Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2323 The Emperor

Chapter 320 Three Emperors

He explained: "There are various rule tests in the martial tower, as well as the coercive attack of the holy power. It is said that there is a martial arts field on the top floor. I have never entered it, nor have I seen it."

"Martial arts field."

Lu Chen pondered, and said: "I know the domain of saints, which was emitted by the statue of Ling Tian. But what is the domain of martial arts?"

Shi Daoxiong said: "You are best at swordsmanship, and what you practice is swordsmanship."


"The way of the sword is a type of martial arts.

There are many types in the field of martial arts, and all kinds of weapons can be subdivided into one of them.

For example, your kendo has the domain of kendo.

The field of kendo is different from the field of sword qi. What is tested is your understanding of kendo, which cannot be compared with simple sword qi.

Being under the realm of seeing can help you understand your own way of the sword more deeply.

If you are lucky enough to be able to get the inheritance of kendo in Wuta, then your kendo domain can be formed immediately, and you have the opportunity to become the supreme powerhouse. "

As Shi Daoxiong said, he seemed to think of some legendary character, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Observing this, Lu Chen asked, "Third Palace Master, what are you thinking?"

Shi Daoxiong said with emotion: "In the field of Martial Dao, there is also the field of Killing Dao. Back then, I entered the Dao with Killing, and I was considered a strong one. But compared with Xiao Sha, it is far behind. It is like the relationship between Yinghuo and Haoyue. difference."

"Who is Xiao Sha?"

"The second strongest person in the Xiongwu Empire. In fact, some people say that he is the first strongest person. It is only because Xiong Yusheng is the emperor that he is given the first place."

After Shi Daoxion finished speaking, he immediately booed and said: "This is just my nonsense, please don't talk nonsense."

Lu Chen asked again: "Did Xiong Yusheng also enter the Wuta?"

"Of course. The Wuta is the inheritance of the empire. As an emperor, how can Xiong Yusheng miss it. And if he doesn't enter the Wuta, how can he be respected as the number one powerhouse?"

"Third Palace Master, what is the highest floor of the Wuta, have you heard of it? Have these two stepped into the highest floor?"

Chase Lu had many problems.

Now he just wants to enter the Wuta and improve his own strength, so the clearer the question, the better.

Shi Daoxiong said: "The Wu Tower has a total of 99 floors. Naturally, Xiong Yusheng and Xiao Sha have stepped into the No. 90 ninth floor. But none of them told what is inside, and we have no way of knowing."

The main hall master suddenly said: "It is said that there is also an inheritance in the Martial Pagoda, and it is the top inheritance in the inheritance of the holy way.

It is said that some people have also obtained magic weapons from Wuta.

It's a pity that the magic weapon needs too much mana to activate it.

Even a strong man who is proficient in the magic formula can't be activated, and instead, he lost his life because of the magic weapon, and the magic weapon was taken away by the empire.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Chase Lu, if you are lucky enough to get a magic weapon in it.

Either hide it somewhere no one knows, or immediately dedicate it to Xiong Yusheng.But don't take chances. "

When Lu Chen heard this, his heart trembled slightly.

This Great Hall Master is so powerful, he actually discovered through his own black cloud that he is also familiar with the law, so he reminded himself.

Fortunately, not a traitor.

Otherwise, if you report the fact that you know the Dharma, do you want to dedicate the Chengyun Dharma to Xiong Yusheng?

The mighty empire, the imperial city.

"Who is coming."

The city guard blocked Shi Daoxiong and the others.

Shi Daoxiong clasped his hands, and said: "Mu Huang, Lu Zhuo, and Shi Daoxiong, the Taoist guardians of the Great Ling Dynasty, bring back the inheritors of the Holy Way."

"Wait a moment."

The city guard looked solemn, and immediately entered the room of the city guard to see if there were these three people.

After a while, he came back and seemed to have confirmed it, saying: "You three have worked hard. Congratulations on returning to your hometown. But have the three young people behind you understood the inheritance of the holy way?"

Shi Daoxiong said: "This Lu Chen understands the inheritance of the holy way. These two are my daughter and son-in-law."

"Well, I see. The inheritors of the holy way do not need to pay the city entry tax, but your daughter and son-in-law still need to pay. This is the rule, you should understand."


Shi Daoxiong took out a ring and handed it to the city guard.

The city guard took it, and after checking it, he moved aside and said, "Welcome back."

"thanks, thanks."

Shi Daoxiong still respected Dao.

Lu Chen was secretly surprised.

After all, Shi Daoxiong was also the master of the Lingxiao Palace, so why was he so respectful in front of the city guards, and even seemed a little submissive.

What's even more outrageous is that Lu Chen secretly checked the ring that Shi Daoxion handed over, and there were 2000 million mysterious crystals in it.

This city entry tax costs 1000 million Xuanjing per person?

Even if Lu Chen got 20 billion Xuanjing from Beiyuan Mine from Mo Zidao, he still felt that he didn't have enough Xuanjing.

The simple city entry tax is 1000 million.

Other consumption, I'm afraid it will cost more than 1 million casually.

How can I spend 20 billion on my own.

Following Shi Daoxiong into the imperial city, Lu Chen said in a low voice: "Master of the third hall, why is the city entry tax so expensive?"

Shi Daoxiong said: "Don't say it's expensive, no matter how expensive it is, there will be people rushing in.

The imperial city has complete rules and abundant aura.

Some people will break through the realm and comprehend higher rules just by stepping into the boundary of the imperial city.

So 1000 million Xuan Jing is not expensive, who can enter the imperial city, who cares about such a few Xuan Jing. "

Speaking of rules and aura, Lu Chen had to agree with what Shi Daoxion said.

The Imperial City is indeed a holy place for cultivation.

Everything here is enviable, no wonder those who have come are reluctant to leave, while those who have not come rush to come in.

But he still had doubts, and asked: "Are the city guards of the Imperial City very powerful? I think there are very few city guards."

"It's more than amazing."

Shi Daoxiong said with lingering fears: "Back then, there was a strong man who entered the 64th floor of the Martial Arts Tower. He committed a crime in the Imperial City, and was killed by a passing city guard."

"So strong?"

Lu Chen was shocked.

The strength of Shi Daoxiong's three palace masters is not considered weak, but they are only on the tenth floor of the martial tower.

How strong will those who enter the 64th floor be?

As a result, any passing city guard could kill him.

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This imperial city is truly a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

It was different from the cities Chase Lu had seen before.

In his impression of the city, although the strength of the city guard is not weak, it is not much stronger.

Unless it is those captains of the city guard, or figures of general and marshal level.

Ordinary city guards are the powerhouses of the middle and upper classes.

But it is not the case in the imperial city.

In other words, there are too many masters in the imperial city, so the city guard has become a superior existence.

Anyway, Lu Chen understood.

This imperial city is almost the peak of the Xuanwu Continent, where masters walk everywhere, and the hall masters are ordinary people among ordinary people.

It's just that I don't know who is better than my own strength and top people such as Xiong Yusheng.

In terms of cultivation alone, Lu Chen is naturally the strongest.

The thirteenth level of the Void Realm, the absolute supreme power, no one can surpass.

But when it comes to the field of martial arts, etc., Lu Chen may not necessarily be able to win.

So, keep a low profile.

At least he had to keep a low profile before going to Wuta to improve his kendo field.

Along the way, Lu Chen looked around, and his mental power was secretly swept out.

He found that there were peak powerhouses in the Void Realm everywhere.

That is the so-called Great Emperor.

Not worth the money here.

This situation is actually very similar to the Sifang Continent.

It's all because everyone's realm has reached the peak, and because of the rules, they can't continue to rise, so they all pile up at the peak of the void realm.

In this way, the number of people will increase, and the strong will be worthless.

On the contrary, a lot of boredom has been added, and there is no pursuit in life.

Faced with this situation, all kinds of entertainment things will appear.

A large part of the prosperity of the imperial city was brought about by the entertainment venues.

But Chase Lu had no interest in it.

He hasn't reached his peak yet, and he hasn't felt bored yet, so naturally he won't waste time on entertainment.

Practice is already full of endless fun.

Every day's improvement brings the most exhilarating feeling of refreshment.

There is no need to go elsewhere to have fun.

Zuixianchou is also not interested in the surrounding prosperity.

In the past, he only liked to study wine. For this reason, he could study many heresy ways, just to make wine more mellow.

But now that he has one more woman for him to like, he has no time to do other things.

Seriously along the way, not even looking left and right.

It's just that sometimes the nose will move twice, but then shake the head, seems quite dissatisfied.

Shi Daoxiong sighed: "It's still the same taste as before, nothing has changed."

The main hall master Mu Huang said: "It seems to be prosperous, but it is actually lifeless."

Lu Zhuo, the master of the second hall, nodded: "If you can't break through the shackles of the void realm, you can't break through to a higher realm. No matter how much entertainment there is, it will eventually become meaningless."


Lu Chen felt the same way.

The Sifang Continent is also in the same situation, trapped in the Sifang Realm and unable to advance an inch.

Speaking of it, it is worse than Xuanwu Continent.

Firstly, the realm is low, and secondly, he was coveted and trapped by the Siren Emperor.

There is no such problem in Xuanwu Continent, and it is more comfortable.

But they didn't manage to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Instead, they were extravagant and promiscuous here, wasting time.

With this energy, why don't you find an opportunity to see if you can break out of the sea.

Maybe there is a vast sky outside.

Although Chase Lu knew that there was no vast sky outside, the Sifang Continent on the other side was even worse.

But knowing it is one thing, doing it or not is another.

At least in Lu Chen's view, no matter how prosperous the imperial city is, no matter how many strong people there are, it will only support a bunch of useless people.

The only difference is that these useless people have a long lifespan and strong strength.

But no matter how strong they are, they will eventually turn into piles of loess, leaving no trace in this world.

"Why don't you go out of the sea and see the outside world?"

Lu Chen said along the way.

When he sees everyone now, he wants to wash the other party's heart, and encourage the other party to fight out of the sea.

But as long as there is someone who recognizes himself and is willing to go out of the sea, Chase Lu will be overjoyed.

This means that he has another helper!

The lord of the main hall, Mu Huang, took a deep look at Lu Chen and said, "Do you want to break out of the sea?"

"Of course I do!"

Lu Chen didn't hesitate.


Shi Daoxiong said: "The sea area is dominated by sea monsters. They make waves in the sea, and their strength has greatly increased. If we go to the sea area, our strength will be greatly reduced. Comparing the two, there is no chance of winning."

Lu Chen said: "That's the case. But we can also kill sea monsters at the edge of the sea, show them a little bit of power, and hone their combat experience by the way."

Shi Daoxiong shook his head: "This is a thankless task, and no one is willing to do it.

Even if the edge of the sea area of ​​the Xuanwu Continent is given over to the sea monsters, they will not be able to make any monsters.

When they came to land, just like we went to the sea, their strength was greatly reduced.

So they can only occupy a small amount of space.

As long as we build a city wall within a certain range, we can easily resist their invasion.

All dynasties do this.

Moreover, those dynasties are also remote and low-level dynasties, such as the Daling Dynasty, which is close to the sea, weak in strength, and the king is bullied.

But even such a dynasty can resist the Kraken's invasion to the inland.

So who cares about Kraken.

Anyway, this world has already restricted places for everyone.

The sea monster does not go out of the sea, and we do not enter the sea. Just go on in peace, that is the way to get along. "

Lu Chen pondered.

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