Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2279 Emerging in an endless stream

If Lu Chen wins, they will directly lose 40 Xuanjing.

It was all because of the wrong assessment of Chase Lu's strength, resulting in excessive odds.

"This kid is too treacherous, he made it clear that he came up to trick us in the martial arts arena."

"If he wins this battle, I'm afraid all of us will be unlucky."

"Then don't let him win!"

A narrow-eyed middle-aged man said viciously.

Everyone else looked at him in surprise.

The middle-aged man said: "Why, you want to take the blame?"

The others shook their heads hastily.

One person said: "Let's wait and see what happens. After all, Xu Yi is also a genius, maybe he can turn the tables."

"Yes. But if the situation is not good, let's activate the formation together."

The middle-aged man with fine eyes enjoined.

Everyone nodded in unison.

We are all grasshoppers on the same rope.

The loss of 40 mysterious crystals, they must not be able to pay back.

Therefore, Xu Yi must be allowed to win.

Fortunately, in order to deal with such a situation, they had already prepared for the martial arts competition.

On the one hand, the formation on the competition stage can prevent the aftermath of the battle inside from escaping and hurting outsiders.

On the one hand, there are also hidden tricks.

When the secret move is activated, the attack in the formation can be mobilized.

But unless it is an emergency, it should not be used lightly.

At this time, including the middle-aged man with narrow eyes, everyone talked about being cruel, but in fact they were unwilling to use it.

I just hope Xu Yi doesn't disappoint everyone.

On the competition stage.

Xu Yi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

In the first storm of sword energy, he was plotted against.

In the subsequent confrontation with the sword qi storm, he did not suppress Lu Chen.

With my own cultivation base, this is already a failure.

Now I used the stronger Storm Sword supernatural power, but was crushed by Lu Chen's Wind and Thunder Sword.

This is simply a disgrace!

For so many years, I have never been humiliated like this.

Being bullied to such an extent by a newcomer from the third level of the Void Realm.

"You're forcing me."

Xu Yi spit out each word and gritted his teeth.


There was a strange crisp sound.

Everyone exclaimed.

He saw layers of ice growing on Xu Yi's Storm Sword.

This is the Ice Storm, and it is also a very suitable two attributes.

Just imagine that in the cold ice, the cold wind is like a knife, which can cut people's skin.

The Sword of Ice Storm is not much weaker than the Sword of Wind and Thunder.

In addition, Xu Yi's cultivation was three levels higher than Lu Chen's.

"As expected of Xu Yi!"

"It's true to bet on him."

"Xu Yi, defeat Chase Lu and let him see the power of our veteran powerhouse."

"That's right, to break his arrogance, he is just a newcomer, how dare he look down on his elders?"

"There is no elder, what qualifications do you have to be regarded as an elder?"

Mr. Chang couldn't help cursing out of anger.

Everyone shouted and shouted, and they didn't know who was yelling.

Anyway, everyone applauded Xu Yi and cheered him on.

After all, his victory is related to everyone's interests.


Lu Chen smiled.

You said that you can change to other attribute blessings, and I will respect you three points.

But you bless the ice.

Isn't this funny?

Even if my little dantian has not broken through the void realm, the icy breath that I have absorbed for so many years is enough to crush you.

Now the little dantian is already at the first level of the void realm.

"Oh, Senior Brother Xu Yi"

Lu Chen looked at him sympathetically.

Then, there was a crackling sound on his Wind and Thunder Sword.

Frost breath, condense on it!

Everyone was astonished.

Cui Jianfeng and Deacon Wu were still shouting for Xu Yi, but now they were stuck.

"How come this Chase Lu has mastered the ice attribute?"

"Three Attributes"

"Wind, thunder and ice, three high-level attributes."

"His sword energy is like a desperate situation in a thunderstorm."

"The torrent is unstoppable, Xu Yi is about to lose."

Everyone lamented in unison.

It also put away the curse on Lu Chen.

They knew that such a genius would sooner or later enter the top list.

Who dares to disrespect it?


On the competition stage, Xu Yi spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face was blue and white, and his mind was bewildered.

His icy aura is a hole card that has been hidden for a long time.

It was never released.

I thought that the release today would shock everyone and let everyone marvel at their talent.

Today was supposed to be a day for me to be honored.

But he was hit by Lu Chen in all directions.

Lu Chen has the wind and ice attributes that he owns, and there is an extra thunder attribute.

Is there any reason?

Where did this guy come from?

You are such a genius, how can we survive?

"Senior brother Xu Yi, accept it."

Lu Chen looked at Xu Yi and said seriously.

He didn't think Xu Yi had any more powerful magical powers.

Because this ice storm supernatural power is already very good.

In fact, it was also thanks to Xu Yi, otherwise he would not have been able to condense this supernatural power of wind, thunder, ice burst and sword energy.

Based on his experience, Xu Yi pointed out a way for himself.

Of course, it also benefited from his own strong understanding of sword energy.

If it was someone else, even if they were reminded during the battle, they would not be able to condense so quickly.

And not only did I do it, but I also kept my hands.

To know the attributes of one's own body, there are still five elements that have not been displayed.

If the supernatural powers of the five elements sword qi are displayed, the five elements sword qi will be mutually cyclically blessed.

The power of this magical power is estimated to be able to directly blow Xu Yi into the air.

Not using this supernatural power, one is unnecessary, and the other is to thank Xu Yi for his help in this battle.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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So he tactfully said the concession, which was to make Xu Yi admit defeat.

There is no shame in admitting defeat in this state.

But Xu Yi didn't think so.

Xu Yi felt ashamed of himself.

He even felt that Chase Lu was mocking himself.

He heard him roar: "Do you think you won?"


A jade bead suddenly spewed out of Xu Yi's mouth, straight for Lu Chen's face.

"It's now."

The person in charge of the martial arts field, etc., accompanied by a voice transmission shout from the middle-aged man with narrow eyes, also secretly activated the formula.


Lu Chen felt that the scenery in front of him changed rapidly, and he seemed to have left the competition stage and came to another place.

The spirit became a little trance, almost indulging in this paradise.

However, this feeling is only for a moment.

Lu Chen's mental power was far stronger than Xu Yi's.

Even if the effect of this jade bead is amazing, it can't make him indulge in its illusion.

In addition, Lu Chen was able to wake up so quickly because he was also affected by a ripple wave.

This martial arts formation is weird!


From the center of Lu Chen's eyebrows, five elements of sword energy shot out, smashing the jade bead into powder.

And sent all the powder back to Xu Yi's face, which was inhaled by him.

At the same time, Lu Chen quickly pinched the formation formula and threw out dozens of formation disks and formation flags.


With a bang, the entire competition arena and formations shattered together.

On the other side, the narrow-eyed middle-aged person in charge of the martial arts field trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is the counterattack of the array.

Lu Chen noticed it immediately, looked over sharply, and said loudly: "Everyone, be careful.

The martial arts arena in the martial arts arena is tricky.

If I hadn't been well versed in formations, I'm afraid they would plot against them and let Xu Yi win.

In order to avoid losing money in the gambling game, the martial arts field uses such shameless acts.

Everyone has been in the martial arts arena for many years, I am afraid that they have been deceived by a lot of Xuanjing.

I can return all the Xuanjing that everyone just bet on, and I only hope that everyone can join me in justice!

Don't let the jousting ring continue to trick us into making fools of us.

Such shameless acts are unforgivable! "

As Lu Chen said, he quickly flew to the middle-aged man with narrow eyes and the others.

He threw out the formation flag and formation board at an extremely fast speed, and arranged a simple binding formation and trapping formation.

As long as these people inside dare to make any changes, I can destroy them immediately.

"Look, everyone, they secretly urged the formation to attack me just now, but I broke the formation and caused a backlash."

Lu Chen pointed to the blood in front of the thin-eyed middle-aged and the others.

Everyone exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the martial arts arena is so shameless, trying every means to cheat their Xuanjing.

If Lu Chen hadn't been a formation master today, I'm afraid Lu Chen would be killed by the formation.

And it was Xu Yi who was the one to blame, and it had nothing to do with their arena.

Of course, if the strategy in the martial arts competition succeeds, they will take advantage of it instead, approaching them all to bet on Xu Yisheng.

But it can't be calculated that way.

This is not the first time for everyone to come to the martial arts arena, and they have gambled countless times here.

Based on the shamelessness they saw in the arena today, it can be judged how much they were cheated before.

No wonder there have been several battles before, and the people they bet on lost inexplicably.

It turned out that it was all caused by the martial arts arena.

If it weren't for the Twelve Princes betting one hundred thousand at once today, the amount would be too large.

Otherwise, judging from the situation where they all bet on Xu Yi, the martial arts field is likely to help Lu Chen kill Xu Yi.

Let Lu Chen take the blame, and they made a lot of money.

Don't look at Lu Chen betting [-], he can get [-] in the end.

But more than the martial field.

Xu Yi's own bets exceeded [-].

"The martial arts arena is so shameless!"

Manager Chang was filled with righteous indignation.

The twelve princes moved slightly, wanting to go to Lu Chen's side to support Lu Chen.

But before he could move, he was held down by Commander Pingyuan.

"Uncle Ping?"

Ling Zhiyun was puzzled.

With a solemn expression, Ping Yuan said: "You don't want to participate. This martial arts arena was not established by ordinary people. With so much gambling money collected every day, do you think he is behind an ordinary person?"

"who is it?"

Ling Zhiyun was not a fool, and his expression immediately became solemn.

Ping Yuan said: "Gongsun You, No. 13 on the top list."


Ling Zhiyun's expression changed immediately, knowing that it was a big deal.

Offending the No. 13 strong man on the top list is more terrifying than offending his elder brother, the eldest prince and others.

"Chase Lu must be stopped."

Ling Zhiyun said anxiously.

Right now, Chase Lu was not injured, on the contrary, he still had the upper hand.

That's all for now.

Don't continue, if you disturb Gongsunyou behind, this matter will be difficult, and it will affect all their actions in Lingxiao Palace.

It may even make it difficult for them to move an inch.

Don't underestimate the appeal of the top [-] on the high list.

That's a whole different class.

Ping Yuan didn't move, but said: "Lu Chen is a domineering man, and he is a troublemaker.

This person is not easy to control, and has a firm will and strong mental power.

If I guessed correctly, the jade bead that Xu Yi spit out just now is a spiritual attack treasure handed down from his family.

Even if I face this sudden mental attack, I will be dazed for a moment.

But Chase Lu was only shocked for a moment.

It can be seen that his mental strength is strong, and I feel ashamed.

In addition, he is also proficient in formations and is a master of formations.

He has a lot of secrets, and he is by no means an ordinary person.

If His Highness is with him, he might be implicated. "

Ling Zhiyun said: "I just fell in love with his genius, so I have to advance and retreat with him. If I don't give my heart and dodge when I see danger, how can he support me?"

After all, Ling Zhiyun ignored Ping Yuan's dissuasion and jumped up.

He came to Lu Chen, and said loudly: "The behavior in the martial arts arena is despicable, we must give us an explanation."

Lu Chen nodded at him, and said, "Take out the gambling money we won first."

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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