Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2200 Trapped

But he was not slow, and he had already brought the two of them to the edge of the formation that left Danyu.

"Forget it, don't talk about this. Hurry up and go!"

Gong Cheng immediately made a trick.

But at this moment, a voice rolled over: "Gong Cheng, let you let Lou Jindan escape once, do you think I will let you succeed again?"

Gong Cheng's expression changed, and he said anxiously: "Chao Tian is here, hurry up, I'll stop him!"


Lu Chen grabbed the puppy and tried to escape.Hearing a cold snort suddenly, he and the puppy trembled and fell to the ground.

Gong Cheng exclaimed: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Chen said in a hoarse voice: "Suddenly there was a strong force in the formation, and it suppressed us."


Chao Tian laughed loudly: "When Lou Jindan escaped, I knew there was a loophole in the formation. I specially invited the guardians of the Tianzhenmen to rearrange the formation for me."

"Impossible." Gong Cheng yelled, "Even if the array is rearranged, there will still be loopholes. The ability of Jindan is definitely not something you can fathom."

Chao Tian sneered: "Lou Jindan is indeed a genius. It's a pity that you didn't learn his skills. Even if there are loopholes, you can't push them."


Gong Cheng felt ashamed.

He looked at the puppy and sighed: "I may not be able to protect you well, I can only fight my way out."

As he spoke, he took out a small cauldron and handed it to the puppy.

This is a seven-star treasure, a treasure of defense.

The little dog immediately urged the tripod, and a golden tripod-shaped shield was born on his body, covering both Lu Chen and Gong Cheng.

"You look for a chance to escape."

After Gong Cheng said a word, he walked out of the defensive circle.

He faced Chao Tian and said loudly, "Do you want me to work hard?"

Chao Tian said, "I don't want to."

Gong Cheng said: "Then you let the two of them go."


Chao Tian smiled sarcastically: "But I don't want to fight you hard, so what do you think should be done?"

Gong Cheng frowned: "I don't know."

Chao Tian smiled and said, "I have a way.

The boy who is somewhat similar to Lou Jindan is called Lou Once, and he must be the descendant of Lou Jindan.

Ask him to take out Lou Jindan's Danfang Baoce, and I will not only let the two of them go, but I will also let you go.

Do you think this method is wonderful? "

"You have a beautiful idea! My master's Danfang Baoce, it is absolutely impossible to give you this shameless and lowly thief."

Lu Chen yelled.

Chao Tian was not angry, and said, "You are also the descendant of Lou Jindan?

It's a pity that the talent is not good, Danfang Baoce decided not to pass it on to you.

If you persuade your junior brother to take out the Danfang Baoce, I will let you review the Danfang Baoce together with me.

Lou Jindan is so eccentric, don't you want to see what's in that Danfang Baoce? "

Chao Tian's voice was bewitching, trying to arouse Lu Chen's jealousy.

But I heard Lu Chen yelling: "I see your mother!"

"very good!"

Chao Tian's face darkened: "Since that's the case, we can only punish the two of you."

"What are you going to do?"

A bad premonition rose in Gong Cheng's heart.

Chao Tian smiled sarcastically: "If you enter my alchemy domain, don't even think about running away. Gong Cheng, let me show you my new ability."

As he spoke, he made a tactic with both hands to mobilize his mental power.In Lu Chen's mind, Qiyao God General shouted: "Emperor Master, this Chao Tian is attacking me with mental power, trying to control me. I am fighting against him, do I want to destroy him?"

"No, just stand in a stalemate with him."

Lu Chen gave an order, and then acted like he was having a splitting headache.

At the same time, sound transmission to the puppy.

The little dog also made this appearance according to his words.

Gong Cheng's complexion changed drastically: "What's wrong with you guys!"

Lu Chen insisted: "There is a spiritual force attacking us, trying to control us."


Gong Cheng was startled and angry, and shouted: "Chao Tian! What have you done!"

Chao Tian sneered: "What do you think?"

Gong Cheng's eyes were fixed, and he was furious: "You still kept a copy of that evil law back then?"

"This statement is wrong!

The Heart Sutra of Yuling is the supreme holy law, how can it be called an evil law?

Such a treasure must not be destroyed by you two idiots.

Naturally, I want to leave a copy so that this holy law can be passed down. "

Chao Tian is complacent.

Gong Cheng's face became more and more ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "So, you have long wanted to take the treasure of Jin Dan's formula as your own, not after knowing the identity of Jin Dan."

Chao Tian laughed loudly: "Did you just figure it out today? I don't care if Lou Jindan is a monster or a human, anyway, he can't do it if he has a treasure plan! It should be mine!"


Gong Cheng was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Seeing him jumping up, a huge stick appeared in his hand, and he smashed it down fiercely.


Chao Tian stepped aside immediately, and said with a sneer, "You were not as good as me back then, and now you are no match for me."


Chao Tian inspired a folding fan, which grew bigger in the air and collided with the giant stick, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

But it could be faintly discovered that Gong Cheng's giant stick was at a disadvantage.

I saw Gong Cheng's serious expression.

Chao Tian sneered, looking calm and composed.

No wonder he chased after him alone, without recruiting all the elders who protect the Dharma as helpers.

It seems that he has absolute confidence that he can kill Gong Cheng.

"Why are you so strong!"

Gong Cheng let out a startled cry.

Chao Tian smiled sarcastically: "That's why I said that the Heart Sutra of Yuling is a sacred law. You two idiots don't study it, but want to destroy it, now you understand."


Gong Cheng cursed: "How many people's souls have you absorbed by practicing this evil method?"

Chao Tiandao: "Thousands of millions, is there a difference? In short, they deserved to die."

As he spoke, he threw out a folding fan.


The folding fan grew bigger against the wind, and rushed to Gong Cheng's back in an instant.

The two folding fans are cut off from each other, and Gong Cheng's front and back pinches must be cut into three sections.

Gong Cheng's face changed drastically.

He found himself thinking too much.

It is self-deception to say that self-explosion can destroy most of the Danyu.

With just Chao Tian, ​​he couldn't resist.

If he had blew himself up back then, it would have cost Dan Yu more than half of it.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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But today, Chao Tian has been promoted for many years.

Not only did the practice of Yuling Heart Sutra improve the spiritual power, but also obtained various treasures from Qishan and Tianzhenmen.

I have no advantage in front of him.


There was a tearing sound from Gong Cheng's back, and his flesh and blood burst open, his injuries were horrific.

But this is only a skin trauma.

His final injury was caused by Chao Tian's mental strength.

In an instant, Gong Cheng felt countless voices screaming in his mind.

Every voice was full of despair and resentment.

When these negative souls oppressed, Gong Cheng's actions immediately slowed down, his face became flushed, and his body trembled.


Laughter echoed all around.

Chao Tian's sarcasm laughed, filling his mind, and condensed with the screaming in his mind.

Gong Cheng's eyes were bleeding, and his nose, mouth, and ears were all bleeding.

"Stupid thing, do you think I really fear you when I keep you for so many years?

It's just for you to attract Lou Jindan back.

Unexpectedly, Lou Jindan didn't wait to come back, but only waited for his disciples to come back.

However, it is enough.

You can leave with peace of mind, your good brother Lou Jindan is still waiting for you."

Chao Tian laughed triumphantly.

But suddenly, his expression changed and his voice stopped abruptly.

"It's now!"

Lu Chen shouted in his heart.

The Qiyao God will immediately obey the order and use his divine power to counter Chao Tian's spiritual imprint.

Chao Tian's face suddenly turned pale.

Although it was only for a moment, at this moment, a phantom in the shape of a dragon appeared in his mind.


The dragon-shaped phantom made a roaring sound.

What a dragon!

"Who? Impossible, real dragon?"

Chao Tian let out a loud cry.

The body involuntarily stepped back.

Although he couldn't see where the enemy was, he still shrewdly threw out various defensive treasures to wrap himself up.

At the same time, he had to take the spirit-type treasure pill to face this real dragon phantom head-on.

"I have the Heart Sutra of Yuling, if I devour you, I will become stronger!"

Chao Tian suddenly laughed.

"This guy."

Lu Chen cursed secretly, but had to admire him.

Others felt the coercion of the real dragon phantom, and they were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

But Chao Tian still wanted to devour his real dragon phantom.

It can be seen how confident this guy is.

In other words, how powerful the Yuling Heart Sutra is.

If it weren't for the Yuling Heart Sutra as his hole card, Chao Tian would have killed him with his arms tied.

"Five Emperors Slash!"

Lu Chen suddenly jumped up, holding the Chunyang sword, chopping and falling.

wow wow wow.

Endless ice, fire, and wind blades swept away with majestic power.

Bang bang bang!

He saw the treasures all over Chao Tian's body explode with a bang. "Who!?"

Chao Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now I have been dealing with the phantom of the real dragon in my mind.

When he opened his eyes, he was shocked.

Can't believe my eyes at all.

"It was you who made the move? How is it possible? Is the real dragon phantom also you?"

Chao Tian cried out in shock.

Gong Cheng looked on in a daze.

It never occurred to him that this little Chase Lu's combat effectiveness was even stronger than his own.

In particular, the destructiveness of this sword energy far exceeds his own attack.

And he is only at the third level of the Sifang Realm.

How can it explode with such power?

Yes, it must have burned the lifespan.

And this trick only has one chance.

Gong Cheng immediately reacted, knowing that the opportunity must be lost and never come again.

This little Chase Lu performed a fatal blow with his burning life, winning a chance for himself.

I must kill Chao Tian with one blow!


Gong Cheng's body suddenly rose up, and the spirit power flowed from his feet, shooting out white lines, which seemed to ignite the air.

And he also gave birth to black flames.

"Immortal Black Flame!"

Chao Tian's eyes were extremely serious.

The reason why he used two folding fans to attack Gong Cheng just now was because he was afraid of Gong Cheng's Inextinguishable Black Flame.

This fire is Gong Cheng's natal spiritual fire.

It was when he, Gong Cheng and Lou Jindan were traveling together that they helped Gong Cheng conquer them.

So he is well aware of the power of this fire.

Immortal Hei Yan, the emphasis is on the word immortal.It is said that even if the world is destroyed, this fire will find a gap in the space and live in it secretly, until the space turbulence sends him to another place, and then it will break out of the shell.

When they found this fire, Gong Cheng was in danger and his life was dying.

Unexpectedly, the fire came out of nowhere, landed on Gong Cheng's fatal wound, and sneaked in.

It seems that in order to preserve this new living space, Immortal Heiyan actually instilled his indestructible characteristics into Gong Cheng.

Not only saved Gong Cheng's life, but also merged with Gong Cheng and became his natal spiritual fire.

At this moment, seeing that Undying Hei Yan was inspired by Gong Cheng, Chao Tian also immediately summoned his natal spirit fire.

Killing thunder is really hot!

This fire is also obtained after a lot of hard work.

It is said that the place where the fire was born is the place where the thunder disaster broke out.

In ancient times, all the martial arts practitioners in the Sifang Continent who wanted to overcome the thunder disaster would come to the land of thunder.

After tens of thousands of years of baptism of thunder and tribulation by countless martial arts, the True Fire of Killing Thunder was finally born.

This fire can inspire thousands of lightning.

Chi Chi Chi.

At this moment, Chao Tian's Killing Thunder True Fire shot out a pale thunder light, which collided with the Immortal Heiyan.

White and black attack intersect, giving birth to a different kind of beauty.

But both sides are top flames, and neither can do anything to the other.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that Gong Cheng is still at a disadvantage.

That Immortal Heiyan seemed to be showing signs of fleeing.

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