Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2315 Perception

Still recalling the battle with Hui Kong before.

Huikong's ability to blind one's eyes is obviously a kind of application of the rules of light and darkness.

Through the adjustment of light and dark, the effect of stealth is achieved.

But it's easy to say, but it's too difficult to really achieve the effect of blinding one's eyes.

Back then, Huikong still threw a barrier leaf treasure as a medium to achieve the effect of invisibility.

It can be seen that Huikong's own understanding of the rules of light and darkness is not very advanced.

It is really whimsical for Lu Chen to comprehend the rules of light and dark in a short period of time.

Fortunately, two years have passed in the small world, and Chase Lu has a deeper understanding of the rules of light and darkness.

Not to mention that you can be invisible at will, at least you can achieve the effect of invisibility like Huikong, relying on the treasures of the barrier leaves.

In addition, Lu Chen also has a certain in-depth understanding of the sound rules.

True Dragon Yin was officially promoted to supernatural power.

Next, they began to fuse these thirteen rules together to form a domain.

If there is no time spar, Chase Lu will never spend time to comprehend this.

Because it is too difficult.

He estimated that when he finished comprehending, the four continents would be wiped out.

Fortunately, the time spar provided him with ten times the time.

Lu Chen's spiritual power is manifested in the small world, embracing the time spar, sitting on the teleportation array he arranged.

In this way, the most time can be bought, and secondly, the laws of time and space can be used.

In comprehension fusion, time seems to fly by.

Lu Chen felt as if he had gone to another world.

When he woke up for the first time, 20 years had passed since he discovered the time spar.

In other words, two years have passed by the outside world.

For two years, I just kept comprehending without moving.

Many people have already walked in front of Chase Lu, but Chase Lu is still ten meters away.

As for No.1 Ji Xiao, she was already walking one meter away from the statue of Ling Tian.

Seeing that the inheritance of the holy way is almost at your fingertips.

But in fact, everyone knew that it would take at least five or six years before Ji Xiao could comprehend the divine power.

Even though there is only one meter left in the end, this meter is the most difficult one to walk.

In addition, even if you walk under the statue of Ling Tian and touch the statue, it doesn't mean you can comprehend it smoothly.

So given Ji Xiao five or six years, he might not be able to comprehend successfully.

But compared to before, Ji Xiao obviously had the greatest chance.

He is the most promising.

As for Chase Lu, he was forgotten because he remained motionless for two years.

It's just a short-lived genius.

Two years seemed to be in a deep sleep, and he didn't know what was going on with him.

Some people suspect that Chase Lu has been integrated by the Saint Realm because he was attacked by the Saint Realm because he made a move in the Saint Realm.

With the passage of time, I am afraid that Lu Chen will turn into fly ash and completely integrate with the realm of saints.

Otherwise, why is the breath on his body getting weaker and weaker?

And if you don't pay attention, you won't find the existence of this person.


Someone sighed: "If Lu Chen is not too arrogant, if he makes a move in the realm of saints, he will not be assimilated by the realm of saints."

"Yeah, he is obviously a peerless genius, and he had the opportunity to surpass Ji Xiao, but he killed himself in the end."

"If Ban Xu knew the news, he would probably be very happy."

"Ban Xu has become a useless person. He was killed by his enemies long ago, so there is no chance to be happy."

"Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Ban Xu's sneak attack on Lu Chen, Lu Chen would not have shot arrogantly. He was cheated by Ban Xu."

"It's also his fault that he can't hold his breath."

There was a lot of discussion.

When they were discussing, it was the first time when Chase Lu was sober in retreat.

In other words, it was Lu Chen who was sober and highlighted his sense of existence that they discussed again.

Otherwise, everyone will still forget Lu Chen.

Lu Chen swept his mental power casually, and didn't care about everyone's comments.

He just noticed that Ji Xiao had already walked one meter away, which made him a little nervous.

He was afraid that Ji Xiao would walk too fast and touch the statue of Ling Tian, ​​which would cause a reaction from the Saint Realm.

That will also affect your perception.

Therefore, we must speed up and continue to study.

So he calmed down again, manifesting his spiritual power to comprehend wildly in the small world.

Using the body as a medium, at the same time comprehend the realm of saints.

Time passed quickly again unconsciously.

In the blink of an eye, six years passed in the outside world.

In the small world is 60 years.

Lu Chen's eyelids trembled slightly, but he was still not awake.

Outside, everyone saw that Ji Xiao was already standing at the foot of Ling Tian's statue.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Ji Xiao nervously.

An exciting scene is coming.

Some people know that they may not be able to comprehend holy powers in their entire lives.

But as long as Ji Xiao can touch the statue of Ling Tian, ​​it will definitely bring about some unknown changes.

And at that moment of change, they are very likely to comprehend the great supernatural power second only to the holy supernatural power.

So there's no reason not to be excited.

Everyone stared at Ji Xiao, wishing they could touch the statue of Ling Tian instead of Ji Xiao.

Time moves slowly, counting down like years.

Ji Xiao's right hand poked forward, at a terrifyingly slow speed.

It was as if an extremely powerful force was blocking him.

But Ji Xiao didn't back down, endured the severe pain and mental oppression, and moved his right hand forward bit by bit.

I do not know how long it has been.

The soles of Ji Xiao's feet were already wet, and his body was shaking again and again, as if he was about to be unable to hold on.

But he is worthy of being a peerless arrogance. He never thought of giving up, and he always stood upright.

Finally, his right hand touched the statue of Ling Tian!


After a while, Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Everyone's attention was on Ji Xiao, but they didn't notice any changes in Lu Chen.

But Chase Lu sensed the changes around him in an instant.

When Ji Xiao's hand touched the statue of Ling Tian, ​​the surrounding saint domains began to change rapidly.

As if it was about to subside, it got back into the body of Ling Tian's statue.

But the arrogant people around seemed to be unaware of it.

I can't feel the change in the shrinking of the saint's domain at all.

Lu Chen immediately withdrew all his thoughts.

The spiritual power of the gods in the small world also immediately returned to the deity, and began to carefully understand the fading changes of the rules of the saint's domain.

Although in 60 years, Lu Chen has been able to successfully integrate the thirteen rules to form his own domain of saints.

However, it still feels like a little taste is missing.

Now I have the opportunity to experience the shrinking changes in the field of saints, and it can deepen Chase Lu's understanding of the fusion of rules.

How can we not seize this opportunity.

At this moment, Lu Chen seemed to have fallen into the realm of Saint Ling Tian.

Everything in front of me has changed.

The Tianjiao disappeared, and the surrounding area became empty.

Suddenly, Lu Chen heard someone whispering: "Son, after the statue is carved, you can borrow my domain."


Looking back, Lu Chen saw a miniature version of Ling Tian's statue.

This person is Ling Tian.

I seem to have entered the illusion of time and saw the original scene.

Nuer, of course, is Ling Tian's personal servant, Xing Nu.

Xing Nu is a burly man with an extremely tall figure, almost as tall as the main hall, comparable to Lu Chen's size.

"The blood of the ancient witch clan?"

Lu Chen was shocked in his heart.

Only people with the blood of the Wu clan can show such a size in normal times.

Lu Chen looked at Xing Nu.

It was found that Xing Nu was silent, but there seemed to be a sneer of disdain on his face.

He seemed to be muttering something.

Lu Chen observed carefully, and thought to himself: "Borrowing the domain? Do you bother to borrow it? Otherwise, why are you muttering four words?"

The flow of time illusion is not fast, but Lu Chen comprehended the law of time and found that he can control the flow of time here.

When you observe carefully, the flow of time will slow down.

Other times, the time flow speeds up.

The only downside is that time cannot be turned back here.

If he could turn the flow back, he would be able to see the whole picture of the statue carved from scratch, and thus gain a deeper understanding of the realm of saints.

With the passage of time in the illusion of time, the depiction of the statue has reached the last moment.

Lu Chen felt that this illusion was about to disappear.

Seeing that the last touch of the statue was completed, the vast realm of saints was suddenly formed.

With the airflow rushing out from the Saint Domain, Ling Tian's body was seen to be shattered and turned into fly ash.


Lu Chen was surprised.

I have stayed in the illusion of time for so long, although I always feel that this Ling Tian is a little weird and motionless.

But I always thought it was because of the illusion of time.

Unexpectedly, this Ling Tian has reached the last moment of his life.

He asked the torture slaves to carve the statues in order to preserve the domain of the saints at the end of his life, so as to protect future generations, and he hoped that future generations could get his own inheritance of the holy way.

It's a pity that he underestimated the torture slave.

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​if you are dead, I will take this domain of saints away!"

The torture slave laughed loudly, and with a grab with his right hand, he grabbed a stream of air out of thin air.

Lu Chen clearly felt that the domain of saints was disappearing.

He was horrified.

This guy can actually take away the realm of saints.

The so-called domain of saints is formed by the fusion and superposition of multiple rules comprehended by saints.

But when it was actually formed, it was not so simple, but blessed the saint's heart, blood, avenue, etc.

In other words, each saint's domain is different.

In other words, even if it is possible to take away the domains of other saints, it is meaningless.

But now it is not a question of whether it is meaningful or not, the question is how can this torture slave take away other people's saint domain.

What is this means?

Not long after Lu Chen was shocked, he saw Ling Tian's statue suddenly opened his eyes.


The criminal slave was shocked, and his figure froze in mid-air.

Ling Tian's voice sounded out of nowhere: "Nianzai used to be a master and servant, I won't kill you, leave the domain, and retreat."


As if a thunder exploded out of nowhere, the slave's body shook, and blood spit out from his mouth without any money.

His body began to shrink, becoming normal size.

"You actually deprived me of the blood of the witch clan!"

The prisoner roared unwillingly.

But he sensed the terrifying coercion in the air, his face turned pale, he let out a loud cry unwillingly, and fled away.

Looking at the statue of Ling Tian again, it has already been sprinkled with the blood of torture slaves.

But the blood only stayed on the surface of the statue for a moment, and was absorbed by the statue immediately.

"I see."

Lu Chen suddenly realized.

Let’s talk about why Ling Tian created this illusion of time.

One is to let the inheritors understand the law of time and the domain of the saints, and the other is to tell the inheritors that there is a blood inheritance of the witch clan in the statue.

If ordinary people learn about the bloodline inheritance of the Wu Clan, they will jump on the statue excitedly, wishing to eat the statue.

You must know that the blood of the Wu clan is known as the most powerful blood of the ****.

However, Chase Lu was not very excited.

He pays more attention to the law of time and the realm of saints.

Although the blood of the Wu clan is good, if they really absorb the blood of the Wu clan, there will be certain troubles.

After all, the origin of this bloodline is not correct, and it is not a legitimate inheritance of the Wu clan.

And the means of the saint are unimaginable, and the torture slave is not easy to mess with.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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