor enough to limit my imagination.

"Thank you, bro, without these profound crystals, I'm afraid I'll be unable to take a single step in the Xiongwu Taoist Academy."

Lu Chen quickly thanked him.

Shi Daoxiong said with a smile: "It seems that my brother also has some understanding of Xiongwu Daoyuan.

In fact, not to mention Xiongwu Taoist Academy, in the entire imperial city, Xuanjing is worthless.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Because there are too many, and you can't absorb refining to improve your cultivation, what's the use?

Therefore, Xuan Jing is useless in many places.

Slowly you will understand that some treasures are the hard currency.

Everyone would rather have some inferior treasures than more mysterious crystals.

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded.

It's a pity that I don't have much research on refining equipment, otherwise I could make a fortune here.

As for the elixir, there are great emperors everywhere in the imperial capital, who needs elixirs to improve their cultivation.

Not many people are willing to ask for even healing pills.

Unless it is the top of the top.

But at that level, Chase Lu couldn't refine it.

So forget about getting rich.

Being able to get 600 billion profound crystals from Shi Daoxiong was a solution to the urgent need.

Don't think about making money for the time being, and continue to improve your strength is the kingly way.

"Lu Chen, I also have some mysterious crystals here, you can use them too."

A voice sounded from behind.

Lu Chen turned around and found that it was Mu Huang, the master of the main hall.

This old man looks white-haired and pale, but he is very intelligent. His eyes are not cloudy like ordinary old people, but rather shrewd.

He is discerning, nice to others, and trustworthy.

Lu Chen took the ring and said, "Thank you, Hall Master."

"Hehe, you can also call me old brother. Although I am an old man, Shi Daoxiong and I are peers."

Mu Huang stroked his beard and smiled.

Lu Chen said: "Okay, brother Mu Huang."

Continuing to look at the ring, Chase Lu was already numb.

Obediently, 1000 billion mysterious crystals.

How much Xuanjing did this earn in Lingxiao Palace?

Just throwing it out is probably enough for countless disciples of the Lingxiao Palace to pick it up for half a day.

On the other side, Lu Zhuo, the master of the second hall, also appeared, and also gave Lu Chen a ring.

800 billion mysterious crystals.

Lu Chen has always felt that the second hall master is quite gloomy, rarely speaks, and has a relatively withdrawn personality.

But the people are nice too.

People are divided into groups by like clusters, Shi Daoxiong is a good person, and the other two palace masters are naturally not much different.

"Okay, we won't affect you anymore. Hurry up and listen to the lecture of the Great Emperor of the Holy Dao."

Shi Daoxiong smiled.

Lu Zhuo, the master of the second hall, suddenly said: "You are an ice supernatural power, you can go to the class of Ice Mystery. But her class is very expensive, and it is estimated that a class needs 80 billion mysterious crystals."


Lu Chen was in a daze.

One class costs 80 billion Xuanjing, dare to pay more.

The cheating is not so cheating.

I now have 420 billion mysterious crystals, which means I can only listen to [-] classes.


It is better to listen to other ordinary lectures first to see the quality.

Lu Chen thought about it, and said goodbye.

The location of the lecturers is fixed, and there is one called the lecture hall.

The monastery covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square kilometers.

Even with Lu Chen's eyesight, he couldn't see the side at a glance.

Entering the preaching hall, first you have to pay 1000 million Xuanjing to buy the jade slip for class opening.

There are lecture schedules within three days in the jade slips.

Some of the great emperors of the holy way have already given lectures, so they cannot enter halfway.

Chase Lu found that the timing of his visit was wrong.

Because it was late in the evening, the Holy Dao Emperor who was giving lectures had already started giving lectures.

There is only one person left who has not started the lecture today.

In order to save time and didn't want to wait until tomorrow, Lu Chen decided to listen to the lecture of the Holy Dao Emperor.

The lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way is called Chen Shui, and he talks about the way of sleeping.

Lu Chen couldn't help but wonder, is there a way to sleep?

He couldn't remember the last time he slept.

At his level, cultivation is the norm, and there is no need to sleep at all.

Of course, if you sleep well, you should try it yourself and get a good night's sleep.

With curiosity, Lu Chen came to the door of Chen Shui's lecture hall.

The lecture hall is also a hall.

The door of the hall is closed, and there is a socket beside it that can put the ring.

Next to the socket is written, one billion mysterious crystals.

In fact, from Cheng Yujian, Lu Chen knew that Chen Shui needed one billion Xuanjing for a class, which was not surprising.

But after paying Xuanjing and entering the hall, Lu Chen felt that he was about to suffer.

Because there are at least 1000 seats in the entire hall, but I am the only one.

It can be seen that Chen Shui should be an extremely low-level lecturer.

Otherwise, why no one came.

To say that his price is high, one billion profound crystals, judging from the daily consumption of Xiongwu Daoyuan, it is not too high.

So, I was really stupid, I foolishly came in without asking in advance.

But when it comes, be safe.

Lu Chen had no choice but to comfort himself, maybe it was not time to start the lecture.

By Xu time, many people should come.

Time passed slowly.

Lu Chen didn't see many people, only a little girl.

The little girl was a little stunned, and when she came in, she saw Lu Chen alone, and covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh, did I go to the wrong place?"

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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