Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2322 Wu Pagoda

Chapter 320 Wuta

From the Xiongwu Empire to the royal city of the Daling Dynasty, there was no teleportation array.

Lu Chen couldn't help asking such questions.

Shi Daoxiong said: "There are a lot of consumables for arranging the teleportation array, and you need to understand the laws of space. I can't arrange it for idlers."

Lu Chen was surprised: "There is a teleportation array going to Beiyuan Mine inside the Lingxiao Palace, do you know?"

Shi Daoxiong said: "I know. It is a short-distance teleportation array, and there are not many consumables. As long as a top-level array master understands the laws of space, it can be arranged."

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded: "Then you already know that Yu Ziluo is a top formation master who understands the law of space?"

Shi Daoxiong shook his head: "We only know that someone has set up a teleportation array, but we don't know who it is."

"Then you haven't investigated it, so aren't you afraid that the other party has some conspiracy?"

Lu Chen asked strangely.

Shi Daoxiong said with a smile: "Our Lingxiao Palace is upright. We never snatch other people's things. Instead, we reward our disciples with a lot of treasures and inheritance. Who will deal with us?"

Lu Chen was speechless.

These three palace masters are indeed confident and have no selfishness.

After all, they were just sent by the Xiongwu Empire to seek successors who could comprehend the divine power.

Other than that, they don't care about other things.

But they are also lucky.

If Lu Chen hadn't fought Huikong in advance, he would have wiped out Huikong.

I'm afraid that after Huikong swallowed Yu Ziluo and regained his strength, not to mention the Lingxiao Palace, the entire Daling Dynasty would be dead.

The horror of the Senluo Palace is no joke.

In order to improve the quality of Senluo Palace and refine resentful souls and murderous intentions, it's strange that Huikong doesn't kill much.

Lu Chen knew these things in his heart, but he didn't have to tell the three palace masters.

It is also a good thing that there is no teleportation formation from the Daling Dynasty to the Xiongwu Empire.

It just happened to allow them to drop by the ruins of the Buddhist palace.

Lu Chen only needed to take out the jade slip map given by Fang Yuru and the three of them, without having to find the route by himself, the three palace masters took him there.

In ten days, they arrived at the ruins of the Buddhist palace.

At first glance, it looks deserted.

But in the jade slip map, there is a very small dark opening, which can enter the ground.

Shi Daoxiong praised: "It's really thanks to Fang Yuru and the others that they were able to find this place. If it wasn't for this map and jade slips, we wouldn't even be able to find the entrance."

"Do you want to go in together?"

Lu Chen asked.

Shi Daoxiong nodded: "Since we are here, let's go together."

Everyone entered the tunnel back and forth.

I didn't find any formation guards, and there were no accidents.

Shi Daoxiong said: "That's right. Fang Yuru and the others have explored here, so there shouldn't be any danger."

He had no hope in his heart, thinking that Lu Chen was here for nothing.

They are all relics that have been visited by people, so naturally there will be no treasures left behind.

We are not fools, and we will leave good things for later generations.

Lu Chen didn't hold out much hope.

But a visit is better than no visit at all.

Maybe there are treasures.

Everyone move on.

Shan Qingrou suddenly closed her eyes and remained motionless.

Seeing this, Lu Chen grabbed Shi Daoxiong and said, "Isn't there a sense?"

Shi Daoxiong was surprised: "Is this girl a disciple of Buddhism and Taoism?"

Everyone was surprised.

Because Buddhism in the Xuanwu Continent is almost extinct.

Since the birth of the Senluo Palace that year, the unknown strongman has killed people like hemp, and killed his fellow disciples the most ruthlessly, resulting in the almost extinction of the Buddhist inheritance.

But I didn't expect that this ordinary woman who followed Lu Chen was actually a disciple of Buddhism and Taoism, so she could understand the inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism in the ruins of this Buddhist palace?

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Naturally, there is a deep connection with Buddha, otherwise I wouldn't have made a special trip."

After finishing speaking, he asked everyone to back away, and said: "Okay, I want to set up a formation here, let my sister practice hard, please don't disturb."

"Well. Since she is a disciple of Buddhism and Taoism and can accept the inheritance, we won't come to join in the fun."

Shi Daoxiong nodded, and led everyone to leave the ruins together.

They were here to send Lu Chen off as a show of goodwill, and they didn't want to snatch the treasures in it.

When the goal is achieved, just exit.

When Lu Chen saw everyone leaving, he began to set up a protective formation.

After a while, the guard formation was successfully completed.

Shan Qingrou also opened her eyes, and said happily: "Brother Lu Chen, I feel the inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism here. Before the master passed away, he asked me to find the inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism, so that Buddhism and Taoism can flourish again. I didn't expect to find it so soon."

Lu Chen said: "Then you practice hard here, let's go to the Xiongwu Empire. I will pick you up then."

"Okay, Brother Lu Chen, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to improve my strength, and we will return to Sifang Continent together in the future!"

Shan Qingrou said seriously.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I'm relieved with your words. Well, I've already arranged the protective formation, and I'll arrange a few more formations to keep you safe."

"Thank you, Brother Lu Chen."

"See you."

Lu Chen walked out of the cave entrance, and arranged a shielding formation and a trapping formation at the entrance of the cave.

Then it rose into the air, and continued to march towards the Xiongwu Empire with the three palace masters.

A month has passed.

Finally stepped into the territory of the Xiongwu Empire.

Lu Chen swept out his mental power and found that the territory of the mighty empire was ten times larger than that of the Daling Dynasty.

Moreover, there are many strong people among them, with rich aura, it is simply a holy place for cultivation.

In other words, the Xiongwu Empire is like a residence for the upper class.

The Daling Dynasty was an inferior place of residence.

Those born in the Xiongwu Empire are naturally superior to others.

Because the aura is rich and pure, even the worst people will have high strength.

Since they were pregnant, the children in their womb have absorbed the pure aura here, and their natural talents will be superior to others.

If things go on like this, the people of Xiongwu Empire will naturally become stronger and stronger.

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As long as there are no accidents, the strong will always be strong.

But this world is made up of countless accidents.

Therefore, there will also be people with extraordinary talents in low-level residences such as the Daling Dynasty.

That's why the Xiongwu Empire established the Lingxiao Palace to win over the geniuses of the Daling Dynasty, so as to guarantee their empire's ruling power.

After coming to the Xiongwu Empire, after feeling the extraordinary pure aura here, and all kinds of rich natural materials and earthly treasures.

Who would want to return to the backcountry of the Daling Dynasty?

The geniuses will choose to take over the relatives of the Daling Dynasty to enjoy the blessings, and will not go back.

In this way, the situation where the strong will always be strong will continue to be maintained.

No one can overthrow the rule of the mighty empire.

"Phew, I'm finally back. Our place is still sunny and sunny. There is an intoxicating fragrance when the breeze blows."

Master Daoxiong of the third hall took a deep breath and said with a smile on his face.

The other two hall masters also laughed heartily.

Shi Yuhong and Zui Xianchou came here for the first time, and were shocked by the noble and prosperous atmosphere here.

Sure enough, compared with this place, the Daling Dynasty is like a backcountry.

You must know that they have not yet gone to the imperial city of the Xiongwu Empire.

What would it be like if we arrived at the Imperial City?

“It's a really relaxing place.”

Lu Chen praised.

With a random sweep of his mental power, he knew that the aura, land and resources here were enough to feed ten continents in all directions.

The gap is too big.

Pity them Sifang Continent is in a tragic situation.

"Let's go, go to the imperial city, it's more beautiful there, and it will definitely let you rise to a higher level."

Shi Daoxiong patted Lu Chen on the shoulder.

Everyone move on.

On the way, as expected by Shi Daoxiong, Lu Chen really broke through the first-level realm and was promoted to the eighth-level void realm.

After all, it has been more than a hundred years of retreat in the small world.

In the small world, there are a large number of mysterious crystals dropped by Lu Chen, providing enough aura.

Even if Chase Lu spends all his time comprehending various rules and the domain of saints, his cultivation is still improving every day.

Now in the Xiongwu Empire, being washed by a more pure aura, breaking through with the trend is not abrupt.

Counting it, he masters the eighth level of the void realm of the dantian, and the fourth level of the small dantian.

The total is the twelve levels of the Void Realm.

"Let's find a place to rest."

Lu Chen suddenly proposed.

In fact, they are in this state, and they don't know how tired they are after rushing to catch up for several years.

But since Chase Lu had a request, everyone agreed.

So, Chase Lu settled in an inn, arranged formations, entered the small world again, and came to the flame tree and ice crystal flowing water.

Start to absorb the air of ice.

Half a year later in the small world, Lu Chen successfully raised the small dantian to the fifth level.

Now it is the thirteenth level of the void realm.

It is only two levels away from the top fifteen levels.

Strictly speaking, there is only one difference.

As long as the main dantian is promoted to the ninth level, the small dantian can continue to absorb it here and break through the sixth level smoothly.

"You can reach the peak soon, and return to the Sifang Continent!"

Lu Chen clenched his fist slightly, feeling excited.

I have been in Xuanwu Continent for so long, and I have been waiting for such a day.

With this in mind, there is no mood to continue waiting.

So Lu Chen immediately left the small world, drove the black cloud, and led everyone forward quickly.

"So fast."

Shi Daoxiong and the five were extremely shocked.

I didn't expect Chase Lu to be so fast.

At what level his strength has reached, it is estimated that he can be listed in the top [-] in the Xiongwu Empire.

It's not that Shi Daoxion underestimated Lu Chen, the main reason is that there are too many geniuses in the Xiongwu Empire, like crucian carp crossing the river.

The three palace masters were considered top figures in the Daling Dynasty, but in the Xiongwu Empire, they were small figures assigned to the frontier.

Otherwise, why did the three of them leave their hometown and go to the Daling Dynasty?

It can be seen that their status is embarrassing.

So it's nothing that Chase Lu is better than them.

Moreover, Chase Lu has not yet reached the peak of the ninth level of the void realm.

They think that Lu Chen can be included in the top [-] of the Xiongwu Empire, not because they look down on Lu Chen, but because they think Lu Chen is high enough.

Five days passed.

Lu Chen and the others finally saw the iconic buildings of the Imperial City.


The holy place in the holy land of the Xiongwu Empire, the holy tower in the Xiongwu Taoist Temple.

It is said that all the supreme powerhouses of the Xiongwu Empire came out of the Wuta.

In other words, it is necessary to verify whether a person is a strong person and whether he has the potential to become a strong person.

Entering Wuta is the best way to test him.

Shi Daoxiong sighed: "I once entered the Wuta, but I only went up to the No.12 floor."

Lu Chen asked, "Where are the main hall master and the second hall master?"

Shi Daoxiong said: "The two big brothers are a little worse than me, and they haven't stepped on the tenth floor. This time, when you go to the Xiongwu Taoist Academy, the three of you will also go to the Wuta Tower to see your aptitude."

Hearing Shi Daoxiong's words, both Shi Yuhong and Zuixianchou yearned for it.

Lu Chen asked: "Apart from testing qualifications, what are the other substantial benefits of the Wu Tower?"

Shi Daoxiong smiled slightly.

He understood Lu Chen, this young man was different from his peers.

It doesn't seem to care about fame and honor, but only about substantive things.

Others are proud of stepping into the Wuta, and they compete for the level of stepping into the Wuta.

As a result, Chase Lu asked for substantial benefits in the first sentence.

This is an extreme desire for strength.

Although he didn't know what urgent needs Lu Chen had for being so eager for strength, Shi Daoxiong still admired Lu Chen very much.

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