Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2209 Siren

It is rare to have such good conditions, how could it be possible to stay in the teleportation array and not come out.

Seeing him striding out, Yu Mingtao sighed inwardly.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Obviously I told him all about it, but I still want to try it myself.

Just thinking about it, Yu Mingtao's eyes suddenly widened.

I saw Lu Chen standing in place, roaring, and layers of sword energy were born from his body.

The sword energy condensed into a domain, wrapped Lu Chen in it, and resisted the coercion, but he did not lose the wind.


Yu Mingtao was amazed.

A genius is a genius after all.

It's really stupid to worry about others blindly.


Yu Mingtao couldn't get up for a while, so he called for help.

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "You have to stand up on your own. This is a test for you and an opportunity.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be the coercion of the guardian spirit frontline battlefield.

If you can't even resist this coercion, then you can't even move freely on the front line of the spirit protection, and you can only be slaughtered.

So, practice well. "

While talking, Lu Chen slowly slowed down the sword energy field around him.

The field of sword energy can resist coercion, but it consumes one's own spiritual power and spiritual power.

In other words, I was cheating in the field of sword energy, not using my body to force it.

In this way, he is not considered to have withstood the test of coercion.

Therefore, when can I not rely on the sword energy domain, but rely solely on physical strength to resist the coercion.

Then you can truly have the ability to survive on the front line of protecting spirits.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen controlled the sword energy field smaller and smaller.

Half an hour passed.

The field of sword energy finally disappeared.

With a loud shout, Lu Chen stepped out with his right foot.


Both the ground and the air seemed to be trampled and vibrated.

Dust rose up rushingly, covering Yu Mingtao's sight.

He could only see Lu Chen's figure walking forward step by step.

He used his physical strength to resist the coercion and walked out of this hall.

"Don't leave me!"

Yu Mingtao cried out nervously.

The hall was empty, except for the teleportation array, there was no one there.

But there is such a terrifying coercion.

It feels very evil no matter what.

According to his thinking, at least there must be a person in charge of receiving them in this hall.

They couldn't teleport in, so they were stupidly pressed to the ground and remained motionless.

"You continue to practice, I'll check the situation first, it seems that something is wrong."

After Lu Chen said, he ignored Yu Mingtao and strode forward.

Although the body resisted the coercion, it was not so easy.

It's like walking with a huge mountain on your shoulders.

If this goes on for a long time, it will definitely be exhausted.

So Chase Lu was very strange.

My physical body has been tempered by the Liuhe Body Method, Thunder Tribulation, and True Dragon Art, and its physical strength is definitely the highest in the Sifang Continent.

He didn't believe that everyone on the front line of the spirit protection was physically stronger than himself.

It is said that there are still many early and mid-term martial artists in the Sifang Realm on the front line of the spirit protection.

If everyone's body is stronger than themselves, then how talented they must be.

It's impossible.

It doesn't match common sense at all.

After all, not everyone has their own opportunities.

So, there must be something wrong!

With doubts, Lu Chen walked quickly.

It has to be said that this kind of coercion is of great benefit to physical training.

In just a few dozen steps, a lot of sweat flowed down his back.

After a hundred steps, the steps were slightly heavy.

After hundreds of steps, the footsteps became a little heavy, and the body began to tremble, as if the bones were about to be crushed.

Lu Chen hurriedly sat down cross-legged, and took the elixir to replenish qi, blood and bones.

Run the True Dragon Jue again and take the opportunity to increase your body strength.

After a while, he regained his strength and continued to walk quickly.

As he walked, he felt that the coercion had weakened.

"Hey, something's wrong."

Lu Chen stopped, frowning and thinking.

If this coercion is the coercion covering the entire front line of the spirit protection, it should be equally strong everywhere.

Why is the coercion weaker the further you go.

After thinking for a while, Chase Lu went back.

It was found that the coercion had become stronger again.

Another direction, the coercion weakened again.

Adjust the direction, and the coercion becomes stronger.

In this way, he kept adjusting his direction and finally found the source of coercion.

As long as you keep going in this direction, the coercion will become heavier and heavier.

Walking to the back, Lu Chen couldn't help but released the sword energy field, and at the same time jumped up, walking against the wind.

Because his mental power has already sensed the bloody smell over there.

There is fighting!

Lu Chen flew away quickly, and when he looked up, he saw thousands of martial arts experts fighting on the ground.

There are layers of domains condensed on their bodies, each of which is different, but they all help each other resist the coercion above their heads.

And fighting with them is a group of strange monsters.

The bodies of these monsters are wet and sticky, and they will spray water from time to time.

Some people were hit by the water, and their bodies festered instantly.

"Is this the Kraken?"

Lu Chen's expression was serious.

Kraken, as the name suggests, is a monster in the sea.

They should be better at water combat.

But on the ground, they are not weak.

Physical strength is already stronger than that of humans, plus they have various natural abilities.

The acid water that can corrode the human body just now is just one of its talents.

There are also monsters that can release thunder and lightning.

If you attack him, you will be struck by its lightning.

Some monsters have barbs all over their bodies, rolling on the ground in a ball shape.

Any human who is stabbed will be poisoned, his face will turn purple, his body will tremble, and he will lose most of his fighting power.


"I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees."

"Zhan'er is supposed to be a monster slayer, so why be afraid of returning the body shrouded in horse leather!"

Everyone roared and cheered each other up.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Even though the Spirit Guardian Legion had retreated steadily, no one flinched.

The injured quickly retreated to recuperate, and the soldiers who recovered from the wound continued to step up.

Chi Chi Chi.

Flesh was torn, bones were broken, the sound of the head falling to the ground, and the sound of the sea monster chewing echoed in Lu Chen's ears.

The smell of blood and sweat wafted in the air.

Lu Chen had never seen such a tragic battle.

Moreover, he has never been in contact with this kind of battle involving almost tens of thousands of people.

The previous battles were all fought by strong men of the same level, and the people behind did not have to fight.

Because once the strong die, the rest can only be lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Therefore, the battle between the sects is the battle of the strong.

If the strong sect is destroyed, the sect will be destroyed.

But here, this principle does not work.

No one will be a traitor, no one will beg for mercy, no one will run away.

All fight crazily until death.

"Guardian, guardian, guardian! Only death!"

"Sifang Continent is immortal!"

One person spurted blood and roared, rushed to the group of sea monsters, and exploded to death with a bang.

His efforts paid off immediately.

That part of the Kraken was blown out immediately.

A strong man at the ninth level of the Sifang Realm shouted: "Rush up and destroy the heavy pressure whale inside!"

"Come on!"

"If you die, you have to kill the pressure whale."

"Everyone rushes together, as long as the pressure whale is destroyed, the pressure will disappear, and we can turn defeat into victory!"

"Go ah ah ah!!!"

Countless people seemed to be crazy, rushing towards the gap.

Like an invincible spear.

If it weren't for being suppressed by coercion, they would all fly over madly.

However, the long spear was blocked by the densely packed Kraken army after all.

"Hey hey hey."

A sea monster opened its bloody mouth, bit off the head of a strong man, and laughed loudly: "Today's battle, you lost, hahaha!"

"If you accept the provocation from the beginning, you will lose, stupid human beings."

"Surrender, humans, you can't beat us."

"Sooner or later, the Sifang Continent will be in our pocket, so hurry up and let go of the formation, show us the way, and let us move in."

All the sea monsters sneered and ridiculed, which hurt everyone's morale.

Although everyone is dissatisfied, they must continue to work hard.

However, it is obviously not a good strategy to continue fighting.

Because there is no way to rush through.

Even if someone blew himself up, he could only rush away for a short time.

But soon, that little progress will be made up by a large number of sea monsters with their bodies.

"Everyone retreat, tactical retreat!"

The leader of the Sifang Realm Ninth Layer expert roared loudly.

The green hills that are left are not afraid of running out of firewood.

This time it failed, but there will be another time.

If the sea monster wants to rush in, it has to pass the level of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Besides the Nine Dragon Pillars, they also have their own last line of defense.

After all, the Nine Dragon Pillar was formed a long time ago.

Although extremely powerful, but without finding the position of the Nine Dragon Pillar, this formation is not so safe.

Therefore, the powerhouses on the front line of protecting the spirits have also arranged various means to prepare for emergencies.

Although it is not yet time to use it.

However, you must also be fully prepared.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The team leader was still yelling loudly.

The sound echoed in the air.

Immediately spread among the crowd.

Although everyone yelled unwillingly, they also obeyed the order and retreated while defending.

But at this moment, they saw a figure suddenly shuttle through the air.

The figure seemed to be a black shadow.

No, it should be said that someone stepped on the black cloud.

"Who is that?"

"He can actually fly under pressure!"

"Look, he is going in the direction of the gap we just made."

"He's going to exterminate the pressure whale!"

"it is good!"

"Come on brother!"

Everyone roared excitedly.

The team leader also saw the hope and turning point, and roared: "Cover that brother, prevent the Kraken from returning, kill him!"

"Kill kill kill kill!"

Everyone seems to be crazy, excited to the extreme.

I thought I was going to retreat, but I saw the hope of victory.

We must buy time for that brother!

"Stop him!"

The leader of the navy let out a roar.

He had obviously won, but a kid who was not afraid of life and death came.

And this kid is flying extremely fast without fear of coercion.

"court death!"

Boom boom boom!

After receiving the order, all the demons were full of sorcery.

Some spewed out rich magma, several meters high, and hit Lu Chen directly.

Some released thunder and lightning, and some shot ice needles, trying to kill Lu Chen in the air.

But before they even got close to Lu Chen's side, they were all resisted by the black house.

Even if there is a chance to enter Lu Chen's side, he will be torn apart by the sword energy field around Lu Chen.

"So strong!"

The sea monsters turned pale with fright, and someone shouted: "Go and invite that senior!"

"He's going to succeed!"

All the soldiers were overjoyed and cheered for Lu Chen.

But suddenly, everyone's face changed drastically, and they shouted: "Be careful."

The voice just fell.

I saw a ghostly figure passing through Lu Chen's body with a swish.

A pair of delicate azure blue pupils, like uncut jade, shone on Lu Chen, making a hoarse voice.

"You are very strong."

The figure squinted its eyes slightly, and waves of spiritual power created shocking waves around him.

Its body shape is very strange, its body is very fat, but its four legs are unusually slender.

The head is extremely small, it seems to be only the size of Lu Chen's palm, and the eyes are so small that they can only see that little blue light.

But just now, when it narrowed its eyes, Chase Lu felt a little dazed.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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