Some people say that the person who has the best chance to comprehend this inheritance of the holy way is Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao was slightly thin, standing there like a thousand-year-old pine, motionless.

Just now, Chase Lu kept moving forward, which caused the noise and shock of the crowd.

But Ji Xiao didn't even turn his head back once, and was completely trapped in his own world.

Regardless of any changes and noises from the outside world, he didn't pay any attention to them.

Such a focused attitude is enough to make everyone admire.

But some people were not convinced by Ji Xiao.

This person happened to be standing next to Chase Lu, and he was also the sixth person within 20 meters.

He smiled at Lu Chen, and said: "My name is Ban Xu, and it took me a few years to get here. Lu Chen, you have reached this position for the first time, and you have a bright future. I think you can surpass Ji Xiao , comprehend the holy power."

"Thank you Jiyan."

Lu Chen cupped his hands.

Ban Xu smiled and said: "I have some personal understanding of the inheritance of the Holy Way, which is engraved in the jade slips and given to you."


Lu Chen was surprised.

There are such good people.

Taking Ban Xu's jade slips casually, Lu Chen thanked again, then sat down cross-legged, mentally observing the jade slips.

After a while, he suddenly realized.

This Ban Xu looks easy-going, but he is not a good person.

Although the jade slips depict his understanding of the inheritance of the holy way, there are too many misleading things mixed in.

If I really regard this thing as a treasure and absorb it as the experience of the predecessors, then I will definitely go astray and waste a lot of time.

Obviously, Ban Xu is using this method to hinder others.

"It won't do you any good."

Lu Chen said suddenly.

Ban Xu frowned: "What do you mean?"

Lu Chen said: "Even if you misled the later generations, can you prevent them from enlightening the inheritance of the holy way?"

"I can't understand what you said."

Ban Xu's face sank.

Lu Chen was too lazy to argue with him, and continued to move forward for a few steps.

Although the coercion of the saint's domain is several times greater, he has to spend more spiritual energy to resist it.

But he will be much more comfortable if he can no longer see Ban Xu's disgusting hypocrite face.

"You can still move forward."

Ban Xu's complexion was even uglier.

He knew that what Lu Chen said was right, he could mislead the people behind him, but he couldn't mislead Ji Xiao and others in front of him.

However, if you can mislead one person, you will have more chances in the future.

You must know that no matter what kind of supernatural power inheritance, No. 1 comprehension is the easiest, and later comprehension will be more difficult.

Ban Xu calculated that even the five people in front of Ji Xiao can comprehend supernatural powers, and when it comes to him, he will also have the opportunity to comprehend.

But if a few more people jumped in line to comprehend, I would have no chance.

So seeing Lu Chen standing in front of him, he seemed to see the inheritance of the holy way getting farther and farther away from him.

"Hmph, after reading my jade slip, do you think it's so easy to get rid of it?"

Ban Xu sneered in his heart, and secretly used the spirit seal.


Lu Chen felt something jump in his mind.

As soon as he moved his mind, he pulled out a thin white long strip of spiritual power, and threw it into the Sen Luo Palace.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost in Senluo Palace swallowed up the spiritual power completely.

Behind Lu Chen, Ban Xu's expression changed suddenly, terrified.

At that moment just now, he wanted to apply a spiritual seal to make trouble in Lu Chen's mind.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to see endless ghosts circling towards him, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't recover for a long while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back to his senses, he saw Lu Chen retreating to his side.

Ban Xu's heart jumped suddenly, and he said in surprise: "What are you going to do, don't mess around."


Lu Chen cursed, covered Ban Xu's face with a slap and slapped him.


Ban Xu flew upside down, his clothes were torn, blood was scattered all over the ground, his bones were broken, and he was paralyzed on the ground with only breathing out, not in.

Everyone was terrified, they stood up together, retreated back, away from Chase Lu.

"How dare you do something in the core hall."


"And it's done in the domain of the saint, isn't he afraid of the coercion of the saint?"

"He didn't feel unwell at all."


The Tianjiao were shocked again and again, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

It's terrible, they have been here for so long, and they have never encountered such a situation.

This Chase Lu is completely out of order, he doesn't care about any rules.

"Ban Xu, this ring is your compensation for attacking me, get lost."

No matter how the crowd exclaimed, Lu Chen said lightly, then sat down cross-legged, and continued to comprehend the inheritance of the holy way.

He was calm as if nothing had happened just now.

On the contrary, the Tianjiao around were all nervous.

"He's too arrogant."

"Really disregarding the rules."

"But why don't the elders come to enforce the rules?"

"This Lu Chen can challenge the elder Mao Yuan, what rules can restrict him?"

"I think Elder Maoyuan had a good relationship with him before, and I'm afraid he will support Lu Chen."

Everyone discussed: "Okay, then let's not meddle in other people's business and continue to study."

Everyone also calmed down and sat cross-legged to contemplate enlightenment.

As for the abolished Ban Xu, no one paid attention to it.

Although they didn't know whether Ban Xu had attacked Lu Chen, but Lu Chen never took action against others, but instead dealt with him, Ban Xu.

This means that Ban Xu must have offended Lu Chen, and he deserves it.

And everyone learned a lesson, in order not to have anything to do with Lu Chen, they all consciously stayed away.

So a unique scene appeared in this hall.

There was no one behind Chen Lu or within a radius of ten meters.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He sat there alone, without worrying that anyone would disturb him.

"That's not bad."

Lu Chen murmured to himself, thanking Ban Xu for this rubbish.

If it wasn't for him coming over to teach him a lesson and make him gain the limelight, he still wouldn't have such a good cultivation environment.

So Lu Chen took out Ban Xu's ring and checked it carefully.

The white line spiritual power in the spiritual world before gave people a different feeling.

Lu Chen rummaged through Ban Xu's ring.

Sure enough, he found an inheritance jade slip called the spiritual seal.

This is a sneak attack of the spiritual system.

For example, Ban Xu carved the spiritual seal into the jade slips before. After Lu Chen read the jade slips, the spiritual seal was like a snake, sneaking into Lu Chen's spiritual world.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's strong mental power, there would be such a perverted supernatural power guarding the Senluo Palace.

I'm afraid that he will be subtly affected by the spiritual seal, and even be seriously injured in a sneak attack.

Lu Chen studied the spiritual seal, and thought after a while: "It's a good supernatural power, if it is integrated with my spiritual array, it will become even stronger."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen started to integrate, but left the inheritance of the holy way to the side.

Because for Lu Chen, comprehending the inheritance of the holy way is also to improve his strength.

Now that there is a new way to improve strength, there is no need to die on the inheritance of the holy way.

Besides, this is only a magical power of the Dao of the Sword, not a magical power of the Dao of the Sword.

He is not so concerned.

20 days passed quickly.

Lu Chen's spiritual power spent two hundred days in the small world, and successfully integrated the spiritual array and spiritual seal to form a new supernatural power.

Spiritual pattern!

The characteristic of the spiritual pattern is that it can be combined and changed into a formation net at any time, or changed and combined into a seal.

How to change the combination depends on how the enemy responds, and adapts to the enemy's conditions.

"With my current mental attack method, if Ban Xu dares to plot again, he can be turned into an idiot without any action."

Lu Chen was secretly delighted.

The strength has improved again, and the visit to this core hall is not in vain.

Of course, I also want to thank that Ban Xu.

Lu Chen turned his head and found that Ban Xu had disappeared. He didn't know if he was dead or was carried away.

But no matter what, this person has been abolished and has become a thing of the past.

After adjusting his state, Lu Chen continued to comprehend the inheritance of the holy way.

Although in the past 20 days, he didn't deliberately try to comprehend it.

But I have adapted to the realm of saints at this distance.

So Chase Lu continued to move forward and came to the tenth meter position.

In front of him, there was only one person.

Except for No.1 Ji Xiao, there was no one standing in front of Lu Chen.

Everyone secretly exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, in only 20 days, Lu Chen had already become the second person, approaching Ji Xiao.

Could it be that he can really surpass Ji Xiao?

While everyone was discussing, Ji Xiao remained indifferent.

He seemed to have entered another world, ignorant of anything that happened in this world.

Lu Chen didn't care about Ji Xiao's existence either.

He came to understand the divine powers, not to see people.

Continuing to sit cross-legged, Lu Chen began to seriously perceive the realm of saints for the first time.

The so-called domain of the saint is the aura emanating from the statue of the saint Ling Tian.

It is similar to his own sword energy field.

The difference is that the domain of sword energy is nothing more than sword energy, while the domain of saints contains all kinds of majestic and regular auras.

"If I integrate various rules into the domain, I can also form my own unique domain."

Thinking about it, Lu Chen began to silently imitate the domain of saints.

The five elements, the rules of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, are placed in the domain.

Alien rules, wind, thunder and ice rules, are placed in the domain.

The rules of time and space are placed in the field.


Chase Lu rarely comprehended these two rules.

But at this time, in order to perfectly imitate the domain of saints, he began to comprehend the rules of light and darkness.

Fortunately, when he first comprehended the Dafutu Palm, Lu Chen comprehended many kinds of magical powers.

The rules of light and dark are also included in it.

He is now starting to deepen his comprehension, in order to comprehend to a deeper level.

Light and dark supernatural powers are not easy to comprehend.

In theory, the best rule to comprehend is the five-element rule.

Followed by the Fengleibing rule.

Then there is the rule of light and dark.

The most difficult thing to comprehend is naturally the rules of space and time.

Chase Lu spent a lot of time on these two rules, but he only understood the fur of the fur, which is very superficial.

But even so, his combat power has been greatly improved, showing the horror of the laws of space and time.

But in addition to the above rules, there are many rules on weapons, and all kinds of rules emerge in endlessly.

If it is really necessary to subdivide, I am afraid that the subdivision will last for several days and nights.

So generally everyone only talks about the above twelve rules.

That is: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, light and darkness, space, and time, a total of twelve types.

However, in addition to the roughly twelve rules, there is another rule that Chase Lu cares about very much.

That's the sound rule.

When fighting Yu Ziluo Huikong back then, Huikong said "Mie" and almost made Lu Chen faint to the ground.

At that time, Chase Lu became interested in sound rules.

And taking advantage of that fighting opportunity, he also used the supernatural power of the sound rule of the real dragon chant.

But the real dragon chant was produced along with the coercion of the real dragon, and it was not realized by Lu Chen deliberately.

In contrast, He Huikong's sound rules and supernatural powers are far behind.

Therefore, when Chase Lu comprehended the rules of light and dark at this time, he also comprehended the rules of sound by the way.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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