Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2210 Traitor of Human Race

"Psychic attack?"

He was shocked.

Although the opponent's eyes were small, they were very eye-catching and attracted his attention.

Its mental attack is also different.

It didn't come directly from the bombardment, nor would it turn into a phantom of spiritual consciousness and enter my mind to crush it.

Instead, hallucinations appear in front of my eyes, affecting my perception.

Expert combat relies on keen perception to avoid danger.

If your perception is affected, you are like a lamb to be slaughtered.


The sea monster with small blue eyes smiled coldly, its fat belly burst open, and it was full of sharp teeth, like a big mouth.

Inside the big mouth are countless fangs, each of which is like a sharp machete.

The terrible interlaced teeth wanted to tear Chase Lu into pieces.


The human soldier let out a cry of distress.

The power of sea monsters is that they have all kinds of strange abilities.

The brother who rushed in was really strong, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being swallowed by the sea monster.

It seems that it is really whimsical to defeat the Kraken head-on.

But, just when people are about to despair.

A dazzling sword light erupted in vain.

The sword light fell from mid-air, as if it was filled with sword energy flying from outside the sky.

I saw the incomparable horror in those small eyes.

The whole body fell from the mid-air, split into two halves, and made a crackling sound, crushing at least three or four small sea monsters to death.

This side of the battlefield was suddenly silent.

Both humans and sea monsters were stunned by this scene.

The human brothers who thought they were bound to die never thought that Chase Lu would have such a powerful attack.

"This is the strong man you invited?"

Lu Chen asked coldly, staring at the sea monster below like a god of war.

Unknowingly, even the sea monster's eyes on Lu Chen changed a little, becoming a little fearful.

I have to say, this blow was very encouraging.


The team leader reacted and roared excitedly.

With the incomparable bravery of that strong brother, it seems that the mission on this side of the battlefield is about to be completed!

As long as the pressure whale is destroyed, defeat can be turned into victory.

"Can't let him succeed!"

The leader of the Kraken also roared.

He waved his two fan-like webs, and there was a screaming sound from his belly.


Several sea monsters suddenly became crazy and flew towards Lu Chen together.


Lu Chen slashed out with a sword, and chopped the sea monsters into powder.

But to no avail.

Immediately afterwards, countless Krakens rushed up in a frenzied manner.

And every siren uses its physical body to collide with Chase Lu.

It seems that he wants to hug himself and explode himself, wanting to die with himself!

"That screeching sound can affect the siren's mind."

Lu Chen's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the siren leader.

At the same time, the Krakens who were fighting with human soldiers were also discovered, and Qi Qi launched a suicide attack.

In an instant, the human race suffered heavy casualties.

"Five Emperors Sword Slash!"

Lu Chen screamed wildly and slashed with the Five Emperors Sword.

For a long time, he felt that this move was too scattered, and it was not very lethal against one person.

But now, he discovered the benefits of this trick.

On the battlefield, this trick is definitely the best weapon.

It seems that it was born purely for such scenes.

wow wow wow.

Everyone saw flames, golden light, ice, mountains, and vines.

Endless sword energy wrapped in different powers, crazily charged into the Kraken army.

Hu Hu Hu.

For a moment, the place below was like purgatory.

The siren was ground by the golden light, flattened by the mountains, frozen by the ice, strangled by the vines, and roasted by the flames.

The smell of sizzling barbecue wafted through the entire battlefield, almost overshadowing the smell of blood.

Asking about the taste of the barbecue, everyone almost forgot that they were still in the middle of the battlefield.

"If he had come to help earlier, why would we be here?"

One person suddenly said with emotion.

Everyone bowed their heads secretly.

Yes, if this strong man had come earlier, how could they have been suppressed so miserably.

"Quick! Get back into the sea! Go ask for help from other phalanxes!"

The siren's leader let out a horrified cry.

This battle made him tremble with fear and even feel hopeless.

When did human beings emerge such a powerful guy.

This is not reasonable!


A strange grinding sound suddenly sounded.

I saw Lu Chen's Five Emperors sword energy suddenly dissipating.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

That's right, it's just a figure.

Lu Chen's eyes became serious.


He spoke coldly, because he was not sure whether the human figure in front of him was really human.

If it's a human, why would a human help the siren.

The man smiled slightly and said, "My friend, what do you think of me?"

Undoubtedly, this is indeed a human being, but with Lu Chen's cultivation base, his realm cannot be seen.

He stood here, as if he had merged into the air, and he didn't think it was a living thing unless he looked carefully.

"You, help the siren?"

The man just replied indifferently: "I have taken a fancy to your talent, and I should join the Kraken Army, so as not to ruin my future."

Lu Chen's face became extremely ugly, and he glared: "I'm used to being a slave to others, have you forgotten how to be a human being?"


The man still smiled gently: "He who understands current affairs is a gentleman.

Staying in Sifang Continent has no hope in itself.

Don't you want to know how powerful a realm above the Sifang Realm will be?

Follow us Siren King, you will definitely be able to take you to a higher level.

At that time, leaving the Sifang Continent, the sky was high enough for birds to fly, and the sea was wide enough for fishes to leap.

He worked so hard for this small and dilapidated Sifang Continent, but in the end he couldn't even leave a name behind.

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does it worth?

Come on over, it has everything you want here! "

The man's voice was full of bewilderment, and he stretched out his hand, trying to pull Chen Lu away.

But Lu Chen smiled sarcastically: "If you don't want to be a good person, you have to be a slave, and you are still complacent. Die!"


A sword energy suddenly condensed out.

It is also the seventh form of the Five Emperors Sword, but another type of the seventh form, the Five Emperors Sword Explosion!

A peerless killing move designed for a single enemy.


The sword energy went straight to the man's chest at a lightning speed.

The man changed color in shock and retreated quickly.

But still one step slower.

The chest was blasted by the sword energy, and it exploded with a bang.

However, what surprised Lu Chen was that the Five Emperors Sword Explosion actually only exploded his chest, but failed to blow him to pieces.

This person's physical strength is somewhat unexpectedly strong!

But Chase Lu was shocked, and the man was even more shocked.

He roared angrily: "You actually hurt me!"

Lu Chen glanced at him coldly, and continued to send out the Five Emperors Sword Burst.



After repeated explosions, this person was so suppressed that he could not attack and could only evade defense.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chase Lu has already approached the sea monster gathering point near the sea.

I saw a transparent sea monster there, sitting on the ground incomparably huge.

An incomparably viscous and cumbersome coercion emerged from its body.

It is this kind of coercion that makes everyone tired of dealing with it, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

If it is not affected by this coercion.

Their human sergeants would never retreat so quickly.

"Five Emperors Sword Explosion! Five Emperors Sword Slash!"

Lu Chen made a screaming sound.

The two moves were used together.

The Five Emperors Sword cut off the sea monsters blocking the surrounding area.

The Five Emperors Sword Explosion dealt a fatal blow to the transparent sea monster.

But although these two moves are tyrannical, they consume Lu Chen violently.

He had already spent too much spiritual energy dealing with the Siren Army and the traitorous slave strongman before.

Now that the two moves were used together, Lu Chen's face turned pale instantly.


Blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body trembled faintly.

It was almost reaching the limit.

If it wasn't for the support of the elixir and the help of Heiyun, he would have fallen from the sky.

"Kill him, he is already at the end of his battle!"

The strong traitor's chest had gradually recovered, and he let out a cry of surprise.

However, no one answered.

He took a closer look and saw the sea monsters retreating in fear.

And the human martial arts came in a frenzied attack.

It turned out that the pressure whale had been exterminated.

The coercion on the crowd disappeared, and after being aggrieved for so long, it was finally time to fight back.

Even Wu Xiu, who had broken arms and legs before, came rushing to fight against the wind, avenging himself.


The strong traitor turned pale in fright.

No matter how strong his body is, he would still be crushed to pieces under the charge of so many martial artists.

Unfortunately, that kid was clearly at the end of his strength, but he had no chance to kill him.

But next time, your kid will definitely die!

Dare to let me, Bi Xia, be defeated in the battle group that I, Bi Xia, is in charge of.

I remember you.

Staring at Chen Lu with icy eyes, Bi Xia sat on the back of a siren.retreat

But at this moment, a terrifying sword qi slashed down.


The sea monster under Bi Xia's seat was immediately cut to pieces.

And Bi Xia's chest also exploded.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and yelled angrily: "Cen Han, if you dare to attack me, I will kill you next time!"

"Hmph, next time we meet, you will die."

Cen Han sneered holding a knife.

Facing the back of Bi Xia fleeing in a hurry, he slashed down again.

Cen Han is the human leader of this battle group.

His strength is extremely strong, at the peak of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, even if he confronts that Bi Xia head-on, he will not be defeated in the slightest.

But today is different.

Because of the existence of the heavy pressure whale, they were at a disadvantage.

Although I and the sergeants had various means, they couldn't use them.

In the past, they could use all kinds of sword energy and sword energy from a distance, or release arrows to gather spiritual power and murderous intent to consume the opponent's combat power remotely.

But today, they were affected by the coercion, and before they got used to the coercion, they were rushed close by the sea monster.

This battle was very frustrating.

It is estimated that only [-]% of the fighting power of [-]% has been exerted.

Moreover, the fighting phalanx was also dispersed, and the strength of the coordination was estimated to be less than [-]%.

If Lu Chen hadn't come to help, it is estimated that they would have suffered a disastrous defeat, with heavy casualties.

Although he won at this time, it was also a miserable victory.

But fortunately, they got a lot of Kraken corpses, including a lot of roasted meat.

I saw a group of soldiers sitting cross-legged, and actually started to swallow the roasted sea monster.

One bite at a time, everyone ate with tears streaming down their faces.

Wherever they entered, they were all stumps and broken arms.

They are extremely lucky to be alive.

Some martial artists with broken arms searched for their broken arms on the ground.

As long as it is not swallowed by the sea monster, it can continue.

But if it is swallowed, it can only suffer silently.

"My brother, thank you for your help."

Cen Han bowed his hands to Lu Chen.

Seeing that the sea monsters that hadn't retreated were slaughtered without the slightest ability to fight back, Cen Han knew he had won.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain, so it is.

There is no need to go after him personally, even if he catches up, he won't be able to kill many.

After all, the sea monster can enter the sea, but he is not absolutely afraid to enter the sea.

So he came to Lu Chen's side to protect Lu Chen.

Lu Chen used the gourd dantian to quickly refine the elixir, and then used the endless power of the green wood longevity skill to restore his own strength.

In a short while, he recovered at least [-]% of his strength.

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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