Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2327 Unstoppable

The sloppy old man Chen Shui also stared wide-eyed in shock, looked at Lu Chen, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

As he said that, his eyes froze, and he looked at Lu Chen carefully, as if he wanted to see Lu Chen through.

When Lu Chen saw his eyes, he was even more sullen, and shouted: "Old man, what else can I think of, I will take it together!"


Before the words fell, Lu Chen pointed out.


The terrifying sword energy pierced through the air, only hitting Chen Shui's eyebrows.

Chen Shui's heart shuddered, and when he realized the horror of this move, he immediately backed away.

After all, this is his home field. He has been talking about sleeping here for who knows how many years, and whenever he moves his mental power at will, he will activate the formation here.

Swish swish.

The defensive formation was activated, and the barrier instantly condensed to block him.

Chen Shui secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

His sleep is not good at fighting, especially for Lu Chen in front of him, let alone fighting, it is simply adding fuel to the fire.

Therefore, it is better to activate the formation.

Thanks to this formation, otherwise he might have been killed.

This disciple of the holy way is really scary.

That sword energy was so fast that it almost pierced the space, making people palpitate.


Lu Chen sneered, quickly made a tactic with both hands, and threw out the array flag.

After the blink of an eye, the defensive formation immediately broke open.

Chen Shui was shocked, turned his head and ran away, and rushed out of the hall from the backstage of the lecture hall.

Chase Lu quickly caught up and followed closely behind.

Then Chen Shui screamed: "A disciple wants to kill the lecturer, come and save me!"

rub rub.

Almost instantly, several figures soared from the various halls.

Who would believe that someone wanted to kill the lecturer?

Doesn't that guy know the rules of Xiongwu Daoyuan?

In some lecture seats, even if the fighting power is not good, but the qualifications are there, the disciples can't take action against others.

This is a matter of rules, personal cultivation, and respect for the chair.

For those who dare to attack the lecture hall, the rules and regulations of the Xiongwu Daoyuan said so.

Kill without mercy!

So when Chen Shui screamed, many lecturers flew out in shock.

One is to see who is so bold.

Secondly, it is also to save Chen Shui.

After all, they are both lecturers, even if there is no friendship, everyone stands in the same position.

If no one rescued Chen Shui today, then if someone with audacity attacked him in the future, wouldn't there be no one to save him?

"Stop him!"

A rough lecturer yelled loudly.

He patted forward with his right hand, and saw a towering mountain coming out, trying to suppress Lu Chen.


Lu Chen waved his right hand, too lazy to entangle with this person.


I saw the majestic mountain shatter in response, without even touching Lu Chen's fur.


The rough lecturer was taken aback: "Earth system rules?"

Unexpectedly, this daring kid would actually comprehend the rules of the earth system, which is not low.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to shatter his majestic mountain all at once.

Seeing this, the lecturer on the other side shouted, "Look at me!"


Layers of ice crystals emerged, trying to trap Lu Chen inside and freeze them.

Lu Chen sneered, didn't care about Bing Jing, and continued to chase and kill Chen Shui.

And the ice crystals beside him didn't have the slightest blocking effect when he passed by, as if they didn't exist.

"He actually comprehended the rules of the ice system!"

The lecturer screamed.

The rules of the earth system and the rules of the ice system are both comprehensible, and they are not weak.

This kid is a super genius.

"I still don't believe it."

Another skinny young man let out a cold snort, and slashed down with his right hand in the air.

A knife slashed down.

The light of this knife carries the rules of the wind, and it is extremely fast, and it blends into the wind without sound.

Lu Chen still ignored him, and the sword energy field moved on his body.

All the wind blades and blades were shredded by the sword energy field.


Skinny youths were hit hard.

I am known for my attack power, but I can't even break through other people's defenses.

Who the hell is this kid?

There are indeed many methods, no wonder he dared to attack the lecture hall.

However, his method can only be arrogant in front of their ordinary lectures.

When you meet a high-level lecturer, let him look good.

"Okay, leave it to me."

A beautiful woman was suspended in the air, and she spoke slowly, her voice was as clear as a yellow warbler.

Hearing this woman's voice, the other lecturers immediately retreated.

Some disciples of the holy way who rushed out also whispered in surprise, talking a lot.

"It's the Ice Mystery Lecture."

"I can actually see the Bingxuanji lecture seat making a move. This is wonderful."

"The kid below is really daring. He dared to attack the lecture hall. He didn't want to live."

"It's pretty good that he can force the Bingxuanji lecture seat to take action."

"That is, we are able to see the heroic appearance of Bingxuanji's lecture hall, and we must thank him."

"He deserved to die."

Everyone has nothing to do with themselves, hehe smiled.

"Junior Sister Bing, save my life."

Chen Shui saw the opportunity and quickly rushed to the back of Bingxuan.

Lu Chen also stopped immediately and looked at Bing Xuanji.

He could feel the terrifying power of ice rules in this woman.

"Kneel down and admit your mistake"

Bing Xuanji's beautiful face was cold and indifferent, even showing a hint of coldness.

She went on to the second half of the sentence: "Or—die!"

Everyone fought a cold war together.

The air seemed to have cooled down.

People who were a little closer quickly moved away one by one, as if they were afraid of being affected by the icy breath.

Even though the battle hadn't even started yet, they avoided snakes and scorpions like snakes and scorpions.

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Lu Chen did not evade, but looked directly at Bing Xuanji, and said coldly: "Get out of the way. This person is plotting against me, and I will kill him. Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"Hmph, I want to see how you let me die."

Bing Xuanji snorted coldly, and grabbed the air with his right hand.

Then a huge ice ball emerged from the bottom of Chase Lu's feet.

It just happened to enclose Chase Lu in the ice puck, and freeze him in it, unable to move.

Lu Chen was taken aback, but he didn't realize how the ice ball was formed from the sole of his feet.

This ability to control the rules of the ice system is much stronger than himself.

But although Lu Chen was surprised, he was still happy and not afraid.

Although his comprehension of the rules of the ice system has not touched the essence, it is by no means weak.

After all, it started from the breakthrough of Guiyi Realm, and focused on absorbing the breath of ice to improve the cultivation base of his small dantian.

Over the years, even if I didn't take the initiative to comprehend and study the rules of the ice system, I naturally realized a lot.

This understanding has almost been imprinted in the bone marrow.

So when trapped by the ice puck, Chase Lu was only shocked for a moment, and immediately released the ice system rules.

In less than three breaths of time, he jumped out of the ice puck.

"He actually came out!"

"That was an attack from the Ice Mystery Lecture, how could he come out."

The shocked eyes of the ice lecturer who shot Lu Chen before almost popped out.

He has a deep understanding of how terrifying the Bingxuanji lecture hall is.

When he was still a disciple of the Holy Dao, the Bingxuanji lecture chair who was obviously younger was already a famous existence.

Over the years, the Bingxuanji lecture seat is naturally stronger.

I used to compete with the lecturers, but the results were not the ice system rules released by the enemy.

The gap among them cannot be counted.

But Lu Chen was able to rush out of the ice puck in the Ice Mystery Lecture, and it only took three breaths.

What power is this?

This guy is probably qualified to be a lecturer.

When did such a pervert appear among the disciples of the Holy Dao?

Bing Xuanji was also taken aback by Lu Chen's rigidity, but she calmed down quickly, and grabbed it with her right hand again.

An ice crystal cage appears in the void.

A more terrifying icy aura condensed out, wreaking havoc in the ice crystal cage.

The sky is full of snow, and every snowflake can turn into a sharp ice flower in an instant.

I saw countless ice flowers circling around Chase Lu.

Even if Lu Chen was blocked by the sword energy field around him, he couldn't block the attacks of these ice flowers.

On the contrary, his sword energy domain was stagnant in that icy breath.

"Such a strong power of ice rules."

Lu Chen couldn't help but secretly startled.

If it weren't for his little dantian to absorb and refine the breath of ice for a living, I'm afraid that he would be frozen to death by this ice crystal cage.

In other words, it was my own comprehension of the rules of the ice system, which was far from other people's ice mystery, and I was hanged and beaten by others.

No wonder Lu Zhuo, the master of the second hall, recommended himself to attend Bing Xuanji's class.

This woman really lived up to her reputation.

It's a pity that she met herself.

Relying on his small dantian, Lu Chen didn't care about the icy breath.

As for the ice flower, when it touched him, it was melted by the pure yang fire.

That's right, he didn't just comprehend the rules of the ice system.

He still has the rules of the fire system, and he has absorbed multiple flames, a higher level of pure Yang fire.

This is your own fire.

It's just an ice crystal, and you want to take yourself down?

"Dissolve it for me!"

Lu Chen shouted loudly, and the breath of flames surged out of his body.

Like a fire dragon emerging, it devoured all the ice crystals.

What kind of ice crystal cage is also melting away in the struggle.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone exclaimed: "He even comprehended the rules of the fire system."

"It's more than comprehension. The level of the flame on him is very high, otherwise it would be impossible to break the ice crystal cage of the Ice Mystery Lecture."

"Who is this person, I have never heard of it."

"I don't know, I'm afraid it's a new super genius."

"It's a pity that he played himself to death before he became famous. Xiongwu Daoyuan can't tolerate him."

"It's an unforgivable crime to attack the lecture hall."

"I don't know how to deal with the Bingxuanji lecture."

"No matter how you deal with it, the lecture will win."

Everyone still has infinite confidence in Bing Xuanji.

In addition to Bing Xuanji's own strength, it is also because Bing Xuanji is so beautiful.

Such a beauty shouldn't be defeated by this ignorant, bold and bold brat.

In the battlefield, Bing Xuanji covered his face with frost, and said coldly: "It seems that you are looking for death with all your heart."

Swish swish.

She made quick gestures with both hands, chanting words in her mouth.

Lu Chen's face changed slightly, and he felt that the breath around him was frozen.

Everything in front of him has also changed.

I felt like I was in a world of ice and snow, the cold wind was blowing like ice knives on people's skin.

Even if Lu Chen had a strong body, he was not aware of it for a while, and the skin on his face was scratched by the cold wind ice knife.

"Is it an illusion? Another mental attack?"

Lu Chen was sullen.

What he hates the most is the illusion, which is unreal and incomprehensible.

But if they want to play illusions in front of themselves, they are still young!

I am the spiritual power of the peak of the gods, the spiritual world and the Senluo Palace, some illusions can be broken by killing intent!

"Break it for me!"

Lu Chen let out a roar, and his mental killing intent surged out.

However, it is still surrounded by a world of ice and snow.

His expression became serious, and only then did he realize that it was not an illusion, but everything was real.

It is only because Bingxuanji's ice rules are very strong that she has constructed a world of ice and snow by herself.

"It's really strong."

For the first time, Chase Lu realized the horror of the high-level ice system rules.

Comparing the ice system rules that I have comprehended with others, it is like a child playing house.

In the outside world, everyone saw Bing Xuanji kept making tricks, and the chanting words in his mouth never stopped.

In mid-air was the ice and snow world she constructed, and Chase Lu was trapped in it.

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