Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2280 No. 13

While talking, he grasped with his right hand, and grabbed the ring of the middle-aged man with thin eyes.

They were restrained and controlled by the formation and did not dare to resist. They could only watch helplessly as the rings and treasures they had accumulated for many years were taken away by Lu Chen.

My heart is bleeding.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

The middle-aged man with thin eyes shouted sharply: "Do you know who the master of our martial arts arena is?"

Lu Chen sneered: "Could it be the Lord of Lingxiao Palace?"

Slender eyes with middle-aged anger.

If it was the Palace Master, they would still have to suffer such humiliation.

Seeing that Lu Chen's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, he was worried that even if he said his master's name, he would not let this guy stop.

Then it's better not to say it, so as not to lose face in vain, and lose the master's person.

Turning his heart slightly, the middle-aged man said with narrow eyes: "We don't have 50 Xuanjing here. You must ask your superiors before you can get it."


Lu Chen frowned.

Rao knew that this guy was using a strategy of slowing down the troops and calling for reinforcements, so he fell for it.

Because the mental power has just scanned around.

In this martial arts arena, there are indeed no 50 profound crystals.

It was also he and Xu Yi who had a fierce fight today, so many people bet on it.

Before that, the martial arts field only earned 10,000+ mysterious crystals at most, which was not enough to pay compensation.

"Actually, this is enough. If you take their ring, even if the Xuan Jing is not worth 50 yuan, it will not be much worse. You have to be forgiving and forgiving."

A thick voice sounded.

The crowd looked over.

Lu Chen and the twelve princes were taken aback.

The person who spoke was actually the Commander of Pingyuan.

What is he interrupting?

Ling Zhiyun was stunned, and reminded Lu Chen: "Uncle Ping said, the person behind the martial arts field is Gongsunyou, No. 13 on the Lingxiao list."

"No. 13?"

Lu Chen was stunned, and then he smiled and said: "I thought it was the top ten. No. 13 is nothing to be afraid of."

In fact, even if it is the top ten, he is not afraid.

I earned enough this time today.

It is not allowed to kill people at will in Lingxiao Palace.

As long as he enters a practice room in Lingxiao Palace, so many profound crystals are enough to push him to a higher level of cultivation.

With his own fighting power, when his cultivation level has reached, who should he be afraid of?

In front of Xuan Jing, let alone your No.13.

Even if it is No.1, as long as you can't kill people immediately, I, Lu Chen, will not be afraid.

If you can't fight, you can escape, right?

What's more, my attainments in formation are not covered.

Lu Chen was very confident.

After all, considering his age, he was older than these geniuses.

I am an old man who has been retreating in the small world medicine garden for nearly 200 years, and I have learned a lot.

Who do you need to be afraid of?

"Lu Chen, don't underestimate No. 13. The top [-] on the Ling Xiao list are not easy to provoke, and they have a strong appeal in the Ling Xiao Palace. If we offend them, we will be unable to move an inch."

Ling Zhiyun persuaded.

Although he supported Chase Lu, he couldn't let Chase Lu lead them to a dead end to seek death.

Lu Chen said: "Twelve princes, please go down, so as not to harm Chi Yu. When I enter the top list in the future, I will repay your kindness."


Ling Zhiyun was overwhelmed and had nothing to say.

Lu Chen made up his mind to bear it alone, and didn't want to hurt himself.

This shows that I did not misunderstand him.

However, if he was just like this because of fear, he would leave in despair.

That's too ridiculous.

Obviously they hold the truth, why should I be afraid?


After thinking this through, Ling Zhiyun laughed and said, "Lu Chen, you underestimate me too much. I will advance and retreat with you."

Lu Chen nodded and said appreciatively, "Prince, don't worry. I will definitely not let you regret this decision."

When Lu Chen and Ling Zhiyun were chatting through sound transmission, everyone only saw them muttering.

I thought they were moved by persuasion and planned to forgive others and forgive others.

The middle-aged and the others were also overjoyed.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart.

You know you're afraid, but not everyone in our martial arts field dares to offend.

Even those who rank higher than our protagonist, Sun You, dare not offend our lord Gongsun You.

How dare you, a fledgling little person like you, pull out your beard?

"This man is right, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. You let go of the formation, and today's matter, we will not care about you for the time being."

The middle-aged man with fine eyes had put away his panic, calm but with a hint of arrogance.

But just as he was talking, he was grateful for the pain in the back of his neck.

It was actually lifted up.

He was like a crab being lifted up, struggling and at a loss.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock when they saw this scene.

Even if you don't know how big the backstage of the martial arts arena is, you can guess a thing or two.

After all, the daily gambling turnover in the martial arts arena is so huge, it is definitely not something ordinary people can keep.

It is conceivable that the backstage of the martial arts arena must be the strongest on the Ling Xiao list.

And it's not the bottom fifty.

At least, they should all be in the top fifty.

They all look up to the strong at this level and dare not look directly at them.

As a result, the newcomer Lu Chen was not afraid at all, and even sneaked out his subordinates to humiliate him.

Does that mean he is bold, or that he is stupid.

"You let me go soon, do you know what you are doing? You are finished, you are dead!"

The middle-aged man with thin eyes screamed.

Lu Chen said: "Send a message, let someone bring 50 Xuanjing to redeem people. Otherwise, you don't even want this martial arts arena."

"You are so brave, you dare to occupy our arena, do you think you can do it? I advise you"

The middle-aged man with fine eyes was still shouting.

But they saw formation flags and formation disks flying out, replacing all the formations in their entire arena.

Even, the formation bases such as the formations, flags and other formations in their martial arts arena were all used by Lu Chen's formations.

"Your array level"

The middle-aged man dared not continue talking.

This young boy is actually a top-level formation master.

No, he can easily occupy the formation in their arena.

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This should no longer be something that a Grandmaster of Formation Dao can do.

Could it be possible that he is the king of formations at the level of formations?


The narrow-eyed middle-aged man immediately suppressed his thoughts.

It is impossible for such a young king to exist.

If he is the formation king, his status will rise in a straight line, and there is no need to be a newcomer to Lingxiao Palace.

There is no need to come to them to earn Xuanjing.

It can be seen that he is not the king of formation.

In fact, the middle-aged with narrow eyes thinks too much.

Lu Chen didn't know the value of the formation king.

If he knew the status of the formation king, he would have shown his formation level and laughed proudly.

But even if it is the formation king, it is estimated that it is impossible to earn 50 Xuanjing so quickly.

So it's worth it to come here.

It's better to keep a low profile for the king of battle.

"Haven't sent a communication yet?"

Lu Chen pinched the back of his middle-aged neck with fine eyes.

The middle-aged man with thin eyes trembled all over, almost urinated, and said anxiously: "I send it, I send it, someone will bring 50 Xuanjing over immediately."

"it is good."

Lu Chen put him down.

The middle-aged man with narrow eyes did not dare to resist, so he immediately sent a message, and then looked at Lu Chen begging for mercy.

Lu Chen casually threw him into his restraint formation again, and said: "When Xuanjing arrives, I will let you out."

"Yes Yes."

The middle-aged with narrow eyes is submissive.

He has been scared out of his wits.

Anyway, I am also at the sixth level of the Void Realm, but under Lu Chen's hands, I have no power to fight back.

It can be seen that when Chase Lu fought against Xu Yi before, he hid his strength.

Is this guy really only at the third level of the Void Realm?

I'm afraid this cultivation level is also hidden by him.

He should have a top-level skill that can hide his cultivation, so that they can't see through his true strength.

What a wretched strongman.

The middle-aged man with narrow eyes commented secretly in his heart that a strong man like Xin Dao is the most terrifying.

Those who have arrogance and always show their strength are not terrible.

Because everyone will avoid him.

And this kind of perverted and wretched guy is obviously very strong, but he still wants to molest them and bully them.

You can't mess with this kind of person.

It's just that they were too unlucky to be entangled by this pervert.


Commander Pingyuan sighed.

Just now I could say a word, to dissuade.

But what happened next, my words didn't work anymore.

The top [-] people on the high list are enough to make him shut up.

After all, it is in the Lingxiao Palace, and I have no right to manage others.

The current owner of the tournament field is No. 13 Gongsun You.

People probably don't even bother to take a look at it.

In terms of strength, he is not as good as others.

How dare you speak in front of others and humiliate yourself?

So he could only sigh, sighing that the Twelve Princes had strayed into Lu Chen, a lunatic's thief ship.


Suddenly, a sound came from a distance.

At the same moment, a young man had already fled into the arena.

This person is imposing, tall, and has a very oppressive aura.

He looked around and shouted angrily: "Who is so daring, dare to act wild in our martial arts arena!" "Sect Master Jin, we are here."

The middle-aged man with thin eyes shouted anxiously.

Sovereign Jin came, and they were safe.

"Not Gongsunyou?"

Lu Chen was puzzled.

Twelve Prince Ling Zhiyun is also puzzled.

He didn't know much about the characters here, and he didn't know this person without Ping Yuan's explanation.

"Who is coming."

Lu Chen asked loudly.

Jin Zongzhu looked over and found that he didn't know Lu Chen.

He leaped into the sky, came to Lu Chen, looked straight at him and said, "My name is Jin Zhong."

After all, he looked down at the people below.

Everyone exclaimed.

In fact, seeing Jin Zhong appearing just now, some of them have already guessed who this person is.

Now I hear people admit it.

One by one, they scattered into the distance.

No one dared to clamor that the martial arts arena was wrong.

Lu Chen was overjoyed, and said: "Everyone spread out, I just won't give you the Xuanjing."

He had promised before that he would return the Xuan Jing that everyone had bet on, meaning that these people would help him put pressure on the arena.

But now it seems that after seeing Jin Zhong, these people dare not fight against the martial arts arena.

Then what you said will naturally be invalid.

All in all, these guys bet more than [-] Xuanjing.

I also lost a lot to them.

Fortunately, everyone is a coward, and they don't have to spend money.

When everyone heard Lu Chen's words, they all smiled wryly, sarcastically and sneered.

"Now mention Xuan Jing."

"This guy is a crazy money junkie."

"Xuanjing has heard a lot, do you really think you can get it?"

"He is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and he doesn't know Jin Zhong."

"Jin Zhong, but the ninth-level powerhouse of the Void Realm, No. 40 on the Lingxiao list."

"He is known as the Golden Sect Master, and he established a Golden Emperor Sect in Lingxiao City. He is good at the metal attribute, and he can strangle a mountain with one punch."

Some people started to explain for those next to them.

Some people wondered: "Strangle a mountain?"

However, when ordinary people blast out with a punch, most of them call it smashing a mountain.

But this person said that Jin Zhong strangled a mountain.

How to strangle?

"The master of the gold department kills and realizes the highest level. One punch can cut apart the space. Strangling a mountain is the cutting power of the gold department in the punch, cutting the entire mountain into pieces."

"My God, it's possible to do this."

"It's more than that. I heard that Xu Yi once sparred with Jin Zhong, and his supernatural power was smashed by the opponent's punch. It's not at the same level at all."

One person said again.

Everyone was shocked again.

Although Xu Yi lost to Lu Chen, Lu Chen did not win completely.

Now a Jin Zhong appeared, who could crush Xu Yi's supernatural power with one punch.

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