Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2281 Not enough

What is this concept?

This shows the gap between Chase Lu and the opponent.

When everyone was discussing below, Jin Zhong had a sneer on his face and didn't speak, just looked at Lu Chen like this.

He doesn't care whether Lu Chen knew himself before, but now he should know himself.

Now that I know him, I knelt down and begged for mercy.

That's it.

Jin Zhong waited for Lu Chen to kneel down.

But Lu Chen didn't kneel, instead he stretched out his hand excitedly and said, "Bring it to Xuan Jing."


The crowd fell.

The commanders of Pingyuan all mourned for Lu Chen.

What the hell is going on.

This is the No. 40 sixth super genius on the Lingxiao list.

When people come, it represents a tough attitude.

I also want to get Xuan Jing from others.

Find death.


Jin Zhong laughed: "Interesting boy, what's your name, why have I never seen you before?"

Lu Chen said: "My name is Lu Chen, and I am new here, so Brother Jin has never seen me."

Jin Zhong smiled and said: "No wonder. It's a pity that you are just here, and you have to pack your bags and go home."


Suddenly, there was a strong wind.

With Jin Zhong as the center, a strong wind swept across.

puff puff.

Some people's bodies were suddenly scratched.

They ran away screaming: "Wind blades, wind blades everywhere, wind blades magical power."

In an instant, all the positions around Jin Zhong were emptied.

From the sky to the ground, he seems to be in a vacuum.

In addition to Lu Chen standing in front of him.

No, it should be said that in addition to Lu Chen, there are also the twelve princes Ling Zhiyun, and the person in charge of the martial arts arena such as the thin-eyed middle-aged man.

"Okay, senior brother Jin actually killed the juniors like this."

Lu Chen praised.

Then put away the restraint formation and trapping formation.

He took Ling Zhiyun back immediately.

Chi Chi Chi.

I saw the middle-aged and others who lacked the protection of Chase Lu, all of whom were cut into pieces by the wind blade in the strong wind.

Blood rained from the sky.

Everyone was stunned.

It's a big deal.

He actually killed someone.

I'm afraid Jin Zhong never thought that such a thing would happen.

"How dare you kill my martial arts deacon!"

Jin Zhong let out a growl.

I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

This kid actually tricked himself into accidentally killing the deacon of the martial arts arena.

Even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I couldn't clean it up.

So many pairs of eyes watching.

If the Lingxiao Palace really wants to investigate and hold them accountable, I'm afraid I won't be able to please.

Although as one of the No. 40 strongmen on the high list, I have many privileges.

But there are also many inconveniences.

Because he stands tall, he attracts the attention of thousands of people.

A lot of people are waiting for themselves to fall off.

Today's scene is afraid that it will become a target for future attacks.

So, he yelled wildly, and put the blame on Lu Chen again.

Then he wanted to kill Lu Chen, so that there was no proof of this matter.

For Jin Zhong, the following rubbish testimony is not worth mentioning.

This Chase Lu dared to tease himself like this, someone must instigate him behind.

As long as he catches him for interrogation and kills him, then everything will be over, so he doesn't have to worry anymore.

However, just as Jin Zhong rushed towards Lu Chen with the wind blade magical power, a burst of energy suddenly locked him.

He immediately stagnated in mid-air, not daring to move rashly.

Lu Chen said: "Senior Brother Jin Zhong, although you are a strong person on the top list, it is only natural to pay back the debt. You lost 50 Xuanjing to me in the martial arts competition, so you can't owe the debt."

"what have you done?"

Jin Zhong asked coldly.The seemingly nonexistent terrifying murderous intent made him very passive, so he asked the question.

Lu Chen said: "You are not qualified to ask me questions, Xuan Jing took it out, and I will let you leave safely."

"You dare to threaten me?"

Jin Zhong's tone was even colder, and his whole body exuded an icy aura.

Lu Chen said: "I counted to three, and Xuan Jing took it out. One"

Jin Zhong gritted his teeth.

Everyone below held their breath.

They have never seen such an exciting scene in their life.

The No. 40 and [-] character on the dignified Ling Xiao list was actually picked up by a new kid.

However, Jin Zhong was helpless.

Because this kid is a formation master.

Although they didn't know what formation Lu Chen had arranged, they didn't know what danger Jin Zhong was frightened by.

But the scene of Lu Chen throwing the array flag before, everyone still remembers it vividly.

It is certain that Lu Chen definitely locked Jin Zhong with the attack in the formation.

Jin Zhong met a lunatic this time.

I'm a famous person, in this unlucky incident, I'm going to fall a big somersault!

"I don't get enough Xuanjing"

Hearing Lu Chen count to two and feeling the terrifying murderous intent, Jin Zhong finally spoke.

His expression was still extremely angry.

There is also infinite killing intent in the tone, but it is also difficult to hide the helpless mood.

Lu Chen's face darkened, and he said: "Just now the deacon of your martial arts field told you to bring 50 Xuanjing, but you didn't bring it. Playing with me? Are you bullying me as a newcomer?"


The audience was silent, and many people looked at Chase Lu in astonishment.

This person feels terrible.

Obviously you have been bullying others, but instead they said they bullied you.

If the newcomers in Lingxiao Palace were all domineering characters like you, who the hell would dare to bully them?

Jin Zhong almost couldn't hold back his mouthful of blood.

She was No. 40 on the top list, yet she was insulted and molested in front of her face.

Wait until your formation is removed, and see if I don't tear you into pieces!

Roaring in his heart, Jin Zhong swallowed his anger on the surface and said: "I didn't get the exact number before, and I only have 30 profound crystals on me."

"Bring it!"

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With a grasp of Lu Chen's right hand, he grabbed the ring from Jin Zhong's hand.

Jin Zhong was shocked, and immediately moved forward, trying to grab the ring back.

But just before he threw himself an inch away, the front layer of his clothes was torn apart.

Cold sweat dripped from Jin Zhong's forehead, and he forcibly controlled his body to stay still.

His eyes were full of anger, but also full of fear.

Just now Lu Chen took his ring away with one hand, this ability is unimaginable.

It must be the characteristics of the array.

This guy actually has such a powerful formation method, if he can't kill him before he arranges the formation method, he will definitely die.

Fortunately, this is Lingxiao Palace, this kid still dare not kill people rashly.

Jin Zhong suddenly felt lucky.

But also humiliated.

Unexpectedly, Jin Zhong was sometimes protected by the rules of Lingxiao Palace.

People like him need help from the outside world

Jin Zhong's expression turned blue and white.

Lu Chen didn't look at him, but flipped through the storage ring casually.

Then the sleeves were rolled up, and the twelve princes flew to the bottom.

Then they brought Yu Jianfei, Manager Chang, and Yuan Kuohai with them, and the five quickly left the arena.

"Brother, please put me down, you are too cool, I can't keep up with your footsteps. I'm still young, I don't want to die so early."

Yuan Kuohai cried and cried.

Lu Chen said: "If you are put down, do you think you still have a way to survive?"


Yuan Kuohai's face turned pale, and he couldn't say a word.

Whether you like it or not, you are now in the same boat as Chase Lu.

Since going to the Kendo League, he has been following Lu Chen.

Now that such a big matter has been caused, I just want to get out easily, how can it be so easy.

As long as Jin Zhongyi investigates, he will definitely be equated with killing.


Yuan Kuohai sobbed softly.

He regretted why he had to talk to Lu Chen and invite him to join the Kendo League.

This is just great.

In just half a day, Lu Chen offended Xu Yi, the elder of the Kendo League, and defeated him, making him ashamed.

Later, he offended the more powerful Jin Zhong.

This also makes people not live.

Is it worth it to offend so many people just for 50 Xuan Jing?

Of course it's worth it!

Thinking of the 50 Xuanjing, Yuan Kuohai's sobbing voice became a little lower.

I have never seen so many Xuanjing in my life.

Think about it this morning, in order to lure Lu Chen into the Kendo League, it was just to earn ten Kendo League contribution points.

And ten contribution points are worth one profound crystal.

At that time, I never thought that 50 Xuanjing would be so close to me.

"Brother, where are we going? This time I'm on your thief ship, can you give me some Xuanjing later."

Yuan Kuohai stopped sipping, and asked tentatively in a low voice.

In fact, he didn't do anything at all, he just wanted to share the money.

When I said this, I didn't even have the confidence.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Of course there are Xuan Jing. Everyone boarded my thief ship, if I don't give Xuan Jing, are you still human?"


Ling Zhiyun laughed.

Ever since he was a child, he has never been as happy as he is today.

Although he didn't do anything himself, but working with Lu Chen, a lunatic, he felt extremely happy.

There is no fear at all.

He casually earned 50 Xuan Jing.

Even with the help of his own hundred thousand profound crystals.

But looking at Lu Chen's methods and decisiveness, it is obviously not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

He even wondered if Lu Chen knew who was behind the martial arts field and deliberately provoked trouble.

Of course, having said that, they have reason in this matter, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If it wasn't for the shameless surprise attacks on Lu Chen with formations in the martial arts field, Lu Chen would not have dealt with them.

Those deacons will not die.

If you want to blame, you have to blame Jin Zhong for being too arrogant and domineering.

As soon as he made a move, he was crushed with a killer move, and only then did he kill his subordinates.

He is also a fool.

Ling Zhiyun was startled suddenly, he dared to secretly mock Jin Zhong as a fool.

You must know that not long ago, I still had great respect for the people on the Lingxiao list.

Unexpectedly, after the battle in the martial arts field, in the blink of an eye, I changed my opinion.

It can only be said that Chase Lu's madness infected himself.

"Your Highness."

Commander Pingyuan suddenly rushed over from nowhere.

Lu Chen took Ling Zhiyun and the others to stop, and said, "Commander, is there a quiet practice room in the palace?"

Pingyuan looked at Chase Lu in astonishment.

He followed at such a fast speed that the kid was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, he looked calm and composed, as if he knew he was following them.

In addition, this kid actually wanted to go to the practice room of the palace.

Who gave you the guts to have such an idea.

Too whimsical!

Not everyone can enter the palace.

But before Ping Yuan could speak, Ling Zhiyun said, "There is a quiet practice room where I used to live.

Lu Chen, do you want us to hide from the edge for a while and find a place to retreat quickly?

That's right, so many profound crystals are enough for us to retreat for a long time.

And I also have a lot of treasures on me. When we get to the practice room, we all practice together. "


Ping Yuan said urgently: "Your Highness, don't you know what's going on in the palace.

In this troubled time, you must not enter the palace.

Lu Chen, don't underestimate Jin Zhong.

Although you used the formation to hold him this time.

But behind Jin Zhong, there is Gongsun You.

His strength is unfathomable, and it is definitely not bound by your formation.

Moreover, he has a special status, being from a family of grandsons in Lingxiao City.

If you enter the palace to practice, I am afraid that people from the Gongsun family will target you. Instead, you might as well practice in the Lingxiao Palace.

There are many official training rooms in Lingxiao Palace.

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