Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2180 Reunion

"The acting suzerain of Yanyue Academy of the Seven Star Sect?"

The young man in the straight line was surprised.

Then look at the companions around you.

Everyone shook their heads in unison, and one of them said: "I have never heard of Yanyue Academy having a acting suzerain."

These people are too low-level and ignorant.

After Lu Chen became the suzerain, he went to the imperial city, and did not make many waves in the northern region.

It's not surprising that they haven't heard of it.

So the young man sneered: "A group of ants, but they are very courageous, and dare to raise a banner to scare me.

It's a pity, if you don't raise the banner, I won't kill you.

But you are clever but you are mistaken by cleverness.

Think about it, knowing that you have such a strong backing, will I keep you alive? "


Lu Tianming and Yun Yanpei broke out in cold sweat instantly.


In the depths of Senlu, there was a sudden explosion.

Then I saw a flame rising into the sky.

All are attracted.

The incomparably brilliant flames emitted a dazzling glow.

Everyone squinted their eyes and covered the light with their hands, not daring to look directly.

"Hey, father!"

A voice suddenly came from a distance.

Immediately after the dazzling rays of the sun disappeared, the young figure landed in front of Lu Tianming.

"Lu, Lu'er?"

Lu Tianming looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

Although the past few years have passed, the original boy has grown into a young man, and the sharp aura between his eyebrows has disappeared, and it has become more dull.

The youthful spirit was replaced by grown-up stability.

However, as a father, Lu Tianming still recognized him at a glance.

Just a little too surprised.

Just now, he talked to Yun Yanpei about his son, and used his son's reputation to frighten the straight-line young man.

Who knew that in the blink of an eye, his son would appear in front of him.

It can't be an illusion.

Lu Tianming rubbed his eyes.

"Lu Chen!"

Yun Yanpei's eyes widened, he was taken aback, but he became happy again, and shouted: "Lu Chen, someone just wanted to kill your father."

As he spoke, he pointed viciously at the straight-line young man.

The young man trembled, turned around and wanted to run.

However, he was horrified to find that he couldn't move at all.

"Forgive me, I didn't know he was your father."

The youth begged for mercy in fear.

Yun Yanpei yelled: "He is talking nonsense!

Your father has already said before that he is the father of Lu Chen, the acting suzerain of Yanyue Academy.

But the man deepened his murderous intent, thinking that if he didn't kill your father, there would be endless troubles. "

"Father, is that so?"

Lu Chen asked.

At the same time, he sent pure Qi to heal the whip wound on his father's back, and said: "Did he hit you?"

"Well. But it doesn't matter, they should also be disciples of some sect, let's not cause trouble"

Lu Tianming said very patiently.

The young man shouted urgently: "Yes, I am a six-star sect!"


Before he finished speaking, his body was burned to ashes.

The rest of the young people backed away in horror, but they didn't dare to leave rashly, so they stood aside tremblingly.

Lu Chen asked his father, "Who else attacked you?"

Lu Tianming was stunned: "No, no. But Lu Er, if you kill them, it won't cause disputes."

Lu Chen smiled and said: "It's okay. I can destroy the six-star sect at will."


Lu Tianming was speechless.

so horrible.

Is this the current strength of Lu Er?

Pity myself in front of these straight line boys, but still tremble and obey them.

However, Lu Er can directly destroy their sect.

"Forgive me, we were not rude to senior father."

Several other youths in the straight line quickly knelt down.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Go away. If you want to find someone to avenge, you can come to our Yanyue Academy and tell me my name. My name is Lu Chen."

"We dare not."

All the young people were trembling and fled in a hurry.

Lu Tianming looked at these brats who were still invincible just now, and sighed: "Lu Er, if you hadn't appeared in time, we would be finished."

Lu Chen was ashamed and said: "It's all my fault that I caused the vision here, otherwise my father would not have come to this muddy water.

But it doesn't matter.

I'll set up formations for us right away to ensure safety.

From now on, I guarantee that no one will dare to attack you, father. "

"Good boy."

Lu Tianming patted Lu Chen on the shoulder.

His son is promising.

He glanced at Yun Yanpei proudly, meaning that my son appeared when I was in distress, where is your son?

Yun Yanpei's back was covered in blood, and his expression was painful.

Facing Lu Tianming's pride, he was very helpless.

But facing Lu Chen, he dared not say a word.

Because he knew Lu Chen was more ruthless than his father Lu Tianming.

If it weren't for Lu Tianming's tolerance back then, he might have been killed by Lu Chen.

This young man is a cruel and merciless person.

It's better to leave as soon as possible.

So he cupped his hands and led the members of the Yun family to retreat without saying a word.

Anyway, we all know that the vision was inspired by Lu Chen, and they won't get any benefits here.

Lu Tianming saw Yun Yanpei walking away dejectedly, and said with a smile: "Lu Er, didn't you see Yun Feiyang in the imperial city?"

Hearing the word Yun Feiyang, Yun Yanpei immediately stopped and pricked up his ears.

Lu Chen said: "Yun Feiyang is probably still in the imperial city, waiting to participate in the Zhongzhou assessment in six years."

"Central Province assessment?"

Lu Tianming said in surprise.

Lu Chen said: "It is to enter Zhongzhou from the Imperial City of the Northern Territory.

It occupies 80.00% of the resources of our Sifang Continent, and there are strong people like clouds, and the emperors of the Sifang Realm are everywhere.

In a few days, I'll get my feet firmly on the ground, and I'll also take my father to Zhongzhou for a tour. "

"What! You have already entered Zhongzhou?"

Yun Yanpei screamed.

He heard from Lu Chen that his son was still waiting for the Zhongzhou assessment six years later.

Who knew Lu Chen had already entered Zhongzhou.

Lu Chen glanced at Yun Yanpei, ignored him, but said to his father: "Let's go home."

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Then bowed to Lu Tianyang and Lu Tianhai: "Second Uncle, Third Uncle."

"Okay, Lu'er has grown up and is promising, she is the pride of our Lu family!"

The two praised happily.

On the way, Lu Tianming asked about Lu Tianxing's situation.

He learned that his second son is also a strong man at the ninth level of the Triangle Realm, and like Yun Feiyang, he is also waiting for the next Zhongzhou assessment in the imperial city.

He couldn't help being overjoyed, and said: "Good son! He is the pride of our Lu family!"

Lu Tianyang also asked about his son Lu Zimu.

Knowing that Lu Zimu is the same as Lu Tianxing, and his strength seems to be even better.

He grinned and opened his mouth: "It's all thanks to the elder Deng Yunkui of the gossip sect back then. We must thank him well in the future."

The third uncle Lu Tianhai asked about his son Lu Shaobai.

He was a little disappointed.

Because my son hasn't gone to the imperial city yet, he is just living an ordinary life in Yanyue Academy.

It is incomparable with Lu Tianxing and Lu Zimu.

As for the comparison with Lu Chen, it is even worse.

"Third Uncle, don't be disappointed. I will return to Yanyue Academy soon, and Xiaobai's strength will definitely be greatly improved."

Lu Chen said in relief.

Then he took out three storage rings and gave them to his father and the others respectively, saying: "These are all cultivation resources, which I brought back from Zhongzhou.

Among them are the Bone Forging Mysterious Pill that enhances the root bone, and the more advanced Bone Forging Baodan.

Eat whatever you want.

Any idiot in Zhongzhou is more talented than us, just because there are enough resources.

We have so many resources, everyone can become super strong! "

"Oh my God!"

The three Lu Tianming brothers looked at each other.

It feels like the whole world has collapsed.

what's the situation?

They have lived for so many years, and they only know that it is difficult to improve their cultivation base, and it is impossible for them to advance to a higher level due to the limitations of their roots.

Except for the elder brother Lu Tianming who is a little stronger in his roots and is in the realm of original force.

Lu Tianyang and Lu Tianhai are both in poor Tuoyue state.

If you get stuck in this state, you will never make any progress.

As a result, now that Chase Lu took out these pills, he said that they could improve their roots, allowing them to improve their cultivation base without shackles.

is this real?

Let's coax us to play.

None of the three could believe it.

Believe it or not.

Facts speak louder than words.

Lu Chen matched them with the elixir that they practiced in various periods and asked them to take it.

After a moment.

Lu Tianyang and Lu Tianhai broke through the Force Realm together.


The two roared excitedly.

After so many years, he finally broke through the Force Realm.

I feel a lot lighter all of a sudden.

The pain accumulated before was also taken away at the moment of breakthrough.

"It turns out that the Force Realm feels like this!"

The two said with emotion.

They have envied big brother Lu Tianming for so many years, and they finally have such a day.

But this is not the end.

Lu Chen patted them, and then used the pure yang fire to sweep away the impurities in their meridians.

"Lu Er, what have you done, I feel lighter in my body."

Lu Tianhai exclaimed in shock.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "I master the real fire technique, which can burn redundant residues in the body. This technique is called the Pure Yang Heart Sutra. Do you want to learn it?"

"This name should be the technique of Yanyue Academy, can you pass it on to us?"

Lu Tianyang asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I'm the suzerain, and I'm just teaching exercises. Who will say I'm not?"

"Yes, yes, no one can say you are wrong, hahaha!"

Lu Tianyang laughed.


With such a good nephew, their Lu family has a bright future.

"Let's talk at home."

Lu Chen said, and then the black mist swept up, bringing everyone to Lucheng.

"So fast?"

Everyone was shocked.

It felt like a blink of an eye, and it teleported over.

Is this the strength of the strong in the Triangle Realm?

In fact, they think too much.

This is only the ability that Lu Chen possessed when he used the cloud-riding method.

Other triangular realm powerhouses can't bring so many people at once.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Back at Lu's house, Lu Chen immediately went to meet his mother Zhao Yuru.

"My son, you are back."

Zhao Yuru greeted him happily, and grabbed Lu Chen to check if there was any scar on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Mom, I'm a powerful doctor now. I don't have any injuries on my body, and I can heal them perfectly by myself."

"You actually became a doctor."

Zhao Yuru said in surprise, and then greeted the outside, shouting: "Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, someone is robbing you of the doctor's job."

"Who is so bold?"

Yu Niang walked in, saw Lu Chen, and smiled sweetly: "I knew it was you."

Lu Chen saluted with a smile and said, "Yu Niang, thank you for taking care of our Lu family."

"I'm just a little doctor, what care do I have?"

Yu Niang smiled lightly.

Lu Chen also smiled, but didn't say anything.

Since Yu Niang came in just now, he scanned it with his mental power, and didn't find anything wrong with Yu Niang's spirit.

But really, that's what's most wrong.

With my current mental strength, I can see through the emperors in the four directions.

But unexpectedly, she couldn't gain insight into Yu Niang.


Back then, I thought Yu Niang was weird, and she had at least a straight-line cultivation.

But now it seems that he still underestimated Yu Niang.

Yu Niang is at least Sifangjing.

And it's still an invisible world.

Huh, not right.

Lu Chen was startled suddenly.

Because when he just revealed his mental strength, he included his mother.

However, he couldn't see through his mother.

I remembered my father once said that my mother's origin was unknown.

And when asked about his mother's childhood, the mother would fall into a state of madness.

It can be seen that the mother's origin is probably very unusual.

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