Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2199 Passing the Exam

So they decided that Lu Chen would display the strength of the Seven Star Profound Alchemist.

Xiaogou displayed the alchemy strength of a one-star treasure alchemist.

Examination Square.

A day has passed.

Lu Chen and Xiaogou passed the assessment without any accident.

Na Langzhen passed smoothly as he said.It is worth mentioning that Lang Zhen made sixteen pills in one batch of pills!

Lu Chen and Xiaogou were surprised.

Because they refined the best elixirs, only fifteen special elixirs in one furnace.

It's not just them, in the records of Dan Yu, there are at most fifteen pills in a furnace.

But this Lang Zhen broke the rules.

How did he do it?

The assessment elders were as shocked as Lu Chen and the others.

They surrounded Lang Zhen and treated him emphatically.

Although Lu Chen and Xiaogou really wanted to ask how Lang Zhen did it, they didn't have a chance to get close.

"Every man is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. This fool is going to die."

Lu Chen said in a low voice.

The little dog said: "Let's save him and let him tell the method in return."

"You can give it a try."

Lu Chen nodded.

Next, on the way to Danyu following the assessment elder, Lu Chen still couldn't find a chance to contact Lang Zhen.

And even if he had the opportunity to get in touch, this fool would not teach himself that method in vain.

After all, that was his trump card.

Therefore, Chase Lu continued to wait and see what happened.

A day later, everyone entered the Dan domain.

Walking into the multiple formations of Danyu, Lu Chen felt spiritual power sweeping over him again.

But at this time, he was no longer Wuxia Amon.

Wrap yourself with mental power directly, and successfully coax the other party's spiritual power.

Entering the alchemy domain, the assessment elders called Lu Chen and Xiaogou over, and said, "Your alchemy level is the highest in this group. And you can directly assess the elders. Would you like to conduct the assessment immediately?"


Lu Chen cupped his hands: "I also ask the elders to make arrangements."

The elder examiner smiled slightly and said, "Follow me."

"it is good."

Lu Chen nodded, but found that another elder rose up against the wind and took Lang Zhen elsewhere.

But he wasn't worried.

He had already imprinted a spiritual imprint on Lang Zhen before, as long as Lang Zhen was in danger, he would be aware of it, but he could rush there immediately.

And according to his estimation, there is a high probability that this elder will bring Lang Zhen to Chao Tian, ​​the master of the Dan domain.

That is simply doing yourself a favor.

Originally, I didn't know where Chao Tian lived, but this way, I didn't need to look for it.

But don't worry about that side for now.

If the spiritual imprint finds that it is dangerous, go by yourself.

If you don't find anything, then you don't care.

There are still some things in Danyu that need to be settled, and they are all settled by taking this opportunity.

Soon, following the examination of the elders, they came to the elder examination hall.

"If you want to participate in the assessment, first kneel down and worship the domain master."

An old voice called out loudly.

The puppy's face changed slightly.

Chao Tian was his own father-killer and enemy, how could he bow down to him.

But if you don't kneel down, you will be exposed.

Will definitely be held accountable.

Even if you don't want to fight at that time, you have to shoot immediately.

Lu Chen suddenly said: "Don't move. Just stand."

The puppy stood obediently.

Then, in front of him, there was actually a figure exactly like him kneeling down and bowing down.

"Spiritual power manifests!"

The puppy was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Luzi's spiritual power could be manifested to such an extent that he deceived all the elders present.

too strong.

With Xiao Luzi around, I don't have to be afraid at all, and I don't have to be afraid of anything.


The old voice called out again.

Then he took out two elixirs and said: "You take this elixir, and if you can deduce the formula of the elixir, it will be considered that you have passed the examination."

Lu Chen nodded, and immediately took the pill.

The elixir melted in the mouth and became warm in the stomach.

Even if Lu Chen had no interest in alchemy, he could tell immediately that this elixir was the Seven Star Profound Pill and Baiyu Pill.

Bai Yudan belongs to the side door of the Seven Stars Xuandan.

It is useless for high-level practitioners, but it is very useful for ordinary people and low-level practitioners!

The so-called white feather means to become immortal by becoming a feather.

After ordinary people take it, white hair will grow on their body.

When the white hair recedes, the person will be rejuvenated and his life span will be increased by 1000 years.

In general, it is a family of practitioners, and this pill is obtained for a close child in the family, so that the child can continue to practice and seek a higher breakthrough.

Lu Chen was secretly surprised.

Although special pills like Bai Yu Dan are a bit out of the way, most people can tell the difference.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, he felt a flash of light in his mind.

In Lu Chen's mind, there are five-element patterns, Liuhe patterns and so on.In addition, the Qiyao God General of the Qiyao Palace was also entrusted in Lu Chen's mind.

So when the light flashed by, the Seven Luminaries God General was awakened, and shouted: "Where is the evildoer!"


He slashed with a knife in his hand.

The bright light was immediately dimmed.

Lu Chen suddenly said: "Wait a minute, let this spiritual imprint enter your body."


Qiyao God General was surprised, but he still responded obediently: "Yes!"

He let go of his defenses and sent the spiritual imprint into his body.

In the blink of an eye, he discerned the origin of this spiritual imprint, and said, "Emperor Master, this spiritual imprint is a control imprint called Chao Tian.

As long as this mark is sent into the body, in time, he will become Chao Tian's loyal lackey.

But this level of rubbish marks can't control me.

Instead, it will be used by me.

Emperor, do you want me to bite him back? "

"No need."

Lu Chen said: "Help me get the puppy's spiritual imprint."

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God will obey: "Yes!"

On this side, the puppy also took Bai Yudan.

But before the bright light came out, Chase Lu released his mental power and absorbed it together with the general.

The divine general said: "Emperor Master, if you need me to turn against Chao Tian, ​​I will give him a blow."

"Okay, follow orders."

Lu Chen said.

"You two, how about this elixir recipe?"

The examiner asked with a smile.

Lu Chen and Xiaogou each took out a jade slip and put Danfang into it.

The assessment elder took it, looked at it casually, and said: "Congratulations to you two for successfully passing the assessment! Please receive the elder's clothes and choose the elder mountain."

After a series of procedures, half a day passed.

The peaks chosen by Chase Lu and Xiaogou are naturally together.

They just went to the mountain to sit for a while, to hide their eyes and ears, and then went down the mountain.

Lu Chen said: "The registered name, your name is Lou once. I think it will be noticed soon. So let's not hide it, and go directly to ask Gong Cheng."

The puppy asked in surprise, "Why did you do that?"

Lu Chen said: "We want Gong Cheng to come over and see if he is loyal or treacherous.

I was not strong enough before, and I was always worried that he would harm us.

But now if he dares to betray your father, he will dedicate us to Chao Tian.

Then don't blame us for being rude. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Xiaogou didn't have any ideas, but just asked about Gong Cheng whenever he met.

A moment passes quickly.

The burly figure suddenly fell from a distance.

Xiaogou had never met Gong Cheng before, so he asked in surprise, "Do you know Gong Cheng?"

Gong Cheng strode over: "I am Gong Cheng, what do you want from me?"

The little dog said: "My father asked me to come to Danyu to find you after breaking through the Sifang Realm."

"You, your father"

Gong Cheng's face changed suddenly. He had guessed that Lu Chen was Lou Jindan's apprentice before, so he tried many times.Today I learned that Lou once was the name, and that Lou once kept asking about his whereabouts.

He wondered if this Lou once was also Lou Jindan's apprentice.

But never thought that it was Lou Jindan's son!

But elder brother Lou never married a wife, so what is his son.

Could it be that after being injured and leaving, he found a company for the rest of his life and gave birth to a child?

"You, what's your father's name?" Gong Cheng asked a little excitedly.

The little dog said: "My father is Lou Jindan."

Gong Cheng became nervous: "Is he still alive?"

The little dog said sadly: "My father died before I was born, and he confessed in his suicide note that he asked me to find Gong Cheng."


Gong Cheng sighed, "What's the use of looking for me?

I'm just a poor wretch under house arrest now.

Now that you have left Danyu, don't come back.

Why would you let your son come back. "

As he spoke, he grabbed the puppy and said, "Hurry up!

I can use the loopholes in the formation left by your father to send you away.

Without further ado, there is only this one chance.quick! "

The little dog let him hold him and asked, "Aren't you going to hand us over to Chao Tian?"

Gong Cheng shook his head and sighed: "You miss me so much!

Your father and I are life and death brothers, how could we betray you.

If Chao Tian and I had joined forces, your father would have had nowhere to escape. "

Lu Chen suddenly asked: "But you know the loopholes in the formation, why don't you leave by yourself, instead of wasting time here?"

Gong Cheng said: "Because of triggering the loophole, someone needs to cooperate inside. If no one cooperates with me, I can't leave, I can only send you away."

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded, and asked again: "With your strength, it would be a disaster to stay, why didn't Chao Tian gather the elders of Danyu to kill you?"

Gong Cheng snorted, and said proudly: "Because if they want to kill me, at least half of them must die!

Even if it is Chao Tian, ​​at most he can only contain me.

If I blew myself up, Danyu would be mostly in ruins.

The Three Great Sacred Lands will become the Two Great Sacred Lands.

Chao Tian will not give up his good life as the master of Danyu for me. "

Lu Chen hummed, and said, "Then I can rest assured."

There is nothing wrong with all the answers given by Gong Cheng.

Moreover, Gong Cheng's strength was not much different from Chao Tian's.

So in this battle, they must win!

"I've been talking for a long time, who are you?"

Gong Cheng asked with some doubts.

Lu Chen said: "I am an unknown apprentice of Master Lou Jindan, the brother of Xiaogou. My name is Lu Chen, the suzerain of the Five Emperors Sect."

"Five Emperors?"

Gong Cheng was surprised.

He knows the Five Emperors School, and they all know the Five Emperors School.

After all, it is an ancient transcendent sect.

The three holy lands were placed in front of the famous Five Emperors' Sect, and they could only be crushed.

But the Five Emperors Sect had already fallen apart.

And of the five remaining sects, the most outstanding one is the Cyanwood Sect, but there are no big waves.

But this kid, how can he be the suzerain of the Five Emperors Sect.

Huh, no!

What did this kid say his name was?

"Lu Chen?"

Gong Cheng was extremely astonished, and said, "Are you that little guy who was suspicious back then?"

Lu Chen said: "Exactly. I also want to thank Elder Gong Cheng for the Youmu Spiritual Fire."

"Uncle Gong Cheng, Youmu Spirit Fire is for me, thank you Uncle Gong Cheng."

said the puppy.

Gong Cheng was stunned for a while, then murmured: "It turns out that you came here before, but you doubted me and didn't dare to recognize each other, but how dare you make such a big show now.

Also, didn't you leave Danyu back then?

According to what I have learned, you died in Hidden Dragon Valley, why did you return to Danyu, and you changed your appearance.

Now that you've left, what do you do when you come back?

Still making such a publicity, is it deliberately courting death?

The puppy is going to be hurt by you! "

Gong Cheng's voice turned sharp, angrily scolding Lu Chen.

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