Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2211 Turn the tide

He cupped his hands to Cen Han, and said, "Thank you, Brother Protector."

Cen Han smiled slightly, waved his hands, and said, "I just did a little thing. Brother Tai saved our war group. I haven't asked your name yet."

"My name is Lu Chen."

"Here, Cen Han, is the head of the Third East Regiment."

"Eastern Third Regiment?"

Lu Chen was surprised.

Cen Han was even more surprised: "Could it be that brother Lu Chen just came to the frontline of protecting the spirit?"

"Hmm. I came here half an hour ago.

After teleporting over, I found that there was no one in the main hall, but instead had a terrifying coercion.

Feeling strange, I came out to have a look, but I didn't expect that there was a big war. "

Lu Chen said.

Cen Han froze on the spot.

After a long while, he said in shock: "Brother Lu Chen is really a genius in this world! He can make such a miracle as soon as he comes.

You must know that when I came here, I didn't dare to participate in some small battles, let alone big battles.

Only dare to watch from a distance.

And when we first came, we had to join the new corps for training, honing in on fighting skills and fighting phalanxes.

Everyone cooperates with each other in order to kill the most enemies with the simplest attack.

Corps combat is completely different from our previous combat methods.

Yet even with all that training, I nearly died during the first serious ambush.

The cruelty on the battlefield is far more terrifying than the battles in our Square Continent.

If you look up casually, you will see endless blood splashing, and there are stumps and broken arms everywhere.

It took me almost three years to finally adapt and have my own set of experiences.

But brother Lu Chen killed the heavy pressure whale as soon as he arrived.

He also seriously injured the traitor Bi Xia.

This fighting power is admirable! "

"It's ridiculous."

Lu Chen changed the subject and said, "Brother Cen, please introduce me to the frontline of the spirit protection."

Cen Han said: "Brother Lu Chen, although I really want to have a good chat with him.

But apart from our East Third Regiment winning, the other battle groups are probably still fighting.

Therefore, please brother Lu Chen and me to help quickly, so as not to cause more casualties to our sergeant brothers. "

"it is good!"

Lu Chen nodded heavily.

Cen Han shouted: "Those who still have the strength to fight, follow me to the East Second Regiment for rescue. Others, follow the command of the deputy head!"


Everyone listened to the order.

And there are only more than 70 people who follow Cen Han.

Many of them suffered serious injuries.

Lu Chen immediately recruited the treasure flying boat, and asked everyone to go up to heal their injuries while on their way.

He also took this opportunity to quickly recover his strength.

Soon, the battlefield of the East Second Regiment had arrived.

I saw the soldiers of the East Second Regiment fighting frantically with the Kraken.

They're not weighing down the whales here.

I don't know if it was wiped out by people, or there was no heavy pressure on the whale to sit in the town.

Without the existence of the weight whale, the battle here is very anxious.

Neither side has a clear advantage.

This led to a grand battle scene, but not many people were injured.

"Brothers from the Second East Regiment, our Third East Regiment is here to help!"

Cen Han let out a long roar.

The morale of the East Second Regiment was immediately boosted.

One person shouted and cursed: "Brothers, the grandma of Dongsantuan actually won ahead of us, go ahead! Don't let them underestimate you!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The soldiers of the East Second Regiment shouted in unison.

No one wants to be left behind and be robbed of the limelight.

Cen Han laughed loudly: "Fei Yao, you can't accept it. Let's see who kills more sea monsters."

"Come on!"

"Don't embarrass Dongsantuan."

More than 70 martial arts practitioners rushed down from the flying boat.

But before they showed their power, Lu Chen had already rushed out first.

Five Emperors Sword Slash!

Hu Hu Hu.

Endless sword energy roared past among the sea monsters.

In the blink of an eye, most of the Krakens were killed or injured.

"Retreat, retreat! A peak powerhouse appears, retreat!"

Siren leader screamed frantically.

Although the battle on the battlefield is different from the battle between sects.

But if you meet the absolute strong, in fact, all the differences will not exist.

The absolute powerhouse can destroy all so-called tactics with the momentum of crushing.

Facing such a strong man, he had no choice but to retreat and run for his life.

"what's the situation?"

Fei Yao, the head of the East Second Regiment, was stunned and exclaimed, "Old Cen, where did you find such a helper?"

Cen Han laughed loudly: "This is brother Lu Chen who just came to the front line of our spirit protection, and today is his first time on the battlefield.

We were lucky enough to meet him to help us.

Otherwise, under the pressure of the heavy pressure whale, most of our East Third Regiment would be killed or injured. "

"First time on the battlefield? Impossible."

Fei Yao opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

After a long while, he was shocked again: "You have encountered the heavy pressure whale. This is not luck, it is bad luck! Thanks to Brother Lu Chen for helping."

He was full of emotions.

In today's battle, their East Second Regiment was the luckiest.

Inexplicably, he got the help of this strong man and won a great victory.

"Don't stick around, let's help Dong Yituan."

Cen Han patted Fei Yao and reminded him.

Fei Yao nodded again and again: "That's right, let's go to help Geng Herong and the others. However, as long as this strong man makes a move, it will be fine. Do we still need to go?"

"Nonsense! Of course we want to go. If there are heavy pressure whales and Bi Xia, we have to help brother Lu Chen contain the enemy."

Cen Han said unhappily.

Fei Yao was surprised: "You guys even met Bi Xia! This is more than bad luck."

"You just know? So brother Lu Chen is our great savior. After this battle, we must thank him again."

Cen Han said with emotion.

Fei Yao immediately gathered his troops, followed Lu Chen and the others, and rushed towards the Dongyi Group.

Dong Yi Tuan was not bad luck either, he didn't meet the Heavy Pressure Whale, and he didn't have a strong man like Bi Xia.

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As soon as Lu Chen made a move, the Siren Army was immediately defeated.


Suddenly, the aura of heaven and earth swept over.

Cen Han, Fei Yao, Geng Herong and the others saw layers of aura vortices condensing around Chen Lu.

It was about to break through.

"He's actually only at the fourth level of the Sifang Realm!"

Geng Herong was extremely shocked.

Cen Han and Fei Yao also stared blankly, not knowing what to say.

Before, they only marveled at Brother Chen Lu's strength, and did not pay attention to Brother Chen Lu's cultivation.

According to their thinking, Brother Lu Chen must be a strong man at the peak of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

But looking at it now, everyone is dumbfounded.

Just the fourth level of the Sifang Realm has such combat power.

Is this really the first time he has come to the front line of spirit protection?


This kind of combat power can be regarded as top-notch even on the front line of spirit protection.

Generally, those sent from the Sifang Continent will definitely not have such combat power.

What is the background of this person?

The three of Cen Han were full of surprises.

But now is not the time for them to ask questions.

Everyone acted immediately, wrapped Chase Lu in it, and protected him.

After a while, all the aura vortexes entered Lu Chen's body.

There was a loud bang.

Lu Chen soared into the sky, his momentum restrained and retreated.

His realm was immediately stabilized at the fifth level of the Sifang Realm.

Lu Chen was secretly delighted.

I didn't expect to break through on the first day I came to the front line of protecting the spirit.

This is indeed a good place to hone people.

In fact, it is also thanks to the demon pills in those sea monsters.

By absorbing the pure aura in the demon pill, one can comprehend some special abilities of the sea monster.

In particular, the aura that exists in the sea monster is completely different from that of Sifang Continent.

It seems to be the breath of the rules.

The aura of the Sifang Continent is closely related to the rules of the Sifang Continent.

But the Kraken doesn't live in the Sifang Continent.

They have the breath of the sea.

These strange breaths were of great help to Chase Lu.

Taking advantage of the trend to break through the fifth level of the Sifang Realm is not so unexpected.

It's just that it will not be so easy to break through the sixth level of the Sifang Realm in the future.

The benefits of the breath of the sea are only helpful for the first time.

Next, it is estimated that we can only continue to rely on step-by-step practice.

But being able to break through to the fifth level of the Sifang Realm is also a great harvest.

This means that his small dantian realm can also continue to rise to the first level.

But Lu Chen didn't immediately refine the ice treasure.

Instead, he came to the side of the three of Cen Han and said, "Let's go! Continue to help other regiments."


Cen Han shook his head and said, "No need. We only have three regiments in the Eastern Region."

Lu Chen was surprised: "There are only three regiments in the Eastern Region, but if you go further north, there should be war regiments. Don't you want to help?"

Cen Han said: "Brother Lu Chen doesn't know something.

Between our Eastern Territory and the Northeastern Territory, there is a natural moat that cannot be crossed.

If we want to go to the Northeast, we need to retreat into the third line of defense before we can cross the moat. "

"There is also a natural moat on the front line of protecting the spirit?"

Lu Chen was taken aback.

Follow Lu Chen's idea.

The periphery of the spirit protection front line should be integrated, and the monsters in the sky do not exist at all.

And didn't the Nine Dragon Pillar formation force all the monsters back?

How could they still survive in the front line of protecting spirits.

"Brother Lu Chen, it's your first time here, and you don't understand a lot of things. Let me show you the map."

As he spoke, Cen Han took out a jade slip, and sent his spiritual power into the jade slip.


Yu Jian immediately projected a three-dimensional map.

Seen from a height, it is impressively the reduced topography of the entire Sifang Continent.

It can be seen that the front line of the guardian spirit and the inland of Sifang Continent are separated by towering mountain walls.

Except for the teleportation array, it is impossible to come to the front line of the spirit protection from the inland.

Unless you blast the mountain wall away.

However, listen to Cen Han's introduction.

These mountain walls are inspired by the formation of the Nine Dragon Columns, which are specially used to protect the inland.

It is an effective guarantee to separate the battlefield from the inland.

Therefore, no one would be foolish enough to blast that mountain wall away.

And those ordinary strong men in the Eight Great Domains, even if they wanted to blast away, they couldn't do it.

The monsters in the moat were blocked by the Nine Dragon Column formation, and they couldn't blast away the mountain wall.

From this point of view, it was similar to Lu Chen's imagination.

The inland area is perfectly separated from the front line of the spirit protection, and must be entered with a teleportation array.

What he was puzzled about was why there was still a natural moat on the front line of protecting the spirit.

Continue to study this three-dimensional map.

I saw that in the outer circle of the four continents on the front line of the spirit protection, there are eight mountain ranges, which divide the battlefield of the eight regions.

This is the so-called natural moat.

Lu Chen came to a sudden!

It seems that the landform of Sifang Continent itself was blocked by eight natural moats, dividing Sifang Continent into eight major domains.

The sages arranged the Nine-Dragon Pillar Formation, condensed the mountain wall out of thin air, and then divided the Quartet Continent into the inland and the front line of the spirit protection.

Therefore, Tianchao has both inland and Sifang continents.

The only difference is.

The inland moat is surrounded by the Nine Dragon Column formation and is affected by the formation.

The moat on the front line of the spirit protection was not affected.

Even if the monster inside rushed out, its strength would not be suppressed by the Nine Dragon Column formation.

This is why the three of Cen Han are afraid.

They don't want to deal with monsters in the moat.

Having sea monsters is already troublesome enough, but if you mess with these monsters again, they will really have no way out, and they will have to stay in the Nine Dragon Column formation like the inland people in the future.

"That's it, I understand."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Then let's go back to cultivate first."

"Yes, it is to cultivate."

The three of Cen Han hurriedly ordered.

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