Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2313 Domain

"You killed the Twelve Princes!"

Ping Yuan was angry and anxious, and said: "I will stop them, you take the twelve princes and leave quickly."

"Want to run?"

Manager Hong laughed loudly: "Not one can escape!"


There was an explosion, and Pingyuan felt a palpitation.

Mr. Hong said, "Ping Yuan, join us and protect you from death."

It turned out that Ping Yuan also had an array flag to control the palace formation.

He hesitated a little.

If he also joins Manager Hong, then the Twelve Princes and Lu Chen must be dead, and there will be no flaws in the formation.

If he insisted on being one with the Twelve Princes, he would have to make sacrifices, but he might not be able to send the Twelve Princes away.

So he was very tangled.


A person suddenly rose into the sky.

Immediately with a bang, Director Hong's body fell down, splashing smoke and dust on the ground.

When the dust settled, Director Hong stared wide-eyed, lifeless.

Ping Yuan was so startled that his eyeballs almost fell out.

Those people who were traveling with Manager Hong all backed away in shock, their expressions changed in horror.

"Who else wants to stop me?"

Lu Chen glanced around.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

They were full of wonder.

Why was the grand formation in the palace activated, but it couldn't restrain this young man.

What is his strength.

Are all the core halls so strong?

They couldn't figure it out.

Of course, Chase Lu would not tell them that his cultivation seems to be at the seventh level of the Void Realm on the surface, but in fact he is at the eleventh level of the Void Realm.

This is beyond everyone's realm.

How can it be invincible?

If he encounters an old monster like Hui Kong now, Lu Chen will not be afraid at all.

Not to mention the confidence possessed by Director Hong and others, but it is just a simple palace formation.

Playing formations in front of him, the formation king, isn't that courting death?

"Ling Zhiyun, are these people going to be killed?"

Lu Chen asked suddenly.

Everyone was so shocked that their faces turned pale, and they quickly knelt down: "Prince Twelve, we all support you as the king."

Ling Zhiyun stared blankly at this scene, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Lu Chen said: "How do you support it?"

Everyone was stunned, and a young man's eyes were fixed, and he said, "Let's go and kill all the enemies of the Twelve Princes."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone trembled in shock.

This is to make them rebel against their former masters, and it is to give them a certificate of honor.

Lu Chen nodded: "Okay, let's do it. First eliminate all the enemies in the palace. I have taken over the palace formation for the time being."

With a random movement of mental power, Lu Chen got the formation flag from these people.

He also took the formation flag of Commander Pingyuan.

Everyone was horrified.

This means let them know that they are not on the same level as Lu Chen, and if they want to kill them, they don't even have to move a finger.

"Yes! We must complete the task."

The young man responded immediately, led the people around him, and acted quickly.

When the others saw this, although they were very uncomfortable, they immediately followed suit.

Lu Chen ignored them and said, "Ling Zhiyun, take me to the Sutra Pavilion."

Ling Zhiyun had a complicated expression.

It's impossible to say that you don't want to be king at all.

In the past, I knew I had no ability and backing, and I didn't like to intrigue with others. I had no choice but to avoid it.

But now with Lu Chen as his backer.

His mind naturally changed.

And he heard from Lu Chen that he knew that Lu Chen would not stay for long.

Now that Lu Chen has entered the core hall again, after realizing the holy power, he will naturally go to the Xiongwu Empire, and he also looks down on their Daling Dynasty.

So, after Chase Lu left, the Great Ling Dynasty would naturally belong to Ling Zhiyun.

At that time, he had the opportunity to accomplish all the things he wanted to do but could not do before.

For example, for his mother's regret, he can logically pursue his mother's posthumous title.

Thinking all the way, Ling Zhiyun brought Lu Chen to the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Naturally, there are guards in the Sutra Pavilion, and there are a lot of rules and regulations, warning the twelve princes and Lu Chen not to steal books in it.

Lu Chen ignored him, but his spiritual power swept through him.

Complete the books in the Sutra Pavilion as quickly as possible.

He learned that Saint Lingtian did have a strong sword wielder beside him, called torture slaves, who specialized in dealing with sinners for Lingtian.

"Punishment slave? I'm afraid he is a slave under Ling Tian's control. Is the sword technique he used to portray Ling Tian also a holy power?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly.

If one of Ling Tian's slaves can possess holy powers, and pass them down.

How strong Ling Tian will be.

"Twelve princes, your majesty has been attacked by surprise."

Pingyuan suddenly let out a cry.

Ling Zhiyun was shocked: "Lu Chen, you have to help me."


Lu Chen nodded, and then walked quickly with Ling Zhiyun.

He was so fast that he could shake off the plain in the blink of an eye.

Came to the forbidden area where the king was at the fastest speed.

"It's you!"

Ling Zhiyun's face was livid, and he shouted angrily: "Why are you attacking my father?"

The young man in the lead was taken aback, looked at Lu Chen and said, "My lord, we follow your order to destroy all enemies in the palace. Did we do something wrong?"

"Back off." Lu Chen said.

He also didn't expect that these people would come to kill Wang Shang Lingyue.

But having said that, what they said is also true, Ling Yue is alive, and it is also an obstacle to Ling Zhiyun's being king.

This young man is thoughtful, not bad.

"What's your name?" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

The young man was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed down: "My subordinate is called Zong Chao, and I have no relatives or reasons in Lingxiao City."

Lu Chen nodded: "Do things well, you can be a great commander in the future."

"Thank you sir!"

Zong Chao was ecstatic.

He knew he was right.

Although the twelve princes didn't speak, Lu Chen's words are more important than those of the twelve princes.

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Ping Yuan felt a chill in his heart when he heard it from behind.

He hasn't abdicated yet, what does Lu Chen mean?

Has he already won over his team so quickly?

Sure enough, he wanted to empty the twelve princes and become the real king himself.


Although he felt resentful, Ping Yuan was helpless.

He rushed in quickly to see if the king was injured.

Lu Chen and Ling Zhiyun also walked in.

"Father, are you okay?"

Ling Zhiyun asked with concern.

Inside the coffin, Ling Yue said: "Ahem, I'm fine, what happened just now, there's a lot of noise outside."

"It's nothing, it's just an accident."

Ling Zhiyun said.

Ling Yue said: "It's good that there is nothing to do. Yun'er, have your brothers entered the core hall yet?"

"Our brother didn't enter, but my friend Lu Chen has already entered the core hall. He has a question to ask his father, that is, is there a peerless strong man who wields a sword beside our ancestor Ling Tian."

Ling Zhiyun asked for Lu Chen.

Ling Yue thought for a while, and said: "I don't know about the long-term matter. I only know that the earliest inheritance of our Ling family is the inheritance of the Dao of the Sword."

I didn't find anything useful from Ling Yue's question.

Lu Chen left here.

He had no intention of saving Ling Yue.

At first, I was not sure, so there was no need to waste time studying medicine just to save Ling Yue.

When he first came to Lingxiao City, he wanted to save Ling Yue because he wanted to get benefits from Ling Yue.

But it's clearly not necessary now.

There is no need to be a good person.

Secondly, Ling Yue's survival is also an obstacle to Ling Zhiyun's becoming king.

Zong Chao knew this, and Lu Chen would naturally not be so stupid as to raise this obstacle himself.

Just let Ling Yue fend for himself.

This is his life.

Even if Lu Chen failed to help Sifang Continent change his fate against the sky, how could he even think about helping Ling Yue change his fate here.

Therefore, he asked Zong Chao to assist the twelve princes to reorganize the palace.

He returned to the core hall by himself.

Chase Lu was mainly curious about the holy power.

He wants to know what is the mystery of this holy path inheritance.

As for whether to comprehend the holy supernatural power or not, it is secondary, the main thing is to figure out the charm of the inheritance of the holy way.

As long as he understands the so-called principle of the holy way, then he, Lu Chen, can also open up the holy way by himself.

"what are you doing?"

An enlightened Tianjiao asked in surprise when he saw Lu Chen pass him.

Lu Chen said: "What's wrong?"

Tianjiao kindly said: "You have just started to comprehend, the farther away the better. If you get close, you will be injured by the domain of the saint."

"The field of saints?"

Lu Chen repeated in doubt.

The man said speechlessly: "You don't know anything, you just came here to study at a loss.

Before Elder Mao Yuan was wounded, he was wounded by the domain of saints.

He was too hasty, not step by step, delusional to pass directly through the realm of saints.

But how could it be so easy to pass through the realm of saints?

Your name is Lu Chen, calm down a bit, first comprehend at the back, and then come to the front when it's almost done. "

"Thank you."

Lu Chen cupped his hands and was very grateful to this man.

But he didn't comprehend in the back obediently, but continued to walk forward.

Tianjiao saw Lu Chen insisting on going his own way, and couldn't help shaking his head: "I haven't suffered a loss before, so I don't know how good it is."

"Forget it, let him experience it for himself. He will understand after learning the lesson."

The people next to him also shook their heads and said, waiting to see Lu Chen's good show.

If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer.

These arrogances of heaven have been here for so long, they can only sit in the distance and comprehend.

You are a newcomer, do you still want to go to heaven?

Seeing Lu Chen pass one after another Tianjiao, but was not injured by the domain of saints.

The expressions of all the people who looked at Lu Chen's back changed.

"Why hasn't he been backlashed by the domain?"

"Could it be that he just walked forward, but didn't go to enlightenment at all."

"Impossible. Even if you don't understand, if you step into the realm of the saint, you will be oppressed by the realm of the saint."

Everyone talked a lot, and their hearts became more and more shocked.

This Chase Lu is too much against the sky.

I have heard all kinds of deeds about this kid before, but everyone just laughed it off.

Because before they entered the core palace, which one was not a man of the hour?

So it's no surprise.

But unexpectedly, Lu Chen surpassed them just after entering the core palace.

It makes where to put their faces.

Some small-minded Tianjiao have already begun to look forward to the scene where Lu Chen is vomiting blood by being crushed by the Saint Domain.

But after half a day, what they wanted to see never appeared.

And the most annoying thing is that Lu Chen actually stood in one position and didn't leave.

"Lu Chen, why don't you move forward?"

one person asked.

Lu Chen said: "Do what you can."

The man was speechless.

Only then did everyone realize that they were fools.

Lu Chen is not overconfident, but can perfectly perceive the limit of his own strength.

The position he went to was exactly the position he could bear.

It's ridiculous that they are still waiting to see other people's good shows.

This young man is not as stupid as they used to be.

Thinking of this, everyone became even more angry and resentful.

As seniors who entered the core hall, they were surpassed by newcomers so easily.

There is really no comparison between people.

At this time, Lu Chen was 20 meters away from the Lingtian statue.

As for Tianjiao within 20 meters, there are only seven people in total.

Except for Lu Chen, the other six are all the top talents among the top talents.

Everyone present was in awe of them.

Especially Ji Xiao, who was standing five meters away, was No. 1 in the core hall, with extraordinary talent and extraordinary strength.

Even the three palace masters all showed great respect to Ji Xiao.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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