Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2278 Understanding of supernatural powers

Deacon Wu was also yelling, and couldn't wait to see the scene of Lu Chen being defeated and begging for mercy on his knees.

This kid has been very arrogant from the very beginning, and he must let him taste the taste of failure and teach him to be good.

Hu Hu Hu.

Xu Yi's whole body was like a bellows.

After a while, I saw layers of sword energy rolling.

Beside Xu Yi, a storm of sword energy instantly condensed.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Sword Qi Storm, I already knew it.

It is his own sword energy domain.

But having said that, Sword Qi Storm is a relatively easy field to comprehend.

This should also be the method by which many sword cultivators gather sword energy.

There is also his own Wan Jian Guizong, which is similar to Cui Jianfeng's sword light supernatural power.

This should be regarded as a common means of attack.

If it had to be said to be supernatural powers, Chase Lu would like to call them basic supernatural powers.

The sword qi storm, ten thousand swords return to the sect, including the rays of light in the sky in his Chunyang swordsmanship, the frost in the sky in Bingxin swordsmanship, etc. Five elements of sword energy are flying all over the sky.

These seemingly mighty and domineering moves are actually basic supernatural powers.

The basic supernatural powers are the same as the basic sword moves practiced before.

The only difference is that it is more powerful than sword moves.

But in terms of attack power, Lu Chen still feels the same as a sword move.

The basic supernatural powers performed by the Void Realm are similar to the sword moves performed by warriors in the lowest realm, the Unified Realm.

Because of the basic magical powers, there is no room for more artistic concepts.

What is included is just some basic things.

There is a way missing.

Lu Chen speculates in this way that if it is a holy channel, it belongs to the inheritance of the holy way.

Such a great supernatural power should be the inheritance of the Dao.

For example, the Great Buddha Palm that I have comprehended has a kind of Dao in it.

The avenue contained in the palm of the Great Buddha is the avenue to collect and suppress the world's supernatural powers.

Leaving aside how difficult it is to get through the Great Buddha Palm.

But those strong people who have realized this supernatural power dare to try to walk such a unique road, which also shows the extraordinaryness of this supernatural power.

According to this inference, Lu Chen analyzed and concluded: ordinary supernatural powers are to have an ordinary way.

And the small supernatural powers are purely basic supernatural powers.

For example, condensing the aura of flames and casting rays of light all over the sky, this kind of basic way of flames is the value of small supernatural powers.

Only by constantly condensing the small supernatural powers can one comprehend more powerful supernatural powers.

You must know that when she comprehended the Palm of the Great Buddha at the beginning, she comprehended all the small supernatural powers of the predecessor of the ruins.

Master the basics before you can advance to comprehend the great supernatural powers.

Look at Xu Yi in front of him again, with sword energy and storm supernatural power, a kind of basic supernatural power.

The comprehension is quite profound, and I am almost catching up with myself.

Lu Chen praised: "Brother Xu Yi's comprehension of sword energy is really powerful, but unfortunately, senior brother didn't understand the meaning of my supernatural power just now."


Many people were puzzled by the meaning of Chase Lu's words.

His supernatural power just now was obviously defeated by Xu Yi's supernatural power, but he said that Xu Yi didn't understand the meaning of his supernatural power.

What does supernatural power mean?

Xu Yi was also feeling strange, but his actions were not vague.

He gathered the storm of sword energy in front of him, and shouted: "Lu Chen, don't pretend to be a ghost. Your magical powers have been defeated, so let's use whatever methods you have."

"Since senior brother requested, don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Chen said, then smiled and snapped his fingers.


The crisp voice echoed throughout the arena.

Everyone was horrified to see that Xu Yi's storm of sword energy did not hit Lu Chen, but turned back instead.


Xu Yi turned pale with shock.

My own sword spirit and supernatural powers actually started to attack me, what's going on.

He hurriedly activated the defense on the inner armor, his face flushed slightly.

Because I have borrowed foreign objects.

In comparison, it is considered inferior.

But if he didn't activate the defensive inscription on the inner armor, he might be injured.

Fortunately no one saw it.

Xu Yi thought he was lucky in his heart, but at the same time he was ashamed and angry.

I was actually plotted against by this kid.

It turned out that the sword weapon that this boy blew himself up just now was not a useless sword weapon.

On the contrary, he blessed his unique sword energy into the sword weapon.

When all the sword weapons were broken, those fragments were integrated into his own sword energy storm.

Because there were enough sword weapons that exploded, this kid secretly controlled his sword energy storm with sword fragments.

So that scene happened just now.

The storm of sword energy rolled back, intending to devour itself.

Just when the war started, he let himself lose such a big person.

Really makes people angry!

This kid is treacherous and cunning, and he thought of such a method before he even started fighting.

He should have also found out about his supernatural powers, so he set up such a trap.

My only disadvantage is that I cannot know myself and the enemy.

Because this kid is new here, he didn't reveal his cards.

On the contrary, he is a celebrity, and many details are known to outsiders.

So that kid has an advantage in terms of intelligence.

This is also the reason for my own mistakes.

However, one mistake does not mean failure.

Xu Yi's hole card is not only one.


With the sound of an explosion, a storm of sword energy was seen spreading in all directions.

Sword Qi shot out one after another and landed on the stage, causing many people to scream.

Fortunately, there are formations guarding the periphery of the competition platform.

Even if the sword energy falls, it can't hurt the powerful people in the void.

But this scene also shocked everyone.

No one would have thought that Chase Lu could be evenly matched with Xu Yi.

Even, Chase Lu seemed to be better.

It's really unbelievable, people can't believe it.

"Your Highness, this Chase Lu is not simple."

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Commander Pingyuan reminded.

Ling Zhiyun nodded: "Yes, he is very strong, and he should have a chance to enter the top list."

Ping Yuan was taken aback, and said, "Your Highness, don't you?"

"That's right. No matter how fast I can practice, there is a limit. After all, I am not a peerless genius. So I can't do it alone. With Lu Chen here, there may be a glimmer of hope."

Ling Zhiyun said.

Ping Yuan frowned and said nothing more.

Although what the Twelve Princes said is correct, how precious is the inheritance of the Holy Way, how can they rely on outsiders?

Our princes compete with each other, no matter how fierce the fight is, there is no problem.

It's a battle of our own blood.

But if outsiders are brought in, I'm afraid it will end badly.

Ping Yuan didn't want to see the situation develop like that.

But what the Twelve Princes said is also right, if the powerful genius is not relied on, how can the Twelve Princes achieve things by themselves?

Even with the ring given by the king, it would be difficult for him to quickly catch up with the eldest prince and the others.

Therefore, this is a helpless move.

"Hey, I just hope that Lu Chen is not a sycophant. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

Commander Pingyuan's eyes were burning, looking at Chase Lu in the field.

At this time, Lu Chen also displayed a sword storm.

The plot was successful, and he used all his strength to suppress Xu Yi with a storm of sword energy.

But Xu Yi is not a vegetarian either.

"Hmph, you really have also comprehended the supernatural power of sword qi and storm."

Xu Yi also used Sword Qi Storm to fight Lu Chen.

He doesn't believe that he can't suppress this kid without the conspiracy of the sword fragments?

"Sword Qi Storm duel, so strong."

"This Lu Chen is indeed a genius who can enter the top list, this is already his third supernatural power."

"That's right, his swordsmanship is so powerful that he can stand up to Xu Yi at the third level of the Void Realm."

"He became famous in this battle, and his status in the Kendo League may directly surpass Xu Yi."

"That should be his purpose."

There was a lot of discussion.

They were all overwhelmed by Lu Chen's kendo strength.

At least in terms of talent, Lu Chen, who is of a low level, is obviously more talented.

"Why can't you suppress him?"

Xu Yi had an ugly expression.

It's also a sword qi storm, but as a genius of the sixth level of the Void Realm, he can't suppress this low-level Chen Lu.

It can be seen that the sword qi storm supernatural power comprehended by the other party is more spiritual than his own supernatural power.

No wonder he was able to get out the sword fragments to plot against himself.

"Damn it, if you continue, I will become a laughing stock."

Xu Yi cursed inwardly.

Suddenly, he jumped into the higher sky.

Then slowly raise your right hand.

He lifted up the sword energy storm unexpectedly.

"Sword of the Storm, Lu Chen, do you have it too?"

Xu Yi's indifferent voice came, full of infinite arrogance.

In the center of the storm of sword energy in his hand, a huge blue sword that looked like a real substance was indeed condensed.

Everyone standing outside the martial arts hall trembled.

Just from a distance, one can feel the horror of the Storm Sword.

It turned out that this was Xu Yi's trump card.

The supernatural powers he used before are only the first level.

"Sword of the Storm?"

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and he had a clear understanding.

Sure enough, the sword qi storm supernatural power is the basic supernatural power.

The supernatural powers of a higher level are evolved from the basic supernatural powers, or are combined.

For example, this storm sword supernatural power evolved from the sword qi storm supernatural power.

The Great Futu Palm Supernatural Power is a combination of many basic supernatural powers.

Now that he understood this, Chase Lu immediately linked everything he had learned.

He laughed heartily: "I don't have the Sword of Storm, but I have the Sword of Wind and Thunder."

After that, he also rushed into the sky, raising the sword storm.

I saw a blue giant sword condensed out from the center of the sword qi storm.

And around the blue giant sword, there are layers of pale white lightning flashing non-stop.

Chi Chi Chi.

Thunder and lightning rubbed in the air, rubbing the air out of fire.

Lu Chen's heart moved.

But the sword of wind and thunder did not work too much.

Even so, the layers of pale thunder and lightning made everyone feel terrified.

"A genius of the Lightning Element."

"It's not just the thunder element, it's the wind and thunder element!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Wind element is not uncommon.

So Xu Yi's Storm Sword did not surprise everyone too much.

But Lu Chen's Sword of Wind and Thunder is a bit too shocking.

Geniuses in the Lightning Department were already scarce.

And there are even fewer wind and thunder dual systems like Lu Chen.

Any fool knows that wind and thunder are the two most suitable high-level attributes.

For example, the strong wind in a thunderstorm is enough to uproot a big tree.

When the wind and thunder move, the sky and the earth change color!

At this time, just from the outside, everyone could tell which of Xu Yi and Lu Chen's sword spirit was stronger or weaker.

Not at the same level at all.

As we all know, the rare thunder geniuses are the most powerful geniuses in their class.

Lightning is an attribute that is the easiest to leapfrog and challenge.

So at this time, if anyone said that Chase Lu could defeat Xu Yi, everyone would agree.

In fact, many people are already regretting it.

If this Chase Lu had been in the previous few battles, he would have released the Thunder attribute.

Then everyone will definitely think carefully, and will never foolishly bet all Xuan Jing on Xu Yisheng.

But it can also be seen from this that Lu Chen is determined to deceive people.

He wants to earn a lot of profound crystals here.

"Oh shit."

The person in charge of the martial arts arena cursed secretly.

If the twelve princes hadn't suppressed one hundred thousand profound crystals, even if they lost money in the martial arts competition, they would not lose much.

But this is over.

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