The seventh move of the Qingmu swordsmanship is endless life. Lu Jianyi used it before, and it can be said to be a very powerful recovery technique.

As for the seventh form of the other three swordsmanship, they also brought their respective characteristics to the peak.

Bing Xin's swordsmanship comes from the boundless icy breath.

The Wuji sword technique is a terrifying metallic sword energy that sweeps in with incomparable sharpness and can cut the enemy into pieces.

The mountain-opening swordsmanship is crushed by terrifying power, as if a high mountain is bombarding it.

But after cultivating all the five swordsmanship to the seventh style, Lu Chen slashed out with one sword, as if tearing apart the space.

Ice, flames, cutting golden light, and terrifying power all came under endless pressure.

Who can resist?

In the training room, Lu Chen stood up, exhaled, and said, "You can go to Danyu."

The outside world has only passed a little over a year.

But Chase Lu has been practicing for more than ten years.

But after retreating for so long, his main dantian realm has only been raised by one stage.

Little dantian was also raised by one level.

Today's realm is the third level of the main dantian quadrilateral realm, and the second level of the small dantian quadrilateral realm, a total of five levels.

The cultivation base is not top-notch, but it is in line with the True Dragon Jue, True Dragon Will and Five Emperors Swordsmanship.

With his own strength, there shouldn't be any problem with tidying up Chao Tian.


As soon as Lu Chen walked out of the training room, Du Qiuhong immediately knelt down and said respectfully: "You are wanted."


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Tell me carefully."

Du Qiuhong said: "A year ago, a strong man from the temple came and took out a notice, which showed the previous appearance of the suzerain.

But they didn't know that the suzerain was pretending, so I didn't bother the suzerain.

But I've been following this.

It is said that the temple has already investigated the Hidden Dragon Valley, and I am afraid that we will find our Ice Heart Sect in a short time. "


Lu Chen pondered: "It seems that we have to act first."

Du Qiuhong's face changed.

She originally thought that the suzerain would choose to avoid it. After all, the Five Emperors Sect has not yet formally formed, only the Cyanwood Hall and the Bingxin Hall.

Moreover, Bao Yujie and Bao Cheng, the two powerhouses of Cyanwood Hall, both died.

The current Cyanwood Hall, like their Bingxin Hall, does not have the peak powerhouses of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm.

Even if the two sects come out together, it is impossible to be the opponent of the temple.

That is a temple!

Backed by the three major sects, all of them are the best of the three major sects.

They only need to send a few elders to protect the Dharma, and they can destroy their Five Emperors Sect.

With such a gap, the suzerain actually said that he should act first.

That's how confident you are.

Or, the suzerain is too overreaching!

"I'm going out for a while, you take care of everyone and don't talk nonsense. No matter what they ask, just refuse to admit it, just mess around."

Lu Chen said a word, and stepped out of Bing Xinzong in one step.

Du Qiuhong: ""

What the suzerain said was easy, but it's not so easy to refuse to admit it and to mess around.

It's true that the temple is vegetarian.

When people find Bing Xinzong, they will come directly to arrest them.

In any case, people will also follow the principle of arresting and interrogating first.

How can I give them a chance to argue.

Sovereign, you won't run away secretly by yourself.

Du Qiuhong secretly thought, very worried.

Dan domain.

Lu Chen sneaked to the edge of Danyu, set up the Five Emperors Sword Formation, and hid it.

But he didn't enter immediately, but came to the Shendan Valley near Danyu.

The Divine Pill Valley is the only place for those people from Zhongzhou who want to enter the Pill Domain.

There are Elder Danyu here to conduct the assessment.

Those who pass the assessment can enter the Pill Domain and become disciples.

If you are talented or lucky, you will have the opportunity to be favored by the elders and become the elder's disciple.

Lu Chen came here and recruited the puppy.

"Xiao Luzi, what are we doing here?"

The little dog didn't understand.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "We passed the assessment and entered the Dan domain."

"Why did you enter the Dan domain again?"

Puppies don't understand.

Lu Chen said: "If you don't enter the alchemy domain, how can you kill Chao Tian?

There are a lot of superimposed formations outside the Dan domain, and it is too troublesome to break it, and it is easy to scare the snake.

So if we enter the Dan domain and assassinate Chao Tian, ​​it will be effective with one blow. "

"good idea!"

The puppy is overjoyed.

Lu Chen had already changed into a human skin mask, pretending to be a middle-aged man.

And the puppy plays his son.

The two came to the Valley of the Divine Pill, and they could only enter after paying the spirit stone.

"In three days, the assessment begins."

Said the guard at the gate of Shendan Valley.

A pale young man who walked in behind Chen Lu said: "Then I will come back in three days."

The guard said coldly: "Yes. But the spirit stones will not be refunded, and if you enter after three days, you have to pay the spirit stones."

The pale young man's face was ugly, and he said angrily: "Why are you doing this? If so, why didn't you tell me in advance, and I will tell you after I pay the spirit stone."

The guard looked at him coldly and said, "Do you not want to participate in the assessment?"


The pale young man's breath stagnated, he didn't dare to make another sound, and immediately left with his head down.

The people around sneered: "This idiot dares to fight against the God of Pill Valley."

"The rules of Shendan Valley are like this. I don't have a good time, so I dare to be aggrieved."

"Look at his shabby clothes, he probably doesn't have any money left to stay in the inn."

"Then he's finished. If he doesn't stay in the inn in Shendan Valley, he will still be thrown out."

"poor guy."

A group of people talked about it, as if they saw a joke.

Lu Chen listened, and immediately took the puppy to find the inn.

Soon, they came to a place called Danxiang Inn.

From a distance, you can smell Danxiang.

"This Danxiang is quite weird, and it has the effect of fascinating the gods."

The puppy whispered.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen said: "I'm afraid there is something tricky in the inn. Can't you stay?"

"Of course, we're not afraid of anything tricky."

The puppy holds its head high and confident.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "That's natural."

The two immediately opened an upper room, entered it to have a look, but did not rest, but walked out of the inn to tour in the Valley of Divine Pills.

As soon as I walked, I found that there were not many things in Shendan Valley, but there were many inns.

Inns are everywhere.

All of them are prepared for the people who are assessing them.

And the price of accommodation in the inn is by no means cheap.

One day, it is ten spirit stones.

If someone came from a foreign land, I'm afraid they don't have a single spirit stone, so they can't afford to live there.

Even the natives of Zhongzhou, except for some well-to-do families, other ordinary people can't afford to live there.

For example, the young man in tattered clothes and pale complexion, the ten spirit stones he paid into the city are probably all his savings.

I didn't expect to be tricked, and I was afraid that I would be thrown out at night.

Lu Chen and the others continued to move forward and found rows of inns passing by, so China came to the assessment square.

The huge square can accommodate more than a thousand people.

The assessment three days later will be at this place.

Xiaogou suddenly asked: "Xiao Luzi, what kind of alchemy level do you think we have shown?"

Lu Chen said: "The higher the better. You are a super genius, so you will be valued by Chao Tian. The elders of the assessment will definitely send you to see Chao Tian. When the time comes, we can catch you by surprise."

Xiaogou nodded, but asked again: "But my talent is high, but yours is not, so what should I do. At that time, I will be the only one who can go to see Chao Tian."


Lu Chen pondered: "I don't know what level of alchemy I am now, why not go back to the inn to refine a furnace and have a look. Then according to my level, you will show a level higher than mine."

"it is good."

The two returned to the inn immediately.

On the way, he met the pale young man from before.

Seeing the young man coming to meet him, he begged with a bitter face: "You two are kind, lend me thirty spirit stones.

After I enter Danyu and become a disciple, I will definitely repay it a hundredfold!

I won't lie to you, my level of alchemy is particularly outstanding, and I can definitely become a disciple of alchemy.

The two of you invest in me, and you can make a lot of money without losing money.

Please. "

Lu Chen stood still and heard people talking around.

It turned out that before they came, the young man had begged passers-by one by one.

It's a pity that no one took care of him.

Of course, no one is a fool and will believe his one-sided words.

You said that your level of alchemy is outstanding, and you can become a disciple of alchemy.

But even if you become a Danyu disciple, you will not be able to fulfill your promise.

You know, one hundred times the thirty spirit stones, that is three thousand spirit stones.

Danyu disciples don't have so many spirit stones either.

And even if there is, the alchemy disciples have to use spirit stones to practice.

How could it be possible to take out the Lingshi.

These days, there are not many people who can remember their gratitude.

What if I give you [-] spirit stones and they are lost.

No one wants to be taken advantage of.

But Lu Chen, he just wanted to be taken advantage of.

Because he is rich and willful.

Thirty spirit stones are nothing to him.

"I don't have enough spirit stones. I can give you thirty. I really hope you don't lie to me."

Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

The young man showed surprise, and hurriedly said: "I, Lang Zhen, swear to the sky that I will lend you thirty spirit stones, and I will return you three thousand in the future. If you violate this statement, the sky will be struck by lightning!"

Lu Chen nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

Lending him thirty spirit stones, Lu Chen took the puppy to the Danxiang Inn amidst people shaking their heads, sighing and mocking.

Lang Zhen followed step by step, walked closer, and said to Lu Chen: "The Danxiang in the Danxiang Inn can confuse people's minds, which is very harmful to the assessment after three days.

But if it is combined with the unique soup of Shangdanxiang Inn, it can improve mental strength and make the assessment three days later smoother.

But the soup was too expensive, more expensive than the accommodation fee.

So, let's change places. "


Lu Chen waved his hand.

What kind of soup, he will not drink it.

No matter how powerful the Danxiang in the Danxiang Inn is, a puppy can make an antidote.

In that soup, there is nothing more than antidote.

The antidote and Nadanxiang can complement each other, thus temporarily improving the spiritual power.

There is nothing mysterious about it.

Of course, without the master Xiaogou, it would be impossible for me to see through it.

But now that you have seen it through, why be afraid.

Seeing that Lu Chen and the two didn't care, Lang Zhen said, "Forget it, you have to pay for another place, so I'll live with you."

Lu Chen was surprised: "You don't drink soup, can you bear it?"

Lang Zhen smiled confidently: "It's just Danxiang, it can't affect me."

After speaking, he opened an inferior room.

But I saw Lu Chen and the two went to wait for the room on the tall building.

His expression was dull.

Looking at what Lu Chen said, I thought he was not rich, but just richer than himself.

But he didn't expect that the hotel they lived in was actually the upper house.

The upper-class rooms are already equipped with soup, so of course people don't care.


Lang Zhen said to himself.

But then he was relieved.

No matter if they cheated or not, they lent him thirty spirit stones to solve his urgent needs.

For this kindness, I have to be grateful.

You can't feel that someone has no kindness for you just because you find out that he is a rich man.

With such thoughts in mind, Lang Zhen also went to rest in the room, not thinking about these things.

Three days passed quickly.

During this period, Lu Chen and Xiaogou also chatted with Lang Zhen from time to time.

They learned that the requirements of Danyu's assessment are not very high, similar to the original Zhongzhou assessment.

As long as you are a one-star mysterious alchemist, you are eligible to enter the alchemy realm.

And Lu Chen, because of the power of the purified medicinal liquid, has unknowingly been promoted to Seven Star Mysterious Alchemist.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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