Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2324 Admission

He has already obtained the map of Xuanwu Continent from the hands of the three palace masters.

Just as Shi Daoxiong said, the Daling Dynasty was considered a remote dynasty, close to the sea.

As unlucky as the Daling Dynasty, there are many other dynasties.

As for the empire, it is in the most inland place, the heartland.

There are hundreds of dynasties in the Xuanwu Continent, and thousands of small countries under the dynasties.

But these are inferior beings.

The top layer is the empire, and there are four empires in total.

Xiongwu Empire, Lingwu Empire, Shenwu Empire, Xuanwu Empire.

The four empires rule the Quartet and enjoy 90.00% of the resources of the entire continent.

This situation is the same as Zhongzhou in Sifang Continent.

It's just that there is no holy place here, but the central area is divided equally among the four empires.

The strength of each empire is similar.

Apart from exchanging ideas with each other every hundred years, the powerhouses of the empire did not have any superfluous battles.

We all live with peaceful thoughts.

This kind of peace is the same as they treat the peace of the sea.

Refuse to fight, live and work in peace and contentment.

But Lin Chen felt that this was a big problem.

You must know that although they are trapped in the Sifang Continent, under the leadership of their Five Emperors, they are practicing crazily and flourishing day by day.

Lin Chen is sure that as long as he kills himself back to the Sifang Continent and improves the rules of the world in the Sifang Continent, countless powerful people will be born in the Sifang Continent in an instant.

These are all fought in blood and tears.

And the Xuanwu Continent will not work.

These people have no fighting spirit, and they are not prepared for danger in peace.

They are missing a pusher.

The so-called no pressure, there is no motivation.

From this point of view, the presence of sea monsters threatening Sifang Continent gave Sifang Continent a shot in the arm.

"There are not many strong people in the Xuanwu Continent. If we can gather them all, the chances of saving the Sifang Continent will be greater."

Lin Chen couldn't help thinking secretly.

The problem now is that people in the Xuanwu Continent think that it is meaningless to go to the sea, and it will only increase casualties.

Then you have to find a way to make them feel meaningful.

Lin Chen thought silently.

Along the way, he still looked around to check the living conditions of the people in the imperial city.

He has to prescribe the right medicine to arouse everyone's fighting spirit.

Before I knew it, I came to Xiongwu Daoyuan.

This is the holy land of cultivation in the imperial city.

Xiong Yusheng, the emperor of the Xiongwu Empire, is a strong man who came out of the Xiongwu Taoist Temple.

Here, there is Wuta!

But Shi Daoxiong and the others did not immediately take Lin Chen to Wuta, but first applied for the assessment of Lin Chen's holy power.

Only by passing the assessment can the task be considered complete.

"Come here."

A female disciple led the way to the gate of the examination hall.

She asked: "Which one has realized the holy supernatural power?"

"it's me."

Lin Chen said.

The female disciple smiled sweetly: "Then please wait outside, this young master will follow me into the examination hall."

The examination hall is divided into many different halls.

The woman asked again: "My lord, what kind of supernatural power did you comprehend?"

Lin Chen said: "Ice magic."

"Okay, follow me to the Ice Element Hall."

The woman invites you respectfully.

Lin Chen continued to follow and entered the Ice Element Hall.

Inside the hall, sat two middle-aged men.

They are all in the Great Emperor Realm at the peak of the Tongxuan Realm.

They glanced at Lin Chen casually, as if they wanted to see through Lin Chen.

Of course, that's just what they think they see through.

Lin Chen cupped his hands respectfully: "I have met the two elders."

The tall middle-aged man on the left said: "Tell me, what is the origin, what magical powers have you comprehended, and show it."


Lin Chen said seriously: "I come from the Great Ling Dynasty, and what I comprehend is the divine power of Ling Tian, ​​the saint of the Great Ling Dynasty, and the ice-type supernatural power."

After all, Lin Chen randomly grabbed a cloud of water mist in the air with his right hand.

Then throw the mist out.


I saw one after another icicles rising from the ground, as if they were going to penetrate the entire hall.

It was the power of ice rules that Lin Chen performed to Shi Daoxiong and the others in Lingtian Saint Hall.

It is purely a random imitation according to what Shi Daoxion said.

As long as the power of the rules is comprehended enough, what holy powers cannot be displayed?


The two middle-aged men nodded and said: "It's the holy supernatural power. Go and register. You can directly enter the martial tower to practice. But I don't recommend you to do so."

It seemed that he had only said half of this sentence, so he stopped.

Lin Chen looked at him, and saw the man waved his hand to let them back out.

"Young master, please."

The woman leading the way winked like silk.

Lin Chen felt helpless.

The elder only said that it is not recommended to go directly to Wuta, and he did not suggest what he should do.

It's better not to say half the words.

Following the woman, Lin Chen asked: "Junior Sister, do you know why the Elder doesn't suggest going directly to the Wu Tower to practice."

The woman said: "Our Xiongwu Daoyuan has many lectures for the Great Emperor of the Holy Dao.

Listening to one of their sermons will give you a deeper understanding of the power of rules.

And if you want to go to the Wuta to practice and break into the Wuta, you must understand the power of rules at a deeper level.

Otherwise, it is easy to be injured by the power of rules in the Wuta.

Severely injured for several months, wasted precious time in cultivation, and widened the gap with other geniuses.

If it is more serious, it will produce inner demons, and it will be impossible to break through the Wuta for a lifetime.

That's why the elders suggested, brother, that you should not go directly to the Wu Tower, but to go to the lecture of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way first. "

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"The Great Emperor's Lecture"

Lin Chen pondered for a while, and then asked: "What do you need to pay for listening to the lecture of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way, or can everyone go to listen?"

The woman said: "Only the disciples of the Holy Way can go to the lecture of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way. You have passed the examination and received your ID card after registration. You are a disciple of the Holy Way. But to attend a class, you need to spend [-] million Xuan Jing."

"I see."

Lin Chen complained secretly in his heart, it's too expensive to pay [-] million Xuanjing for a single class.

With 20 billion profound crystals, I am simply a pauper.

Continue to follow the woman, and enter a beautiful room, surrounded by crimson light, reflecting the unique beams of light in the room changing colors, it is really beautiful.

There is a large round bed in the room, which is elegant and luxurious.

Lin Chen couldn't help being surprised: "Aren't you going to register as a disciple of the Holy Way? What are you doing here?"

Just as he was talking, he turned his head and saw the woman closed the door, started to take off her clothes, and looked at him winkingly, panting softly.

The melodious sound is so heart-pounding that it actually makes people feel a surge of emotion, which is uncontrollable.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I can't hold it anymore, and I will bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the woman.

But who is Lu Chen?

The spiritual power of the peak of manifesting the gods is as solid as gold, and how can a mere charm technique pry it open.

He cleared his throat slightly, and said in a harsh tone, "Girl, please respect yourself."

As soon as the words came out, the woman took a step forward, almost leaning on Lu Chen, and the fragrance wafted from her mouth: "Young master, this is your reward for being a disciple of the holy way, you don't need to resist, just accept it calmly.

From now on, the slave family is yours, please don't dislike me, my lord. "

"is it?"

With a hook of his right hand, Lu Chen grabbed Lu Chen's clothes that fell off the ground, stuffed them into the woman's hands again, and said, "Stop making trouble, take me to the rank to get an identity card."

The woman was slightly startled, then leaned forward again, and said tenderly: "Young master, do you think that the slave family is not beautiful enough? The slave family is very sad."

The fragrance is sprayed out of the mouth again, and there is a profuse panting sound, which is soft and sticky.

Lu Chen pushed him away and said: "If you are really charming, why use charm. Well, your charm is useless to me, and I don't care what your purpose is. In short, take me to the level immediately to claim the status cards. I don't have much time to waste with you."

The woman was confused by Lu Chen's attitude, and asked in disbelief: "My lord, are you really not going to take the servant's house?"

Lu Chen said impatiently, "What do you want to do?"

The woman said aggrievedly: "Actually, the young master is a good-looking talent, and the slave family fell in love at first sight, and just wanted to serve the young master well."

"Put on your clothes, and take me to register to get an ID card, and you will be well served."

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense with the woman, so he opened the door and walked out.

Simply inexplicable.

It's really not self-respecting to put it on yourself after meeting for the first time.

Not to mention that Lu Chen has someone he likes, if not, he would not talk to this kind of woman.

Even if he is a disciple of the holy way and has a bright future, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

This woman's thoughts are simply unreasonable.

It was as if she thought that she could bind herself to it by dedicating herself once.

strange woman.

Lu Chen was not so casual.

After waiting at the door for a while, the door creaked open, and the woman came out in neat clothes.

She still stared at Chase Lu with wide eyes in disbelief, as if she wanted to see through Chase Lu's real thoughts.

Because of the man in front of her, she couldn't figure it out.

Lu Chen turned a blind eye to a beautiful woman who was just like him.

After my sisters led the way and dedicated themselves to disciples of the holy way, they all received a lot of benefits.

With luck, she directly became the concubine of a disciple of the Holy Dao.

If you are unlucky, you can also get a lot of rewards from disciples of the holy way.

But the guy I met was not interested in sex, and he was not interested in women.

Could it be a matter of orientation.

Either this person is sick.

With his own beauty and charm, how many men can't get what they want.

This guy is ignoring himself.


The woman despised Lu Chen in her heart, she was just a eunuch pretending to be a gentleman, not worth mentioning.

So, on the next road, her attitude was not as good-looking as before.

But fortunately, it is still said that Chase Lu has brought it to the level.

Lu Chen didn't even bother to talk to her.

I originally planned to give her a little labor fee, but now there is no need.

I saw Chase Lu go straight past her, explaining his background and assessment results to the deacon in charge of registration.

The deacon does not doubt him.

Because no one dares to lie here yet.

That would be tantamount to courting death.

He took out his identity card and a ring, handed them to Lu Chen, and said, "Instructions about the title deed of clothing in the ring."

"it is good."

Lu Chen swept away casually and left here.

As a disciple of the Holy Dao, he is qualified to equip his own courtyard in Xiongwu Daoyuan.

With a title deed, you can go to that location to build your own house to live in.

Walking out of the examination hall, the main hall master and the others are still waiting.

When Shi Daoxion saw Lu Chen, he was surprised immediately: "So fast?"

The shopkeeper Mu Huang and the second palace master Lu Zhuo also looked at Lu Chen strangely.

Lu Chen was speechless, and said casually, "I'm not interested in women."

"No way."

Shi Daoxiong said no, but in his heart he was a little rejoiced.

Fortunately, his daughter has fallen in love with Zuixianchou.

Otherwise, how could Lu Chen, a guy who doesn't even like women, be a good entrustment.

He is obviously an outstanding son of heaven, but in the end he has such emotional flaws, hey!

A failure, a failure.

Sure enough, if God opened a door for him, it must close a window for him, so that it will be fair.

Whatever Shi Daoxion thinks, Lu Chen doesn't care at all, anyway, Lu Chen already has children.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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