But no matter how unusual, no matter how strange, she was also his own mother.

So Lu Chen suppressed the doubts in his heart and said with a smile: "Mom, I have a lot of good things here, which can help everyone improve their cultivation."

With that said, he took out the storage ring.

But seeing the change of mother's expression, she said nervously: "I gave you this ring, why did you take it out again. Fortunately, there are no outsiders now, what if someone sees it, you should put it away!"

With that said, he stuffed the ring into Lu Chen's arms.

A nervous look that cannot be revealed.

Lu Chen was taken aback.

Yu Niang grabbed Lu Chen and said, "Put it away quickly."

Lu Chen put away his astonishment, put away the ring, and said, "Mom, I understand."

"Well, you've come here after a long journey, take a break, and I'll cook for you."

Zhao Yuru laughed.

Lu Chen nodded, and went outside with Yu Niang.

Yu Niang said: "Don't take out the storage ring in front of your mother."


Lu Chen was puzzled and said: "Yu Niang, you and my mother are sisters, can you tell me about my mother's past?"

Yu Niang thought for a while, and said: "No. You may know in the future, or you may not know, everything depends on fate."


Lu Chen was speechless.

This Yu Niang was completely nonsense.

Forget it, they are all mysterious and mysterious people, so I don't want to ask the bottom line.

After being promoted to the Sifang Realm, you can find out what secrets there are in the Sifang Continent.

"Yu Niang, go get busy, I won't bother you."

Lu Chen said respectfully.

Yu Niang smiled and shook her head: "What am I busy with, you must be busy."

"Yu Niang is really perceptive."

Lu Chen laughed, and then he came to the sky above Lu City in a flash, and said: "I am Lu Chen.

If you want to set up a sword formation outside Lu City, you need to leave the city within half an hour.

After half an hour, the whole city will be blocked! "

"It's Brother Lu Chen."

"The genius Lu Chen is back!"

"Our super genius in Lucheng!"

"It is said that he is already the acting suzerain of Yanyue Academy of the Seven Star Sect."

"It's amazing, he actually wants to set up a sword formation for us in Lucheng."

"Then will our Lu City become extremely safe in the future, as safe as the Seven Star Sect?"

Everyone was surprised and discussed.

Someone shouted: "We're not going out of the city, we just want to see Brother Lu Chen's sword array!"

"Brother Lu Chen, I like you!"

"You are my idol!"

A group of people yelled, regardless of whether Lu Chen could hear it or not.

As a result, Chase Lu heard everything.

With strong mental power, this Lucheng is so big that no sound can hide from him.

Hearing everyone's shouts, he laughed loudly and said, "Since everyone is not going out of the city, I will set up the sword array now!"

After all, he threw out countless sword weapons.

Use the treasure sword as the central hub and place it in the Lu family.

The other spirit treasure swords and spirit weapon swords were all scattered outside the city, forming a protective net.

Anyone who wants to enter has to be approved by his own sword array.

If anyone dares to attack his own sword formation, he will die waiting to be counterattacked by the sword formation!

Today's sword formation is a sword formation with the sword energy of five emperors.

The five martial arts of the Five Emperors were all practiced by Lu Chen to the sixth level.

The sword energy all over the sky was stimulated.

Even if 1 people come to attack the city, they will be wiped out.

It can be said that the sword formation he is currently arranging may not be as high as the formation of the Heavenly Formation Sect.

However, its lethality is definitely beyond everyone's imagination.

And this is not the end.

Lu Chen plans to arrange a larger formation after breaking through the Sifang Realm.

Absolutely shocking!

Lucheng is not a big city.

But Lu Chen's parents live here, so he arranges it wholeheartedly.

It took a full five days.

Finally, the formation is complete!

Strong sword intent surrounds Lucheng.

If there are warriors who cultivate swords here, they will definitely be influenced by that sword intent and become peerless geniuses!

Even those who don't practice swords will be affected, and thus have a new understanding of the way of swords.

And starting today, as long as the baby is born in Lucheng, there is a great chance to become a swordsman genius.

This is the strength of Lu Chen's sword formation.

During these five days, Lu Chen accompanied his family while arranging formations.

After the formation was completed, he bid farewell and left.

Go to the Black Cloud Mountains!

Haven't been to this place for a long time.

Counting that I have spent more than ten years in the small world medicine garden formation, it can be said that I have not been here for nearly 20 years.

I really miss it!

Entering the Heiyun Mountains, Lu Chen went straight to the Five Elements Passage Gate.

Then at the fastest speed, cross Liuhe, cross Qiyao, and enter the Hall of Bagua.

Sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath for a while, Lu Chen adjusted his mental strength to its peak.

Only then did he step into the Nine Palaces.

I still remember the first time I entered the Nine Palaces, there were miscellaneous passages inside, making people unable to walk around and confused.

And it didn't take long to feel tired.

At the beginning, I suspected that it was a phantom array, which mainly attacked spiritual power.

But now his mental strength is already at the peak of his appearance.

If you don't believe it, you can't see through the mystery.


In an instant, Lu Chen came to the Nine Palaces.

The entrance, as before, is a passage leading to all directions.

But this time, Chase Lu didn't even leave.

Instead, he directly released his mental power to investigate the magic in this channel.

As a result, he immediately saw through the trick.

It really is a fantasy!

All the passages leading to all directions are all deceitful.

In fact, there are nine grids, separated by those passages.

I have been wandering in these nine grids all the time.

And why I feel tired is because I am walking around, being impacted by the sword intent in the nine grids, and my mental strength is exhausted due to the impact.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It's a pity that I didn't have enough mental strength before, and I was played around by the sword intent inside.

But now, I have taken the initiative.

These sword intents just became the nourishment for me to hone my spiritual strength!

Huh, not right.

Lu Chen suddenly recalled an important point.

It was when I was wandering around here, a voice suddenly sounded, reminding myself to let myself go out.

But now that the mental power was swept out, the owner of the voice was not found.

It seems that the Nine Palaces still have secrets!

Although he couldn't see through the secret, Lu Chen didn't think too much about it.

He immediately sat down cross-legged, releasing his mental power to comprehend the sword intent in Jiugongge.

Chi Chi Chi.

Under the glance of the mental power, the sword intent, like a real sword, kept poking and chopping Lu Chen's mental power.

Lu Chen enjoyed it very much.

Because of such a test, one can hone one's mental strength.

Secondly, you can let yourself feel a higher level of sword intent.

So he enjoyed it so much that he even forgot the time.

this day.

A chirping sound sounded inexplicably in the Nine Palaces.

Lu Chen roared, his eyes suddenly opened.


I saw a real sword intent flashing in the air.

If you look carefully, you will find a vacuum flow in the air cut by the sword intent.

This sword intent can even cut through the air. If it is directly applied to the enemy's mind, how powerful is it?

Lu Chen said to himself: "If the sword intent is divided into nine levels, which level should my sword intent belong to?"

He felt that he should belong to the sixth floor.

Because sword intent should be closely related to spiritual power.

And my mental power, yes, should break through the sixth floor.

The sixth layer is manifestation.

It was already the peak of the fifth layer of appearance before, breaking through to the sixth layer of manifestation, it will come naturally, don't worry.

So, Chase Lu began to release his mental power crazily.

Then he kept swallowing the elixir to restore mental power.

Anyway, with Xiaogou as the backing alchemist, he can take the pills by himself, so don't feel bad.

And under such relentless tempering, his mental strength really broke through to manifest!

At this moment, when Chase Lu released his mental power, he could manifest a real person exactly like him.

"I saw you!"

Lu Chen suddenly shouted.

It turned out that when his mental power broke through and manifested, he saw a black shadow in the Nine Palaces.

The previous reminder sounded, I'm afraid it was made by this black shadow.

Hearing Lu Chen's shout, Hei Ying smiled slightly: "Master Emperor, congratulations."

After all, the black shadow flashed and landed on Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen's body shook violently, as if something had come back.

At the same time, his momentum increased.

In the blink of an eye, he broke through to the ninth level of the Triangle Realm!

"What the hell is that?"

Lu Chen was suspicious.

He stretched out his mental power again, and found that Jiu Gong had regained his calm.

Without any sword intent, there are only nine rooms.

With a flash of his body, Lu Chen left here and entered the Hall of Bagua.

Then pass Qiyao and enter Liuhe Hall.

Sitting in the Liuhe Hall, Lu Chen began to absorb the breath of the ice treasure, raising the realm of the small dantian.

As long as the small dantian is raised to the sixth level, the total is the fifteenth level of the Triangle Realm.

It's the pinnacle of the Triangle Realm!

Three days later, Chase Lu completely consolidated his cultivation at the peak.

But he was in no hurry to get out.

Instead, he took out a large number of defensive spirit weapons, spirit treasures and treasure weapons.

These are life-saving.

He also took out countless swords and used attack instead of defense, which were still used to save his life.

Because after going out, it will be thunder disaster.

It is conceivable how terrifying the Thunder Tribulation that breaks through the Sifang Realm will be.

If you don't prepare carefully, you may be directly bombarded to death.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and wore all kinds of precious clothes and armor on his body.

Wrap yourself tightly.

There is also the Lingbao Golden Cauldron, which is also covered on the head.

But these things are a bit low-level for him today.

So, on top of the spirit treasure golden cauldron, he took out the treasure array plate of that day's Xuanmen Xuan Guardian.

In addition to these equipment defenses, he also took out a large number of supplementary elixirs and put them in a ring.

Then put the ring in his mouth.

After a while, the thunder tribulation came, but I didn't have the ability to do it again.

You can only move your mouth to swallow the elixir.

Having learned his lesson, Chase Lu is now very well prepared.

He also took out a lot of talismans, all of which were treasures in the strong rings that the giant python gave him.

"It should be fine now.

After all, my body has also been improved to the extreme by the Liuhe body method.

If I can't survive the thunder disaster, I can't do anything about it. "

Lu Chen secretly cheered himself up.

Then, take a deep breath, and rush out of the Five Elements Gate!


Lei Jie seemed to be waiting for a long time.

The moment Lu Chen rushed out, the sky over the Black Cloud Mountain Range became dark and overwhelming.

At this moment, all the monsters in the Black Cloud Mountains were trembling, lying on the ground, dripping with feces and urine.

"finally come!"

In the forbidden area of ​​black mist in the Black Cloud Mountain Range, the illusory black shadow looks up at the sky.

Click click.

The space seemed to explode.

Lu Chen was underground, but he could hear the constant sound of thunderbolt and lightning.

However, after a while, there was only a clicking sound.

Lei Jie couldn't see anything.

Lu Chen was surprised.

But that's okay, since Lei Jie came slowly, he would have a chance to set up another sword formation.

I saw him rush out of the ground quickly and came to the wilderness.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, set up a huge eight trigrams sword formation.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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